The Fall of the Night by Mabel Marsters Great Story - love how you used the Shanshu and brought in Helen as a new romantic relationship. Nice to have a story where all the characters are getting along instead of some of the animosity between the male characters that is so often in stories. Hope that you have that sequel. I had frankly expected Drusilla to maybe be part of the Immortal's plans. thank you very much for taking the time to review. The sequel, Dangerous, was written - if not on here, then you will find it at the Spuffy Realm or elysian fields. :) very enjoyable read, thank you. m 02/06/2010 09:18 pm Chapter Twenty-Eight: Good As New great story but you have me worried for a while with the helen spike story!!!!!!!!!keep writing post chosen stories!!!!!!!!and make buffy overwelmed with guilt and grief cause she always gets a way to easily even in fics!!!!!!!!by the way i loved your universal vampire !in deed one of the best stories about initiative!!!!!!!!greadings from greece!!!! Thank you very much! You're right B does get off lightly in most fics. I'm delighted that you're liking my work. Working on two new fics at the moment. Both post Chosen. I like being able to create my own worlds! BuffyConvert 02/11/2010 03:06 pm Chapter Seventeen: New Arrival I was checking to see if there was one more chappie & was surpirised to se the story is far from over! It's been good so far, but I hope you aren't planning to get into the old age thing. I have enough of that in my R/L! LOL! No don't worry, the fic only spans a few weeks - I just pack a lot into it. :D Thank you for all your lovely comments, and I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the rest of the story. Yay :-) 05/03/2010 11:27 am Chapter Fifteen: The Truth Will Out Thank you :D BuffyConvert 02/11/2010 02:07 pm Chapter Thirteen: Avoidance Why is there someone in every universe who gets the short end of the stick? In Star Trek TOS , it was Engineer Scott; in BuffyDom, it is Xander. I'm not the biggest Xander fan, but I think you might like what he does in one of the later chapters :D BuffyConvert 02/11/2010 12:55 pm Chapter Twelve: Time To Tell Grrr! That lying, deceitful knowit-all Watcher! If only he hadn't lied, Helen wouldn't have gotten her heart broken! My thoughts exactly! Giles really ended up hurting lots of people by lying as he did. Jamie 01/07/2010 05:48 am Chapter Nine: A Day Out Liking this so far... The characters seem very true. I love your other stories, and I'm looking forward to seeing how this one continues... hint hint :) Thank you for letting me know that you're enjoying the story. Two more chapters just posted. Will be back on schedule now - had to be offline due to RL troubles. Pam S 01/05/2010 04:50 pm Chapter Nine: A Day Out Can't help but think... something is going to happen to poor Helen.. now that she and Spike are a "couple".. for Buffy to walk back into his life.. enjoyed.. It's inevitable in a Spuffy fic! LOL! Spike is holding on to the first love offered to him after going through such a tough time...but you and I know that his heart will always belong to Buffy and so someone will be getting hurt... Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed it - I got absolutely roasted on a different archive when this chapter went up! LOL Cool. :-) 05/03/2010 09:04 am Chapter Five: A Lead My first ever fic! Thanks for taking the time to comment - I hope you enjoy the rest of it :D BuffyConvert 02/11/2010 01:03 am Chapter Five: A Lead The reason I'm not leaving reviews is that the story is too exciting for be to pause and my typing isn't very good so it takes longer than what you might think. Wonderful story. I keep thinking, what will happen to Helen? Will she help Spike out of hospital and get in trouble about her job? And really, what will Spike to Andrew after all this time? I'm glad that you're hooked into the story, and you are being generous in commenting so don't worry! I'm glad that you're not hating Helen (the poor thing got flamed on the Spuffy Realm!). Pam S 01/02/2010 06:00 pm Chapter Five: A Lead Love it .. Andrew -second son living with Mom in the states.. Poor Daddy Giles. Enjoying.. Thanks for letting me know you're enjoying it. I enjoyed writing the scenes with Andrew and Giles trying to come up with a story that would allow them to be shown Spike. :) 01/02/2010 05:57 pm Chapter Four: Getting Worse... I see Spike is lapsing into his other world that Helen cannot understand.. No help there. But -now she has feelings for him. Waiting for Buffy and company to find out.. poor Helen. Helen is drawn to Spike but we know his heart belongs to Buffy. BuffyConvert 02/11/2010 12:04 pm Chapter Two: Welcome Back I've read some of your other stuff - which is why I decided to read this - but it's your first fanfic? What did you practise on-Nobel Prize winning novels? Really smooth writing, as well as being an exciting story! Thank you sooooo much. I did clean up the grammar a little when I posted here. Speech tag punctuation was all wrong, but I didn't edit it otherwise as I wanted it to represent what I was like when I started. Hopefully, I've improved a bit! You made me blush and grin like a fool with your very kind comments. :D BuffyConvert 02/10/2010 11:42 pm Chapter One: A Spark of Life O.K. I'm hooked - did he Shanshu? What a lovely surprise to get notification of lots of lovely comments all on the same day! By now you know the answer to that! Thank you for reading :D Okay - you've raised many questions Ms Cliffhanger - like what color is Spike's hair right now? Hee! Yes, I do like a good cliffhanger and as I recall this tale has plenty! :D The hair colour will be revealed soon. LOL! Thanks for reading. It's so weird re-reading this my very first fanfic. 01/01/2010 01:30 am Chapter One: A Spark of Life So spike it is in human form ? And I am guessing it is Helen as the Other. Enjoyed. Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed it. It's so strange looking back at this my very first fic :D You're not wrong about Helen or Spike. Will be posting one or two chapters daily. | |||
Disclaimer If you are under the age of 17, please use your head and do not read fics that are labeled "NC-17". Parents, I cannot control what your children are reading, so please be advised that the majority of the fics archived here are NOT suitable for those under the age of 17. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is for pure entertainment purposes only. Concept: (c)bringonthebloodshed.com (2004), Code & Design: (c)Diabola (2006), Graphics: Selene & Always |