Every Time You Say Good-bye by slaymesoftly
Chapter: One

03/15/2011 07:30 pm
just found this story - looks great so far!!  love your depictions of Dawn, Buffy, and, of course, Spike!  That spat was just lovely!
Thank you. I hope you enjoy the rest of it.

02/11/2011 10:12 pm
TextI started reading this on your LJ but couldn't leave areview..I'm glad you started posting here. It's nice to have some Spuffy fics until S9 starts, cause of course we'll all be Jossed.

Loved the Spike and Dawn scene...and that Dawn knew about the note. Also your Spike/Buffy are great too. So tentative and awkward, but still wtih the attraction. I did like the comparison between the space frakk and "Entropy" even tho I'm more on Spike's side on that argument. And I just realized that Spike probably did see and hear the Space Frakk of Doom. after all he was flying around out there. :(

This is really good.Can't wait to see where you take it.
 I'm glad you're enjoying it.  Yes, come next year, it will all be wildly AU, but until then... Thanks for the kind words. :)

02/10/2011 09:23 pm
This, right here..? is exactly what the comics needed: YOU AS THE AUTHOR!! The only hope for that waste of ink we call the comics, is if Joss & Co. give you, The Master of Spuffy, all rights to the material.

(Now to get those idiots to sign the rights over...)

LOL. I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen...

02/10/2011 04:10 pm
Interesting start.

02/10/2011 02:37 pm
I only have vague knowledge of the later comics from discussions on here and elsewhere, but enough to understand what's going on. Typical Buffy, trying to keep her new closeness with Spike a secret - and typical Dawn to have nosed it out. Love the friendly start to the Spuffy encounter as Buffy admits to having done to the new slayers what she always resented having been done to her- and then as the inevitable resentments begin to surface they revert to the customary squabbling - and I love their realisation that this is normal and familiar for them.

Can't wait to find out where you take them...
Hope you like the rest of it. :) It does help to know the comics, but hopefully it's not necessary. :)

02/10/2011 08:01 am

I like that Buffy realizes that she took away thie other Slayers choices and that they have every right to be angry.

And I'm on Spike's side in the seen sex with another. For one thing Anya and Spike didn't know there was a camera. And Spike had no reason to think Buffy would care then or that she would care that he was alive . Especially given that he died wearing the amulet Angel should've been wearing.

Well, there's a pretty big difference between loud, public sex that tears the fabric of the universe, and sharing misery with another person when you think no one will know. But, bottom line is they both were hurt by seeing the other banging somebody else, so it was a good excuse to get mad and yell. :)

02/10/2011 04:31 am

Say it!  Epic Space Slut!  Good Spuffy fight.

Thanks. :)