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Reviewers' Awards

Jun 11 2008 09:31 pm   #1lostboy

I was just re-reading some older reviews for a story I am writing, and I just had to speak out about something.

Reviewers don't get nearly enough credit in the fan fiction community.  Besides nominations and awards, reviews are the only form of "payment" that FF writers ever really see for their efforts.  And in a strange way, they feel even better than getting an award.   There's something really unique and special about hearing from someone who read your work and felt compelled to write something about it.  Its really a very gracious act, when you think about it.   I've read reviews from people that have almost moved me to tears (manly man, though I am) with their eloquence and enthusiasm... or sometimes just because they are funny as hell! 

And I think most writers would agree that to hear feedback and know that there are some people out there in Cyberspace, reading and enjoying your words, is a HUGE motivational force for completing a project.  At best, a good review can like a mighty sledgehammer, swinging at the often concrete-hard clog of Writer's Block.  Without a publisher hounding you or an angry editor to keep you on deadline, its sometimes difficult to force yourself to write, even when you're passionate about it.   Reviewers rock, and deserve some credit for what they do.

I was a little saddened to see the "Reviewer of the Week" home page slot empty for so long.  That was one of the things that drew me to BSV in the first place.  I thought it was nice to recognize the often thankless job of "thanking."

I don't know what form it should take, but I think there ought to be a LJ community or archive of some sort that compiles the favorite reviews of writers.  One thing that might be cool would be if it was made "story/author" anonymous, so that it didn't wind up functioning as a way to advertise various stories.  Just all about the reviewers and their lovely words of encouragement.

If anyone is interested and savvy enough to spearhead this, let me know and I'll help in any way I can.


Jun 12 2008 01:03 am   #2spikeskat
I've read reviews from people that have almost moved me to tears (manly man, though I am) with their eloquence and enthusiasm.


I've actually got one saved in one of my email folders; it was forwarded to me by an award site, completely anonymous or I would have replied with a heartfelt "THANK YOU!" And you're right, sometimes getting that "one review" can open what were otherwise closed doors and allow the words to just flow.

It's one of the reasons Debs and I have the "Cheerleader Award" over at our award site. It's a way for authors to anonymously thank their reviewers and give them a little recognition they deserve.

One thing that might be cool would be if it was made "story/author" anonymous, so that it didn't wind up functioning as a way to advertise various stories.

You could probably start a thread for now, then authors can "log out" and reply as a guest with non-identifying reviews they've received. Just an idea...
Website // Livejournal
Jun 12 2008 01:06 am   #3lostboy
Thats a really good idea spikeskat!
Jun 12 2008 03:11 am   #4Immortal Beloved
thankless job of "thanking."

Ooo!  Good idea, lb.  Being a non-writer, I find that, besides reading, reviewing is one of the only ways that I can participate.  Sometimes, it's just a "thank you for sharing," but other times, I have to admit that I've probably spent almost as much time composing my review as the author spent writing the chapter :-P  Consequently, I don't get to review as much as I'd like, as I'd have to quit my day job if I reviewed everything I read.  But, it's nice to know that the writers appreciate what I do have time to write :-)
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Jun 13 2008 02:50 am   #5slaymesoftly
Good idea, LB - take it and run with it. LOL

I always remember the reviewers who took the time to tell me specifically what they liked - especially if the thought I'd done a good job at whatever it was I was trying to do in that fic.  But I appreciate, and try to respond to, all reviews.  They just make you feel good. :)  (Unless, of course, they're left by some cranky old bitch who points out the typos.....*looks around to see if there's anyone like that in the room*)
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I am upper management.
Jun 14 2008 10:11 am   #6nmcil
it is not only the writers that have such "good feelings" come back to them - being an artist and having very little feed back on my work, I know how wonderful it feels to have someone send you their thoughts and even a simple - nice image.  Just this week I received a very nice reply to a review at The Crypt - ends up the writer was so very pleased to see that her story was still connecting with readers and the Buffyverse FF community after all this time - She wrote that "it made her day" and it made mine as well.   It's nice to know that someone appreciates your efforts - either as a writer or as one of the artists of this wonderful fandom - 

Thanks  that you bring up this subject lostboy -
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Michael Tomasello is co-director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.