The Dance by wolf116
Chapter #2 - Sour Lemons
The Dance

Chp 2

Sour Lemons

Disclaimer: The song is Megadeth's The Disintegrators, I don't own it or anything to do with it.

All other info is in the first chapter


The slayer's arrived
On a black horse of steel
Trouble is coming
Hell on two wheels

Hide in the shadows
Awaiting defeat
Or live by the sword
And choose to be free

We say retribution
We say vengence is bliss
We say revolution
With a cast iron fist

Coming down the road
Watching every move
Kicking in the doors
Taking what we choose

Anarchy's coming to town
A fiery invader
Burning it down to the ground
The disintegrators

Anarchy's coming
Here it comes
Burning it down to the ground
The disintegrators


Let me tell you what a day, I've had.

First of all Snyder decided that punishment for me causing trouble would be that I would have to be the hostess with the mostest at the PTA meeting this Thursday. Which means making banners, and coming up with a menu, and all that stupid stuff.

So after school, Xan, Will's, and me went Bronzing. Fun to be had for all, right? Wrong!

Of course there was a vampire attacking someone out in the alley, behind the club. So I go running out to slay the undead, without a stake. Big mistake. I sent Xander back in to find one, and he came back with it.

After I staked mister neck sucker, I heard clapping from behind me. There was this guy in a long, black duster, and bleach blonde hair standing there. Kinda reminded me of Billy Idol.

Decided to chat him up, we have a conversation, and then as he's walking away, I heard him say something about Saturday.

"What happens on Saturday?"

"I kill you."

Okay, how many times have I had those three little words thrown my way? Ten? Fifteen? A freaking million!

Only thing is I think I can believe the Bleach haired hotty. And why is that all the hot guys end up being evil? Can't I find a nice, normal hotty for once? Even Angel's a vampire, I just don't get it.

Yes, I referred to the vampire as a hotty. I mean it was kinda hard not to see the obvious hotness of this vamp. I do have eyes! This vamp had hot, sex stamped all over him. God I'd even go as far as to say he was sex personified. And no one's to ever know that I said that. This is just between you and me.

Any way no more drooling over the evil hotness of the vampire.

I guess I have to go and tell Giles about him, tomorrow. I know how the conversation is gonna go, too. I'll tell him what happened, he say "Buffy you should've done this, Buffy, blah, blah, blah. Cause by that time I'd have tuned him out, and just end up doing what I want to anyway.

Then as always, as I'm getting ready to jet he'll stop me saying " There's something bad coming," or something about some stupid prophecy. Then I'll have to go and kill whatever it is. But mostly he'll say that I have to go stake the evil vampire.

Not that I don't like the whole fighty, killy part of the whole thing, it's just the whole long and boring explaination of why I have to fight it, then if at all possible kill it.

It's bad when you look over to Will's and she's sitting there all glassy eyed, because of the long winded explainations that Giles comes up with. It's not very often that it happens, but I have seen her staring off into space sometimes, with that will he ever shut up look in her eyes.

And Xander looks like that all the time, even when Giles isn't talking.


Buffy couldn't help but laugh at the first entry she'd decided to read in the beat up diary.

She could remember that first encounter with Spike, in the alley. It seemed like life times ago. Well it had been at least one for her, and one for Spike. But that didn't really matter.

She just couldn't believe she'd been as flaky, as she'd been. Yet still as bored as now, when Giles got on one of his long winded speeches. The man could go on, and on when something was of the "Utmost importance" as he liked to say.

"William the Bloody. Blah, blah, blah." She remembers her watcher saying. Well not all the blahs, but she definitely remembered the whole disturbing, detailed, description that he'd spouted out about Spike. What with all the staking of victims with railroad spikes, and all. But in all actuality, Spike past deeds hadn't made him what he'd eventually become.

What he'd become was a good man, with a good heart, even if said heart didn't beat. Even though that heart hadn't beat he'd loved her more than anything she could've ever imagined. And she felt the same for him.

She turns the page of the book in front of her, and smiles at the next entry, but flips past it, and a few more. She finally flips to an entry that she decides to read.


A/N: Hope you all enjoyed. Next chapter will be up when I find a song to go with it. Also all songs will be at the beginning of each chapter, just in case you don't want to read them. I will not be breaking them up at all. I think they speak for themselves, and how they fit into the chapter.