Nightlights by Lirazel

01/19/2009 09:37 pm
That's so romantic and beautiful and cruel.  Loved it.

01/18/2009 07:42 pm
What a awesome way to start your new year in fiction - this is a splendid work - like all your others.  Congratulations and great big "thank you" for this beautiful, poetic and powerful work to read -

Ditto on the comments about Buffy as a very intelligent and introspective -  she is as intelligent as your piece -

01/16/2009 01:39 pm
A nice bit of introspection regarding Buffy.  I particularly liked the reference to Romantic poets.  On another note, I do not think those plastic stars are childish.  Some of us adults have them.

01/16/2009 12:27 am
 This is very good indeed.  I love your take on Buffy, making her far more intelligent and sensible than most writers do.  Claps hands and offers bouquet.

01/14/2009 10:33 pm
Woa - that was amazing.  So beautiful in imagery and language.  Bravo.
Thank you so much!  I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

01/14/2009 10:27 am
What a beautiful short story.
Thank you so much!