Will Never Remember, Could Never Forget by MBangel10
Chapter #3 - A Great Big Oops! With History

“They haven't left that room all day. Do you think she's killed him by now?”

Jade looked out the front window of the bar, a show of concern flashing across her thin, green tinged face.

Tom stopped the shaker mid-shake, focusing his attention away from the customers, and backing up enough to speak out of ear-shot.

“You promised nothing could go wrong.”

The big, burly demon started back to mixing his drinks. A look of annoyance crossing over his hairy features. He looked a little bit like Grizzly Adams, only more grizz.

“I'm telling you, we should have just killed them both while they were here. I should have never listened to you. One less slayer in the world is a good thing in my book. ”

Jade turned back to the bar, her long black hair swirling behind her. She grabbed a few beers from the cooler and popped the tops with an opener.

“I couldn't just kill her, she was so - sweet. She knew we were demons and it didn't even bother her. Did you see the size of the tip she left me?” She walked over and set the drinks in front of a few patrons, snatching up the empty bottles and quickly discarding them.

“It's the strangest thing I've ever seen... a slayer, with a minion vampire. It is just sick - twisted. They were doing shots of tequila for heavens sake! What kind of warped vampire does shots with a slayer? Very disturbing.” Tom poured out the margaritas and placed them in front of the customers.

The demon girl cast a worried glance toward her boss. If this didn't work, she was sure to get fired. Or worse. Tom had given her specific instructions. However, she just didn't have the heart to carry them out, she liked the girl.

Jade looked back out the window, trying to make sense of the situation. His car was still parked out front, so he didn't get away.

Tom walked behind Jade and looked over her shoulder. “She's probably staked him already. Once she realizes what they've done... he's a goner. At least he better be, for your sake.”

Jade was growing more worried by the second. The light in the motel room had turned on a few minutes earlier but no one had yet to emerge. “There is no way she could stomach doing that with a vampire. I'm sure she's just, regrouping.”

Tom chuckled, “Yeah, I gotta admit. A slayer fucking a vamp... now that is one for the history books.”

Jade faked a small chuckle in return. The one thing she didn't do was mention the nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach. Maybe that vampire was more than just a minion. Maybe.....

The way they looked at each other. It was unnatural.

She tried to shrug off the memory. The Slayer was probably blackmailing him into working for her. A hired hand, nothing more.

Vampires and slayers do not mix, everyone knows that.


The previous evening....

Another Friday night in Atlantic City. Another nightclub. One with way too many flashing lights and vampires, writhing on the dance floor with their evening meals. Plus, the music was horrendous.

Sometimes he hated where his leads would take him.

Spike sat listlessly at the bar, downing his third scotch and trying to ignore everything but the soothing liquid coating his throat and numbing his brain. As he shoved his shot glass toward the bartender he gestured for a refill. The burly, overly hairy demon slid his way over and topped off Spikes' drink.

As Spike held it up and began the ritual of tilt head back - suck back drink, the bartender interrupted. He pointed a finger toward the dance floor as he spoke.

"So, vampire... why aren't you out there, grabbing a late night snack? Doesn't your type prefer something more...straight from the tap? We have a nice selection ready for the taking, yet you sit here downing bad scotch. What's the story?"

Spike slowly turned around on his barstool and scanned the scene. He sucked back the drink and turned to the bartender, slamming the shot glass down in front of him.

"Not particularly interested in an all I can eat buffet tonight. I've played this scene and honestly, the choices aren't the most - savory."

"I understand completely...." as the bartender filled Spike's glass, he grinned, "name is Duhan, and there is a more quality selection in our members only area. I'm sure you will find it to your liking, if you are willing to pay for the privilege.”

Spike perked up a bit as he stared down the bartender. He picked up his scotch and slammed it back. As the glass hit the counter, the bartender had his full attention.

"Quality huh? What kind of quality are we talking?"

Duhan smiled wide, like the proverbial cat that swallowed the canary.

"Slayers. Three to be exact."

"Three, well... Duhan. If the price is right..." He pushed his glass toward the bartender, "I may have to pony up to the bar."

Duhan picked up the glass and tossed it into the sink. He gestured to a door at the side of the bar. Another Sasquatch wanna-be, who looked fairly ridiculous wearing Armani, stood in front of it. "Just tell Jimmy that I sent you. He'll let you get a look at the goods."

Spike threw a few bills onto the bar, then made his way over to visit Bigfoot the second.

"Sorry fella, this room is for members only." Jimmy stood by the door, arms crossed, his face half hidden behind all that ZZ Top hair.

Spike stood in front of him in mock pose, unflinching and slightly irritated.

"Duhan gave me an invite. Said you were the one to see for a private tour."

Jimmy looked over at the bar, and upon receiving a slight nod from the bartender, turned back to Spike.

"Today is your lucky day, Duhan doesn't throw out invitations to just anyone."

Spike took an agitated step forward.

"Well, good on me I'm not just anyone."

The bouncer scoffed and opened the door. "Just remember, you look... you better be prepared to buy."

Shrugging his shoulders, Spike pushed passed Jimmy with little more than a "we'll see 'bout that, mate."

The narrow corridor had three doors to choose from. However, with three slayers chained up in only one of them, it was a choice easily made for a vampire.

He turned the knob of the first door on the right, locked. Dammit. Turning to the second door he gave it a try. The door popped open and with a slight creak it opened wide. He took a small step inside. Nothing but a storage room filled with cases upon cases of bourbon and beer. But it was there, on the far wall behind a rack filled to the brim with wine bottles. It was just what he was looking for. The fire exit.

He slowly closed the door and turned to the only one left untried. The door that would open to three tired, half-drained Slayers. Defenseless and ready for the taking. .

Spike didn't have time for much of a plan. He would have to rely on his instincts, and his strength. So with one heavy unneeded breath, he took one more quick glance at his surroundings and knocked on the door.
