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Trying to find old story

Feb 02 2010 05:22 am   #1ladycat713 
It was called Filagreed Chains by Brthanes and it was archived on the old Bloodshedverse but the tlink no longer workd and using the wayback machine is no help. It is a wip that had a great Spike timetraveling into the past after NFA with Illyria and Spike setting up a demon Initaive type thing except the Initative soldiers weren't experimented on (rather they were cured of the drugs put into thier systems and the chips) and were treated extremely well which confused them no end.
Feb 02 2010 05:44 am   #2coalitiongirl
Try it here
Feb 02 2010 10:35 am   #3ladycat713 

I've been wanting to reread that for a while.