Destiny of One by Yzba Amy 01/18/2008 09:49 pm four I like this alot update soon Hopefully, I'll be able to post something soon. I have more written, I just have to check it over. Thank you sirc 03/03/2007 06:31 pm four Well done. A little shortish, but I still liked it :) Hey glad you were able get back to this fic I loved this chapter and can't wait to see more of it. Thank you.....Hopefully, I'll update soon another excellent read, thank you. really enjoy tara being brought into the tale as a player rather than an an extra. I always thought Tara was forgotten in the show. She is a great character to write. maybe because she was underated, I get to play with her a lot... Salcyra 01/11/2007 12:18 am four Go on! I like it so far.... especially that Tara will have an active role in it. I loved the show but to the end I really didn't like how Willow, Xander and Buffy acted with their respective partners. I agree totally. It's the main reason I started to write fanfic. I'm not saying everything will be peachy right away, but I can almost guarantee everyone will be happy Nichole 01/10/2007 05:44 pm four hey an update..loved this chapter..man i love the whole story. update soon please....N Love to know you loved it... I should update soon, but with as many stories as I'm writing at the moment, I have to split between them, AND make sure the muse stays happy... Thank you for the review LadyYashka 01/09/2007 01:03 pm four Cool! I'm happy to see this story update and I'm looking forward to the next parts. Can't wait to find out what Tara and Joyce have to say. =) Thank you...a lot! Lou 01/09/2007 10:04 am four Good to see Tara has such an important role, she'll be needed. Oh yes she will....thanks;) As hard as this is for Tara, I'm so happy for her to be the liasion for the Warrior's. Seeing her own death had to be hard for her, especially when she saw what happened to Willow but glad she could see what a problem Xander's going to be if something isn't done to change it. Love that Spike is finally going to know her love and happy for Buffy that she'll finally know what it feel's like to be loved by someone, with all his being. Update when you can, but I hope it's soon, so enjoying this Spuffy fic, thanks. It seems like you reveiwed every chapter I've ever posted. Thank you, It means more than you could know. As for the loving part. It wont be easy, but when is it with them? Great update! I love seeing Tara being all with the good-power. Can't wait to see what happens next. Tara is a wonderful character to write.... Lou 01/05/2007 04:00 pm Three I'm hoping Tara will ensure there is no retribution against Spike Tara will do her best, I promise;) Lucky for us the new year is upon us and with it prehaps you can update this fascinating fic soon. What a wonderful tale Joyce is telling and I love that they're engulfed in this golden glow for all to see. To verify that something special was happening between them, something that even Xander couldn't nullify. Of course Tara would understand what she was seeing, she must of read what was held within the golden light. Please update as soon as you can, this is to good to keep locked away in your mind, it needs to be on paper for all to enjoy. Fantastic read, thank you so much. It is getting on papaer...maybe not as fast I would like, but I'm getting back into it sirc 12/27/2006 09:17 pm Three well done :) AJ 12/23/2006 05:41 am Three Please write more soon. You are doing such a great job, I want to know where this story goes from here. this chapter is a wonderful addition to the tale. thank you fot the fine read. you have my plea for more, soon. but when ever it appears it will be read and enjoyed. thank for the fine read. Nova 12/22/2006 07:44 pm Three well I like it, it's good, please keep it up! Loved Spike's reaction to seeing Joyce again and her humor at observing how linked they both are. Hopefully the Scoobies will take the light show and sense of peace as a sign that good things are happening with Buffy and Spike and won't do anything to disrupt the process. I want to hear more about the pair of warriors. And I'm wondering what Tara is gonna tell the Scoobies. Nice story. I'm enjoying this. For what it's worth, I find I remember better what I was planning if I outline the story. Then, if I get stuck on chapter 12 I can always go to chapter 25 and write some on it. Lou 01/05/2007 03:55 pm Two Spooky! lol Thank you for having the scoobies acknowledge his love for her, even if it was to late. Having him carry her back home and tend to her was one of the most heartbreaking thing's I've read. You showed his love for her beautifully and now for their future. Wonderful chapter, Yzba, thanks. it may not be too late for the Scoobies to acknowledge it. But will they remember that they do realize he's grieving? I'm glad Dawn was able to convince him to come out of the sun before it fully rose. Interesting that everyone could see Spike's feelings for Buffy enough to know they shouldn't take her body from him. It's telling that he was willing to take her pain into himself, when he was already suffering, if it would bring her some sense of peace Good work. Lou 08/21/2006 10:27 pm Two That was really well done, so moving. Thank you so ush fot the read and for the review! Robyn 08/15/2006 02:01 am Two Spike’s pain and anguish was so clear that it made my eyes tear up and my heart hurt for him. I loved the comfort of the last line. Thanks for the update, it was beautifully written. Reviews like yours are the reason I love writing, thanks Keep up the grate wore. I LUV IT. P.S. Update as soon as ya can YzBa!!!!! :love: Thanks you so much, once again, I can't say enough how good it feels to know you liked it vladt 08/03/2006 02:56 am Two i thought it would be tough to follow up the excellent first chapter. wow,was i wrong. great read, thank you It's so good to know that people actually enjoy reading this, you can't know how happy you just made me Esther 08/02/2006 11:26 pm Two Oh wow, this is gorgeous!! I've got tears flowing right now from remembering that last scene in 'The Gift.' Egads, I can't wait for more! Too know that I was able to move you with this chapter means a lot. Thank you so much!! Bridget 08/02/2006 09:21 pm Two Great story. Very nice interpretation of what happened after she jumped. I can't wait to read more. So many thanks for you!!! I always felt that there was something missing in that plotline.. A very powerful and emotional chapter. The love and tenderness that he showed for her was wonderful. Sorry that you had trouble with this, I could never do it but it looks like you have talent and you clearly have a story to tell, so let your muse and friends guide you. Wonderful chapter full of possibilities. Thanks for the read. Thanls for the read and the review. It means a lot that you love the chapter and the story! kim 08/02/2006 09:09 am Two Whoa...intense. I know, Thanks;) Lou 01/05/2007 03:52 pm One Intriguing start -- I look forward to more. and more there will be...lots more! Thank you Very interesting idea. I like how you've begun this adventure. Yes, they are soulmate's glad that's out of the way, now to see where this leads them. Good job, thanks. thank YOU I'm glad Buffy got to be with her mother again. Liking the explanation for the link between Buffy and SPike and how they instinctively connect with each other Good work. Unique beginning, I'm in! Anytime that Buffy realizes that Spike's the one, you've got my attention, besides it's very well written and you've got a great team behind you. It's very good and good luck. Thank you so much, Reviews are what make the stress of posting worthwhile... OMG Yzba i luv the fic so far can't wate 2 see more of your fic . Thank you so much, there's nothing that feels quite like a good review! Brilliant, I loved it as much this time as I did the first time I read it...stop being nervous, you CAN write :) The reviews are amazing so I am beginning to think that I can really write;) Thanks to you;) really interesting start, I'm looking forward to read more!! :nod: Next chapter should be up soon;) Thanks for the review;) ~*~Tasha~*~ 04/24/2006 04:08 pm One {claps} I am really glad you decided to release this. {Beams} I loved the first chapter. I like the two bodies one soul as well. How you handled her "death" at the hands of the Master and that Spike felt it, etc. Excellent tie ins! I look forward to more. Thank you a lot, you are the first one to push me to get a beta and if it wasn't for it, I may not have posted this. Thank you so much, I love your review;) sirc 04/24/2006 12:00 pm One Like it so far thanks......more coming soon..... Fantastic start! Really looking forward to seeing where you go with this. And don't be neurotic, you're doing FABULOUS!! Thank you so much for the review....it's because of writers like you that I wanted to try my hand at writing. As for being neurotic......I can't help it, but every review is good for my nerves, that's for sure lol, damn good start. Me likey :P vladt 04/24/2006 02:53 am One excellent beginning. where ever you are gong with this i'm sure to follow along. thanks for the read thanks for the read??? many more thanks for the review;))) I should update soon....hopefully this week;) This is a really great start. You did a fantastic job with the imagery of her reviewing the memories. I am looking forward to following this. :) A big gigantic thanks for the review, and next chapter should be up sometimes this week....hopefully! It is an awesome start and I'm waiting for more now. lol;) thanks;) I can guarantee that you are going to be the first to read more;)!! Am I funny or what!;) Kat 04/24/2006 01:26 am One oh dear. what is going to happen. wow this looks like a very promising begining. :) Thanks a lot;) Like I said before Awesome start and that's not because you put my name in the A/N lol;) thanks Mary;) | |||
Disclaimer If you are under the age of 17, please use your head and do not read fics that are labeled "NC-17". Parents, I cannot control what your children are reading, so please be advised that the majority of the fics archived here are NOT suitable for those under the age of 17. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is for pure entertainment purposes only. Concept: (c)bringonthebloodshed.com (2004), Code & Design: (c)Diabola (2006), Graphics: Selene & Always |