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This is a rewrite of S4 continuing the metaphors from previous seasons. There is no Adam in this story. Buffy and the Scoobies enter the world of college and work and discover the world is not black and white as they have been taught. They are confronted with realms of gray area and must learn to change and grow.
Genre: , , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 16 - Words: 58,817 - Started: 10/02/2007 - Updated: 10/02/2007 06:14 pm

Immediately after Willow cast her “My Will Be Done” spell, Spike and Buffy deal with the aftermath of sleeping with each other during the spell. The Slayer is determined to have a normal life, with a normal boyfriend. Spike leaves town, but she finds out he left her with something more. BSV Challenge # 93Nominated at Fang Fetish Awards
Genre: , , , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Warning: , , ,
Chapters: 30 - Words: 61,257 - Started: 09/30/2005 - Updated: 10/05/2006 06:33 am

Sick and tired of getting beaten on by Buffy (despite recently discovering he loves her) and the scoobies after getting smacked around again after trying to help them, Spike gets a spell done on himself so that any human that attempts to attack him will suffer the same pain he feels when the chip goes off. Bloodshedverse Challenge #479 response.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 23 - Words: 61,757 - Started: 11/17/2012 - Updated: 09/06/2013 12:01 am

Sequel to Unreal Together. Spike helps Buffy get the hang of things. She has to contend with old enemies, old boyfriends, and new allies. Why is Giles avoiding Buffy, and what does he know? When ancient secrets come out in the open and their lives are in danger, they go to London, hoping to take care of things once and for all.
Genre: , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 19 - Words: 62,222 - Started: 02/11/2008 - Updated: 04/09/2008 05:44 pm

Willow does a spell that brings an older (Post Chosen) Buffy back into the body of recently back from the dead Buffy. Set directly after Once More With Feeling.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Warning: ,
Chapters: 30 - Words: 67,506 - Started: 09/21/2005 - Updated: 09/22/2005 12:43 am

Set during Season 4, no Riley and Spike doesn't have a chip. Buffy is still reeling from the events of the past year, where she was scarred both physically and mentally. Now, to make matters worse Spike's back in town.
Genre: , , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Warning: , , ,
Chapters: 32 - Words: 71,765 - Started: 09/24/2005 - Updated: 04/08/2006 11:16 pm

Passions are running high when Spike takes Buffy on a picnic for her birthday. But there is a shock in store for the Slayer. She goes out with Spike and comes home with ‘William’. And the charm to get Spike back is not going to be easy to fulfil without her giving away her real feelings about her relationship with the vampire.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 33 - Words: 72,907 - Started: 12/18/2005 - Updated: 08/20/2007 09:38 pm

Life, freedom, feelings. There was no place for them here. This was hell, and she its most valued possession. Buffy's life takes an unexpected turn after being kidnapped, and as the line between sanity and madness starts to blur, the opportunity of freedom will present itself. Will she find enough will to live to take it, or will she take the easy way out and give in to the pain consuming her soul? And what does one ruthless vampire thirsty for her life have to to do with all this?
Genre: , , , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Warning: , , , ,
Chapters: 27 - Words: 82,207 - Started: 06/30/2009 - Updated: 12/04/2009 12:29 am

Grief pushes Buffy to do something really stupid. Now she has to deal with the consequences. Things get more complicated when she discovers that Spike is no longer dead.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 24 - Words: 83,602 - Started: 12/27/2009 - Updated: 06/01/2010 01:20 pm

For the Anniversary Art Challenge at EF. Banner by Angelis Amy
Banner story criteria:
 Buffy and Spike obviously, the Scoobies, Drusilla.
Rating: PG-13 and above
Season/Episode: Season 2 - Becoming Part II
Must have:
1. Spike removing Drusilla from the Mansion, but then deciding to go back and help Buffy in her fight against Angelus.
2. Willow's spell to re-ensoul Angel fails. It's Angelus that gets sucked into the hell dimension.
3. Buffy and Spike forming an uneasy friendship (since he helped her save the world and all) and then a relationship developing from there.
Can have:
1. Xander being a jerk to Spike, but coming around eventually. 
2. Willow suggesting to Buffy that she tries the soul spell on him, and Buffy rejecting the idea.
Can’t have:
1.     Angel bashing. 
2. Spike/Drusilla reconciliation.
3. Buffy leaving Sunnyvale for L.A. Either Spike, or one of the Scoobies should bust her trying to escape.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 32 - Words: 102,119 - Started: 10/23/2016 - Updated: 08/05/2017 12:39 am

Far away from home, in a boarding school on the Isles of Scilly, Buffy is trying to find her place in the world. Finding a kindred spirit in a boy named William Pratt, she has no idea of the obstacles they’ll have to face. The school is full of dark secrets that could put the students' lives in danger and when a mysterious woman steals William’s soul, everything falls apart. Can true love really surpass all? The story starts out as All Human, but it’s not. *Nominated at the Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards Round 21 for the Best AU.* Thank you! :)
Genre: , , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Warning: , ,
Chapters: 49 - Words: 123,111 - Started: 03/17/2010 - Updated: 11/06/2010 06:41 pm

Goes AU immediately after Spike leaves the bathroom in Seeing Red. After nearly committing an unspeakable crime against the woman he loves, Spike faces the ordeal of his unlife when Robot-Boy Warren discovers what his chip does and how to control it. Will Buffy be able to help him? Will she even *want* to? A/N: This story was inspired by two great fics which used the same idea, “Chain” by irfikos, and “Leashing the Beast” by Nos. This idea has been done many times, I know, but I’ve had my own ideas about it for some time and thought I’d give it a try. WARNING: Very very dark pretty much throughout the story. Involves torture, non-con m/m slash (not graphic, mostly implied), very disturbing. Spike is very badly victimized in this story. Will be Spike/Buffy pairing eventually, but will take a little while to get there.
Genre: , , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Warning: , , , , , ,
Chapters: 60 - Words: 177,345 - Started: 11/07/2005 - Updated: 01/05/2006 09:46 am

Alternate reality. Buffy starts as a normal college girl. But her life is slowly turned upside down beginning with the day she’s unexpectedly in danger. Hired by chance to protect her is Spike, a vampire with a reputation for doing business with anyone for enough money. She’s less than thrilled, but finds herself drawn to him even as she realizes he’s more than he seems. But humans aren’t the only ones after her, and when she’s called as the Slayer, her whole world changes. Things with Spike, who she’s discovered some realities about, are no longer as simple as they seemed. But being sent to the Hellmouth and realizing the high death rate of her calling, Buffy hires Spike as backup with the only thing she has left—Slayer blood. Winner of 20 awards!
Genre: , , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Warning: ,
Chapters: 92 - Words: 205,406 - Started: 10/21/2007 - Updated: 09/13/2009 11:23 pm

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