Saturday Morning by Opal I was laughing right along with the characters on this one... especially during the phone call. Love it! 04/20/2009 09:18 am Saturday Morning i loved this. it was so light nd funny! great job! BloodStainedSnow 03/01/2008 09:50 pm Saturday Morning This is one of the most fun stories I've read! I cracked up the whole time. I especially love "Tweed Smurf," "Captain Forehead Smurf," and "Poofter Smurf"--great stuff :) 02/10/2008 01:40 am Saturday Morning it's 2.40 in the morning and I am oh so awakened because of this fic so I won't be able to sleep until morning..damn,THIS IS PERFECT!!! I love the Smurfy Spike ^_^ Raychelle 10/17/2006 05:55 pm Saturday Morning Excellent Story - great for belly laughs. Stella 08/27/2006 12:54 am Saturday Morning This is so cute!! I'm still chuckling over it. :) lol...that was hilarious, left me giggling :) great job :) wall_flower 02/06/2006 08:49 pm Saturday Morning omg, when I got to the smurf part I thought this fic was going to fall apart with lameness, but I've never read something so funny in my life! Just... Hillarious! And perfect Spuffyness too. In your big forehead-y face Angel! Teh heh heh- ROTFL!! Nikkole 12/18/2005 01:01 am Saturday Morning Peachy smurf? POOFTER smurf? Those would have been really funny also! I needed a good laugh this morning! GREAT JOB!!! Funny as hell. good laugh. Thanks Cookie Smurf 10/27/2005 09:58 pm Saturday Morning That was hysterical! I loved it. Fun to see them lighthearted for once. Kat 10/09/2005 03:18 pm Saturday Morning OH WOW. Ok I dont think that I have laughed that much in days. It was amazing and now I am stuck in my mind making up smurf names for all my family and friends lol. Pammy 10/09/2005 07:56 am Saturday Morning I really needed that laugh! Thanks! Nice fic :) Made me giggle. Thanks! Hilarious Opal. Captain Forehead Smurf. ROFL | |||
Disclaimer If you are under the age of 17, please use your head and do not read fics that are labeled "NC-17". Parents, I cannot control what your children are reading, so please be advised that the majority of the fics archived here are NOT suitable for those under the age of 17. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is for pure entertainment purposes only. Concept: (c)bringonthebloodshed.com (2004), Code & Design: (c)Diabola (2006), Graphics: Selene & Always |