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Fic Updates

Sep 20 2010 03:44 am   #1Eowyn315
Hi, all. I haven't been around these parts much lately, but I wanted to let you all know that I've been working on revising several of my fics - partly because I had received some good concrit, and partly because my writing has improved in the four years I've been writing BtVS fic, and I saw ways to make my existing fics better.

New versions have gone up for Beyond This Life, Tell Her This, Being Somebody Else, and Evil Me. Since I edited the existing chapters rather than posting new ones, they don't show up in the "recently updated" list. Some were more drastic revisions than others (BTL and EM lost 1 and 2 chapters, respectively), but the essential plot is still the same for all of them.

I am still hoping to get around to my alternate season six and do a major overhaul on that one, but I don't know when I'll have the time, energy, or enthusiasm for such a project. I'll let you all know when/if it comes to fruition. Thanks for reading!
Writing should feel easy, like a monkey driving a speed boat.
Sep 21 2010 07:33 pm   #2Lou
Thanks for the tip, I'll check them out.  Good to see you back. :-)
Sep 26 2010 10:13 pm   #3nmcil
Eowyn315 -

It would take a huge effort to do a significant and in-depth revisit to Season 6, but after the conclusion of Season 8 - it would be a very interesting project.  Season 8 has added some very outlandish surface themes, but also even more layers to explore with the mental state and process which Buffy pursued in Season 6 - actually all the way back to Riley. 

Season 8 has drained  a great deal of the love and enthusiasm of the fansdom and the FF writers -  
” Recent evolutionary models have demonstrated what politicians have long known: the best way to get people to collaborate and to think like a group is to identify an enemy and charge that “they” threaten “us.”

Michael Tomasello is co-director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
Sep 30 2010 04:31 am   #4Eowyn315
Thanks, Lou! Although I don't know if "back" is really the right word, lol. More like dropping in occasionally. :)

Nmcil, I have zero interest in relating any of my fic to season 8. (In fact, I'm actually thinking of revising another fic to eliminate the connection to season 8.) The comics are one of the reasons I've more or less dropped out of fandom, so I'd just as soon pretend they don't exist. If I revisit my alt season six, it would be to revise the story I've already written - tighten up the plot, eliminate repetitive arcs, etc. - not to explore any new themes.
Writing should feel easy, like a monkey driving a speed boat.
Sep 30 2010 06:45 pm   #5nmcil
I agree on the Season 8 and how it has effected a great many fans and readers.  After all these years I am still not emotionally engaged at all with anything that has happened in the comic book season.  The only intellectual interest that ever came up was with the moral and ethical themes from the Twilight Strategy that Angel/Angelus pursued - and apparently that will not be explored, if it comes up at all, it will probably get no more than one or two pages to resolved his choices and then the character will be set -up for the coming season.  Unless JW really has it in him to turn Angel/Angelus into one of the Big Evils, it will be another "clean up" of the character. 

The only story line that is of interest with Buffy - is if she will finally be allowed to heal from all her Angel/Angelus emotional scars and finally be rid of him.  More than anything this is my main interest about this season and about what Joss Whedon will say about his prime heroine model. 

I hope that you do get your enthusiasm for writing Buffy and Spuffy Fan Fiction again - I very much enjoy reading your work - It's good that you are going back to re-work your older works.   I am still looking for "letters" from Spike or Buffy  to go with some of my graphic studies or to make new work for.  I would love to work on a "Letters" comic book style for my "Spuffy Editions" 

And Niamh, I finally have my graphics capability back and will pick up my work on our comic book story that I could not work on when my computer system died on me.  Lost one of my great ancient software graphic programs unfortunately and the program is no longer available - but I am ready to get back after this next immediate art shows that I have to go for October. 
” Recent evolutionary models have demonstrated what politicians have long known: the best way to get people to collaborate and to think like a group is to identify an enemy and charge that “they” threaten “us.”

Michael Tomasello is co-director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
Oct 14 2010 07:12 am   #6Sensei
Nmcil wrote that "Season 8 has drained  a great deal of the love and enthusiasm of the fansdom and the FF writers -  ".

Well stated.  I know that has affected a lot of people deeply (one reason after reading the comments on the forum that I've stayed away from the comics).  I have noticed how in this past year the well of talent and interest has really dried up.  This site has really slowed down.  Thank goodness there are a few people new to the fandom with energy and ideas like coalitiongirl and her great The Rose story.  But they are few and far between, and there doesn't seem to be a lot of support for them from others to keep them excited like there was when we all got into it all.  I had wondered if it was just time making people drift away, but I think your idea is more valid.  Spuffy and even general BtVS and AtS fanfic and forums didn't shrink until Joss's comic plots got so ridiculous.  I personally wish he had just left it all alone after Never Fade Away instead of destroying a franchise that was so inspiring and beloved by so many.  I think he's lost his vision of the girl that goes into the dark alley and kicks butt and proves women can be strong characters and sold out to just making as much money as he could.

Oct 14 2010 01:40 pm   #7slaymesoftly
I don't think the comics are totally responsible for people drifting away. If anything, unhappiness with the comics should inspire more fanfic - that's what much fanfic is about, after all - changing or "fixing" the things you don't like in canon. Whether it's different pairings, different outcomes for specific events, or a world in which the comics don't exist.  People do drift away from fandoms. It's a fact of life.  BtVS has been around a very long time. I think we're hanging in there pretty well considering how long the show has been off the air. Older fans  may have drifted away or been overtaken by RL issues, but new and enthusiastic ones continue to arrive.  I'll take two or three new good contributors to the fandom over fifteen or twenty lousy ones any day. 

I do think the comics  can be blamed for reigniting some shipper wars, and that may have driven some fans away from the boards where arguments have sometimes become personal and nasty. That can be laid at Joss's doorstep, but it probably would have happened no matter what he did. If he'd come out strongly for one "ship" or the other, that probably would have driven away all the people who disagreed with him. This way, he's left us to squabble among ourselves. :)

I don't know that I think the comics have helped the fandom, but they have kept it alive and out there in public. Who knows how many new fans of well-written fic the fandom is picking up from people who started with the comics and became curious about what else was out there about the characters?
I am not a minion of Evil...
I am upper management.
Oct 14 2010 05:59 pm   #8ladycat713 

Normally I'd agree about wanting to fix something inspiring fanfic but with Season 8 it's become a matter of most people being unwilling to touch it because it's just that bad. Not to mention it seems pretty unfixable.

There may be a great deal of resentment that we are expected to pay for plotlines so bad that if it were on tv we'd change the channel.

And with so many great writers in fandom alone , how did they come up with such dreck?! The long time between issues only adds to how badly it sucks because it would get people's hopes up that the next issue would make things better and the longer the wait the higher the hopes only to be crashed time and time again.

Quite frankly the ads for Buffy season 8 drove me away from reading my friends page and keeping up on spuffy fanfic on lj .


Oct 15 2010 01:42 pm   #9slaymesoftly
Quite frankly the ads for Buffy season 8 drove me away from reading my friends page and keeping up on spuffy fanfic on lj .

I think that's a shame. Very little of what's being written now even references the comics, never mind tries to use them as canon. Most people seem to be retreating into early seasons, or just writing their own vision of the future with "Not comics compliant" or "Post NFA, no comics" warnings on the fic. "Warnings" probably not being the best word as they aren't actually warning readers, but just reassuring them that there won't be any comic stuff in the fics.  On the other hand, I didn't know there were ads for Season Eight, so maybe they would have turned me off too. Probably not, though. I'm pretty good at ignoring ads. My mind just blanks them out.  I'm actually reading the comics and I still manage to write fic without any influence from them.  Seasonal Spuffy is beginning soon - you really shouldn't miss it. :)
I am not a minion of Evil...
I am upper management.
Oct 16 2010 11:56 am   #10nmcil

I think the comic books are a temporary problem, and I sure hope that Season 8 does not become a huge weight for the Fan Fiction writers.  Especially for the Spuffy writers, it must be difficult to keep up the enthusiasm in the mist of all this turmoil - It certainly has effected me and I am just a reader.  It feels like all the powerful story, and the very best story IMO, of the entire series is simply being swept away to accommodate the comic book style joss whedon has chosen to pursue.   Over at IDW we now have the new Spike series with the young female from Asylum who is now 22 - and if you have not seen the preview of the 5th issue in the series - let me just say it's quite a HUGE Surprise - never something that I ever imagined to see. 

What the comic books have done, IMHO, is lost The Heart and Soul of the Buffyverse - there is so little drama and demand on the readers - it's like we are simply suppose to accept any plot device or story element without it's being given any logical connection or reasonable explanation.  It keeps being stated that not having  financial restraints brought freedom to the Buffyverse - thus far all I have seen is that it is giving us a whole lot of pretty pictures and not so pretty pictures.  We have hordes of demons popping up all over the place when a few would serve the story.  We had demon vampire cats and slayers dressed in outrageous clothing, Xander hanging with Dracula and Buffy turned into SuperManSlayer.  And what did it really bring to the Buffyverse, did it make it better, more intellectually stimulating, did Buffy become more interesting because she can now fly around like SuperGirl?  Is Angel/Angelus transformed from Mr. Broody Vamp  into a compelling new version as Angel/Twangel in a fancy new outfit?  I don't see anything remotely more interesting about Buffy or Angel - except that we have all been dragged back once again to the tiresome relationship of their seasons together at Sunnydale.  We thought that ship had left the dock and sailed on to new destinations - I still love that anonymous comment regarding some nasty exchanges between shippers "it was years ago, get over it"  that I read on one of the sites. 

What I see, is that instead of the FF writers losing from all that is happening in the coming books -  this is a great opportunity to develop their own skills.  Why not delve even more into the TV Era works and create stronger FF than ever.  Get into the head of Angel/Angelus, and explore the full range of the character.  Instead of using Angel/Angelus as a "trashing boy" get into the character in a mature and dramatic exploration.  I seldom see the character in stories used with a full range of his emotional and intellectual elements.  Why not tell the story of Angel and his terrible grief he suffered with the loss of Connor.  The great characters for the AI Team have still so many stories that could be told - Gunn and Wesley are great characters that have so few stories written about them.  There are stories that could be told with The Covens working with Buffy and the Sunnydale Group. 

Where are the deep and dark stories that explore the dark side of the Bangel relationship - the emotional and psychologically  damaged girl that is willing to commit murder to save her boy friend, that's a great theme and a challenge just waiting for an experience FF writer - it would be tough to write but what a challenge to take on.  

This is a crossroads for the FF writers - the comic books can be a negative force - but I think they offer a lot more than they take away.  Primarily because I see that a lot of Buffyverse and Angelverse fans have a great deal of dissatisfaction with where the Buffyverse and Angelverse are being taken.  I have been reading the comic books all these years and  I have not really enjoyed them - I have read them because I was so hungry for more Buffy after the series went off the air.  But for me, and I suspect many other readers, we are finding very little to love .  Almost four years now of reading and spending money and what do we have for all the time and effort?  A story thus far about the origins Earth and Hellmouths - some premise that only makes sense as metaphor with Buffy and Angel being used as Sex Vessels to create new life form - as if universal forces gave a rats ass about human beings and their sexual mating process.  I say Season 8 is the down the rabbit hole version of Milton's Book III of The Argument with a added twist of The Lost Horizon and Hindu Dream Worlds teachings.

I've read a lot of positive things about Season 8, but the only thing that I know for sure, is that it only became interesting and connected with me in the Brad Meltzer arc - and it has almost all been negative and I'm going with the idea that Joss Whedon wanted the readers to be outraged and disgusted with Angel/Twangel. Same as for Buffy;  to feel a big dose of disappointment  as well  sympathy for his poor damaged Slayer that really really needs to get rid of all her emotional scars and follow the advise of that anonymous poster  "it's been years, get over it."



” Recent evolutionary models have demonstrated what politicians have long known: the best way to get people to collaborate and to think like a group is to identify an enemy and charge that “they” threaten “us.”

Michael Tomasello is co-director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
Oct 17 2010 06:22 am   #11Sensei
Gee, nmcil, you have such great ideas for fanfic--are you sure you don't want to become a writer?!

This is an interesting discussion...too bad we got it going under the forum title of "fic updates" because I doubt many people will see it, and I'm willing to bet there are a lot of people with opinions to offer on this.  Maybe your last entry would inspire some of the writers to go in the directions you mentioned.  I agree that in Spuffy writing, Angel is too simplified, treated as the bad guy, and cast off too easily.  I have a lot of respect for his character and for the AI team members and think there could be a lot more good stories there...and really good writers could still realistically incorporate Spuffy in them if it fi!

Oct 17 2010 06:22 am   #12Sensei
Gee, nmcil, you have such great ideas for fanfic--are you sure you don't want to become a writer?!

This is an interesting discussion...too bad we got it going under the forum title of "fic updates" because I doubt many people will see it, and I'm willing to bet there are a lot of people with opinions to offer on this.  Maybe your last entry would inspire some of the writers to go in the directions you mentioned.  I agree that in Spuffy writing, Angel is too simplified, treated as the bad guy, and cast off too easily.  I have a lot of respect for his character and for the AI team members and think there could be a lot more good stories there...and really good writers could still realistically incorporate Spuffy in them (if it fit)! 

Hope I fixed all the typos--it is hard to type with a laptop and a CAT both on your lap!!!

Oct 17 2010 03:01 pm   #13slaymesoftly
Sensei, nmcil: You can always move the discussion to a new thread. "How will the comics affect fan fic writers" or something like that. You could copy/past the appropriate entries into the new thread with a short explanation of where they came from in case someone wants to see the entire discussion. Just a thought. I'm too lazy to do it myself. *g*
I am not a minion of Evil...
I am upper management.
Oct 18 2010 12:50 am   #14nmcil
I will move it over slaymesoftly -
” Recent evolutionary models have demonstrated what politicians have long known: the best way to get people to collaborate and to think like a group is to identify an enemy and charge that “they” threaten “us.”

Michael Tomasello is co-director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.