BSV Forum - General - The Bloodshedpub

Fandom Auction to Help Haiti

Jan 17 2010 10:32 pm   #1Unbridled_Brunette
For all of you who aren't already aware of it, a community has been created on livejournal to help raise money for the victims of Haiti's recent earthquake. If you are an author or artist who could spare a few extra moments of your time, please donate some of your work to be auctioned off for this cause. Just follow the link below for more information.

Even if you aren't an author or artist, you can help by bidding on the author/artist of your choice. Bidding ends on Wednesday, so don't wait! :)
Faithfully bowing at the altar that is Stephen Colbert
Jan 18 2010 01:20 am   #2nmcil
Thanks for posting - I was going to donate to another artist Haiti Help auction -
” Recent evolutionary models have demonstrated what politicians have long known: the best way to get people to collaborate and to think like a group is to identify an enemy and charge that “they” threaten “us.”

Michael Tomasello is co-director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.