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Spike and Buffy deal with the after effects of Willow's spell.
Genre: , , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Warning: , ,
Chapters: 6 - Words: 108,870 - Started: 09/23/2005 - Updated: 09/23/2005 07:33 am

7 years after the end of Angel, The First Evil has joined forces with Wolfram and Hart to take over our realm. The Scoobies and what's left of the AI team need any and all help they can get to defeat this new threat, especially since Buffy has been missing for the past three years. This story will be Spuffy eventually, but there is another woman in Spike's life up until then.
Genre: , , - Rating: - Complete: No
Warning: , , , , , ,
Chapters: 9 - Words: 108,326 - Started: 01/13/2006 - Updated: 07/02/2006 07:12 pm

*AUTHOR'S NOTE! STORY IS COMPLETE! GO BACK AND READ THE CHAPTERS YOU MISSED!!!* When you're evil, you're evil, right? Not necessarily. Not in William The Bloody's case, anyway. He's still as big of a Big Bad as they come -- but keep in mind that it's always been his passion that has gotten him as far as he is now. And maybe, just maybe, if that passion were tweaked a little bit... directed toward a certain person... We could see what Spike was really capable of.
Genre: , , , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Warning: , , ,
Chapters: 16 - Words: 107,657 - Started: 03/11/2008 - Updated: 03/18/2008 10:06 pm

What if Buffy had been infected with the demon mist at the end of the episode 'Get It Done'? The story uses the possession as a catalyst, making Buffy evaluate many aspects of her life, one of which being her relationship with Spike.
Genre: , , - Rating: - Complete: No
Warning: , ,
Chapters: 22 - Words: 107,223 - Started: 09/22/2005 - Updated: 05/26/2010 07:11 pm

Buffy and Spike find the meaning of love amidst the terror of a monster neither knows how to fight. Canon through BtVS Season Five and elements of the first two or so episodes of Season Six are used, but not completely. Then it's AU to the extreme. For example, Dawn is 16 when my story begins. Pairings: Spike/Buffy; Dawn/Other; Spike & Dawn. And who knows what else might happen. Thanks to my betas on this story: caoilainn (first 20 chapters) and spikendru and spikesbint and whenbuffysmiles.
Genre: , - Rating: - Complete: No
Warning: , , , ,
Chapters: 37 - Words: 105,869 - Started: 10/06/2005 - Updated: 11/03/2008 12:15 am

Set post-NFA by several years, Buffy has mourned Spike and moved on. She gets a request from Dawn for some assistance, and decides to pay a visit. She finds more than she expected - and less than she might have wanted. Is the ghost Spike? What will happen to him if he remembers who he is? Will Buffy be the cause of his finally moving off this plane and onto another? Posted August, 2008
Genre: , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 30 - Words: 104,158 - Started: 08/05/2008 - Updated: 10/27/2008 11:10 pm

For the Anniversary Art Challenge at EF. Banner by Angelis Amy
Banner story criteria:
 Buffy and Spike obviously, the Scoobies, Drusilla.
Rating: PG-13 and above
Season/Episode: Season 2 - Becoming Part II
Must have:
1. Spike removing Drusilla from the Mansion, but then deciding to go back and help Buffy in her fight against Angelus.
2. Willow's spell to re-ensoul Angel fails. It's Angelus that gets sucked into the hell dimension.
3. Buffy and Spike forming an uneasy friendship (since he helped her save the world and all) and then a relationship developing from there.
Can have:
1. Xander being a jerk to Spike, but coming around eventually. 
2. Willow suggesting to Buffy that she tries the soul spell on him, and Buffy rejecting the idea.
Can’t have:
1.     Angel bashing. 
2. Spike/Drusilla reconciliation.
3. Buffy leaving Sunnyvale for L.A. Either Spike, or one of the Scoobies should bust her trying to escape.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 32 - Words: 102,119 - Started: 10/23/2016 - Updated: 08/05/2017 12:39 am

Post-series, post Angel. Some references to events in canon. Probably rated higher than needed, for violence and nudity (but as yet no strong sexual situations).  Also Spike can be a potty-mouth when he wants to be.

After angering a demon who wants something from him that he can't give, Spike is left helpless and pretty nearly hopeless too. How can he expect rescue when everyone he knows has either died or thinks he's still dead himself?

Currently I only have Chapter 1 posted here; other chapters are located at www DOT fanfiction DOT net SLASH ~peaceheather if you're feeling impatient. :)
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 35 - Words: 100,820 - Started: 12/21/2011 - Updated: 02/21/2012 05:39 pm

Buffy says she could never trust Spike...but how far is he willing to trust *her*?
Genre: , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Warning: ,
Chapters: 32 - Words: 100,145 - Started: 06/07/2006 - Updated: 08/10/2006 03:21 pm

One year after Chosen the Scoobies are rebuilding their lives and the Watcher's Council in upstate California. What happens when Spike comes back?
Genre: , , , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Warning: ,
Chapters: 22 - Words: 99,284 - Started: 09/26/2005 - Updated: 09/26/2005 02:13 am

What would happen if the Initiative wasn't shut down? Set post season six with some plot changes listed at top of the first chapter. WINNER OF JUDGES CHOICE AWARD AT THE FORBIDDEN AWARDS - the judge said it was one of the best Initiative fics that she'd read! CURRENTLY NOMINATED AT SUNNYDALE MEMORIAL FANFICTION AWARDS ROUND 16
Genre: , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 44 - Words: 97,381 - Started: 05/26/2008 - Updated: 10/05/2008 09:38 pm

Over the last few weeks Buffy's life has been turned upside down. Riley left her. Her Mom died. The hell-god Glory's attacks have in no way ceased. And now someone from the past has crept to town, someone with a grudge against the slayer and her pals. Someone wants Buffy dead. Set in Season 5 of the Buffy timeline, post 'Intervention'.
Genre: , , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Warning: , ,
Chapters: 37 - Words: 97,336 - Started: 09/22/2005 - Updated: 10/13/2005 04:46 pm

Starting with the episode "School Hard" and taking us through an alternate Season 3, this story is a response to Challenge #64 at The Bloodshedverse ( Angel can't close Acathla this time. Only a pregnant Slayer's blood is able to tame the beast and seal Acathla forever, but who will the father be? Will she find love, or is she just doing her duty as the Chosen One to protect the earth from darkness? Full challenge requirements will be listed at the end of the story to keep from giving away several key plot points.
Genre: , , , , - Rating: - Complete: No
Warning: ,
Chapters: 21 - Words: 96,235 - Started: 09/26/2005 - Updated: 09/08/2015 07:37 am

Buffy and Spike face the consequences of a 'wild' night together: a bundle of (possibly evil) joy! Much more than a "baby fic", this story is now COMPLETE and chock full o' freaky sex, fluffy bunnies, horny gods, catty brawls, cranky slayers, and the end of the 'verse as you know it... (This began in 2001 as the one-shot "A Bunny In The Oven". Winner of several awards including "Outstanding NC-17 Series" @ FMYA and "Best WIP" @ VKA.) Now with a brand-new sequel, At It Like Rabbits!
Genre: , , , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Warning: ,
Chapters: 25 - Words: 95,165 - Started: 10/02/2007 - Updated: 10/31/2007 09:52 pm

When Drusilla gets out of control, Spike is forced to ask the scoobies for help. Buffy agrees to help stop the vampiress but there are unexpected consequences
Genre: , , - Rating: - Complete: No
Warning: ,
Chapters: 6 - Words: 94,786 - Started: 10/01/2005 - Updated: 10/01/2005 05:04 am