BSV Forum - General - Recommendations

Pimping Fandom Charity Event

Mar 17 2007 11:18 pm   #1spikeskat

There's one thing about fandom that has never failed to impress me... the generosity of the people in it.

Sweet Charity is a fandom-based charity event. Essentially, writers, vidders, and graphic artists extraordinaires volunteer their services (fics, videos, lj graphics) and people like us bid on them. All money pledged goes to support a charity. For March, it's RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network). So far, the charity event has raised over $5500.00!

But, Sweet Charity still needs your help. What can you do, you ask? Take a look at what's up for bidding. And, the items available aren't just for the Buffy fandom either.  (Personally, I've got my eye set on a new LJ header set. *grin*)

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