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Alternative Universe Spike

May 09 2010 06:10 pm   #1Sandy J. 
I can't remember where I read this Post-Chosen story or even its title .
Buffy is mourning Spike's death in the Hellmouth, so Willow does a spell that brings a Spike from another universe in their dimension.  This Spike is from a dimension where he would have lost his figth with the Chinese Slayer, and Willow takes him the instant before he dies.
I don't remeber anything else, can anybody help me find this story?

May 09 2010 08:09 pm   #2nmcil
I have never heard of this one - hope someone has infor - it sounds interesting
” Recent evolutionary models have demonstrated what politicians have long known: the best way to get people to collaborate and to think like a group is to identify an enemy and charge that “they” threaten “us.”

Michael Tomasello is co-director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
May 10 2010 03:33 am   #3Judi 
I think is On the Dial by just-sue :)
May 11 2010 06:15 am   #4BandS

Beyond Truth and Lies by Megan?