Something Wicked Cool This Way Comes by The Rhapsodian
Chapter: Chapter Seventeen - All Along The Watchtower

06/28/2012 08:26 am
I just  read this today for what seems like the first time.  OMG, it's so great.  I truly am perplexed and have no idea who "Gayle" and Sam really are.  More soon please.

06/26/2012 10:59 pm

the plot does indeed thicken - now does this mean that Gayle is indeed on the other side? How will Spike and Buffy bring about the end of the slayer line? Is Angel still hanging above the sea? Loving this story and really adore that you leave me with more questions to be answered. BTW really wanted to go to the con in Sept but my nephew gets married that weekend and dang it but he just won't change the date!!!!

06/24/2012 03:32 pm
Why is Gayle happy about that. Who is going to stop the apocolypse every year if there isn't a slayer? Who is going to save all the innocents from vampires and evil demons without a slayer?