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Erotic Fiction Contest, Semi-Finals. Please vote. :D

Feb 03 2009 01:15 am   #1ZoeGrace
Hey guys, a few months ago I mentioned my story in the Better Sex Erotic Fiction Contest.  Some of you may have voted for me.(Thank you!)  Because of those votes I got into the semi-finals and my story will be published in the print release. (Yay!)

This week is voting for semi-finals.  Through this voting round, 3 will be picked as finalists.  Then it'll be up to the judges to decide the grand prize winner for $3,000!

Please vote for my story, A SAFER LIFE, here:

Thank you!  And anyone who wants to spread the love here and mention me on a blog or livejournal or twitter, or whatever, I would love you forever!

Feb 03 2009 04:39 am   #2nmcil
NICE PIECE - posted the working link for you:
” Recent evolutionary models have demonstrated what politicians have long known: the best way to get people to collaborate and to think like a group is to identify an enemy and charge that “they” threaten “us.”

Michael Tomasello is co-director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
Feb 03 2009 11:03 pm   #3ZoeGrace
Thank you, nmcil!  I should have thought of that, but I forgot you can't just directly type a link in. 
