Angels and Demons by TalesofSpike
Chapter #14 - Chapter 1.14

Note: Thanks to my beta t_geyer for her unending patience, perseverance and support.


I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light
He's gotta be sure
And it's gotta be soon
And he's gotta be larger than life

((Jim Steinman wrote it, I think, even though the site where I found the lyrics says it's Bonnie Tyler) - Bonnie Tyler

Chapter 1.14
Sunday, May 26th, 2002

The blade sailed through Cordelia's neck with no loss of momentum and came straight out the other side. A second later, Connor's father rugby-tackled the youth to the ground. Lorne turned back to see what was happening as Cordy's grasping hand passed through him.

"What the-." Cordy turned to face Connor a hand on either hip. "Well, if you ever thought there was the remotest possibility that I might even consider sleeping with you, you can forget it now," she reprimanded him before her voice softened slightly, though her impatience remained as she turned to glare at the former watcher. "...Not least because you all seem to regard my body as an optional extra... though given that I'd be dead now, otherwise, maybe that's a good thing.

That doesn't mean that I wouldn't like you to fix it."

Wes nervously cleared his throat. "I'll go do some research, shall I?" He turned back toward reception, just as Buffy pushed open the door. Thanks to Spike's colour commentary, even though she hadn't quite been sure who she would have been meant to be helping, she had dashed to assist in the fray, leaving Skip in the care of Bee and Spike. Much to his distress the vampire was unable to join the fray and brave the sun while Angel still had the orbs. Wes turned the slayer around, ushering her before him as he made his way back inside.

The seer fixed her attention on Lorne. "Okay, I know I'm me, so how about you tell me what you actually saw, big guy? ...Preferably before the Lizzie Borden appreciation society works out a way to chop my head off for real."

"I don't know, pumpkin. There was a whole mess of stuff, none of it good, but none of it real clear either. I don't know whether it means you're possessed or what."

"Am I acting like some kind of evil bitch queen from another dimension?"

Gunn's response was softened by its friendly tone. "More than normal, you mean?"


"We appear to have a slight problem," Wes announced to the room at large. "Cordelia is non-corporeal."

"Well, duh!" Bee barely looked up from her quest for an ashtray. "Rupert could have told you that. Don't tell me, when you said Fred had set up a containment spell, you were talking about a purely physical barrier?" Finally, the petite blonde gave up her search and flicked the half inch of ash that had accumulated at the end of her cigarette, lit as soon as Wes went outside, into an empty coffee mug instead. When she looked up and caught his expression of consternation she decided she should explain further.

"She was in a metaphysical plane, right?" she paused, waiting to make sure she wasn't going too fast for anyone. "So, her natural state in that plane would be metaphysical... We couldn't do the whole gradual thing, so you brought her back straight away, as she was , but it's not her natural state in this plane. It's not as if she'll stay that way. It'll wear off... in a week or two... but I guess you've never been to a metaphysical plane, huh?"

"Strangely enough, no, I can't say that I have," Wes retorted, his patience clearly strained.

Bee retaliated by becoming defensive. "It's not my fault that I didn't assume you were an ignoramus. You seem quite intelligent most of the time."

Spike decided that now might be a good time to intervene. "Okay, kiddies, no point arguing over what can't be changed, which brings us to the next question. Is Queen C going to cool her heels here for long enough for you to do your spell or not? 'Cause if you can't keep her here, there doesn't seem to be a lot of point in all that mumbo jumbo you've been learning."



"Alright, fine. I'll wait around for you to do your spell. Just stop sticking your hand through me."

"Sorry," Fred shifted back a foot. "It's just I haven't ever touched somebody that wasn't there before. Do you feel different?"

"Yeah, I feel like I haven't had a shower in three weeks and my friends are suddenly looking at me like I'm some sort of science experiment. Now I know how Phantom Dennis feel-.

Hey, somebody want to press the buttons on the phone so I can call and tell him I'm okay? He's been worried sick."

Spike raised an eyebrow and whispered to his antecedent as he passed him one of two large mugs filled with blood. "Phantom Dennis?"

Angel shrugged as he watched Fred make the call. "Her apartment's haunted. He's kinda cool, fetching stuff and things, except he got pissed off with us for not finding her quicker, so then, he got more with the throwing stuff around. If he had a body I think I might have competition."

Spike treated his grandsire to a questioning glance. "Other than junior, you mean? Now she doesn't have a body, maybe you do."

"Thanks, Spike, and I really needed that little reminder."

Spike smirked. "Well, you didn't listen when we told you that you should see that he met some kids his own age."

"I was going to get around to it. Only, it suddenly seems a bit more urgent. It's a pity Dawn-."

"Seeing as how I prefer my Bitlet intact in every sense of the word I suggest you don't even think about finishing that sentence."



The afternoon was half gone by the time Bee pronounced herself happy with Wes's rendering of the True Sight ritual and she laid out the sacred circle he would need to use in its performance.

Skip seemed to grow increasingly anxious as the preparations continued. "Hey, remember I said that it was only dead guys that don't need to use the can? Ain't it time you arranged a toilet visit?"

Angel looked over at the demon who had played a major part in their current problems, his expression disparaging at best. "The floor's marble. It'll clean."

"Do you think I can go when I'm being watched like some sort of zoo exhibit?"

Spike smirked. "That'll make for a messy explosion, then." He tilted his head on one side and looked at his grandsire. "Just a thought, but what are you planning on doing with Ringface, here?"

"I'm thinking that might depend on how vindictive I'm feeling once we see what Wes's spell tells us."

Spike's smile widened. "I really wouldn't want to be you, Grey, if she didn't make the trip alone."

"This time we get to help, though? Right?" Connor looked across at his father.

"What I had in mind, you're too young to even watch on television."

Buffy elbowed Spike as she scolded the Aurelians. "Would you guys quit baiting the prisoner and let Wes get on with the spell? A certain someone is going to get real cranky if we don't get this sorted out and get him back in time for his date."



Wes threw a handful of powder from the bowl at his feet, not so much over Cordelia but through her. He spent some time staring at her image as if it were taking him a while to work out what he was actually seeing. To everyone else in the room there was only a slightly luminous Cordy standing on top of a patch of blue dust. The former watcher walked around the woman, looking at her from all sides, making sure he hadn't missed anything. Then, after what seemed like eons he stamped three times on the marble floor to end the ritual.

"There would appear to be good news and bad news."

He looked straight into Cordelia's eyes as he spoke. "There are two non-human presences sharing your body. The first appears benign and is completely integrated into every aspect of your physical make-up. I believe that is the demon essence which allowed you to have the physical strength to cope with the visions. The second, I believe, is at least part of the being which planned to use your body to enter this realm. However, as yet, it seems to be inside of you rather than being an indivisible part of you. If we act soon, it may be possible for it to be expelled without you suffering excessive ill-effects. Bee?"

The blonde looked as if she didn't want to provide false optimism. "Theoretically, yes, but all or part of it, you're still talking about a higher power. You're going to need a coven to provide enough power and you're going to need a mage or a witch with the will to take on what to all intents and purposes is a god to focus that power. Wes wouldn't stand a chance, or Tara even. It's dangerous, too. I wouldn't want that lead mage to be someone I cared about. It's possible that you may have to trade a life to save her. It's just... I mean theoretically , it's do-able..."

Spike fumbled to find his cigarettes, and when he spoke it was with an air of solemnity. "You've never met Red, have you, pet?"