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Fanged Four Spuffy

Jan 31 2010 03:23 am   #1coalitiongirl
 I've been rewatching the Darla episodes of AtS, and now I've got a yen for Fanged Four fiction that's also Spuffy (the incomparable Harbingers of Beatrice, for example). It doesn't matter to me whether Buffy's a vampire or not, on their side or against them, or in which time period it happens. I just love the idea and would love to read more of it. :D Any suggestions?
Jan 31 2010 04:37 am   #2The Enemy of Reality
I'm with you on that one! :) That's probably why I love reading S2 fics. And when a fic has all four of the Aurelius vamps, plus Spuffy pairing, I'm a goner. Holly writes them so well! I really loved In Omne Tempus, read it more than once (or twice) to tell the truth. ;)
Feb 02 2010 03:01 am   #3nmcil
I love season 2 fics that features the prime vamps - would love to have some recommends as well -
” Recent evolutionary models have demonstrated what politicians have long known: the best way to get people to collaborate and to think like a group is to identify an enemy and charge that “they” threaten “us.”

Michael Tomasello is co-director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.