The Rest of our Lives by Ariel Dawn
Chapter #11 - Vengeance demons: Not just girls anymore.
Disclaimer: Yes, I am the creator of all things Buffy...sadly only in dreams.

Author’s note: Thanks to all my reviewers!
Chapter 11: Vengeance demons: Not just girls anymore.

Buffy was running fast, so fast she couldn’t see exactly where she was all, she knew was she had to catch up to the demon in front of her before it killed someone. Suddenly it stopped in front of a large crypt.

“Show me who you are!” shouted Buffy.

The demon started to turn...

“WHAT!!!” screamed Dawn at Xander.

The shriek was glass shattering.

“Bit! Please...” began Spike.

The door to Buffy’s room was ripped from its hinges and Buffy bolted out of the room and ran to Dawn.

“Dawn, what’s wrong?” asked Buffy.

Dawn placed the handset back onto the base of the phone and set it for speaker phone. With a calm rigidity that formally she did not possess, clearly not happy news.

“Xander you are on speaker phone, tell them what you told me,” said Dawn coldly.

“Dawn are you sure?” asked Xander.

“Do it”

“Fine, well we’ve been researching everything we can about your sitch Buffster, there’s not a lot let in the archives but not only that it doesn’t look like there was anything about this originally anyway, so I was sleep, ya, I dozed off in the library, drooling all over some musty tomb of apocalypse or something, cause that’s all they have here really, not what you would all fun for the whole family entertainment...”

“Xander, the point?” said Buffy.

“K, so I’m sleeping and who pops into my dream, Cordy! And here I thought she was in coma, so...”


“Anyways, so Queen C tells me that prophecy in completion was never fully written down or some cryptic thing like that and that I’m looking in the wrong place, and I was not happy camper man. SO we get into a fight, you know Cordelia Chase, always ragging on me for something...”

“Whelp! Get on with it.”

“It’s blood, ok? It’s always blood, Buffy you will die, truly die, when your blood is spilt to cover you own blood’s evil, that the only way you can die.”

“Huh?” sounded Buffy.

“I found the prophecy with Cordy’s help and Giles and some of the other watchers think it had something to do with Dawn or maybe if you have kids, I have the prophecy here, I’ll send you a copy.”

“Faith said the only way I’d die is if I was killed by one of my own descendants.”

“Sound like it goes with the story at this end, unless Dawn kills you.”

“So not going to happen!” shouted Dawn.

“So I guess if I want to die I have to do it before Dawn dies,” Buffy tired to laugh, “Cause me not so much with the motherly ness.”

“I’m not killing you Buffy!” screamed Dawn as she fled out of the apartment.

“Dawn!” Buffy made to do after her but was stopped by Spike.

“Give her a mo’ luv,” he said softly. “Whelp you sure now how to kill the fun atmosphere here”

“Ya, hey just the council’s butt monkey here.”

“It’s not your fault Xander,” said Buffy. “Thanks for the info though, say hi to Giles for me.”

“Hey no problem, I need to speak with Andrew though is he there?”

Andrew picked of the receiver. “What?” he whined.

Buffy looked at Spike, “Is there something you know that I don’t?”

“Bit blames herself for you dying luv, like I did, except for her I think it never got addressed when you got back. Kinda ignored her for a good long time,” Spike said softly. “Guess she doesn’t want to kill you again.”

Buffy kissed his cheek and ran out after Dawn.
Dawn was sitting on the front steps of the apartment.


“Leave me alone.”

“I can’t do that Dawn, I love you.”

“Can you love something that will kill you?”

“Yes. I have a knack for finding just those people to love actually,” Buffy sighed. “Dawn I don’t think you would ever hurt me intentionally, in the dead and dying sense, I already have many emotional scars from annoying little sisterhood, like when you blurted out to Todd Ryerson that I kissed my New Kids on the Block poster every night, very cruel.”

Dawn laughed.

“The point is, I don’t believe you can kill me. You are a pure and innocent person, you could never kill anyone, especially me. Am I making any sense.”

Dawn nodded.

“And for the record it’s not your fault I died last time. It was what I had to do and in no way shape or form your fault, ok?”

“Ok,” Dawn said meekly.

“I’m not quite getting that you believe me here, but I’ll accept it for now. I love you Dawn.”

“I know you do Buffy.” Dawn played with her hair for a moment. “So exactly what have you been up to lately?”

“Oh, god!” Buffy put her head in her lap. “What did I do!” Buffy started to cry. She’d been so concerned with stuff since she woke up that it had completely skipped her mind.

“I'm a monster!”

“No you aren’t,” said Dawn giving her sister a hug.

“No, you don’t understand, I killed a family last night, oh my god.”

“A family Buffy? Like a mom and dad and kids?” Dawn gulped.

“They were demons, but a demon family. They weren’t doing anything bad. And I just killed them. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!”

“Buffy!” shouted Dawn, “ Snap out of it already! It’s the Slayer demon, you have to get control and not let this happen again ok? Let’s go inside.”
Kennedy was moving out. It’s not like Willow hadn’t seen it coming, after the whole, ‘take away Kennedy’s powers,’ thing, Kennedy and she never talked again. They yelled, they screamed. Kennedy hasn’t really even stayed since that night. It was good to have closure, sorta. Kennedy was going to work with Angel and crew at Wolfram and Hart. Once again this sucked. The suckiness was everywhere. Kennedy genuinely hated her. How had this happened?

Ok, she knew it was her fault. Oz left, cause she kissed Xander, and then cause she didn’t understand his werewolf sitch. Tara left because she messed up with magic. Now Kennedy left.

Other than Kennedy and Fred, Willow really didn’t have any friends in LA. When Willow had started school earlier in the month, everyone had been here, well except Giles. But now she was alone. LA, not so fun anymore. Maybe she could transfer to Ohio State when the semester was over, help with the slaying again.

Angel and crew really hadn’t asked for her help at all yet since she had let them know she was available for magic consultation. She had to go where she felt needed and that was not LA anymore.
When Dawn and Buffy returned to the apartment no much had changed, Spike had settled himself in front of the TV but now Andrew had started sniffling, like he was sad and wanted attention.

“Bloody hell, boy, stop your sniffling. I don’t care what the whelp yelled at you for, it’s not going to change a thing.”

“Not fair! You aren’t the one being told you aren’t doing your job properly.”

Spike’s attention shifted back to Buffy who looked distraught. Instantly he was up out of his chair.

“Slayer, What’s wrong?” he inquired.

“I killed a family! Last night! I’m a monster!” wailed Buffy.

“Oooh! This sounds like it needs to be written down,” said Andrew.

“Not the time Andrew,” said Dawn pushing Andrew away.

The look of sadness returned to the boy’s face.

“I can’t do my job, if you don’t let me do my job! Xander’s been yelling at me!”

“So much sympathy for you,” said Dawn sarcastically.

Spike had taken Buffy back to her room.

“No one appreciates me! I can’t be a watcher if no one lets me watch stuff!”

“Did it ever occur to you that the reason why they didn’t take you to England was because you whine?” said Dawn as she gathered her school books together.

Andrew gasped, then strode out of the apartment haughtily.

Dawn rolled her eyes.
In Buffy’s room, Spike had set the slayer down on her bed.

“What do you mean you killed a family?” he asked softly.

“A family, of demons, like Clem! I slaughtered them. I didn’t care. I’m so horrible.”

“Ya that’s right awful pet. Are you sorry you did it?”

“Yes!” she wailed.

“So at least we knew your soul’s still good.”

“Oh yeah, soulfully Buffy, just killing all the demon children now,” Buffy collapsed on the bed wailing.
“Sun’s set pet,” he said casually trying to get any reaction other than sobbing from the slayer.

“Chain me up Spike, please,” she whimpered.


“What do you mean, no?”

“No, you and I pet, we are going out, get yourself cleaned up.”


“Shower. Now,” he said forcefully.


“Tell you after. Shower. Now.”
Andrew sat at the bar in one of Cleveland’s nicer bars. He wasn’t ready to find himself where demons met yet. He was nursing his rum and coke (cause beer is just plain gross) while he poured out his feelings to the attractive blonde beside him. He didn’t quite remember how exactly he got talking to him, but he didn’t want to stop. He was nice, nicer than Dawn had been that day.

“Just how does he expect me to do my job when she is just so unwatchable! He forgets how hard living with her can be you know. I’m sure he had the same problems when Anya was alive.”

“Anya?” asked the blonde man sipping his beer.

“Yes, she was a rare beauty, blunt, told it like it was. Gave Xander Harris a horrible time. He jilted her at the altar. She was my friend. Made his life miserable. You know sometimes I wish that she was alive again, just so she could make him feel miserable once more. That would be nice. Also I miss her. She died saving me you know. Saved me twice, once when Willow was evil, but she was all powerful then, the teleporting was cool. I’d amend my wish. I’d wish for Anya to be back with her powers, then she could teleport to London and give Xander an earful.”

“Wow, tall order,” said the blonde.

“Yeah I know, but its my fantasy, isn’t it?”

“No, now it’s your reality,” said the blonde. “Wish granted.”

Andrew turned shocked at the man he had been pouring out his soul to.


“Well it’s been swell,” said the blonde as he got up to leave.

“Wait! What did you mean?”

The man only smiled before he walked out of the bar.
Willow was immersed in one of her sociology readings when she was roused out of her concentration by a large thud.

“Ow!” said a voice.

Willow looked up from her text to see a woman lying in the middle of her dorm room floor.

“Hey! Not good! Teleporting into my room without permission: not ok!” said Willow, “I don’t even know you...”

The woman pushed herself up off the ground.

“Anya!” breathed Willow.

“Geez. Been dead for four months and I can’t teleport properly anymore.”

“Anya!” Willow got herself up off her bed.

“Willow! Good to see you. I’m glad you didn’t die when I did. How has everyone been since I died? Did anyone else die?”


“Oh yes, well it was a shock for me too. Apparently I am the result of a wish made to a vengeance demon. That’s what D’Hoffryn told me anyway. Did you know he’s taking gay men to be vengeance demons? Apparently there was a niche in the market that he hadn’t considered before. So one minute I was being cut in half by a bringer then the next I was in front of D’Hoffryn. Told me I had been dead for four months.”

“Wow!” said Willow shocked. “Do you know who made the wish?”

“Yes! Andrew!”

“Andrew? Guestage Andrew?”

“Yes, I have to fulfill his vengeance wish. I must annoy and give a hard time to Xander Harris.”

“Wow, k really need to make a phone call or two.”

“Are you calling Xander?”

“Well yes”

“Excellent perhaps we can have some post death sex.”

“Well you’d have to teleport to England for that.”

“Xander’s in England?”

“Yes, he’s all watchery now.”

“Xander’s a watcher?”


“Anything else I should know? Except that Sunnydale is a crater, I saw that.”

“Um Buffy, Spike, Dawn and Andrew are all in Cleveland.”

“So what are you waiting for? Call Xander!”
Buffy was dressed and standing outside her building holding Spike’s hand.

“Are you sure about this Spike?” Buffy asked with trepidation.

“Yes, we are going out, you are going to have a great time.”

“But what if...”

“No, not going to hear it pet. Think positively.”
Spike led Buffy into a bar, not just any bar, the loudest and most raunchy demon bar in Cleveland, Mercy Bee’s.

“Relax Goldilocks,” Spike said as he squeezed her hand.

All around her Buffy could see and sense Demons of every shape and size.

Spike led her to a booth and ordered 2 shots of tequila.

“How’s it going Pet?”

“Ok, I still want to scream bloody hell and kill, main and destroy, but I’m better, with you here.”

“Thanks, but you know I won’t always be attached at the hip, you know. Gotta live my own unlife.”

“You won’t leave me though will you Spike?”

“I came back from the dead for you luv. You can’t get much more persistent than that.”

“I guess not.”

The waitress arrived with their shots, only to have the woman/demon/whatever she was with green arms tell them that there was a rumour that the Slayer was coming there to night and it might be best to clear out.

“Really? The Slayer huh?” said Buffy interested. “What’s she like?”

“Oh, nuts, heard she’s loonier than Drusilla Childe of Angelus, and that’s saying something.”

Buffy couldn’t help but laugh. “I think I could take her, how about you baby, do you think you could take out someone loonier than Drusilla childe of Angelus?”

Spike chuckled. “I don’t know luv, I always thought Drusilla a mighty good fighter, but then she’s got thrall, like Dracula that one.”

“You couldn’t take out the Slayer, hon, not some waify vamp like yourself. She’s ruthless.” said the waitress.

“Ruthless huh?”

Buffy was really enjoying this game with the waitress.

“This Slayer, what does she look like?”

“See that’s the thing, anyone who’s fought her, is dust or dead.”

“You mean no one knows what she looks like? No one?” asked Buffy.


“Baby you’ve seen her right? I mean you the Slayer of Slayers, surely you’ve seen her?” said Buffy to Spike.

“You’re the Slayer of Slayers? William the Bloody? Childe of Drusilla? Wow I’m serving Drinks to a legend!”

“You’re a legend Baby,” snickered Buffy.

“So tell me what do you know about me?” asked Spike pouring on the charm.

“Ooh, that you’ve killed two slayers and helped kill the one in Sunnydale, but she got raised from the dead or something. I guess you’ll have to kill her again huh?”

“Oooh that’s too rich!” laughed Buffy, “Who does your PR? We really need to get out of here before your adoring fans get out of hand.”

“I think you are right luv,”

Spike paid the waitress and headed out the door.

“Anya’s alive!” screamed Dawn as soon as Buffy and Spike got in.

“What with the huh?”

“Anya, alive, vengeance demony, and in LA with Willow! Willow just phoned.”


“Andrew made a wish to a vengeance demon.”


“Bloody hell, well that’s half of us what’s gone and been resurrected. Does the Whelp know?”

“Yeah, Willow should be on the phone with him now.”

“Good grief I’m going to bed,” said Buffy.

“Don’t forget you have a social services drop in tomorrow!” shouted Dawn.

“Ah crap. Ok, Andrew needs to split for the day. Where is he anyway?”
Andrew stumbled down the street; alcohol and Andrew Wells did not mix. He was trying to make his way back to Buffy’s but seemed lost. He just hoped that someone from the light side of the force found him before some vamp in search of an easy meal.
Andrew woke up to find himself in a comfortable bed in a brightly lit room.

“Good you are awake!” said a friendly voice.

Andrew looked up to see a tall brunette male appear at the door way of the room.

“Yep, I’m awake...Um not to seem rude, but who are you and where am I. I don’t like not knowing.”

“Oh right, I’m David Gable, and you are in my house.”

“Oh where have I heard that name? It’s nice to meet you Mr David Gable. Thank you for your wonderful hospitality.”

“Not a problem. Do you pass out drunk often in dark alleys?”

“Um that would be a no. I sorta got yelled at by Xander, he’s well not my boss, but he thinks he is and I decided to drown my sorrows. I don’t know Cleveland that well yet. I think I got lost.”

“Right well I’m glad I found you before you got picked up by...”

“Vampires,” Andrew finished Gable’s sentence.

“I was going to say police”

“Right the police, that would have sounded better I wouldn’t want to get picked up by them either.”

David Gable sat down on Andrew’s bed.

“You know about Vampires?”

“Oh yes” answered Andrew knowingly.
“So you see this apartment is only temporary, I’ve recently signed a lease on Pine street, we’re moving in in two weeks,” said Buffy to the social worker.

“And who all will be living in this house Miss Summers?”

“Dawn and I”

“Dawn mentioned that you have a boyfriend Miss Summers. Does he spend a lot of time here?”

“Actually, he’s just getting over an injury, he was mugged a week ago. He’s been here, so I can look after him.”

“Yes, Dawn said that too. Miss Summers would you allow me to speak with your boyfriend...a Mr. oh I’m sorry the name Dawn’s given me is Spike...”

“Spike’s a high school nick name he had. William Graves is his real name. I’ll see if he’s awake.”

“He’s asleep at this time of the day?”

“He works the late shift.”

Buffy walked into her bedroom to find Spike sitting on the bed.

“So the bint wants to see me does she?”

“You heard what was being said? Just along ok? I can’t have the state of Ohio thinking Dawn deserves to go back to California. I’m her family. You’re her family.”

“No problem luv,” Spike said as he got up off the bed. “I can be charming when the occasion calls for it.”

Spike was true to form too, impressing the social worker. Told her that he was a bouncer, but had a degree in English literature and languages, moved from Sunnydale with Buffy. He stressed that he had his own place and was quite fond of Dawn.

Buffy looked on impressed even though inside her slayer demons was shouting ‘Vampire!’ Buffy thought she had never been so in love with this man.
“So David Gable of Cleveland, perhaps you’d like to make an alliance if you will with the forces of good, against the vampires and the demons,” said Andrew dramatically as he clutched his coffee.

Andrew sat at Gable’s kitchen table. The whole house was barren and sparse. Clearly needing Queer eye for the straight guy if ever anyone needed them.

“What do you mean? Forces of good. Do you mean there is actually an organized group that fights evil?”

“Oh how little of this world...” Andrew trailed off, “No let me start again. Yes there is. We are called the council of watchers.”

“The council of watchers...What do you watch?”

“The slayer. The one girl chosen in all the world to fight the vampires, the demons.”

“The Slayer, that’s a laugh. She doesn’t happen to be blonde 5’2” and have a bleach blonde vampire boyfriend?”


“No, this is ridiculous”

“No, it’s not. You already know about vampires how hard is it for you to believe that there’s a girl to kill them. I’m a watcher. I record everything that happens to the slayer, demons she fights, enemies she makes. You are in the watcher diaries already. I know a lot more about you and your father than you think I do.”

“Excuse me? I never mentioned anything about my father to you!”

“That’s right, you haven’t, but I know, because your father was one of us, a watcher assigned to the slayer Marianne Levoy, she was fifteen when she was called, died in 1968 at the age of seventeen. Died in a car crash. Your father was her watcher.”

“Now you are just pouting a web of lies. My father was caretaker of this cemetery. Marianne Levoy was a family friend whose parents left her in my father’s care due to mental health issues.”

“Believe what you will. I only wish for us to work together for the forces of good against evil.”

“You know this is a lot more than I signed up for when I picked your drunk ass off the street.”

“You’re right, I’ve outstayed my welcome. Thank you for last night and if you ever need help here’s my number,” Andrew pulled out his brand new very professional looking business cards that he had had made up the week before.

Very proud of himself, Andrew made his way back to Buffy’s apartment. True he had not successfully recruited Gable as he had hoped to but then again he had tired been polite, planted the idea. It wouldn’t be long before David Gable was on their side of this. Andrew Wells was confident.

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