BSV Forum - General - Artwork

Forward TO Time Past - Banner

Jun 07 2008 02:40 pm   #1nmcil

Like this story so very much - thought I would try a banner for it - hope you like - you are welcome to use it or not - I the larger image at  my Flickr site -

link for the banner:

” Recent evolutionary models have demonstrated what politicians have long known: the best way to get people to collaborate and to think like a group is to identify an enemy and charge that “they” threaten “us.”

Michael Tomasello is co-director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
Jun 11 2008 11:40 pm   #2Unbridled_Brunette
Thank you so much! I really appreciate your taking the time to make this. It's lovely. ((hugs))

Faithfully bowing at the altar that is Stephen Colbert