Present Childe by Ariel Dawn
Chapter #3 - Going on Faith
Disclaimer: Joss owns it not me.

Special hugs and thanks to BTL who made this chapter better!

Thanks to Chanel 5, nichole, marzbar and wulfie for the great reviews!
Chapter 3 : Going on Faith

Knowing full well that her Sire was watching her from a distance, Buffy slunk closer to her prey. She moved her hips to the music that pounded against her body, her vamp hearing making the already loud music even more so.

Buffy made sure that the boy she had picked had his eyes locked on her as she moved seductively through the crowd to his side. She smiled brightly and fluttered her eyes giving him the completely wrong idea.

“Jonathan!” she greeted, putting her hand on his arm. “I was just thinking about you, I have missed so much school and I was thinking who would be the perfect one to help me catch play catch up?”

“I... I don’t know...” he stammered under her gaze.

“You, of course! Come on, let’s go somewhere where we can talk...”

Buffy grabbed his hand and led him off the dance floor and into the alley.

Jonathan glanced around the alley as they stepped into it. “Uh...Buffy, I thought Willow would be helping you to catch up with school work, she’s been taking home your homework since you got sick...”

“Oh Jonathan, perhaps that was just an excuse to get you alone?” suggested the vampire as she advanced on him.

“I...I didn’t know...” Jonathan answered, backing up towards the brick wall.

“Of course you didn’t know,” said Buffy with a smile.

Buffy leaned in, her game face coming to view as she approached his neck, his fear and arousal perfuming his skin.

“You know, you vamps really have to stop picking this alley for your late night nibbles,” rang out Faith’s voice.

Buffy exhaled and stopped her intended action. She pulled her game face back and backed off from Jonathan.

“Sorry about this,” said Buffy to her prey with an apologetic smile.

Buffy turned with a flourish and faced her friend.

“Faith!” she greeted pleasantly.

“Oh my god! Buffy!” Faith lowered the stake she was holding. “Where the fuck have you been?”

“You obviously have some things to discuss, I’ll just leave,” said the boy, dashing away.

Buffy shook her head in disbelief. She couldn’t believe her luck.

“I’ve been around...” Buffy responded, keeping her ground even as Faith took a step towards her.

“Oh yeah? Been around a bunch of vamps lately, cause you look dead.”

“The term is undead, Faith, of course I had thought that a Vampire Slayer would know her terminology.”

Faith snorted.

“It sucks that you’re a vamp B. I gotta say, I never thought that this was how you’d go. I figured big demon, lots of slime.”

“Gee, thanks Faith.”

Faith shrugged. “I certainly didn’t think that I’d be the one to kill you in the end though.”

Buffy rolled her eyes. “You won’t be staking me Faith, you aren’t that good.”

“So says the chick who screwed up and got munched on by a vamp. I suppose this works out in your grand scheme of things though, you’re a vamp now, so old vamp boyfriend will come back for you?” she asked with a look of slight disbelief.

Buffy smiled. “Oh Faith, he already came back for me. He’s the one that turned me.”

“Figures,” muttered Faith. “Congratulations Buffy, you’re dead. Hope the boy toy’s worth it.”

“I think he is,” said Buffy with a smile.

“Just so you know,” said Faith, before she launched into an attack, a flurry of punching at Buffy, the former Slayer blocking them all.

Buffy kicked out, knocking Faith to her knees, and sending the stake clattering away.

“You know, I had thought that we could work through this whole vampire, slayer thing, still be friends,” said Buffy. “I guess that was just wishful thinking on my part.”

“Did you come back with a soul?” asked Faith.

Buffy shuddered. “Ug, no! Ewww! Why would I want a soul?”

Faith nodded and launched herself at Buffy once again. Buffy sent an elbow to Faith’s nose and struck out, making contact with Faith’s face a few times, when suddenly Faith wasn’t attacking her anymore.

Faith was hanging, by her neck, which was firmly in Spike’s grip.

“Awww, Spike, I was having fun!” protested Buffy.

“Goldilocks, I thought you knew better than to take on a Slayer!” chastised Spike.

“Spike, I was a Slayer! I knew what I was getting into,” she pouted.

“This the boy toy?” asked Faith, wincing under the pain of Spike holding her neck.

“Spike, meet Faith, Faith, Spike,” introduced Buffy in an annoyed tone.

“Pleasure,” said Faith, actively trying to dislodged herself from her captor.

“Tsk tsk Slayer,” said Spike, disapprovingly. “One twist of my wrist and I’ll have had my fourth slayer.”

“That wouldn’t be a bad thing,” said Buffy.

“I wouldn’t do it like this, I prefer a good fight, fists and fangs, get the blood pumping,” said Spike, nostalgically.

Buffy rolled her eyes again. “Spike, can we go? I still have to talk to Willow.”

“You still haven’t fed, Goldilocks...”

“Alright, fine, you hold her and I’ll go get someone else to eat,” said Buffy turning to go.

“Hold on,” said Spike, “If we’re on such a timetable, have a sip from this one, get your first taste of Slayer blood, and we’ll go.”

“So it’s not ok for you to kill her cause it’s not a fair fight, but it’s ok for me to kill her?”

Spike shrugged.

“Whoa! Hold on there!” protested Faith. “There will be no drinking from me.”

Buffy laughed and headed up behind Faith, her vamp face coming out. “That’s where you are wrong, Faith.” Buffy smiled sickly sweet and struck, her fangs making their mark just below where Spike’s hand gripped the Slayer firmly. As Faith lost blood, Spike dumped the Slayer into Buffy’s arms and went off to find himself something else to eat.

As soon as Spike left the alley, Buffy pulled her fangs out of Faith’s neck and licked the wound closed. Faith was unconscious, but alive.

“You will be my childe,” she whispered, “and I will be your sire, teach you the ways of our line and add glory to the name Aurelius.”

Buffy licked her lips, enjoying Faith’s tasty blood and wondered what Spike would think if he found out that she had marked Faith as a future Childe. She had no intention of turning the bitch but somehow someway, Buffy didn’t want her dead. Maybe it was Slayer solidarity, but she knew that with her mark on Faith’s neck, the girl would be protected.

Buffy dropped Faith to the ground and went off after her Sire.

Buffy understood that being a vampire was a sensual business. Certainly to get your meals a certain amount of sexual attraction had to be relied upon. The problem was that Buffy, vampire or not, was a jealous creature.

At first she had thought that the brunette Spike was necking with was a meal. But when he pulled away, Buffy saw that he was actually kissing this other woman. Buffy clenched her fists and stormed out of the Bronze. She didn’t care that it was Drusillla or if it was some random woman.

In fact she was afraid that it was Drusilla. Some random woman she could do something about. Drusilla had this hold over her mate that she had no way of competing with.

Outside, faced with Spike’s Desoto, Buffy sent a loud kick to the body of the car, denting the driver side door. Next she bent the antenna and smashed a headlight. She picked up a piece of broken glass and shoved it through the tire, popping it, and took off into the night.
Buffy knocked on Willow’s bedroom window sharply. She hoped that Willow was home and not out with Oz. She needed best friend time.

The curtains parted and her friend appeared. Buffy smiled.

“Buffy!” Willow yelled through the window. “Oh my god, Buffy!”

“Willow! Open the window. It’s really hard to have a conversation through glass.”

“Oh!” Willow scrambled to unlock and open the window.

Willow was teary and sniffly and red.

“Wills? What’s wrong?” asked Buffy with genuine concern, forgetting her rage at Spike.

“Are you vampy?” asked her friend in a small voice.

Buffy was taken aback by the question.

“It’s ok if you are.” she rushed on, her eyes just a bit softer than before. “I sorta thought it would happen, when I saw you and Spike in the library.”

Buffy put her hand to Willow’s window, testing the barrier that was around the red head’s house. As she guessed, Willow’s house wouldn’t let in her vampy self.

“So, vampire then,” said Willow sadly.

“Vampire,” Buffy confirmed sadly.

“You don’t sound happy about it,” said Willow shifting right into best friend mode.

“I was at first. I want to be with him, just him, and I feel so jealous and violent. Drusilla showed up, like right after I woke up and just ruined the whole thing.”

“How did she ruin it?” asked Willow, bringing her desk chair over to the window and sitting down.

“She just ruined it, she was all tagging along. Telling me that I’d come back all wrong. I came back fine Willow. I’m all with the grr and the arrgg.”

Willow nodded in understanding.

“I can see how you feel that way. I mean, he came back for you, and you certainly didn’t expect to have Drusilla in the picture right away. Some day probably. It must be what Spike felt when he had to share Drusilla with Darla and Angelus?”

“Probably,” Buffy conceded. “Ok, enough mope fest, what about you, what’s been happening in Willow land since I became undead?”

Willow burst into tears.

“Oh my god Willow! What happened!?” exclaimed Buffy.

“I...I...I kissed Xander!” the wailing intensified.

“Oh, Willow, I’m sure Xander’s...Wait hold on...What happened to the Oz love?” asked Buffy confused.

“It’s still there, it’s just not so much with Oz. He’s not talking to me,” Willow admitted.

“Oh Wills, I’d give you a hug, but there’s the barrier.”

“You’ll eat me!” Willow’s wailing intensified more.

“I...I promise not to?” said Buffy hesitantly.

Willow looked up at her friend with teary eyes. She paused for a moment as if weighing the consequences.

“I...*hic* invite you in, Buffy,” sobbed the red head.

In a flash, Buffy was in the room and had her arms around her friend in a protective hug.

“Oh, Buffy! I missed you,” whimpered Willow.
Spike looked up at the window of the Rosenberg house. He had known instinctively that Buffy had gone here, to talk with her girly friend. He lit up a cigarette and breathed in harshly. She was going to have a piece of his mind when she came back to him. His poor car didn’t deserve her harsh punishment. He suspected that she had witnessed something that he wasn’t too proud of at the moment.

Dru was his unlife for so long, and now, he was certain that she meant to be a horrible wedge to his relationship with Buffy. He couldn’t help but think that all Dru wanted was to have her little family back, with Buffy as the new fledge, just like he had been.

He knew that his Goldilocks wouldn’t like it though. Dru had said that his Goldilocks had come back wrong. Spike suspected that she hadn’t changed at all. She was still the same Buffy that he had fallen in love with. And he thought that she still had her soul, or however much of it was left after living with him soured her that summer.

It was an odd expectation. He had hesitated turning her for the simple reason that he didn’t want her to change, and now here she was, just like he wanted and yet not.

Rather than contemplate his own inability to decide just how he had wanted Buffy to change or not change, Spike turned and walked back to his car. She had taken out all her anger on his poor defenceless car. For that she would pay.
Faith woke up in the alley outside of the Bronze. She had no idea how long she had been out. Immediately her hand flew to her neck. She had bite marks. Getting to her feet, Faith growled in frustration and kicked at the wall. She couldn’t believe she had let them get the better of her.

A sick smile came over Faith’s face though. She would have a good time telling Giles that his Slayer his perfect Buffy was a vampire.