Lessons in Love by Spikez_tart
Chapter #6 - Who's Brave Enough?
Chapter 6 – Who’s Brave Enough?

Dawn snuck into the Bronze in time to see her sister tackle Spike and wave her fist in the air in the vicinity of his nose. Buffy fighting with Spike was almost as good as Buffy being in love with Spike. She sat down next to Cordelia.

“How’s the plan going?” Dawn asked.

Cordelia looked over to where Buffy and Spike were sitting on the floor groping each other. “Fine, as you can see. It’s almost time to put the last part of my plan into effect.”

Dawn played with the roll of tickets and tore off a bunch while Cordelia checked out Buffy and Spike. She pocketed the tickets to use as soon as Buffy cleared out. Dawn was supposed to be doing homework, but now that Spike had Buffy distracted, there would be time to meet a couple of guys before she went home. If Spike distracted her sister over to his crypt, she wouldn’t have to climb through her bedroom window to avoid being caught, either.

“What’s the last step?” Dawn asked. She was miffed at Cordelia for expecting her help in reporting Buffy's every move, while refusing to reveal any of the particulars.

“You know how when you have something, like a red Miata with vanity plates with your nickname on them? And, you don’t appreciate your red Miata as much as you should and you take it for granted?”

What was Cordelia talking about?

“Sort of?”

“Then, when you can’t have something, like when your red Miata gets repossessed by the finance company and all you have left is your monogrammed Kenneth Cole keychain and you want your Miata back with every fiber of your being?”

Dawn thought about a certain pair of Prada red high heels she’d seen at the mall the previous day. There wasn’t the slightest chance Buffy would let her buy them and she wanted them very badly. Red shoes were like a red car, weren’t they?

“Yeah, I got it.”

Cordelia opened her purse and took out her Maybelline compact and lipstick. She would have to change brands if the company didn’t stop using that blonde bimbo with the green eyes as their spokes-model.

She handed over her ticket-selling duties to Dawn, who used the opportunity to steal some cash for her red high-heels fund.

“First,” Cordelia said as she ringed her mouth with arterial-red lipstick, “Buffy needed to realize she couldn’t take Spike for granted and to learn to appreciate him. She needed to understand she wanted to be with Spike and if she wasn’t careful, she could lose him.”

Dawn glanced over to see her sister sucking on Spike’s face in an enthusiastic manner. “I think she’s solid on the Spike Appreciation part.”

“She might backslide, unless we put the final phase into effect.” Cordelia fluffed her hair and adjusted the neckline of her tee-shirt for Maximum Cleavage Exposure.

“So, what’s the plan???” Dawn said. She was becoming more than a teensy bit aggravated at Cordelia for dragging this explanation out and treating her like a stupid kid.

“I’ve arranged for someone she respects and cares about deeply to tell Buffy she can’t have what she wants and that Spike is bad for her.”

“Who’s brave enough to tell her that?”


Xander fondled his stake and rolled it between his hands. He was going to stake Spike. He’d been waiting for years to dust Spike and the happy moment was here at last.

“So, what’s going on Buffy?”

“I was talking to Spike?” Buffy said. She still hadn’t gotten her balance on her high heels so she could stand up.

Spike, who was enjoying the way her dress rucked up in the back, did nothing to help. When she managed to get into a squat, he gave her butt a push with both hands, earning himself a Slayer-strength smack on the head.

“Not exactly what it looks like, Buffster.”

“Okay, okay, okay. Spike and I are … we’re …” Buffy looked down at Spike for assistance and received nothing more than a rude smirk. “We’re seeing each other, if you must know.”

She attempted to flip her hair over her shoulder in a casual, Cordelia-like way, which proved impossible because it was sprayed and ratted up so much it wouldn’t move.

“I thought you learned your lesson with Angel. Spike - vampire? Buffy - Vampire Slayer? Have you heard this material before? You’re supposed to be dusting Evil Dead, not boning his brains out.”

Buffy became angry again, this time at Xander. “Fine words from someone who dated a preying mantis, an energy-sucking mummy and a vengeance demon. Besides, he’s got some brains left.”

Buffy looked down at Spike, who was looking up her skirt with a dazed expression on his face. Maybe she was wrong? Maybe Spike was now brain free?

“I can’t let you get involved with a vampire again, Buffy. It’s for your own good,” Xander said.

“What’s for my own good? Spike isn’t going to lose his soul and go all psycho-wacky. He’s as bad as he’s ever going to be.”

That got Spike’s attention. “Hey! I’m the Big Bad and you’d better not forget it.”

Xander ignored her. “Get up, Dead Boy. Stand up like a man so I can stake you without getting dust all over my clothes.”


“Who’s brave enough to tell her that?” Dawn asked.

“I have just the person in mind and he’s on his way from Los Angeles.” Cordelia snapped her compact closed and tucked it back in her purse along with the money she’d collected. The stack of money seemed a bit thin. She’d thought she’d collected more.

Dawn couldn’t imagine who Cordelia was talking about. Their dad lived in Los Angeles, but Dawn didn’t think Cordelia knew him and besides, he didn’t care what they did, and the only other person they knew in Los Angeles was …


“He should be here any minute. Let’s visit the Ladies’ Room. I don’t want him to see me when he comes in.”


“Mmmm?” She fluffed her hair again and admired herself in the bar mirror as they walked to the powder room.

“What do you get out of this? You don’t like Buffy.” Dawn asked.

“Other than helping those two crazy kids get together? Let’s say, I have some plans of my own.”