Completed Stories By Title (A -> Z)

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Takes place ten years after the end of BtVS
Genre: , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,003 - Started: 10/11/2005 - Updated: 10/11/2005 03:29 am

Set in the world of Things That Go Bump (several years after Chosen and NFA. not comic-compliant), a series of short ficlets written for the Schmoop Bingo community. Beware the schmoop! AN -Each ficlet was written for a specific prompt at Schmoop Bingo. Included are Wedding, Kid-fic bedtime, Animal rescue, Pregnancy-first ultrasound, Spring holiday and Cuddling while sick. Posted in chronological order, they can be inserted in the Bumpverse both before and after A Bumpy Christmas.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 8,491 - Started: 10/27/2010 - Updated: 10/27/2010 01:22 pm

Response to Caroline’s Challenge #21 on Sinister Attraction. It’s fluff. Someone decides it would be a good idea to turn Anya in to a Bunny, to get her over her fear. Set after Older and Far away.
Genre: , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Warning: ,
Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,910 - Started: 04/01/2007 - Updated: 04/01/2007 12:54 am

A small glimpse of Spike's thoughts before he went to see Buffy in "Seeing Red."
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 393 - Started: 04/13/2008 - Updated: 04/13/2008 12:26 am

    “What’s happened?” Angel asked over the phone.
    “I just needed to talk to you,” Buffy said.
    Another pause. “About what?”
    Buffy almost blurted it out. Spike’s gotten his soul back! He’s gotten his soul, and it’s driven him mad. What the hell do I do?!
Genre: , , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,070 - Started: 08/30/2016 - Updated: 08/30/2016 02:59 am

This is a one-shot, a sort of "Cold flames" in reverse as it's more from Spike's POV.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,893 - Started: 10/29/2008 - Updated: 10/29/2008 12:13 am

What if Spike had been telling the truth when he made his sarcastic remark to Buffy during Season 5 The Replacement? This is the story of Agnes Pringle, tea-shop owner, English spinster, reluctant vampire and the effect she had on events in Sunnydale.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 55 - Words: 114,793 - Started: 09/26/2007 - Updated: 12/19/2012 11:25 am

Somebody ratted Spike out and now he and Angel are on Buffy's shit list...
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,353 - Started: 02/20/2010 - Updated: 02/20/2010 02:29 am

A depressed and distraught Buffy gets herself into more trouble than she can handle, which works out just fine for Angelus. The challenge is whether Angelus can successfully manipulate people and events in order to get what he wants. But just what is Angelus striving for, and where do Buffy, Spike and Drusilla fit in? Picks up mid-season two sometime after “I Only Have Eyes for You.” Answer to a Bloodverse challenge, which wanted Buffy/Spike/Angelus. After a long torturous route, will eventually turn Spuffy. Thanks to OracleHolly for the Beta. **WINNER OF JUDGE'S CHOICE AWARD ROUND THREE AT FANG FETISH AWARDS* * Nominated Round Four* (Thanks)
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Warning: , , , , , , , , ,
Chapters: 28 - Words: 63,450 - Started: 03/23/2006 - Updated: 08/16/2006 02:33 am

Warning: This is a crossover fic with Justice League Unlimited. Set in AtS s. 5. Spoilers for "Destiny."
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 4 - Words: 16,039 - Started: 05/14/2006 - Updated: 07/15/2007 04:17 pm

During Dead Things, Spike muses on his experiences with bondage and through the years and its effects on who he has become. Spike/Dru, Spike/Buffy. Rated NC-17 for heavy BDSM and bloodplay. Small spoilers for Fool for Love and Dead Things.

*By Way of Pain artwork made by Jennifer.
As always, huge thanks to Alwaysjbj for her excellent beta work and unbelievable support.
Genre: , , , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Warning: , , ,
Chapters: 1 - Words: 21,309 - Started: 09/26/2005 - Updated: 09/26/2005 01:23 am

A short little Spuffy interlude, set sometime in Season 6.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,320 - Started: 05/20/2009 - Updated: 05/20/2009 11:12 pm

Buffy Anne Summers, Vampire Slayer, has died to save the world and finds herself at Heaven’s gate. Saint Peter presents her with God’s judgment of her life’s deeds. Beta'd by PaganBaby and Sotia. Banner by Xaphania.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,136 - Started: 10/06/2009 - Updated: 10/06/2009 02:52 am

A little look at Spike's life after Not fade away and what destiny awaits him. Written for the LJ com indigo_crpyt for their "fics for banner" idea and inspired by the banner Winged Spike. Will get NC-17 in the end, be patient ;)
Genre: , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 4 - Words: 9,051 - Started: 01/22/2007 - Updated: 01/28/2007 08:37 am

Disclaimer: No Whedons or Mutant Enemies were left out of the credits of this fic. All recognisable characters/settings are the intellectual property of their respective owners and as such are only borrowed by me to play with.

Tortured one-shot that grew out of a cathartic stream-of-conscious excercise I'm trying to kickstart my muse with for Bleed Black. Buffy/Spike POVs throughout. Bonus points if you can guess who is who within the fic, as no names or accents are used. Slight elements of AU right at the start.
Genre: , , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 695 - Started: 11/08/2015 - Updated: 11/08/2015 04:12 pm