Living Vengeance by Ariel Dawn
Chapter #20 - Rebellions and Wars
Disclaimer: The Characters of BTVS and ATS are the property of Joss Whedon and various other people/entities. I am only using them for fun and entertainment only. This is the sad reality that hits me when I wake up from my naked Spike filled dreams.

Author’s note: Some dialogue taken from ‘Fool for Love‘ and ‘Selfless.’ Once again fab thanks and squishes to Bloodytearsoflife for the great betaing.

Thanks to Tasha *hugs fellow misfit* Chanel 5, Marzbar, idk, wulfie and spet for the fab reviews!
Chapter 20: Rebellions and Wars

Buffy walked through the crowd of running people speaking in what seemed like a million different languages. This was her doing. This little rebellion wouldn’t be going the way that the Chinese wanted.

Christopher was sixteen and at a boarding school in England. Various wards and spells protected the school, as over half the students were in some way related to a Watcher and the Council’s best recruits usually came from the school.

Between school holidays Buffy traveled the globe looking for children to grant wishes for and she had always wanted to go to China.

Now here she was and the wishes were going well. She was thinking about heading to Hong Kong next, this part of China had lost its allure. Plus, she had just spied the Slayer.

The last time she had seen Reagan, the Watcher had told her that the current Slayer was in China, but that was all. It was different thing entirely to actually see her in action.

And see her in action Buffy did. One morning, just before dawn, Buffy had spied her, fighting some demon or other and doing a very good job of it. She missed it really, the whole fighting for good thing. She certainly wasn’t doing that kind of thing nowadays. It had been hard to tell her son what she actually did when he wasn’t around her. Wesley’s parents were warriors for good. She was one of the things that they killed. Just like his father.

Buffy had long since stopped asking Reagan where he was. She was fully confident that Reagan knew and would tell her the moment she asked. It was just too hard. They had parted on such bad terms when Annette died. She liked to convince herself that she didn’t care, that he could do what he wanted and she wouldn’t give a damn, but she knew that to be a fallacy.

She knew that if he showed up today and asked her for anything she wouldn’t be able to deny him. Except where Christopher was concerned.

Reagan had told her that Angelus had disappeared from the Council’s all seeing eyes. No one knew why he had abandoned his Childer and his Sire. There were even rumours that Angelus was dust. Buffy rolled her eyes at that one. As much as she hated to admit it, he was far too cunning to let just anyone dust him and if it wasn’t a Slayer who claimed that honour, then she suspected that Angelus was undead and well somewhere on the face of this earth.

But the idea of Angelus alone out there, without his Childer, was a splash of cold water on Buffy’s deep seeded desires. Spike and Drusilla alone, together, taking comfort in each other. It had seemed that as long as Angelus was around to muck up Spike and Dru’s alone time, she had a chance.

She had to admit to herself that that chance was gone.

The chaos on the streets was a brilliant cover for anyone to lose themselves in, Buffy included. As much as she was proud of starting this little rebellion with a wish, she wanted to just get away from her life for a while, sit on a beach somewhere without a care in the world enjoying the company of a beautiful man who’s desire was to please her.

The trouble was that no matter what she tried, she couldn’t make her mind’s eye picture anyone else in that role except Spike.

Buffy turned a corner out of an alley and into what looked like a courtyard of a Buddhist temple. Organized religion held no meaning for her since she became a demon. She was aware of far too many hell gods, god gods and various other beings. Buddhism however? The idea behind it seemed like a valid idea.

Too bad this temple was on fire.

With a realisation that startled her, Buffy shook her head to wonder exactly what was she doing pondering rubble and things that made little difference in the long run. Stepping over a burning pillar Buffy turned to head back out from the courtyard, only to be stopped by the sound of fighting. Her curiosity got the better of her, even though her demon senses screamed that the Slayer was nearby. An opportunity to watch her fight once more was too good to pass up. Keeping to the walls and skirting over rubble and broken furniture, Buffy treaded closer to the sounds that had her so intrigued.

The Slayer was fighting a vampire. That much was clear. The two beings moved swiftly about the space landing blows, parrying thrusts. They were graceful: they were deadly. Buffy couldn’t help but wonder who would win. As the vampire threw the Slayer aside his rash impetuousness getting the better of her skilled technique, Buffy caught of glimpse of the vampire in question and gasped.

She covered her mouth at once, hoping that neither of them had heard the sound. Buffy peered over her hand, looking at the vampire that had made her gasp. He hadn’t changed in the thirteen years since she had last seen him. Not that she had changed either.

Spike was fighting the Slayer and it looked as if he was going to win too.

With awed eyes, Buffy watched Spike drain the life out of this Chinese slayer. She felt pity for the girl, her life so short, so violent, so meaningless, when she alone could never slay all the evil in the world.

Spike tossed the girl to the ground and licked his lips. In some sick and perverted way Buffy wanted it to be her blood on his lips but her weird fantasy was cut short as her rival entered the courtyard.

Drusilla was staring her down. Buffy had been so careful to keep hidden throughout the fight now only to have the crazed vampiress stop her cold in her tracks with a look.

Spike of course was only looking at his kill, his conquest.

Buffy swore that Drusilla smiled at her before gliding up against her childe, pressing her body possessively against his.

“Oh, Spike, look at the wonderful mess you've made. That's a Slayer you've done in.
Naughty... wicked... Spike.”

Drusilla held out her hand, turning his chin towards her.

Buffy shook off the shivers that were coming off her body in waves. Drusilla knew that she was there and she was going to seduce and fuck Spike right before her eyes!

“You ever hear them saying the blood of a Slayer is a powerful aphrodisiac?” asked Spike of his Sire, his voice heavy with lust.

Buffy had never heard that little saying but she knew that Spike had felt the effects of Slayer blood before, her Slayer blood. Buffy tore her eyes away from the scene before her.

“Here, now... have a taste,” purred Spike in a voice she wished that he only used with her.

Her resolve breaking, Buffy turned away from the pair of vampires and teleported away. China had definitely lost its allure.
The next holiday from school for Christopher came none too soon. China was a disappointment. England and her family was familiar. Christopher was a handsome young man with great prospects. He had already decided to go into law and someone had offered to get him a post at Wolfram and Hart should he pursue that avenue.

Buffy had to admit that he was perfect for it. He already knew about the demon realm, growing up in Arashamahar for the most part and who would dare make trouble for the son of one of the most feared vengeance demons of the age? There was the potential that the law firm would in return keep him safe from the Immortal as well, if he should be an asset to their endeavours.

Reagan was against it.

“You cannot seriously be considering this Christopher! Wolfram and Hart are evil personified. The Council’s position is most firm. I cannot sit idly by while you put yourself into a position that will lead to your corruption and death!”

Buffy stared back at her friend shocked.

“Buffy, please, talk some sense into your son. You cannot believe that Wolfram and Hart will keep him safe? What if it is in the best interests of the firm to let him die at the hands of the Immortal? Consider that please. You have spent his entire life protecting him, please do not stop now!”

“Aunt Reagan!” shouted Christopher. “I will do with my life what I please, with no consideration as to what the Council dictates. I am not a Watcher, nor a Watcher’s son. I am the son of a Vengeance Demon and a Vampire. Where else do I have a place in this world if not with the demons?”

“No,” started Buffy. “Christopher you do not belong with the demons. I was wrong to raise you as such. If Annette hadn’t been taken...”

“Yes, yes,” muttered Christopher. “If Annette hadn’t been taken, if Papa hadn’t left so quickly, if you had defied the Council...It is time to stop thinking about the what ifs mother and move on with your life...It stretches out long before you.”

“Oh I am well aware of that Christopher. Wesley here is the only one of your friends that knows I am your mother, not your sister. But I will not let you resign yourself to a life serving demons. You are too good for that. You are the son of a Slayer and a Gentleman. You belong in this world. You can be anything you want. If Wolfram and Hart is what you want to do, then so be it. I will be a supportive mother,” Buffy decided, Christopher’s face lighting up and gracing her with a smile that made her almost want to weep.

“Buffy!” protested Reagan. “Wolfram and Hart are evil!”

“Yes Reagan. You are correct, but then so am I.”
Buffy and Anya sat in a Russian banquet hall surrounded by the remains of the invitees to Anya’s latest dinner party. Outside a battle raged, but Buffy didn’t care, the banquet had been a success, each of them had gotten in four or five wishes each. And the champagne was delicious.

Buffy had no idea that St. Petersburg would have been so vengeful.

“I swear, I'm in awe of you,” started Buffy, raising her glass to her friend.

Anyanka’s parties were getting more and more elaborate each time she conned a woman into one.

“Oh, stop,” deferred Anyanka.

“Oh, I will not.”

“I grant wishes. It's all inside the girl. I just bring it out.”

“Yes, I'm sure this is what she had in mind,” noted Buffy with a sweep of her hand in the direction of the forty or so bodies that littered the table.

“Well, I don't know about her mind, but it was in her heart. Besides, Russia was ready to explode. All we did is just give it a little push. It’s not like you were any different in China...Boxer Rebellion the humans called it? Ingenious my dear.”

“What should we do with the rest of our evening? I hear they're going to raze the Winter Mansion,” said Buffy avoiding any talk of China. That was something she wished to forget. She was proud of the vengeance, true, it was the fact of what she saw and heard in that Buddhist Temple that she regretted.

“Well, I thought we'd head on down to Madame Dubasov's. No better spot for vengeance than a brothel,” answered Anya.

“Oh, it's always work, work, work with you,” noted Buffy, her attention suddenly drawn by the man who was on fire running through the room.

“Well, of course. What else is there?” asked Anya.

“What else is there? Why, the whole world, for one. Anyanka, take a look around. There's a lot to see. There's a revolution going on outside that you are somewhat responsible for. Aren't you the slightest bit interested?”

“Well, what is there to be interested in? The worker will overthrow absolutism and lead the proletariat to a victorious communist revolution, resulting in socio-economic paradise on earth. It's common sense, really. I have better things to worry about.”

Buffy snorted. “I wonder what Christopher would think of his Aunty Anyanka talking like that.”

“Capitalist child of yours Erixel. Why couldn’t he become a farmer or something?“

Buffy laughed. Christopher had decided not to go into law at all, but into trade, much to the relief of his Aunt Reagan. “He’s happy doing what he does Anya. He has a whole world to explore.“

“Yes, a world filled with wronged women who need my help. You are trying to distract me from our job Erixel.”

“Christopher is the only thing that can distract me from my work Anyanka, you know that.“

“Vengeance is what we do, Erixel. I don't need anything else. Vengeance is what I am,” noted Anyanka.

“You can’t live forever on Vengeance alone Anya,” said Buffy with a sigh.

She had been alone so long she had forgotten what it felt like to be happy. Vengeance does not a happy demon make.
Buffy teleported behind enemy lines. It was what she did. She liked to think of herself as a demon for good, occasionally getting wishes out of people.

Truth was she felt guilty. Just a tad really.

Who knew that a little wish made by a little Austrian boy was going to send the world into a second world war?

It was her granddaughter who had convinced her to join the cause. The only grandchild she had that still kept in touch. The only one that still lived in England. It was hard to imagine that so much time had passed, that her son was all grown up, married, had children of his own, and was now an old man.

And all the while, she had remained the same.

Reagan had died and she had remained the same.

She supposed that it was supposed to be comforting that there where still some things that stayed the same. Like the Council, the Immortal, and Spike and Drusilla. Buffy no longer had Reagan to rely on for tid bits about Spike’s whereabouts, but she got by. The demon community was rife with rumours about Spike and Dru, their exploits, their massacres, their eternal love.

It all made Buffy’s stomach turn.

Decades later and she still couldn’t get him out of her head. She hadn’t seen him since China. And she didn’t want to. She just hoped that he was enjoying his unlife, because if she ever saw him again, she would give him a piece of her mind.

There was a sixty year old man in England right now who still remembers his father telling him that they would see each other again someday. Fifty seven years and not one word.

A dark haired, blue eyed man teleported in beside her, the smoke from his materialisation drifting away into the night air and drawing her out of her contemplative state.

“Took you long enough.” chided Buffy, looking the man up and down.

“Hey!” he protested. “It doesn’t come as naturally to me as it does you, Rixy.”

Buffy laughed. She liked Morgan. He was a warlock, and her partner behind the lines. He knew she was a demon and he didn’t mind. It also helped that he wasn’t associated with the Council in anyway, just a good guy trying to make things right in the world.

“Ready to get this show on the road?” he asked.

Buffy nodded and stepped forward into the street, taking Morgan’s offered arm.

“So dinner first or are you particularly eager to blow some things up?” she asked.

“I don’t know Rixy I was hoping to meet up with Anyanka.”

“Anyanka isn’t even in Germany right now, Poland I think,” the demon noted.

“What does that matter?”

Buffy turned to look at her partner with a raised eyebrow. “You know Morgan you really have to stop trying to get a date with her. I know you two had a good time last month, but really she just uses men. In her line of work she can’t get attached to the opposite sex.”

“Yes, she explained that to me, but really is it so bad to want to spend more time with her?”

“No...” Buffy admitted.

They rounded a corner entering into what looked like the town square of this little German town, lit only by the moon light filtering through the clouds. The scant light illuminated the lone figure standing in the middle of the town square for them, her blond hair shining brightly.

“Darla,” Buffy greeted.