Forever Alive by Shadow
Chapter #35 - Chapter 35

Methos stalked across town, a frown on his face, muttering to himself. “She hasn’t changed. Not one bit. No ‘Please, can you go get my bike’. It’s ‘Go get my bike NOW’.” Running a hand through his hair in frustration, he cast his eyes skyward. “And I swear, if those 2 are down there having sex, while I’m running around this damned town fetching her bike, I’m gonna kill them BOTH!” He said the last words in a shout, not noticing that he had drawn the attention of a couple of elderly ladies.

“Sister, did you hear that? He’s threatening to kill someone!” one of them exclaimed in a shocked whisper.

“Really now Mary, does this surprise you? This IS Sunnydale after all.” The other said in an admonishing tone.

“I know Jackie, but really,” the one called Mary said with a sigh, “Does he have to be so vocal about it?”

Methos came to an abrupt halt, having heard what the ladies had said. He turned and gave the two his best, ‘I’m just so sweet and innocent’ smile. “I’m sorry if my outburst offended you ladies. I’m not usually so vulgar in the presence of such lovely women.”

“Oh, go on with you now,” Jackie said, lightly swatting his arm. “You will make me blush.”

Methos smiled and patted Jackie’s hand. “Allow me the pleasure of escorting you lovely ladies wherever you wish to go. After all, one can not be too careful these days.” Situating himself between the women, he gallantly offered each an arm.

“Jackie, I do declare this young man is flirting with us.” Mary said in a soft undertone. “I suggest we enjoy it while we can.”

Temporarily forgetting that he was on an errand for Buffy, Methos escorted the two women to the Espresso Pump for coffee.


“Buffy, perhaps you could explain who this ‘he’ is that took Angel?” Giles inquired with exasperated politeness.

Buffy glanced at Giles, her expression so calm, so serene; one would think she had no cares. That is until one happened to see the fire burning in her eyes. “HE is a so-called representative for the Powers That Be. What he really is, is a smelly, meddling son of a bitch who is gonna get his rib cage removed and used as a hat-rack.” She said in a tone so vicious that it made everyone flinch.

“Oh my,” Giles said, shivering a little at the tone of her voice. “Is he evil? Do we need to call the others?”

“Not unless you count B.O. as being evil,” Buffy muttered.

Dawn piped up, “So, you just gonna give him a shower, and make him give that freak back?”

“Gonna do more than that, kiddo.” Buffy said with a small grin. “Gonna make that bastard wish he’d never gotten involved. Then I’m gonna take the ‘freak’ back and make him wish he’d never been born.”

Joyce poked Giles with again. “Is this what you meant when you said she was having a temper tantrum?” She shook her head. “THIS is actually calm. You need to see her when she is really pissed off.

Giles swallowed audibly as Buffy raised one slender eyebrow at him. “Ah, what happens when she gets really angry?”

Before Joyce could answer him, Buffy spoke in a calm, cold voice. “People tend to die. Violently.” Turning away from Giles, she glanced at the clock. “What is keeping is Methos. It doesn’t take this long to get to the cemetery and back.”


Having spent an agreeable hour with Jackie and Mary, Methos was in a better mood. Smiling and laughing, he teased the elderly ladies, delighting in their blushes.

Touching Methos lightly on his arm, Mary leaned towards him and in a soft voice inquired, “What of the errand you were on when you met us, my dear?”

Methos’ brow furrowed in puzzlement, then his eyes widened in shock. “Oh hell, she’s gonna be so pissed…” He rose to his feet and smiled down at Mary and Jackie. “Ladies, it was a pleasure making your acquaintance. But I really must go…”

Jackie smiled in amused understanding. “Off with you then, young man. You mustn’t keep your young lady waiting.”

“She’s not my young anything…” Methos muttered. “She’s my mother. And she’s gonna skin me for taking so long.” Bowing a little to each of them, Methos made his exit.

“Sister, I do believe that young man has made my day. He’s so polite, and knows how to talk to a lady.” Mary said, with a wistful sigh. “I envy his mother, with such a gentleman for a son.”

“Indeed, Mary. He took time from his day to spend time with two old women he did not even know. We really must insist on meeting his mother the next time we run into him. And tell her what a fine young man he is.”

A/N: Sorry for the long time between updates. My RL has been kicking me in the arse. I hope to get the next chapter to you soon.