Connection by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter #17 - Strange Feelings
Strange Feelings


As after every threat to the world’s safety, there was a supernatural lull after their fight with Adam, which gave her some much needed time off. She needed time to order her thoughts and think about what was going to happen now. She had somehow maintained an awkward friendship with Riley in the last few weeks of term but now she was glad of the freedom away from him. A freedom that she somehow could not attain from the vampire who had claimed her.

She found her feet leading her to his crypt with increasing frequency- but what could she do? It was like something inside her was driving her onward, driving her to spend time with the vampire who, just weeks ago, she could not bear to be anywhere near unless they were exchanging punches or insults. He was a constant in her life now though and she would not give that up, however much the Scoobies protested. They just didn’t understand that things were different, that the claim gave her a whole new viewpoint of William the Bloody. She might even call him a friend now- not that she would admit it to the vampire himself though. He was someone she could always talk to- about the smallest, most insignificant thing- and she somehow knew that he would always be there.

She weaved a path through the cemetery, humming lowly to herself as she approached Spike’s crypt. She wanted his advice on next year’s options for her course. She pushed open the door - and started in surprise, mouth gaping.

“Oh God, sorry!” she gasped, quickly turning away from the sight of Harmony perched on Spike’s lap, her mouth on his neck and one hand heading south as his hands ran over her. Something in her lurched and she held her hand to her stomach. She was probably just hungry. She heard Harmony make a sound of discontent but then there was movement and shuffling and then she heard Spike’s voice.

“It’s safe, love.”

She turned around hesitantly, blushing helplessly and avoiding both vampires’ gazes as they rearranged their clothing.


Her head jerked up at Spike’s voice and she realised he was waiting for her to say something. Her eyes met his and she struggled to find the words.

“It- it doesn’t matter. I’m sorry. I’ll see you later.”

She was already turning towards the door when Spike caught her by the arm, stopping her.

“Come on now, love. You sit down and talk to me.”

He was already guiding her to sit on the sarcophagus and there was little she could do to protest.

“Harm, how ‘bout you wait downstairs?”

The blonde smiled and moved forward to press a kiss to his cheek.

“Sure thing, Blondie Bear.”

Harmony sashayed away to the trapdoor and disappeared into the lower level, leaving them alone. Buffy could admit to a small amount of annoyance that he hadn’t just got rid of the vampiress.

“What’s up then, love?” Spike asked, slipping into his armchair once more and pulling out a cigarette.

“It’s nothing, really. I didn’t mean to bother you. Just...popping by, you know,” she got out lamely.

He narrowed his eyes and she turned her head away, hating the way his eyes bore into her. It was bad enough that he had access to her head- she didn’t want him having any more opportunity to delve into her thoughts and feelings.

“You seem edgy. Something wrong?”

“I’m fine, Spike,” she protested, somewhat more sharply than intended.

With a sigh, she pushed herself to her feet.

“Look, just forget it. Go have fun with Harmony.”

He was in front of her before she could blink, his hand tight around her arm, his eyes searching hers.


“My name’s Buffy,” she bit out and he blinked in surprise, his hand loosening on her arm. And now she felt like an even bigger fool. What the hell was wrong with her today?

“Look, just...I need to go.”


She shook her head, cutting him off, and moved towards the door before he could stop her.

“I’ll see you some other time.”

She shut the door behind her and quickly strode through the cemetery with a sinking feeling in her stomach. She could feel Spike reaching out to her through the connection but she blocked him, heading for home. So much for a relaxing summer.

She got back to her house and perched at the kitchen worktop, staring into space.

“You’re home early, Buffy.”

She jumped at her mother’s voice and then turned to her with a nod.

“I thought you were going to see Spike.”

She had told her mother the bare necessities of her new somewhat-altered relationship with Spike- and to her surprise, her mother had been quite understanding. She was even pleased that her daughter was spending time with ‘that nice, young man’.

“He’s busy,” Buffy answered sharply, not even wanting to think of what he was busy with. She’d have thought he’d have better taste really; Harmony wasn’t exactly a Mensa candidate.

“Obviously not that busy,” her mother commented and she looked up in surprise- and followed her mother’s gaze to the kitchen door. The vampire was just climbing up the porch steps and with a small smile, knocked and opened the door.

“Evening, ladies.”

“Hello, Spike. It’s so nice to see you again. Do you want some hot chocolate?”

“No thanks, Joyce,” he answered with a smile, “Just came to have a chat with your daughter.”

He smiled at her but she lowered her head, staring at the worktop.

“Well, I’ll leave you two alone.”

Her mother left the kitchen, leaving them in silence- and she sure as hell wasn’t going to be the first to break. She’d already made a fool of herself. She sensed him move and he slid onto the stool to her right, his hands resting on the worktop.


She slowly raised her head, meeting him with an expression of indifference.

“Yes? What are you doing here? Not busy with Harmony?”

It was only then that she noticed his slightly ruffled hair and she frowned, turning her gaze to the side. To her surprise, he laughed and her eyes flew to him.

“You jealous, love?” he asked, his voice rich with laughter as he placed his hand over hers.

“As if!” she got out, pulling her hand away and crossing her arms.

He just laughed again, leaning towards her ever so slightly.

“I know you, Slayer,” he murmured, his finger just tapping her temple.

“Spike, does this visit have a purpose?”

“Well, all I’m getting from your end is anger and I thought I’d come and find out what was wrong.”

“Oh, sorry, am I interrupting your bedroom time?”

“For someone who claims not to be jealous, you’re very stuck on my bedroom activities.”

“Spike, you’re a pig. Will you just go?” she asked in exasperation.

“Fine,” he acquiesced, rising to his feet beside her, “But this conversation isn’t over, Slayer.”

She turned away from him but felt his hand brush over her hair and then she was astounded as she felt him press a kiss to her head.

“Night, Slayer.”

He slipped out of the house into the darkness and she exhaled, her fingers going to the spot he had kissed.

“It’s Buffy,” she mumbled.