Shadows of the past by Kur Jags 12/12/2008 11:28 pm 5 a little disjointed but pretty good awww...that's so tragically sad of an ending...but a lovely piece all in all...beautifully done :) vladt 07/18/2006 02:33 am 5 very good read, thank you Robyn 03/13/2006 03:38 am 5 This is a really beautifully written story. I found it today and couldn’t stop reading. I love how season 2 still happened, but Buffy’s thoughts or reasons were different. I am really glad that it already has a sequel, I am looking forward to reading it. SpaceLord 11/28/2005 06:04 pm 5 Well didn't see that ending coming that's for sure, I guess it works. Would have liked to see more diversion from the original show tho. Thanks for reading it! There is more diversion... in the sequel! Kisses, Kur. WHAT??!! That's the END???!!! GAH! What is WRONG with you???!!!! Sorry! Things just couldn't go that far between them at that moment. At least not in my head. So... I wrote a sequel! Hope you like it... Kisses, Kur. GASP! I didn't expect it to end there. There's a sequel... Sorry!!! Kisses, Kur ~*~Tasha~*~ 11/28/2005 12:58 pm 5 Fin??? This is the end of this one? Please continue more. Please. Need happies. They went through all that for nothing? Nicely written story, but I do hope this isn't the end Don't worry, love. There's a sequel. I'm going to post it now. Thanks! Kisses, Kur a nice way of passing the events of those few episodes...can't wait to see what happens next :) ~*~Tasha~*~ 11/28/2005 12:54 pm 4 Sad to see that she still slept with Angel. The back and forth between Spike when he recognized Buffy in her costume was good. Loved the chapter. Look forward to more Some things have to remain unchanged... At least for the plot. Thanks so much for reading! Kisses, Kur wow...poor william, she was too late...but what about spike from the present day? what's he up to at this point? great chapter, pet :) ~*~Tasha~*~ 11/26/2005 02:02 pm 3 Wow, there we go ... she pieced it all together. I know how dark hair and glasses can really throw off an appearance. {Smiles} I was just wondering in my last review of why she hadn't noticed or even rather if she would. Her witnessing his turning was riveting. I wonder what will happen now because technically she will have the same dress and jewels, etc when she reappears in the alley. Will Spike wake up, see her, and remember? I look forward to the next chapter. Oh, yes she will... And he's going to hate her even more. Or maybe not? Thanks so much for your lovely reviews! Kisses, Kur Buffy witnessed Spike's turning? It's good she got pulled back before she could stake him. More story please. I thought it could be really interesting not only Buffy could witness it but also not be able to save him. Thanks love! Kisses, Kur. SpaceLord 11/25/2005 05:34 pm 3 Nice story, see where you are going with this. It's really a great idea and I can't wait to read the next chapter. Thanks for reading it! Kisses, Kur lol...what a difference from the spike she knows...and she still hasn't recognized him...can't wait to see what happens next :) ~*~Tasha~*~ 11/26/2005 01:51 pm 2 Just something real quick ... I'm surprised that she didn't recognize Spike as William. {heading to the next chapter to see if that is revealed} I figured that she would not be able to recognize him at first just because she was used to the grrr Spike. Being there, facing a perfect gentleman had to be confusing. But... Thanks, love. Kisses, Kur ~*~Tasha~*~ 11/26/2005 01:48 pm 2 Good update. Rushing to the other chapter to read it too. {Smiles} Well, it's because the story is already finished... I'm kinda lazy sometimes. Glad you're enjoying it!!! Kisses, Kur. boy is buffy going to be surprised when she wakes up!! i wonder what point in the original timeline they're at...how near to the time with dru and angelus and all...hmmm...this could get good :) SpaceLord 11/17/2005 07:13 pm 1 Hmm interesting. Now if they fall in love he will never be rejected by Cecily and therefor never become a vampire, so there are some things to work around here. Gonna be interesting to see where you take this story. You'll see... Thanx for reading it!!! Kisses, Kur. ~*~Tasha~*~ 11/17/2005 01:20 pm 1 Ooo ... Buffy is back in London before William was vamped. This is intriguing indeed. Look forward to more. Thanks! She will have a big surprise... Kisses, Kur. OMG! Buffy has been sent to William before he was Spike? More story please. Thanks, love!!! I'm new at this and I couldn't figure out how to answer the reviews... I've learned now!!! Kisses, Kur. | |||
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