Tilted by goldenusagi

07/05/2015 01:13 pm
I'm hoping this isn't abandoned... but it's been a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time.
It has been a long time, lol.  But I do have plans to finish!  I'm still around and not disappeared, at any rate, lol.

06/05/2011 01:52 am
Having just finished 'Sideways' I moved straight on to this lovely sequel, not realising it is still a WIP. I see it hasn't been updated for 9 months, can I hope it hasn't been abandoned? It's really fascinating seeing Buffy's life from teh viewpoint of her amnesiac self. So many prevarications and omissions. I suspect that the first time she encounters a vampire she might remember some stuff........

09/23/2010 08:21 pm
Thanks for the update, felt for sure Buffy was gonna find something red and viscous in the fridge. As it is she thinks he's an alcoholic, not looking good for poor Spike.
Thanks so much!  Glad you liked it!

Pam S
09/22/2010 05:25 pm
  Waiting to see if she finds the blood..

  And Spike is hoping she will get her memory back before..

  Maybe she will have a slayer moment..

Glad you liked!  Thanks for reviewing!

09/22/2010 04:12 pm
I like this story very much and I would like to read more, so please keep writing and update as soon as you can.
Thanks for reviewing!

09/22/2010 04:03 pm
 this was lovely! cant wait for the next installment! update soon please :)
Thank you!

07/05/2015 06:18 am
Poor Buffy!
Thanks for commenting!

09/12/2010 07:03 am
The last reviewer wrote she wondered if Buffy would be surprised when she sees Spike's bod...my thought was I wonder how freaked out she'll be when she sees Spike's blood.  Afterall, she went through a whole bunch of emotions in Sideways getting used to the slayer-vampire concept.  It is nice to see the characters again.  I look forward to the next chapter.
Buffy will definitely be freaked when she finds out Spike's a vampire, LOL.  I'm glad you liked the chapter, and thanks for reviewing!

09/10/2010 06:59 pm
Good chappie. Wonder if she'll be as surprised when she sees Spikes bod.
Thanks for reviewing!

09/08/2010 08:12 pm
Please update as soon as you can, because I liked the first two chapters and I would like to read more.
Thank you!  Glad you liked it!

Pam S
09/08/2010 12:12 pm
Waiting for the Shock of who she really is .. but a diamond.  Never expected that.   Too calm..
Thanks for reviewing!

09/08/2010 12:15 am
i absolutely adored Sideways and am very happy to revisit that 'verse.  This is off to a really promising start.  Thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much!

09/04/2010 06:46 pm
"well, this is just ....... neat"
Thank you!

09/04/2010 12:27 pm
Lovely that you are back with an additional story.  Loved Sideways and am looking forward to your fic. 
Thank you! :)

09/03/2010 04:16 pm
 loved this. 
Thank you!

09/03/2010 02:41 pm
Please update as soon as you can. I liked the chapter and I am sure that I will like the rest of the story.
Glad you liked it!  Thanks for reviewing! :)

09/03/2010 08:27 am
I hoped like crazy but I never thought you'd revisit the Sideways- verse.  I know you're only promising a few more chapters but It's still going to make me a very happy girl.
Thank you!  I've wanted to write this story for a while, but it's been so long since I finished Sideways, I wasn't sure how much interest there would be in it at this point, LOL.