Lessons in Love by Spikez_tart Fun. Thanks. 04/05/2010 03:39 am When It Comes To Men Too fun! Thanks for sharing! Thanks SF - pimping should always be rewarded OH that was great. Loved it. Thanks so much for the many reviews. You have a warped sense of humor. You might want to put a "do not consume liquids while reading" warning on the particularly funny chapters. Thanks. Don't think I can provide warnings. I'm not always sure what they are. Nice story, funny. Thanks for reviewing. Posting first chapter of a new story tonight. LMAO I really enjoyed this story - very cute and entrertaining - the last but was adorable... any relation to buffy giggles thanks for all your reviews. I think Brandon may have to come back. No sequel no sequel. vladt 05/30/2006 07:11 am When It Comes To Men hilarious read, thank you Thanks for the review. DizzyB 05/29/2006 07:05 pm When It Comes To Men Just found this story today. What an absolutely hilarious tale. Loved it, especially the ending! :P Thanks for the review. Ha, that ending was funny with Brandon. I forgot how annoying Cordelia could be before the visions changed her. :) Fun stuff. I loved Spike's attitude toward the whole thing. I may have to give Brandon another story along with Warren and the rest of his idiot friends. I just started watching the whole Angel thing (yeah, I know I'm totally lame) and I think I really hate what they're doing with Cordelia. She's too nice. Gags me. Spike was great while he was torturing Angel over that ring. Thanks for the review. Lou 05/28/2006 11:56 pm When It Comes To Men The perfect ending - and funny too. Angel's hair!! You can't go wrong criticizing Angel's hair. How did Buffy stand it? Thanks for the review. Hehehe  "Are you related to Buffy?"  Funny! &nbsoI really enjoyed this fic.  Thanks for writing it.  :) Thanks for the review. Cas 05/28/2006 07:52 pm When It Comes To Men Very cute. Perfect ending. Spuffy humor is so hard to do. Thanks for the review. I have to balance all the excellent angstyness on this list with a little fun. Love the machinations ...and Angel is so two dimensionally dense! Cordy can lead him with a pinky. Cordy does a pretty good job of leading Spike around by the nose too. Thanks for the review. Robyn 05/28/2006 06:10 pm When It Comes To Men I really loved this fic. I really enjoyed Buffy hitting Xander, in fact I cheered, I also loved how she answered Angel when he tried going on about how evil Spike is and how she kicked him to the floor after he hit Spike. Cordy’s response to Dawn was perfect as was Spike insisting Buffy tell him how she feels about him in front of everyone. And the ending had me laughing, still has me laughing, it was perfect. :) Thanks for the review. Author sheepishly revels in undeserved praise. Can't go wrong having Buffy knock Xander and/or Angel on their butts. OH I hope they can stop Xander from staking Spike and what is Angel going to say. Angel's a pouf. Who cares what he has to say on any given subject? giggles hehehehe i likey i likey - cordy so rocks in this story It was a sad day for Sunnydale when she and Harmony left. Just like Cordy not to leave well enough alone. You can't take chances with a lunkhead like Buffy. And then Xander rushed forward, tripped and staked himself and no one cared *G*. Excellent story update. Stupid Buffy....this might have actually worked you know, telling her she couldn't have him...hum.... Kathleen I guess Anya would have cared, although it's hard to see why. thanks for the review. Lou 05/23/2006 11:17 am Who's Brave Enough? I just knew Cordelia had her own agenda! Nice one! And hey Xander's doing the deed for her! Doesn't Cordelia always have an agenda. That's why we love her. Thanks for the review. Robyn 05/23/2006 05:31 am Who's Brave Enough? First Xander and now Angel is coming, Buffy will really have to be brave and stick with what she wants. I can’t believe what a pain Xander is being, okay I can believe it, right now he is the one that deserves to be punched in the nose. As for Cordy, I am looking forward to how the rest of her plans work out. Thanks for the great update. I think Xander must be the person (after Giles) that Buffy is the most afraid to tell. Dawn likes Spike, so no problem; Willow will go along, Tara was okay, so that leaves the boys to give her a hard time. Thanks for the review. OH I guess it could have been alot worse for Spike I wonder what will happen now. I can't even remember what I did at this point. lmao at this chapter - leave it to buffy to truley embarass herself! I loved mortifying Buffy. She's such a natural. Lou 05/21/2006 11:59 pm In Case You've Forgotten She sorely needed that lesson! Looks like Xander could do with one too. And I loved dishing that lesson out to her, too. One Xander lesson coming up. Thanks for the review. vladt 05/21/2006 11:08 pm In Case You've Forgotten that was a fun read, thanks. hope buffy doesn't immediately change her mind. thanks for the fun. Thanks for the review. I think we can count on Buffy to keep her stubborn ways. Robyn 05/21/2006 06:58 pm In Case You've Forgotten I love how Buffy lost control and broke the table while denying how she feels about Spike, the whole chapter made me chuckle. Thanks for another great update. :) Thanks Robyn. Buffy is out of control when it comes to Spike. LMAO LMAO - so dawn is in on the plan I love it! Dawn is a little sneak, but it's all for love of Spike so we must forgive her. Neat trick bringing a snitch into the activity! Thanks for the review, vladt 05/20/2006 12:25 am Haven't Seen You dawn is in the mix. that will probably help spike in the long run. if he can stand a long run. fun read, thanks. Thanks, V. Spike can always use some help against those blasted Scoobies. Lou 05/19/2006 12:41 pm Haven't Seen You Poor fella's not making much progress! So it appears, but Buffy isn't having too good a time herself. Thanks for the review. Hehehe!  Yay!  Dawn's on board!  Great chapter.  :) Dawn has to help out her buddy, Spike, doesn't she? Thanks for the review. hmmm.... what she upto? Who? Cordy? No good, as usual. She never does anything nice for anyone else does she? Why start now. Thanks for reviewing. Robyn 05/19/2006 06:56 am Haven't Seen You This chapter was fun for all, except of course Cordy's targets, Buffy, Spike, and a confused Xander. I love that Dawn seems to be in on at least part of the scheme. I really enjoyed the update, thanks. :) Everyone is conspiring against our poor Buffy to get her to do something. She may just have to make up her own mind one of these days. Thanks for all your nice reviews. OH some how I think, that hurt Buffy more then Spike would want. Buffy's a bonehead - she has to have things spelled out in big letters very slowly. someone is jealous - someone is jealoous! If only Spike had been smart enough on the show. Of course his plans never go so well. Another wonderful chapter! The crypt scene was hilarious. Of course Buffy was gonna show up! I kinda feel bad for her, not a lot though! Isn't it funny that Buffy never complains about that damn crypt? And, where does she go pee? Thanks. Robyn 05/18/2006 09:47 am Act Like You Mean It Cordy certainly knows what she is doing and Buffy is only getting what she deserves, and she's right it is only sex between her and Spike as she won't allow it to be anything else. I am really enjoying the fun that is this fic. Thanks. :) Buffy is a naughty girl. Thanks. Lou 05/17/2006 12:07 pm Act Like You Mean It Poor dopey Buffy! She is an idiot. To be manipulated by her chief rival in stupidity, too. Thanks for the review. vladt 05/17/2006 06:31 am Act Like You Mean It that had the desired effect. at least, as cordy explained it to spike. very good read, thanks Thanks for the review. Cas 05/17/2006 04:34 am Act Like You Mean It This might not have been Cordelia's best plan - oh wait, Cordelia doesn't usually have plans...Cordelia doesn't usually have a part...and certainly not with Spike- lucky girl. Cordelia only has plans involving men and they're usually annoying. Thanks for the review. OH I wonder what Buffy is going to do. Something stupid. Heh heh. Grin I do love Cordy! Cordy before she was ruined on Angel. Great! I liked the Cordy-speak, it's always so fun to read! Hmmm...I think Buffy best make up her mind about what she wants already! I love Cordy, too. In fact, I've been accused of being like her. Thanks for the review. Robyn 05/18/2006 09:39 am What Don't You Like About It? More fun with Cordy pulling the strings and Buffy having it bad on the jealousy front. Liked how she waited a ‘decent’ interval of 45 seconds before leaving. Thanks. Lou 05/15/2006 02:28 pm What Don't You Like About It? This is exactly what Buffy needs - a big dose of green-eyed monster. Doesn't Buffy just need a shake up. Thx. Cas 05/15/2006 05:05 am What Don't You Like About It? Angry Buffy is no fun for Spike. Maybe he should rethink this plan. I wonder what Buffy will find when she catches up with them and how she'll react? Thanks for the review. Spike's plans rarely come out well, but hey he has the Master Mind working things out for him this time. vladt 05/15/2006 03:52 am What Don't You Like About It? this is fun. why do i sense spike not coming out on top in this situation. pun intended. thanks for the fine read. Thanks for the review. This is AU, maybe Spike will get a better deal. Firebird234 05/14/2006 10:40 pm What Don't You Like About It? You Know I always thought that if Spike just played hard to get Buffy would have done something. Maybe Cordelia can help Buffy along. I like this story can't wait for the next chapter. Thanks for the review. Spike always did make it to easy for her. I enjoyed turning the tables. spuffylover 04/08/2008 04:15 am You Need a Plan Just so you know, this is archived under season 5...but it should be season 6. Buffy and Spike didn't demolish the house with their roughhousing til after she had died and come back... Thanks Spuffy - I will fix, I hope. OH I can't wait to see how she is going to help Cordelia helps herself above all. Thanks for reviewing. Ohhh I really like this so far - great start and can't wait to read the rest! Thanks. Hoping for forgiveness from the tag for having Spike not know Cordelia, although I still haven't figured out how he did other than incessant spying. Robyn 05/18/2006 05:30 am You Need a Plan Cordy the manipulator is going into action, poor Spike he has no idea who he is dealing with or what she is capable of. This is going to be fun. :D Thanks for all three reviews. Cordelia must be the person most calculated to aggravate Spike, as well as pull Buffy's strings. They both have that annoying trait of saying what they think. LOL So funny!! I like this very much. Thanks. Thanks D - It sort of lost it's funny aspect for me about three months ago. Glad you like it. Lou 05/15/2006 02:25 pm You Need a Plan A helpful Cordelia - whatever next! She's not quite so helpful as she seems. When did the Queen ever do anything without an ulterior motive? Thanks for the review. Cas 05/15/2006 04:58 am You Need a Plan I absolutely love your Cordelia! I can see all sorts of possibilities for this! Thanks. Cordelia is a lot of fun to write. She's so obnoxious. vladt 05/15/2006 03:45 am You Need a Plan fun read. spike should have run as soon as the word plan was mentioned. very entertaining read, thanks. Thanks. He should have run as soon as Queen Cordy showed up, but what did he have to lose. sammi 05/15/2006 03:27 am You Need a Plan okay, you should have said that this was a joke and not to be taken seriously. it's a little ridiculous and doesn't make a whole lot of sense, it's also way out of character. why is cordelia even there? and she has met spike before. i admit that i only really read some of it because it's just too weird for me. this doesn't even sound like the 5th season. sorry, really not interested. I believe I stated this was a comedy - therefore - joke implied. I don't think Cordelia did meet Spike, she only got to experience the storm that he blew up. Are you by any chance the latest incarnation of Sourpuss Sara? | |||
Disclaimer If you are under the age of 17, please use your head and do not read fics that are labeled "NC-17". Parents, I cannot control what your children are reading, so please be advised that the majority of the fics archived here are NOT suitable for those under the age of 17. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is for pure entertainment purposes only. Concept: (c)bringonthebloodshed.com (2004), Code & Design: (c)Diabola (2006), Graphics: Selene & Always |