A continuation of my story, "Nightmare." Can Buffy and Spike, who've now been mated for fifty years, save their daughters from Angelus' clutches? ~Author's note: Italics refers to internal monologue or to when Buffy and Spike speak to each other telepathically.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 2,003 - Updated: 09/17/2007 10:56 am


As Buffy and Spike's family prepares for battle, Drusilla and Colette have tea with Miss Edith, and Angelus pays another visit to Althea.

**Author's note: Italics = internal monologue or telepathic speech between Buffy and Spike.

More to come folks, thanks for reviewing!! :)
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 1,306 - Updated: 09/18/2007 02:11 am


Althea wakes up to a whole new world (and NOT the good Disney kind), and Spike, Buffy and their brood are on their way to rescue Colette from Angelus and Drusilla...what'll happen next?? Ooooh! Suspense! Intrigue! Italics!!

***Author's Note: Italics=internal monologue or telepathic conversations between Spike and Buffy.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 1,233 - Updated: 09/21/2007 11:58 pm


The big meeting! What the hell is Drusilla talking about anyway? ;)

***Author's Note: Stuff in italics is telepathic speech between Buffy and Spike, or internal monologue.

Anya (Joss' Anya) is going to be referred to by her demon name, Anyanka, to separate her from Buffy and Spike's daughter Anya, who they named after her.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 2,270 - Updated: 09/22/2007 10:46 am


What does Anyanka have to say now??

**Author's Note: Italics=internal monologue or telepathic speech between Buffy and Spike.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 1,486 - Updated: 09/23/2007 01:48 am