Future Childe by Ariel Dawn
Chapter #12 - Haunting you
Disclaimer: Joss owns it not me.

Author’s note: Thanks to all my reviewers! Quotes from the episodes Passion and I only have eyes for you. italics denote thoughts
Spike stared blankly ahead. This was getting ridiculous. He’d fed from Buffy, the god damn slayer, whose blood is supposed to be the most potent and powerful in the world, and he still couldn’t move his freakin’ legs.

“I brought something for you.” Drusilla brought a puppy out from behind her back. “Poor thing. She's an orphan. Her owner died... without a fight. Do you like her? Hmm?” Dru reached her hand out to rub Spike’s stomach “I brought her especially for you... to cheer you up. And I've named her... Sunshine! Open wide.”

Spike looked away from his sire. Feeding me dogs now? Dogs that’s she’s named after the slayer?

“Come on, love. You need to eat something to keep your strength up. Now, rrrrr, open up for mummy.”

“I won't have you feeding me like a child, Dru,” said Spike moving his wheel chair around the table.

“Why not? She already bathes you, carries you around and changes you like a child,” said Angelus coming into the factory.

“Why, Angel. Where have you been? The sun is almost up, and it can be so hurtful. We were worried,” pouted Dru.

“No, we weren't,” protested Spike.

“You must forgive Spike. He's just a bit testy tonight. Doesn't get out much anymore.”

“Well, maybe next time I'll bring you with me, Spike. Might be handy to have you around if I ever need a really good parking space.”

“Have you forgotten that you're a bloody guest in my bloody home?” asked Spike

“And as a guest, if there's anything I can do for you... Any... responsibility I can assume while you're spinning your wheels... Anything I'm not already doing, that is,” taunted Angelus.

“That's enough!” said Spike as he pushed away from his grandsire.

Angelus giggled. It was the most sickening sound Spike had ever heard. The poof was just trying to get under his skin. Never would have happened if I wasn’t stuck in this blasted chair.

“Aww...” cooed Dru.

She leaned down and gave Spike a peck on the cheek and dropped the puppy on his lap.

“You two boys... fightin' over me and all. Makes a girl feel...”

Suddenly Dru stopped and moaned in pain. Angelus stepped over with concern

“Dru, what is it, pet?” asked Spike.

“The air. It worries. Someone... an old enemy is seeking help... help to destroy our happy home. Ohhhh...”

By the time that Dru had managed to tell him what she knew, in a way that he understood with any clarity, Angelus had already started spouting plans.

“You leave the gypsy alone Angelus,” said Spike. “She belongs to the Slayer.”

“And you seriously think I’m going to wait around for old Sit and Spin to get up off his lazy ass and turn the Slayer? Think again Spike. My soul is on the line, this isn’t something you can put off until her 19th birthday.”

“You know?”

“Oh Buffy got quite lonely when she thought you were dust, Spike my boy. We had some very moving conversations. You may have made some fool promise not to hurt her friends and family, but I have so such compulsion.”

Spike wheeled himself into place in front of his grandsire.

“Killing the teacher will only piss off the slayer, it’s not a good idea.”

“Thanks for your opinion, Childe, I’ll take it under advisement,” said Angelus. “I’m gonna have me a good time tonight.”
Safe now in her vampire unwelcome home, Buffy waited in dread for words from her mother to make her life miserable. Oh wait, my life is already miserable.

Angel had to go and tell her mom that she had slept with him. For that alone, he deserves to be dust in the wind. Her mom was pacing up and down the room.

“That stuff with the Latins and the herbs, uh, he's just real superstitious.”


“We just thought if...”

“Was he the first? No, wait. I don't wanna know. I don't think I want to.”

“Yeah. I don’t think you want to know,” whispered Buffy.

“Ok. He's older than you.”

“I know.”

“Too old, Buffy. And he's obviously not very stable. I really wish... I just thought you would show more judgment.”

“He wasn't like this before.”

“Are you in love with him?”


“You slept with him and you weren’t in love with him?”

“I was still grieving from when I thought Spike was dead, mom. I know it was a bad choice. I regretted it as soon as it was over.”

“Were you careful?”

“Mom, this is no time...”

“Don't 'Mom' me, Buffy. You don't get to get out of this. You had sex with a boy you didn't even see fit to tell me you were dating.”

“I made a mistake.”

“Yeah, well, don't just say that to shut me up, because I think you really did.”

“I know that! I-I can't tell you everything.”

“How about anything? Buffy, you can shut me out of your life, I am pretty much used to that. But don't expect me to ever stop caring about you, because it's never gonna happen. I love you more than anything in the world. That would be your cue to, uh, roll your eyes and tell me I'm grossing you out.”

“You're not.”

“Oh, well... I guess that was the talk.”

“So how'd it go?”

“I don't know. It was my first. And I have a feeling that it won’t be the last. We will be having a talk about Spike and Sex and Birth Control. Just not now.”
Angelus had done it now. Buffy was gonna come in here and dust the lot of them. Killing the gypsy teacher was really not the best idea that the poofter could have come up with.

“Are you insane?! You know that this is just gonna piss her off, and her watcher. The old fart doesn’t have any compulsion not to dust us you know,” lectured Spike.

“But, Spike, the bad teacher was going to restore Angel's soul. Baby‘s sad,” pouted Dru.

“What if she did? If you ask me, I find myself preferring the old Buffy-whipped Angelus. This new, improved one is not playing with a full sack. I love a good slaughter as much as the next bloke, but his little pranks will only leave us with one incredibly brassed-off Slayer!”

“Don't worry, roller boy. I've got everything under control,” said Angelus wisely.

Suddenly a Molotov cocktail flew in and burst on the table, setting it ablaze. Drusilla turned and ran, Spike rolling his chair behind her. They stopped just out of reach of the flames. Spike watched with a combination of glee (that Angel was getting his just deserts), terror (that something was going to dust him and that he couldn’t fight back) and frustration (that he couldn’t fight back.). Angelus was hit with a cross bow bolt.

Giles walked toward the elder vampire with a baseball bat. Angelus pulled the bolt out and threw it aside. Giles put the end of the bat into the flames, and it caught fire. Spike watched as the watcher swung the bat and hit Angelus in the face, then again on the return swing.

“Jeez, whatever happened to wooden stakes?” asked Angelus dazed.

Giles pounded on Angelus' back several times. Drusilla made a move to intervene, only to caught by Spike.

“Uh-uh. No fair going into the ring unless he tags you first.”

Angelus stood back up, but Giles swung the bat into his face twice again, making him fall once more. Giles continued his brutal assault, making the vampire collapse on the floor. Angelus tried to get up, but Giles hit him in the jaw from underneath. He held up the still burning bat over his head, but as he brought it down Angelus caught, and the struggle truly begins. Gaining the upper hand quickly Angelus grabbed Giles by the throat, lifting the watcher off the ground.

“All right. You've had your fun. But you know what it's time for now?” asked Angelus.

Spike let a smile break over his face as his Goldilocks appeared on the scene, and Angelus received a vicious kick to the back. Buffy pulled Angelus back and slammed him into the spiral staircase.

“My fun,” declared Buffy.

Buffy kicked Angelus in the face and shoved him onto the floor.

Spike began to protest as Dru began to wheel him away from the scene.

“Not our fight anymore my sweet William. Daddy’s done a naughty thing. Should never have killed Baby‘s teacher,” said Dru.

“Take me back Dru!”

“My Spike will listen to Mummy and Miss Edith. Let Baby do what she does best. Daddy won’t be gone long.”

Spike craned his neck back to watch his Goldilocks. He didn’t want it to happen this way. Angelus had crossed the line, and deserved what he got. Still he couldn’t help but feel bad that Buffy was suffering from her teacher’s death, she had just gotten over mourning him.
Buffy was sick, she knew it. She had known it when she had woken up that morning. But there was no way she was going to wait to see Spike.

Buffy snuck into the Factory, keeping a look out for minions and keeping her sniffles to a minimum. The factory was a burnt shell of what it once was. The thing that got to Buffy the most though was that she met no one at all. No guards, no sleeping minions. Buffy reached the second level perplexed. She carefully opened the door to Spike’s room only to find it empty. The only thing left in the room was the twin mattress. They had moved. Made sense after all. I guess I just have to find some minions to beat the information out of tonight, thought Buffy as she walked out of the room and sneezed.
“Buffy, Spike phoned for you” called her mom, as soon as she walked in the door after school. Buffy turned to Willow, who had come home with her to do homework, and smiled.

“Did he leave a number to call him back?” Buffy asked hopefully.

Her mother appeared with a slip of paper. “He seemed very nice on the phone dear, much nicer than that Angel guy. I’ve given him a standing invitation for dinner, once he feels up to it.”

“Thanks mom, I’m sure he’d love to come for dinner,” said Buffy taking the number from her.

Buffy grabbed the portable phone and Willow’s hand and rushed to her room. Closing the door behind her Buffy dumped her back pack on the bed and motioned for Willow to sit.

“Are you sure you want me to stay here for this? Don’t you want privacy?”

“No, it’s good.” Buffy dialled the number and waited for Spike to pick up on the other end.

“You’ve reached the number that summons the Scourge of Europe, Leave your name, Number and address and some one will be there to drain you dry soon.”

Buffy frowned, but waited for the beep.

“Nice message. Do you really think of yourselves as the scourge of Europe still? I mean, hey not so much in Europe right now are you? Anyway, this message is for Spike, I’m returning your call, You obviously know my number and address already, and there will be no draining! Also, Hello Dru! and Angel? Go Fuck yourself.”

Buffy hung up.

Willow gasped at her friend’s usage of the curse word. “Buffy! You foul mouthed person you!”

Buffy laughed. “Oh come on Will, I’ve said much worse. I just tend not to in a school setting, don’t want to give Snyder anymore ammo than necessary.”

“Don’t you think it’s weird though, that your boyfriend is living with the vampire that wants to kill you? The vampire that killed Miss Calendar?”

“I don’t want to think about it. Spike’s trapped in there. He can’t get out unless someone carries him out of that building. I can’t imagine that it’s nice for him to be there with Angelus lording it over him. The problem is, I can’t get mad at Spike for living with Angelus, family is very important to him. I just hope that once Spike gets better, he moves out on his own. If it was up to me I’d have taken him out of there already. Then again... if you think about it, my boyfriend wants to kill me too. Just he wants to turn me. He’s marked me, no other vampire, with the exception of Angel and Dru can bite me. It makes me safer sorta.”

“Spike wants to turn you into a vampire?”

“Yep, I mean who wouldn’t want to live with the person they love forever. It’s kinda like...well if he was human we’d be engaged or something.”

“That’s kinda Sweet in a morbid, vampire way. Are you gonna let him do it though?”

“No, I want to live my life for a while first.”

“It didn’t make it safer for Miss Calendar.“

“And that’s why Angelus has to die.“

Willow and Buffy set to work on their homework.

When Buffy had agreed to walk Willow home, she had thought that doing a quick sweep through the cemeteries was a wise idea, seeing as she was pretty sure that she was going to be bed ridden tomorrow. During the course of her homework session with Willow her nose had nearly ceased to function as a breathing apparatus, and now she was stuck saying her d’s as b’s, and a near constant head rush thing going on. Of course, nothing works out to plan and Willow and Xander had decided to tag along. Then Angelus showed up. And this was why Buffy found herself in the hospital. Of course it meant defeating the icky Kinderstod guy, and meeting some fun kids, but now she was doubly sick.
Buffy sat with her friends in front of the TV. Yes being sick gave her license to act like a big baby. Her mom had just gone back to get Xander the cheesy chips when Buffy heard the phone. Buffy jumped up. Not a wise thing, she was met with the most incredible head rush.

“Buffy, phone!” said her mother with a big smile on her face as she handed Buffy the portable phone. Buffy slid back down into her seat.


“’llo Goldilocks. I heard you were sick.”

“Ya, pretty badly actually.”

“Did you get the flowers?”


“Ya, the Scourge of Europe all pitched in and got you some daisies. Angelus was supposed to deliver them.”

“You had An...” Buffy looked at who was surrounding her in the room. “ You had him deliver flowers? and you really thought that they’d get delivered?”

“Well they were sorta his idea. I signed the card though.”

“Well that was sweet of you”

“Tell Baby Hello!” shouted Dru in the background.

Buffy laughed.

“Tell her, hello back.”

“Will do, luv. So when will you be up and about then?”

“In a couple of days, are you missing me?”

“You know it pet.”

“I miss you too,” she giggled into the phone, earning a look from Xander.

“Right, I’ve got to go then luv, Angelus just got back from wherever he’s been, talk to you soon?”

“Yes, very soon”

“I love you Goldilocks”

“Love you too, Good night!”

Buffy hung up the phone and reached into Xander’s cheesy chips bag.

“Hey Xander did anyone try to give me flowers while I was in the hospital?”

“Besides Angel? No. Who was that on the phone that you were all with the I love yous?”

“That would be my boyfriend?”

“You have a boyfriend? When did this happen?”

“Been for a long time Xander.”

“When do I meet him? When do I get to disapprove?”

“Xander! Leave Buffy alone! Don’t you think that Buffy’s had enough horribleness that she doesn’t need you giving her a hard time about her choice in boyfriends? Huh? Think of that?”

“Jeez, bite my head off. Is it anyone I know?”

Buffy looked away from her friend and back at the TV. Willow joined Buffy in her curious silence.
Buffy stood on the Balcony at the Bronze. After she started feeling better, Willow pushed her to get back out in to the socializing world. Apparently socializing with the undead crowd did little for your happy outlook on life.

“Hey,” came a voice behind her.

Buffy turned to the voice.

“I'm Ben. We had Algebra II together last year.”

“Sorry, I pretty much repress anything math-related,” said Buffy

“Ms. Jackson? Second period? You sat in the seat three over and one behind.”

“Oh! Yeah, I remember now, it's the one with the desks and the chalkboards and pencils and stuff, right?” Who the hell is this guy?

“That's the one,” he laughed.

“Like a steel trap.” Buffy pointed to her head smiling.

“So, I was wondering, you know the dance tomorrow night? Are you going?”

“You mean the Sadie Hawkins thing? The deal where the girls ask the boys?”

“Yeah. And I thought maybe, you know, if you're free, you might ask me.”

“Oh, gosh...” Buffy exhaled “I...”

“Oh, oh, hey, hey, no, don't, don't worry about it...”

“No, no, you seem like a really great guy, it's......me. I have a boyfriend.

“Oh. That's, that's...I didn’t know. Okay, well, I better...” Ben slunk away.

“Sorry,” Buffy said to herself.

She watched him go for a moment, glanced sadly down at the band and then headed for the stairs. When Buffy reached the bottom of the stairs Willow was there to greet her.

“Hey! You're bailing?”

“Yeah. I'm gonna stop by the library and see if Giles wants me to patrol, and then sack it.”

“You've been doing that a lot. Patrolling and sacking. In fact, you've kind of been All-Work-And-No-Play Buffy.”

“I play. I have big fun. I came here tonight, didn't I?”

“You came, you saw, you rejected.”

“You mean that guy? Willow, if you recall, I have a boyfriend. A boyfriend that if he ever regains the use of his legs would eat that guy in a heart beat.“

“Yes, I recall, and may I say...yuck.”

“Hey I call them like I see them. Besides once Spike finds out that I slept with Angel, He’s gonna hit the roof as it is.”

“You mean he doesn’t know? Didn’t Angel tell him?”

“Considering that they are both still undead, ya, I’d say Angel didn’t tell. I don’t think he’s too proud of if. Angel loved me. I didn’t love him. I don’t think the demon liked that fact too much.”

“I still think that you need to let loose, but fun. Be impulsive.”

“Impulsive? Do you remember the last impulsive move I made? The friend that I slept with? He lost his soul, now my friend's gone forever, and the demon that wears his face is killing my other friends. The next impulsive decision I make will involve my choice of dentures.”

“Okay, the Angel thing went badly, I'm on board with that, but that's not your fault. And anyways, love isn't always like that. Love can be... nice!”

“I agree, and I’d like to keep it nice with Spike, thank you very much.”
“And this... this is the garden.” Angelus said indicating the room that the trio of vampires had just stepped into.

“Wow! Look. Jasmine,” said Dru picking a flower.

“Night blooming.” The elder Vampire picked up a pair of pruning shears and imagined what he could do with such tools.

“Like us. Oh, Angel, it's fairyland.” Drusilla turned to Spike, “Ooh!”

“It's paradise. Big windows, lovely gardens. It'll be perfect when we want the sunlight to kill us,” snarked Spike from the entrance.

“If you don't like it, Spike, hit the stairs and go. Take a stand, man,” said Angelus coming up behind Dru.

“Well, our old place was just fine till you went and had it burned down.”

“Things change, Spikey. You gotta roll with the punches. Well, actually, you pretty much got that part down, haven't you?”

“Very funny, mate.”

“What can I say? I just love to see you smile, buddy.”

“Yeah, you're a giver.” God they made him sick. It wasn’t bad enough that Angelus was constantly making him feel inadequate, and making a big show about how he was enjoying Dru’s attentions. Spike rolled out of the garden and into the ground floor bedroom he had claimed. He couldn’t wait to get out of this freakin’ wheel chair. And he couldn’t wait to get laid.
Spike wheeled himself into the garden later to find Drusilla playing in the dirt, while Angelus watched. Why couldn’t we do normal things as a family, like play monopoly or body part bingo?

“Maybe I'll sleep underground. Dig myself a little burrow,” said Dru.

“What about your pretty dress, sweet? It'll get all dirty,” offered Spike.

“Then I'll sleep naked. Like the animals do.”

“You know, I'm suddenly liking this plan,” sneered Angelus.

Drusilla laid down on the ground in front of the planter.

“Fortunately, nobody cares what you like, mate.”

“Oh, yeah? Let's ask Dru.”

“There's a gate!” Dru rolled onto her back, laughing, “It's opening!” She raised herself onto her knees.

“Incoming! I love when she does this.” smiled Angelus.

“What gate, pet? What do you see?”

“It's black,” she hummed “It wants her.”

“Wants who?” asked Angelus who had now crawled up behind her.

“The Slayer. It's time, Angel.” Drusilla stood up “She's ready for you now. She's dancing. Dancing with death.”

“Big deal. He won't do anything. Our man Angel here likes to talk but he's not much for action. All hat and no cattle.” balked Spike.

“I don't know about that. I think this whole Slayer thing has run its course. I'm ready to focus my energy elsewhere.”


“Oh, yeah! What, with you being Special Needs Boy, I figure I should stick close to home. You and Dru can always use another pair of hands.”

Drusilla cooed with delight. Angelus chuckled maniacally. Spike rolled his eyes. I won’t be Special needs boy for very much longer.
Spike had watched Angelus return home from where ever he had been in a fury. It would have made him laugh if Angelus hadn’t smelt like Buffy. Spike followed his grandsire into the garden and the fountain to see the poof take off this shirt and begin to scrub at his skin.

“You might want to let up. They say when you've drawn blood, you've exfoliated,” he offered.

“What do you know about it? I'm the one who was friggin' violated. You didn't have this thing in you,” complained the vampire.

“What was it? A demon?” asked Drusilla.


Angelus grabbed a clean shirt and put it on.

“Poor Angel.” cooed Dru.

“Let's get outta here. I need a real vile kill before sunup to wipe this crap out of my system.”

He pulled on his jacket over his still-unbuttoned shirt.

“Of course. We'll find you a nice toddler,” she snarled “Want to come, pet?” Dru asked Spike.

“No can do, Dru. I'm sure he'd be hell on wheels, but we don't have much time. Gotta travel light. Sorry. Try to have fun without me.”

Spike watched them go angrily.

“Oh, I will.” He took his foot from its footrest and put it on the ground. He slowly got up and stood tall. He kicked back at his wheelchair angrily. “Sooner than you think”
Spike snuck out of the mansion and to Buffy’s house. Carefully climbing up the tree to her bedroom window. Peering in, he gimped a vision of blonde, wrapped in a towel sitting on her bed, combing through her wet hair.

Spike knocked on the window pane.

Buffy turned to the noise with a huge smile on her face. “Spike!” she exclaimed happily.

Buffy opened her window and moved back to let her lover in.

“Goldilocks, you are gonna have to invite me in again” said Spike putting his hand up to demonstrate the barrier that kept him up.

“Huh? Oh yeah, we had to do the de-invite spell when Angel turned bad. Come in Spike.”

Spike smiled as he slid through the window.

“Look at you without the wheel chair! You know now you don’t have an excuse to come for dinner with my mom.”

“I know it luv” Spike stood up tall and looked over the girl that stood before him, undressing her with his eyes.”

“You... instead of undressing me with your eyes, you could undress me for real you know.”

“Oh how I know, just savouring the moment, it’s been too damn long since I’ve been able to make love to you.”

“And don’t I know it. It’s no fun with out little Spike up for action,” she smiled.

Spike grabbed her around the waist and launched them both on the bed.

“Your mum home?”

“Nope! Feel free to ravage me!”

Spike moaned.

“I need you Buffy.”

“I need you too Spike.”

Spike ripped the towel from her body, exposing her nakedness to his greedy eyes. Running his hands over her skin Spike inhaled her newly washed sent.

“Angelus smelled of you,” he growled.



“We were possessed, by ghosts,” she explained.

“I don’t like him touching what’s mine.”

“I’m sorry.”

Spike lowered his lips to her crotch and slowly licked her from back to front, sucking her clit into his mouth for a moment before he flipped her over, and forced her up onto all fours.

Buffy heard him unzip his jeans as she waited in anticipation. Spike positioned himself at her opening and thrust in.

Buffy gasped. She hadn’t been quite ready to take him in. Letting her adjust to his size, Spike forced himself to calm down for a moment, before grabbing her hips and relentlessly pounding into her.

Buffy struggled to remain in position, the thrusts from her lover being so forceful. It didn’t take long before Spike had spent and had collapsed beside her on the bed. He had never taken her before with out letting her come. Buffy felt like she had had been pushed off a cliff.

But before she could make any noise about her rough treatment, she found herself enveloped in his arms and his lips pressed to hers.

“You have no idea how long I’ve needed release goldilocks. All those months thinking about your lush body, without being able to do anything about it.”

Spike’s hands moved lower on her body, eventually finding purpose, one caressing her ass, the other stroking her clit.

Buffy moaned.

“Let me make love to you this time Goldilocks,” he purred into her ear.
“Spike?” asked Buffy, curled in Spike’s arms 4 hours later.

“Ya, luv?”

“I have to tell you some thing, you aren’t going to like it. You’re gonna hate it and get mad. But I need to tell you.”


“Did Angel tell you how he lost his soul?”

“No, I think his words were, ‘You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,’ or some such prattle. Are you gonna tell me that you are responsible for the Poofter being footloose and soul free?”

Buffy gulped. “Ya. But before I tell you, please believe me when I say that I love you, and I wouldn’t have done it if I thought you were still alive and kickin’, or undead or whatever.”

Spike was worried now. “What did you do?”

“I might have had meaningless sex with him,” she whispered.

Spike pulled away from her and stared hard into her green eyes.

“Please. I don’t love him. I thought you were dust. I was lonely. I know it doesn't excuse anything. I felt so bad after it happened, even before I found out that I’d fucked the soul out of him. Felt like I’d betrayed your memory. It was a mistake. I’m so sorry Spike.”

Spike got up out of the bed. She was crying, the tears streaming down her face. Spike grabbed his clothes and started putting them on.

“Please, say something,” she whimpered.

“What do you want me to say Buffy? I understand why you did it? That you are forgiven?”

“No, yell at me, scream at me. Tell me how angry and disappointed in me you are. Please just don’t leave without saying anything.”

“I don’t know what to say Buffy. Honestly, I just need to be out of your sight.”

A loud sob, left her throat.
