Life On Earth by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter #26 - Primal Scream

His nightmares had come true, in a streak of pale yellow. His whole body shook, screaming in silent horror. He could remember every predator that had lurked in the darkness of that Hell, waiting for him to let his guard down, waiting for him to leave her vulnerable.

He’d protected her from them all. Protected her from the sting of the poisons that would taint her, and turn her blood cold. He’d protected her for years, and he’d done it well.

Protecting her had given him a purpose when he could find none in the dark of that place. It kept him warm, when all he had was the numbing cold of death.

And now, the color that meant warmth and life to him, as well as death, the color yellow, exposed his failure for all to see. It ran out, into the night, away from the safety he knew and the comfort of a home he was just beginning to know again.

He had been her safe haven, but she had been his as well. And now, he was alone again, and he felt the cold returning.

She was out there, in the black. And, he had failed her.

There were so many things in this world that she didn’t know about. So many things that could harm her, things like him.

He had to find her.

For an instant, he looked up at Buffy. The fright and sadness in her eyes made the demon recede, “Buffy,” his voice shuddered as his mind seized.

He had to find her. He’d kept her safe from countless monsters, and now she was out there, in the dark- because of him.

“Go,” Buffy whispered, nearly overcome by the despairing look in his eye, and the violent emotions that were warring for her body’s attention as she watched him race out the door after her.

The area around the little building in which this miracle was waiting to occur was surrounded by train tracks. At times, the forlorn wail of the whistles could be heard. And Oscar was reminded of a different whistle, a different time, as his eyes followed the blur of movement in the dark, and he listened to the tiny, staccato heartbeat as it sang to him, cried out to him for help. Just as he was sure his daughter’s had, when she needed him.

She had needed him, and he had failed her, his little Rabbit. Well, not now, not this time. He wouldn’t fail her, or Spike, again.

December 21, 2027- New England-

Oscar’s eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness of the small cellar. The bitter tang of sweat and the bite of salt were thick in the air. The vaguely earthen scent sickened him almost as much as the sight of the boy chained to the wall.

* It can’t be true. It isn’t true. * Yet, every fiber of his being said that it was true. This wraith of a creature was a vampire- one of his kin.

He knew the boy was no threat. The boy was too ill to even stand. There was no need for him to be isolated from his family, and bound like an animal. And yet, he was.

* I’ve lived a long time, longer than I should have. But, I have never seen this. Too weak even to call out. But, if he had, would I have listened? Did I not listen? If not for the witch…

This can’t be the boy I knew! *

Oscar moved slowly, hoping it wasn’t true, through the fog of death and fear that seemed to envelop the boy now.

* How…how is it even possible? I thought I was alone- and now…*

As Oscar stepped closer to the bed on which the boy lie, he tried not to focus on the softly grinding sound of the metal of the chains that hit his ears, and mingled with the murmuring desperate voice that seemed aimless in its pleas for mercy, as they moved slowly, a constant and unrelenting reminder that the boy he knew was gone as he trashed, weakly, about in his delirium; his mind weakened beyond repair by the witch’s magic.

Oscar was so disgusted by it that, for a brief moment, he thought about tearing the shackles away from him, and cradling him like a child.

He seemed so lost that Oscar wondered if he would be able to pull him out of this horrible spiral.

He’d just found him. He couldn’t watch him leave.

He was close enough, now to see his eyes, and the glassy cloud that covered them, keeping him from recognizing anything, or anyone.

And, that was when he knew, this * was * the boy that he had known all those years ago.

Angelus had killed him, too.

“…Please…help her. I- I know…I won’t leave…” he whispered.

Oscar tried to move through the shock that the desperation in that familiar voice brought with it and he knelt, feeling the hard, cold floor of the cellar beneath him as he spoke softly to him, trying to offer some comfort in return for the comfort he had once been offered in a time of need, “Of course you won’t. She needs you,” he choked, as he stared into his eyes, hoping to find him, present and aware.

Sadly, it seemed that the boy was lost. And, his heart began to feel a loss. He knew he might not be able to help.

“Who…? What are you?” William’s voice trembled with fear, his fevered eyes locked with his, “Don’t hurt her. Please,” he begged his phantom tormentors, “Don’t hurt her! Please…don’t let me hurt her…”

No, he wouldn’t fail him again.

Hearing the distant whistle, the warning of an impending train, and knowing that, in her fright, she would not hear, or know the danger that awaited her as her heartbeat raced, reaching toward it blindly, he raced after her.

Hoping to catch her before all hope was shattered

Spike searched the darkness frantically, trying to pinpoint her rhythm. In the darkness that was the world of his banishment, it had been simple. There were no others like her. But now, there was Buffy; he could feel her grief pulling at him, the accusations screaming at him from her bloodstream, and her soul, and countless others.

And, there was something else. Something… vampire … Suddenly, he heard the distant screaming of something he knew, in his core, was a threat to her; a threat he could not stop. The train was coming, “No!” he begged as he raced after her.

Spike told me to run. He told me to run! But, my Daddy…Oh, Daddy! The monster got you…
Joni sobbed, her tears blinding her to the dangers that were a part of the night she was hurtling toward. Where did you go? Papa, where did you go? Papa, where…?

Joni ran as fast as she could, kicking up dirt as she went. She knew she had to get away. Spike knew about the bad things. The things that wanted to hurt her, and didn’t want her to be big, Spike had told her about the monsters. But, it was so different here. Nothing was safe, and so she ran.

Until, something reached out and hit her, very hard.

She felt herself start to fall, and the strange mix of metal and dirt was in her mouth, and her face hurt. She had hit something hard and cold.

She tried to get up, but it was too dark, and she was very sleepy. And, the screaming noise was too loud…so loud, that she couldn’t think…

Papa, please don’t leave me.

The tang of her blood washed over him, blinding him as the demon pushed forward, searching for her. He couldn’t think. He just let the animal take over.

The whistle of the train became too loud, too close. It was too close to her. And the vampire was out there, waiting for her.

He had to find her.

There were vast amounts of black- cold, unfeeling black. Spike was in Hell again, searching for his little bit of light, “Joni!” he screamed at the black, as he ran.

Then he saw her, his little bit of warmth and light- sprawled across the railroad ties- her face turned into the dirt- still as death.

That sight alone would have ended him. The smell of her blood, spilling out of her, made his stomach roll.

But what spurned him into action, what made the night glow red with fury, was the sight of the other- the vampire- moving in for the kill.

He was going to kill her.

And the train whistle…the light… it was too close…

From far away, Joni heard the wonderful sound, and she knew. She knew her Papa had come to save her.

He hadn’t left her.

He lifted her up, light as a feather, and carried her away from the noise and the light.

She was safe.

“Daddy…” she mumbled, “Why did the monster take my Daddy? Oh, Daddy…Daddy…”

She felt safe, and, even though her head hurt, opened her eyes. His face was fuzzy, different somehow, “Daddy?” Joni whispered before sleep called her again.

“No, Rabbit…” was all Oscar managed to get out, before he was forced to the ground.

Oscar hit the ground with such force that, had he been a human, his back and neck would have been broken, “Ugh!” he sputtered as he hit the ground.

Stunned, Oscar looked up into the blazing, powerful eyes of a vampire. A vampire that was once a boy who had comforted him.

Oscar nearly howled with joy. For what stood before him now, glaring down at him with fury, was not the broken kinsmen he remembered, but a whole and mighty killer, bent on protecting all that he held dear.

“You stay away from my girl!” Spike growled.