To fix What's Not Broken by slaymesoftly It always bothered me that they left the issue of Dawn being the key alone. I doubt she ever stopped being the key. It would have made an interesting story line if they had continued it. This was wonderful. Thank you. I've always felt more could be done with Dawn - so I've done it from time to time. :) Jags 02/04/2012 03:12 am One aww that was a realy sweet story! Thank you. Love me some Dawn...:) Enjoyed! I love the idea of using Dawn's excess emotion channelled into her key power to something useful. *nods* I really feel like not enough was done with Dawn's potential during the series. Thanks for reading. ;) alým 03/29/2008 07:59 pm One This was very good,all with Dawn and her friendship with Spike.Spuffy was also cool.Loved it Thank you. I was meant to be Dawn's fic, but the Spuffy just crept in there... All4Spike 09/24/2006 12:16 am One Genius, pure genius. You've made me cry and giggle at the same time and I thought that was impossible. :) I just can't seem to write another character without making it Spuffy. sigh ~*~Tasha~*~ 03/23/2006 11:45 pm One ROFL!! I loved the humor of the ending. Nice way to use the power of the key ... a healer seems very appropriate. This would be a great story to start off more adventures and explorations for Dawn and the family as well. Enjoyed this one. I'm glad you liked it. Does leave room for more Dawn adventures, doesn't it? Loved it. Please write more. LOL Thanks. If/when I can tear myself away from my new web page making.... vladt 02/22/2006 02:31 am One lovely, absolutely lovely. fun read. thanks Thank you for commenting so nicely! Robyn 02/22/2006 02:02 am One This is really good. I'm glad you think so. :-) That was another sweet one Patti. It's not often that I see Dawn being used for something original. I liked it a lot. thanks - yep,it's time Dawn started earning her keep,don't you think? sirc 02/21/2006 05:43 pm One Loved it :) :-) Lou 02/21/2006 04:20 pm One Dawn's keyness was hardly mentioned after Glory and I did wonder where it went. A great idea beautifully done. Thanks - yes, it's not like she was no longer the key just because Glory wasn't around to try to use her! Irina 02/21/2006 02:59 pm One Loved the plot. What a wonderful glimpse into Spike and Dawn's frienship. Fantastic story! Glad you liked it. I'm a sucker for Spike/Dawn friendship. kim 02/21/2006 02:58 pm One Awww, that's it? Loved Dawn here. LOVED it. Thanks! that was lovely...your dialogue and characterization was perfect...i love your dawn in this...you moved me to tears with chapter two as well...you should do a sequel or continue this story...please?? loved it so much!!! Thanks - if I get inspired to follow up on Dawn's keyness, then there will definitely be a sequel. But not right now. Great story! I always love it when fics end on a positive note. Awesome job. :) thank you - me too! Great story! I always thought there was more to be explored about Dawn's keyness! Can't wait to see what happens next! Thanks - um, nothing will happen next until I start a sequel. Just forgot to mark it "complete." *head desk* just sue 02/21/2006 02:15 pm One Just the thing to put a smile on anyone's face! Charming - even though a little bit of Dawn can go a really long way with me! Thanks ever so, Patti. Hee! Well, I put as little of Dawn in it as I could and still call it a "Dawn" fic. *g* i read chapter one, didn't have time to read the rest just yet...but this is so beautiful! I was crying with Spike and Dawn, like actual tears! i always love Spike/Dawn friendship stories..can't wait to get home today and finish this gorgeous story...!! :) I hope you continue to like it. | |||
Disclaimer If you are under the age of 17, please use your head and do not read fics that are labeled "NC-17". Parents, I cannot control what your children are reading, so please be advised that the majority of the fics archived here are NOT suitable for those under the age of 17. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is for pure entertainment purposes only. Concept: (c)bringonthebloodshed.com (2004), Code & Design: (c)Diabola (2006), Graphics: Selene & Always |