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spanking new toy

Jun 28 2013 06:33 pm   #1l.besson 
I'm looking for a story at this website i read a long time ago and lost.

it was story filled with a lotta action, love and betrayal, BUT the only thing that stuck in my head for some reason is that in one scene when Spike spanked Buffy. Kinda embarrassing,

does anyone know of this story?
Jun 29 2013 03:45 am   #2slaymesoftly
I'm looking for a story at this website i read a long time ago and lost.

it was story filled with a lotta action, love and betrayal, BUT the only thing that stuck in my head for some reason is that in one scene when Spike spanked Buffy. Kinda embarrassing,
does anyone know of this story?

Could be any one of dozens of stories, I suspect. 

My Promises Kept has a spanking scene. I may have used that popular trope in one or two others, but right now this is the only one I'm sure of.  It's got action and love, but not so much with the betrayal that I recall, so maybe not the one you're thinking of.
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