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Which Buffy/Angel character are you most like?

Feb 17 2009 08:38 pm   #1Arielle
Me, I'd have to say that I'm a mix of Cordy and Spike.

Cordelia because I can say things that are kind of shallow and I can be extremely vain and coquette.
Spike because I can have a morbid sense of humour and I like to take it easy. I'm not shy about showing some skin and I can be so brutally honest and objective that it shocks lesser minds lol

What about you?? :D
Feb 18 2009 12:29 pm   #2sosa lola
I'm not so sure I'm exactly like someone... I'm like Willow when using the computer, reading and writing fanfic, and generally a shy person who wants to be more. I use fake smiles and jokes to hide my pain like Xander. I can be laid back like Oz.... I don't know, I'm a mix of many characters.
Feb 18 2009 03:16 pm   #3BecomingChosenGirl13
I would say i`m a mix of Buffy, Willow and Anya.

Anya blurt out with pretty wierd things at times without thinking it through, lol.

Willow cos she babbles and reads a lot, i`m also handy with the computer.

Buffy because it`s her personality i have the most, i`m a black belt, that kind off stuff.
Feb 18 2009 04:15 pm   #4Scarlet Ibis
Every time I take one of those Buffy online quizzes, I usually get Oz first, followed by Spike.  The general descriptions fit, not to mention that those two are kind of opposite personality wise, which also fits my different moods.  I can be quiet and laid back like Oz, or talk my head off like Spike.  Definitely a hardcore romantic, into art, a reader, emotionally vulnerable, smart, but lazy with school (though nowhere nearly bad as Oz--I never failed in my life), and very protective of those I care about.  I also enjoy cool, leather coats, and having big, girly crushes on people I'll never really get.  Yep :P
"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly."
Feb 18 2009 05:05 pm   #5EMM

God....honestly....Wesley....when he was the uber arrogant dork.

Although, I have a little bit of William in me....

But I really couldn't be more different than Spike, unless you really want to look at his more William-like traits.

Feb 18 2009 10:57 pm   #6Guest
Fred, though with Spike's honesty. There's a lot of Spike I get very easily, even the William part, as I was shy and studious as a child. But yeah, I'm a slender fair-skinned brunette nerd with glasses - just not 5'8". And I'd do anything for my friends.

I could have made friends easily with any of the group but Buffy, though.....she would have bugged the hell out of me. Can't put up with the emotional denial of the Scoobies.....

Feb 19 2009 03:06 am   #7Spikez_tart
I'm the total Cordelia, sadly without the fabulous figure and the red sports car.  I loved this line  "Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass."  My boss cringes whenever we have visitors.  Heh heh.  :)
If we want her to be exactly she'll never be exactly I know the only really real Buffy is really Buffy and she's gone' who?
Feb 21 2009 11:32 pm   #8JoJoBird
Alrighty then! i would have to say im mostly Anya, for i 'type and press enter' before i stop to think :p .. who am i kidding! i press enter either way!!
Tho i do posess the over-developed black/white sense of whats percieved as right and wrong, yet still posess the rebellious side of a younger Buffy. I speak in Buffyisms, the girl and the woman plus this slayer side are all  deep-rooted parts of me, there is always that struggle for balance.
My first love was a Angel type of 'end all love' (can i LULZ now?) we were together for 3 years and we only ever had actual sex once (no dude didnt go bad on me, nor leave. I left him! for a souless Spike ;P) .
Oh and im always drawn to the Rogue! (Spike be yummy, Yarr!)

edited 15 mins later//
It just came to me like a flash from above, i am alsow much too much Xan-man in speach..  i shift rapidly between buffyisms and Xander lingotude.. now i know a guy who will be all to happy about this :/
Feb 22 2009 05:02 am   #9Guest
Hmmm... I'm like willow when it comes to computers, I just love em. But as far as how I act... I'm a lot like Gunn around my friends and family. Just upbeat and like to have fun. But I'm more like Oz around strangers, quiet and reserved. I'm also a fair bit like Andrew when it comes to the geekyness. I make random Star Wars and comic book references a lot lol.
Feb 22 2009 05:06 am   #10Chaotic_Soul
Err, that last post was me.
I am misunderstood and therefore, feared. Humans will always fear that which they don't understand, and are therefore eternally ignorant of true beauty.
Feb 25 2009 12:02 am   #11LisFayte
I think I'm probably most like Tara, as I tend to "mother" everyone around me
The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.--- e e cummings

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Feb 25 2009 08:30 pm   #12nmcil
I am generally a triad of Tara-Oz-Spike and these three characters also happen to be my favorite in the entire series.  Each one is a very vital part of who I am and how I would like to function in this crazy world.  They are my totally; history, heart, spiritual goals, weakness and strengths -
” Recent evolutionary models have demonstrated what politicians have long known: the best way to get people to collaborate and to think like a group is to identify an enemy and charge that “they” threaten “us.”

Michael Tomasello is co-director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.