Something Wicked Cool This Way Comes by The Rhapsodian
Chapter: Chapter Two - Old Friends

11/25/2010 04:07 am
Oh man, Buffy is practically in love here.  Is Gayle putting a spell on the kiddies?  Great story

10/25/2010 02:53 am
I seem to be having trouble with the website - the review window is weird looking and doesn't work quite right...

It seems really odd to me that gayle is so perfect for everyone - she likes Trek, which intrigues Xander, her fashion sense and thrifty ways have Buffy hooked, she is a William the Bloody groupie, (and gorgeous, a plus for both guys) she likes the old music that Spike does, she's into technology for Willow.  She's just too perfect.
And if it looks too good to be true...
VINTAGE! she likes VINTAGE music!

10/22/2010 07:13 am
Oops, That was me. Apologies for the anonymous review :)

10/22/2010 07:11 am
Wonderful update! I am in absolute love with the idea of Willow and Tara performing a handfasting. Gayle is an interesting original character (interesting in a good way)  Can't wait to read more. :)