Who Am I? by SciFi_GK I realize it is probably a permanent wip but I wanted you to know how much I've enjoyed what has been written so far. I really wish it was finished. So so so wish it was finished. Such a good story. 07/04/2010 02:50 am Chapter 18 - It's truly the end of the world Thanks so much! Have been - a while - out of the fandom. This one does continue to play in my head, though, so I hope to return to it...some day. As soon as RL permits. I do love me some Spuffy. ;-) Warmest regards, sf_g Cheryl 04/16/2008 04:52 pm Chapter 18 - It's truly the end of the world Hi, I am still following this story - and am eagerly awaiting an update! stephanie 08/03/2007 08:15 am Chapter 18 - It's truly the end of the world i hope that you didn't abandon this fic! i really want to see where you take it! EveryNight 07/25/2007 02:04 am Chapter 18 - It's truly the end of the world Ooh, I am really liking this story! I am so excited that it is going on past the Faith-Buffy switch and the idea of the two super blonds having to deal with the other's demon is fantastic. Especially that little bit where the Master Vampire reaches out for his demon senses, while in a Slayer's body, and almost reaches them for a moment! I was a little confused during the switch itself, but now I think I am recognizing that Spike's demon had its own mind and thoughts about the switch and being torn away from its creator and human side. Spike, I think, is very human for a vampire, though he makes a point of being a cocky, irritating punk of a human. Without the human worries abot issues and insecurities and living up to expectations, I think his demon is far more open and as proved with Drusilla, doesn't mind showing the caring Spike is capable of. Buffy being able to feel these things for herself, mixed in with the violent impulses and blood-lust that means she can't pretend it isn't the DEMON feeling EMOTIONS. I always thought Faith had a point about Slayers being separated from humans, but after the other Slayer went to the Dark Side or whatever, it was like Buffy had to hide from that. She wouldn't admit Slaying made her 'hungry and horny' or say she enjoyed it or admit that being the hero was a real part of her, as if any of those things will mean she'll turn out like Faith. I'm sure being in a vampire's body, with his demon, will help free her from all those inhibitions to be the perfect 'Saint Buffy'. Too, I hope Buffy to see how similar she is to Spike's demon when it comes to fighting and such. At the same time, the idea of Spike really getting close to the force that drives Slayers, and that Buffy has been keeping on a tight leash without even knowing it, is gonna be so cool! I wonder how Spike would react to being out in sunlight or being treated like a girl, or even more oddly, a real person, especially when he can't think of humans only as food with the chip. I'm looking forward to him getting in touch with the violence of the Slayer side that he recognizes, while it is so ingrained into the urge to protect and the desire to help others who are hurt. PLEASE, please, please, continue this story! It is so good and there is so much to be done! Spuffy 4-ever.Update soon, it's too good a plot to be left hanging! Loads of love to SciFi_Gk! ;* (mwah!kiss) rapsody 06/16/2007 01:49 pm Chapter 18 - It's truly the end of the world you have something here that is different from most, I love it. please keep going. Thanks so much for reviewing. It's been so long since I updated that I forget that the story is still out there. Then I get a review and I remember that other people are WAITING! LOL. I haven't left it off. I'm planning to finish it off-line and then post. Reviews do move me along, though. :-) Again, thanks. hugs, sfg pretty_in_fangs 03/15/2007 01:01 am Chapter 18 - It's truly the end of the world This looks to be a great learning experience for her. And there's no way you can convince me that he smeared that blood around on accident. To quote Spike **putting one finger on nose and pointing the other at p_i_f** Kewpie doll for the lady. :-D Thank you. It was deliberate. Just as the noise, which he knew would hurt, was deliberate. Now we'll see how she handles it. Besides, there's no one who pushes Buffy's buttons better than Spike, and that's a fact! LOL. Thanks for reviewing. **squishes** hugs, sfg excellent read and the last word is perfect, thank you. Oh, thank you! I didn't know how that would go over. It just... happened. I LOVE it when that happens! LOL. hugs, sfg Love their banter and she apologized! She's still a bitch though, she darted him just because he was yell at her, compassion thy name is not Buffy! If she can't control the demon and claims the slayers body, you better believe that Spike would complete the claim. Oh I hope she won't be able to control the demons basic urges besides killing. Since vampires are very sexual creatures. Spike's a Master, Buffy's not much more then a fledge. This is going to be so good. With the way Spikes demon has wanted her, she's going to have to deal with the state of arousal he often finds himself in. Yup, this should be good! Thanks for the much appreciated updated, that was great. Verda, you are a charm. You got that she apologized and that it was so not what she would normally do to Spike. As I wrote the chapter, in my mind, that was HUGE. Yes, it was an off-hand apology ... **pointed look** ... JUST LIKE TO HER FRIENDS. See? HUGE for her. She has never wasted an apology on Spike, even when he deserved it. Okay, that said, I have to say, I didn't see the Buffy coming out of my keyboard so much as a biotch but as an immature young lady that has always been the one to call the shots. In case anyone misses this, she's making it up as she goes. Yeah, with a little help from her inner slayer, but we found out after she faced Adam that that Slayer didn't even agree with her methods, so...**shrugs** make of it what you will. About the compassion part, well, we know she's lacking there. OTH, SPIKE is fully aware of what she's going through and he is DELIBERATLY baiting/hurting her. He KNOWS and he's just pitching a fit without care. Neither of them is behaving like an adult. Which, imo, is SO Spuffy I have to grin :-D As to the sexual nature of the undead...**squee** I CAN'T WAIT TO GET TO THAT!!! Oh. Sorry. Hehehe. Hope you stick it out and thanks so much for reviewing. I love these things. hugs, sfg The demon acting up serves Buffy right for being mean to Spike. LOL. Once more...Spike is EVIL. He FULLY knows that she's having a head full of sensory overload. A sensory overload that he had to learn to deal with as a fledge. In my opinion, it's this very thing that sends fledglings into a frenzy when they rise. Buffy is being VERY good and handling it better than she really should. On the other hand, like I said in previous reply, it doesn't mean that Buffy wouldn't learn to grow up is she, say, took a bit too much sun. LOL. I guess we'll see, huh? Hope you stick it out. hugs, sfg Squirly 03/13/2007 04:01 am Chapter 18 - It's truly the end of the world I can't believe what an utter bitch that Buffy-in-a-vampire-suit was being. The end of this chapter was just what she deserved, as far as I'm concerned. I so hope that this latest switch will teach her a little compassion. Great job. Looking forward to the next installment. What???!!! She apologized! When has Buffy EVER apologized to Spike? EVER??? Spike was no less then sincere when he said it truly was the end of the world. Buffy might throw off those off-hand apologies to her friends... maybe even to a stranger... but to SPIKE? I don't think so. We'll just see what happens next. Hope you stick with it. hugs, sfg uh-oh--they might both be about to find out what happens when a slayer suddenly finds herself a vampire... :P lol...great chapter :) Thank you! I admit, I'm a bit put off by the Buffy-hate this has brought up. Buffy isn't evil, she's just immature. SPIKE is the evil one, no matter how humanity sits on him. It remains to be seen if he has Buffy's soul. **cough**wouldbetonit**cough** thanks for sticking it out. hugs, sfg kim 03/13/2007 02:52 am Chapter 18 - It's truly the end of the world HA, Ha!!! Demon isn't going to play nice. Serves you right, Buffy, for being so mean. Poor Spike.... "Poor Spike"...**thinking** Hmmm, this is getting to be a chorus. **chuckle** I feel I must remind you that ... SPIKE IS EVIL. LOL. He hasn't had his epiphany. In my mind, Spike's demon fell in love with Buffy long before SPIKE actually did. So, I guess we'll see, huh? I did mention to another reviewer that a mild sunburn my grow Buffy up right quick. LOL. We'll see. thanks for reviewing. hugs, sfg :-) 07/04/2010 02:47 am Chapter 17 - Unchain me why'd she shoot him for?? goodness.. Well, brand spanking new super hearing can be painful. She IS in a darkened room trying to cope. He's being...Spike. LOL 'nough said. thanks for reviewing. hugs, sfg They're all being so unfair to him. I hope she forgets about the sun and walks right into a sunbeam and burn the piss out of herself. god, I hope you'll be able to update again on a regular basis. Really excited to see what happens to them. Thanks, looking forward to more. LOL, wow. What a response! I keep having to remind people that Spike is EVIL. LOL. He might get into trouble in her bod. In fact, expect it. LOL. Just remember, no matter how much you're angry at Spike, he's earned the lack of trust. On the other hand, a mild sun burn might help Buffy grow up a bit. **eg** hugs, sfg either the tales over or she used a tranquilizer. compassion was a word buffy never did understand. very good read, thank you. Yeah, we're gonna try and introduce her to the concept of compassion. LOL. Thanks for reading. hugs, sfg oh i hope it was with a tranquilizer dart... :P poor buffy, dealing with all those new and scary senses, and poor spike, seems they're both facing old demons, eh? excellent chapter, love :) :-D I LOVE that this chapter has gotten you all thinking! It's very rewarding to hear. And I think this is the first review I've gotten that had a touch of "Poor Buffy" in it. LOL. Mostly, everyone is all "Poor Spike". And yeah. They both get to face the inner turmoil. I'm having such FUN! LOL. Thanks for taking the time to review. More to come. hugs, sfg Squirly 03/06/2007 06:52 pm Chapter 17 - Unchain me Yay! An update so soon! I was just checking here out of habit, I check every day and .... Yay! That was soooo good. Poor Spike. Can't say as I blame him for pitching a fit. All he got for helping was ripped apart, zapped and chained. Would make anyone mad. Your description of his awakening and ensuing confusion was excellent. Can't wait to see what's next! I KNOW! Can you believe it? Another update! He he he. Well, Muse is content to see to this story for a little while so I'm going to ride the wave as long as I can. *g* Thank you so much. The awakening, I felt, was so necessarry. Remember, it wasn't so long ago that he woke up in the Initiative after not remembering what happened. Plus, he does mention, later in the series, the understanding of having woken up in his own coffin. I think, retrained as he was, with his mind all fuzzy, he'd automatically go to what he's known. Anyway, that was my thinking. Thanks for sticking with it, Squirl. I might be posting some more pretty soon, so don't be a stranger, k? hugs, sfg 03/06/2007 05:58 pm Chapter 17 - Unchain me Well. OMG. I wasn't expecting that. Now she's got blood and a mess to deal with. And what will the Watcher say? Buffy, you're nothing if not... um... impulsive and gonna regret that? LOL Loving this. I LOVE it! You are so kind. I can't tell you how tickled I am that this chapter got everyone thinking outside the box. **BIG GOOFY GRIN** Thanks for takin' the time to review. Muse and I LOVE reviews. hugs, sfg I'm going to go out on a limb and say tranquilizer gun like they had for Oz. I don't think even Buffy would be stupid or petty enough to permanently injure her own body. Um, you DO know that Buffy is the rash-type, don't you? LOL. Not that I'm going to agree or disagree with your guess. **eg** You'll just have to read on to find out if you're right. Thanks for takin' the time to review. It really feeds the Muse. And feeding the Muse keeps the flighty **cough**biotch**cough** from taking off to parts unknown. LOL. Glad you're enjoying it so far. hugs, sfg pretty_in_fangs 03/06/2007 04:20 am Chapter 17 - Unchain me Woot! Another update! You must love us. Well...yeah! LOL. Of course I do! kim 03/06/2007 04:15 am Chapter 17 - Unchain me Shot him with the taser again?? Chaining him's not even necessary if they'd just talk to him reasonably!! Bastards! Hmmm. Tell me how you REALLY feel. LOL. **BgoofyG** I love this review. It lets me know that you care about the characters. Thanks for taking the time to review - it really feeds the Muse. hugs, sfg Such a good plot. Wish it was finished. :-) 07/04/2010 02:45 am Chapter 16 - So...chains? They both have a lot of adjusting to do, especially Buffy, no sunlight and drinking blood, heightened senses to worry about. Would have thought about using it on Buffy before he used it on Spike. She's the one with the vampire demon in her. She's got to control the bloodlust not Spike. Excellent chapter SG, love this concept. Well, Spike still IS evil. I think that they put WAY too much emphasis on the chip, and without the chip they aren't going to be thinking clearly. They'll think "It's Buffy vs Spike" when we all know it's "Buffy & Spike vs their strange demons". Thanks for reviewing. hugs, sfg excellent chapter, thank you. so giles, tazer the vamp. and buffy, hoe quickly they forget, “So…chains?†Thanks. But it is like Buffy, right? LOL. pretty_in_fangs 03/05/2007 01:36 pm Chapter 16 - So...chains? ::snicker:: This is going to be fun. I loved Spike instinctively protecting Willow from Buffy. And I'm so glad to see you update. Hope RL is getting better. Well, **I'm** having fun **BG*. And as for Spike protecting Willow, it's the nature of the Slayer to protect, yeah? So, thanks. RL is much better now, and I actually have a couple more chapters in reserve...**muttering** If I can get them back from my betas. :-) Thanks for stickin' with it. hugs, sfg I was so glad to see more of this story. I was wondering if they were going to pursue Faith or wait and regroup. Looks like thanks to Giles and his chains and a petty Buffy, it's get organized time first. Well, I'm sorry to say that they won't be pursuing Faith per se. This story is more about walking a mile in each other's shoes. In the series, Faith books to LA and to torment Angel and friends. Though I won't be writing that part, I'm going to keep that as the basics. This is a challenge, so I have certain points to fulfill. We'll learn about Faith, but we won't be trottin' down the road with her. I'm sorry if that disappoints. Thanks for keeping with it so far. hugs, sfg Squirly 03/04/2007 06:11 pm Chapter 16 - So...chains? Oh, that was sweet. A bit unfair of them to zap poor Spike after he'd been so helpful but then again.... no chip plus slayer strength could be way too much temptation for him. Can't wait until he wakes up and finds out what being a girl is all about. Buffy will have her problems with the demon too. Walk a mile in the other's shoes time. Great job! See you in a few weeks! Can't wait! Thanks, Squirl! This whole fic, for me, has been about walking a mile in the other's shoe. I'm finally getting to it. And there is SO many ways it can go, I'm SWIMMING in ideas. It doesn't make it happen any easier or faster because I have so much to choose from, but I'm the proverbial pig in the mud! Happy, happy, happy. LOL. Thanks for being so patient. hugs, sfg 03/04/2007 05:37 pm Chapter 16 - So...chains? AGH!!! Too good! too short! It's like... like... OK, can we tie you up until you finish this? We'll run your errands, take care of RL for you, and you can write. Deal? Seriously, am loving this. Everyone is soooo in character, I wish they'd made this into an episode, hun. SURE! Come on over! I'll even provide the restraints (though they won't be necessary, LOL). My favorite thing to hear is that the characters are behaving, well, LIKE THE CHARACTERS. LOL. It would have been a fun episode, wouldn't it? But then, we would have missed out on all the internalized smutty thoughts. Can't have that! LOL Thanks for reading. hugs, sfg kim 03/04/2007 04:31 am Chapter 16 - So...chains? Aww, poor Spike...no understanding. And let's see what Buffy does with her violence tendencies now that she's chipped! He he he. Yeah, that *will* be fun to see, won't it? *eg* Thanks for sticking with. hugs, sfg lol..too funny...and just how i would imagine that buffy would react ;) **big goofy grin** Thanks, DoS. It's always my favorite thing to hear the characters are believable. Thanks for your patience as I languished under the burder of RL. hugs, sfg :-) 07/04/2010 02:42 am Chapter 15 - Torn Asunder i can't get the story it up, my web browsers are both saying it doesn't exist!!! i wanna know what happens!!!! Sorry it took so long to get back to this, didn't get to read this before the hospital and had to stay over 6 weeks in rehab after surgery. Now I've got three chapters to read. I loved it! Bloody fantastic that chapter was. Of course, with Faith and Buffy switch they were both slayers. Spike and Buffy have huge adjustments to make. This is going to be great. Thanks for this exciting story. I echo your "sorry" and raise you a "RL is often harsh, huh?" LOL. Well, welcome back! And I hope all is well now. You seem to have grasped what I was going for...that Faith and Buffy's power comes from the same sorce and Spike's is different. I'm so pleased I could squeal! LOL. Thanks for reviewing. hugs, sfg ohhhhhhhhhh!!!!! GREAT JOB!!!!! I never thought of how they would react being ripped from their other "demon" & "slayer" selves. GREAT CHAPTER! Thank you! It was such a fun "what if" I couldn't pass it up. hugs, sfg seductive danger 02/01/2007 10:09 pm Chapter 15 - Torn Asunder your story is REALLY, REALLY good! please update soon!!!!!!!!! Thank you! You're too kind. Next chapter is up now. hugs, sfg C ewcew 01/30/2007 09:48 am Chapter 15 - Torn Asunder more, PLEASE! :D hehe. As Anyanka says, "Wish granted!" Chapter 16 is now up. Enjoy. hugs, sfg sirc 11/29/2006 04:34 pm Chapter 15 - Torn Asunder Loved it :D Thank you. Chapter 16 is up. Enjoy! hugs, sfg pretty_in_fangs 11/26/2006 06:09 am Chapter 15 - Torn Asunder WOW. I had somehow missed a whole bunch of chapters, and just got them now. Wonderful stuff. I can't wait to see what happens next. Missed a whole bunch of chapters!!!??? Well, I'm glad you enjoyed the catching up. One more for you. Chapter 16 is up now. Hope you like. hugs, sfg LindsayH 11/26/2006 05:57 am Chapter 15 - Torn Asunder Spike is pretty, damn it. And so's this story. Take all the time you want, enjoy your holidays, keep your strength up, and I look forward with anxious enthusiasm to the next installment! Spike **IS** pretty, isn't he!? LOL. And thank you so much for your kind words. The next chapter is up now. Hope you enjoy. hugs, sfg Emilee 11/25/2006 10:45 pm Chapter 15 - Torn Asunder I am very mipressed with this story. The plot is excellent, and you have a real knack for writing believable and agonizing UST. Can't wait for more. I really want to see how Buffy's gonna deal with a demon. Wow, thank you so much. I didn't really set out for UST, but the characters just won't get down to the hot, monkey sex without getting some STORY in there, dang it! LOL. Thanks for reading. The next chapter is up now. Hope you enjoy. hugs, sfg whoa...i'm thinking more than just a simple switch took place here...i'm a bit scared for all of them, and very eager to see what happens next...great update, love, looking forward to more :) "A bit scared for all of them" huh? **BgoofyG** Isn't that fun? LOL. Thanks for stickin' with. Next one is up now. hugs, sfg golddrake 11/25/2006 09:46 pm Chapter 15 - Torn Asunder great chapter Thanks. Next one's up if you're interested. Hope you enjoy. hugs, sfg Deb 11/25/2006 06:18 pm Chapter 15 - Torn Asunder Great story! Look forward to future updates. Aw, thank you! Next chapter is up now. Hope you enjoy. hugs, sfg Oh, I'm so glad you are still working on this one! Wonderful chapter - I wouldn't have thought about the demon being left behind in Spike's body. That's excellent! Not to wish you a rushed I'm so glad you are feeling better now and sorry that you were sick for such along time. Let's hope that's it for you for this year.:) Yay! Thanks for sticking with me. **BgoofyG** As for the demon being left behind in Spike's bod...it's like this, see... **snicker**... his body is, like, 145 years old or whatever. The demon is the thing keeping him alive...well, so to speak. LOL. Anyway, that was my take on it. Glad you're enjoying it. Thanks so much for you're well-wishes. RL got to be a bear but I'm better now -- well, **for now**, hehe (5 kids, you just never know when one'll get you sick! lol). Anywho, the next chapter is up, so enjoy. hugs, sfg Hey! Not Willow's fault. The device worked perfectly--just one too many people thrown into the mix. More, please? LOL, oh, come on! Willow track record? You gotta know that she's gonna goof. We're not talking "after the coven training" Willow, here. LOL. Next chapter is up. Hope you like it. hugs, sfg kim 11/25/2006 12:31 pm Chapter 15 - Torn Asunder Ooooo, a new take, having them feel the demon and the Slayer as separate parts still in the same body....just brilliant. Most Buffy/Spike switching stories have been funny and fluffy, but I love this new take. The actual consequences of doing that to these supernatural beings. Spike feeling the humanity. Buffy feeling the demon mourn Spike's absense. They're going to have to calm their own bodies...really work together until this is resolved. Love that the demon is pissed. Love that Spike's first thought on seeing himself was that he was pretty. The noise and brightness to one suddenly made a vampire. Spike being the relatively more composed one. Can't wait for more!!! Thanks so much. I went for a little funny, but I didn't want to overstep what they would do in the series. We also have a lot more time to cover, so more funny will be worked in as needed. LOL. Yeah, my whole thought process on this idea was that they would have to walk a mile in each other's shoes. And see the struggles that they *both* go through on a daily basis. I wanted that depth. Okay, I wanted hot Spuffy smut, too, but that's not the point. LOL. Besides, we haven't gotten that far yet. The next chapter is up now, btw. Hope you enjoy and thanks for reading. hugs, sfg Exciting, can't wait to see what happens. Looking foreward to the next update. Thanks for reading. The next chapter is up now. Hope you enjoy. hugs, sfg Spikes Slayer2 11/25/2006 11:38 am Chapter 15 - Torn Asunder oh yay!!! Yay, back atcha! hehe. Next chapter is up. Thanks for playin'. hugs, sfg "patience" is definitely the right course, if a chapter as good as this one is the reward. thanks for the fine read. I'm so sorry that "patience" was as key as it had to be. LOL. RL was a bear. The next chapter is up now. Hope you enjoy. Thanks so much for reading. hugs, sfg Squirly 11/25/2006 06:53 am Chapter 15 - Torn Asunder WOW! That was just... wow. It'll be torture waitng for the next chapter. If it's as powerful as this one, it'll be well worth waiting for. Hey, Squir! Speechless, huh? I'm so pleased. **BgoofyG** Next chappie is up, whenever you're ready. hugs, sfg RandiGiles 11/25/2006 06:15 am Chapter 15 - Torn Asunder OOOhhhhhh Dang please don't leave me hanging this bad for long..It being the holiday season and all you're suposed to be nice & not naughty.. I'm sorry it took so long for the follow-thru but RL was a mess. The next chapter is up. And thanks so much for reading! hugs, sfg sandyrah 11/25/2006 06:07 am Chapter 15 - Torn Asunder Fantastic! Spike separated from his demon, and Buffy from her soul(?)/ emotions. Great. So exciting. And boy-howdy, Willow is gonna get it!! Love it when that happens. Thanks so much for reading. Next chapter is up now. hugs, sfg :-) 07/04/2010 02:01 am Chapter 14 - The brunette Slayer, the chipped vampire and Buffy LOL!!! I must say, that was hilarious!!!!!!!!!1 Squirly 10/23/2006 03:49 am Chapter 14 - The brunette Slayer, the chipped vampire and Buffy That's go great! You did it perfectly. Just the right amount of humor and tension. Poor Buffy. And you won't hear me say that very often, don't like the bint, but she does get a bit of sympathy here. Poor Spike, he's gonna soooo hate being a girl! Squirly, always a pleasure to have you stop by! And, can I say, WOW! YOU actually feel sorry for Buffy? I'm stunned, and oh-so-flattered! LOL. And I don't know about Spike not liking being a girl. 1) He's got girl parts withing easy reach. 2) He's got no chip. 3) He's still got the strength of a slayer to ease that need for violence (which wouldn't be so easy as a 'normal' girl. Duh, why can't Buffy understand that? LOL). Thanks for reading. ;-) That was great fun. Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for reading. ;-) sirc 10/22/2006 08:43 am Chapter 14 - The brunette Slayer, the chipped vampire and Buffy :O!!! Loved it :D **beaming** Thank you! ;-) Spikes Slayer2 10/22/2006 03:01 am Chapter 14 - The brunette Slayer, the chipped vampire and Buffy HAHAHAHAA LOL great chapter!!! Thanks. :-D Glad you liked it! hahahahaha I thought that might happen with the warnings and the "NO" lol. hahaha poor buffy. What will spike do now that he's got the slayer's boobs at very easy access? hahaha LOL. One never can tell with Spike, can they? Oh, wait. Yes. Yes they can. LOL. A gratuitous squeeze would not be out of character. ;-) Thanks for sticking with. ;-) Oh yeah, the real fun's about to begin. Buffy's going to have to have him stay at her place till they switch back. She'll be afraid of what he'd do to her body if not supervised. He's got to help her since she's got to drink blood and stay out of the sun and not to mention Riley and he's commandos, she can't take the chance that they'll catch him again will she's in there.Wonder if Riley's going to try and mac on Buffy/Spike! That would be hilarious! We females don't have as complicated of equipment to deal with either and Spike's only to have to help her with that. I seriously doubt that she'll want Giles help with it! This is going to be so much fun. Please update at least once before Halloween, that's my surgery date and I won't be home for a few weeks and I want to read more. I'm trying to convince me son to print out all the stories that I'm reading, but that's like 40 or 50 so I don't know how dedicated he's going to be. Studying for tests and keeping up the house while I'm gone. Thanks for the fun chapter, looking forward to more. Hey! Are you writing this thing? LOL. Some of that might happen, some might not. Hope you'll be happy with it, either way. As for our plumbing being less complicated, I might remind you of a certain time of the month when that wouldn't be so. *ahem* **EG** Verda, I'll try to update at least once before Halloween, RL permitting. Good luck with your surgery and a speedy recovery. I'm mighty chuffed that you're looking forward to more before then. :-) Be well. Thanks for reading. ;-) wonderful chapter, thank you Hey, thanks for stopping by and reading! hugs ;-) kim 10/21/2006 11:08 pm Chapter 14 - The brunette Slayer, the chipped vampire and Buffy Ha ha! Buffy's in Spike and Spike's in Buffy! See, less with the talky and more with the chains, people. At least the switched bodies are of the harmless type now, instead of Faith still being in the mix. Cuz Spike is at least predictable. He he he, isn't that fun?! But, uh, not so sure about the chains, pet. LOL. And, Spike isn't really all that predictable -- to Buffy. LOL. To US he's transparent. :-D Thanks for reading. ;-) ROFL -Aha! and now we get to the meat of the story! LOL So, can it only be used once? Cause, otherwise, couldn't they just do it again? That's right! The meat of the story! Only took us 14 chapters! LOL. I can't tell you how tickeled I am that the humor is coming across in this fic. I really wanted something fun. As for whether or not it can be used again, well, there is the challenge requirements to take into consideration. Spike and Buffy aren't the same situation as Faith and Buffy, are they? Not two slayers, equal but different. Nope, now we're talking vampire to slayer transfer. That's going to bugger things up a bit. And won't that be fun?! lol Thanks for reading. ;-) oh no....well this should be very interesting...can't wait to see how it turns out...buffy might gain a bit of understanding for poor spike....this should be a learning experience :) Well, she *does* get to walk a mile in Spike's boots, so I'm hoping for a lesson learned. But with Buffy, you never can be too sure. LOL. Thanks for reading. ;-) I love how you made the change. Not only did you get Faith back to her own body and Buffy and Spike switched, but you did it in a way that completely made sense and left in the wonderful scene with Spike and Faith-in-a-Buffy-suit at the Bronze. I love what Buffy telling Tara to take her time did for Tara. I think Willow almost has more power with her tears then with her magic and I really enjoyed Buffy’s and Spike’s reaction to them. Thank you so much for the update, I really enjoyed it. Oh, I'm so glad you liked it! It's the whole reason it took us 14! chapters to get to the switch. I just love that Bronze scene. And it's pretty important to me to get it to make sense, even though this is a challenge. Also, I think you're right, Willow *is* pretty powerful with her tears. This is, of course, when she's still close enough to our HS Willow, the innocent best friend who rolled with all the wacky that happened to and around Buffy. The corruption hasn't robbed her of all that yet. I'm glad that came across. Thanks for sticking with it. :-) :-) 07/04/2010 01:55 am Chapter 13 - Bleeding tragic taste in men :- 07/04/2010 01:55 am Chapter 13 - Bleeding tragic taste in men valdt 10/17/2006 08:20 am Chapter 13 - Bleeding tragic taste in men great read, thank you. clueless riley, very good; buffy:“Don’t do anything gross with my body or I’ll stake you,†excellent. It just fit. I especially liked the cheeky way Spike smirks at Riley when he says "Now, would **I** do that?!" And we're all saying, "Oh, yes, you would!" LOL. Thanks for reading and reviewing. Kittenuno 10/16/2006 01:16 pm Chapter 13 - Bleeding tragic taste in men Funny, poignant and utterly original. You just wanted to hit Riley with a two by four by the end of the chapter. You have written a fantastic story SciFi_Gk. Thank you. LOL, he *was* rather pathetic, wasn't he? But, hey, that's what the voices in my head said, so that's what I did. What? Don't look at me like that! LOL. Thanks for reading. Squirly 10/16/2006 08:49 am Chapter 13 - Bleeding tragic taste in men Well, I'll try this again. That was great! Love Spike's introspective in this story. His internal monologue is histerical. I truly think you've totally improved on the original! BTW, I think Gail rocks too. *waves* Hi, Gail! Oh, thank you so much. I love to get that humor in there, cause that's how it is in the series. Though it's not always easy, it is rewarding. Thanks for stopping by, Squirly. It's always a pleasure. :-) Squirly 10/16/2006 08:38 am Chapter 13 - Bleeding tragic taste in men weird. You're speechless? LOL. I am so glad that you posted these two chapters together. I loved how calm the real Buffy appeared before she knocked out Faith. I really hope that Buffy's not so delusional about needing a normal life that she will allow Riley any leeway with this. Seeing is much harder then just hearing about it. Thanks so much for the updates, I really enjoyed them. Well...**pausing for a deep breath**, it's not lookin' good for Riley. This author has, let's just call them, **issues** with Riley. I wouldn't start planning the make-up sex. But that's just me. LOL. OTOH, I can't just get rid of him yet. I DO have some points to cover because this is a challenge response. So, as much as I would like to wave Riley off right now, he'll be around again. But, I'm thinking it'll be fun. Another chance at 'kick the soldier'. LOL. Spike's gonna love it. LOL, thanks for reading. nightshift 10/15/2006 02:41 pm Chapter 13 - Bleeding tragic taste in men I'm enjoying your version much better than I enjoyed the episode. Looking forward to the rest. Because, HEY, anything with more Spike is always better, right? LOL. Thank you. ;-) sirc 10/15/2006 09:44 am Chapter 13 - Bleeding tragic taste in men well done :D Thank you. ;-) I know, weird, a second review but I couldn't help it. I just read it again and *claps* Just love it. I forgot about Faith and Spike's little exchange, it was priceless. Spike did get a nice view, didn't he? Of course he wouldn't do anything gross to the body that he has currently thrown over his shoulder. Naw, not Spike! I'm so glad that you've gotten back to this fun fic, thanks again. Oh, please! More than one review isn't weird, it's wonderful. Me and Muse thank you. :-) And, Nah, it wouldn't even cross Spike's mind to do something gross to the body. Nuh uh, not Spike. He's innocence personified. Riiiiiiiight. LOL Thanks again. God I loved Spike little speech to Riley! It was perfect! I can so see him doing exactly that and exactly the way he said it. Awesome chapter. Loved how he braced himself for her to launch off of. He knows her so well. Now to get her passed everyone outside of the building. Fantastic read, thanks. Spike really spoke up this chapter. I was angling for him to have one, maybe two, quippy lines, but Buffy refused to speak and Spike just stepped into the vaccuum. And, hey, it totally goes to state of mind of Buffy that she doesn't tell him to shut up. I'm so glad you're enjoying it. ;-) sheri 10/15/2006 09:03 am Chapter 13 - Bleeding tragic taste in men absolutely lovin this story! can't wait for more! Thank you so much. kim 10/15/2006 06:56 am Chapter 13 - Bleeding tragic taste in men Awesome...perfect Faith dialogue, perfect Spike comments...and true to Buffy being so pissed off that she's beyond words. She's reached that point where it's just cold calm as you get the job done. And Spike got to make lots of fun of Riley, too - even better! Almost over now...and Faith, it's not nice to lie...she didn't get that friendly with Angel over just one kiss. Thank you. Faith had alot to say this chapter, and all of it cutting. She was so much fun! LOL. Buffy, on the other hand, had nothing to say. And Spike, well, as always, can't shut that guy up. LOL. Btw, the sleeping with Angel thing is implied in the episode Enemies. If you watch it, she gets groiny with him before they go see the Mayor, and at the end of the ep, Angel says "I never wanted it to go that far." So...hey, poetic license. ;-) Thanks for reading. hehehe Awesome chapter! Loved it! :) Wow...there is gonna be some riley fallout. heh. Of course...Riley fallout is of the good, don'tcha know. **BEG** Thanks for reading. ;-) Ah - two wonderful chapters. I like your Spike. He's just the right combination of "still evil" and "falling for Buffy". Perfect. THANK YOU! It's so HARD to get that balance. But that's the fun, right? Thanks for reading. ;-) hahaha You like? I'm glad. :-) lol...that ending was lovely...pure classic spuffy...i have to say, i kinda like faith, in spite of her evil-ness...riley on the other hand...just pathetic...glad she left him, great chapter and looking eagerly forward to more :) Oh, yeah. Faith just wouldn't stop whispering in my ear. Sometimes the evil ones are the funest (it is too a word...today, anyway. LOL) to write. :D Thanks for reading. ;) :-) 07/04/2010 01:51 am Chapter 12 - Front row, center vladt 10/17/2006 08:14 am Chapter 12 - Front row, center lovely read, thank you. riley being more stupid than usual and spike getting to witness it. absolutely wonderful. What could be more fun, right? LOL. Thanks for reading. I loved Faith's comment on Riley's skills and Faith wiggling her fingers and saying hi made he laugh. I love that Spike was there for this and his enjoyment but I do feel sorry for Buffy. There goes her last illusion that Riley really knows her. Yeah, Faith was being a minx this chapter. And I just HAD to have Spike there for this. I mean, how could I not? Besides, would Buffy really rather have Giles see her in flagrante delicto (which she suspects her body will be)? Anyway, Riley deserved it. LOL. I'm still working out the "It's your fault for me going to a vamp ho" rage. As you can tell. LOL. I don't know when I'll be done with the process, but today is not that day. Tomorrow isn't looking too good, either. LOL. Thanks for reading. hobbituk 10/15/2006 03:00 pm Chapter 12 - Front row, center I'm really enjoying this fic. Just one teeny tiny thing though... the English swearword used by Spike is Bollocks. Not Bullocks. Which are male cows... unless you wanted to convey the same sort of thing without actually swearing, in which case ignore me. :) OMG! Color me embarrassed! Crap, I'll fix it, I promise. Oh, phooey. Thank you! These things slide by cause me and my American Beta are only wingin' it, here. **shhh, don't tell** LOL. Thanks for reading...and keeping me on the straight and narrow! ;-) sirc 10/15/2006 09:40 am Chapter 12 - Front row, center Oh, poor poor Riley :P Yeah, **sigh** Riley isn't going to get a reprieve from this author. The ponce. LOL. I guess I still haven't forgiven him for blaming HIS VAMP HO on Buffy. Let Sam deal with the tremendous Hall Monitor. :-P Thanks for reading. Spike's really loving this, as he should. Do feel a little sorry for Buffy, her latest chance at "normal", just blew up in her face. She's got some thinking to do. Got to face that she's just not normal. Excellent chapter, going to read 13 now. And isn't it about time, too? Jeez, get a clue girl! LOL. Thanks. ;-) kim 10/15/2006 06:50 am Chapter 12 - Front row, center LOL...beautiful!! Thank you! :-) hehe! Awesome chapter! Is buffy planning to kill faith? I mean I understand she wants to, but would she? This is a great chapter. I was thrilled to see an update so soon! :) Well, anything can happen, right? :-) My thinking is, after this (in the show's canon - AtS and BtVS, both), Buffy goes to LA where Faith showed up and Angel was helping, and she's ready to take Faith out. Her threshold has been reached. I'm thinking, right here, she's pretty close to that. But, to tell the truth, I don't think she's quite there yet. So, nah. She'd hesitate... ...Or, maybe not (I know, I'm evil! LOL) Thanks for reading. ;-) oh good...riley gets to get dumped...i am actually glad that faith is so frank about things...riley deserved to hear the truth about his ... er... *skills*...lol...great chapter, on to the next :) Yeah, I just don't think he's got the darkness Buffy needs. **sigh** But then, we have Spike for that, don't we? LOL. Thanks for reading. ;) :-) 07/04/2010 01:46 am Chapter 11 - Rage and the Slayer vladt 10/17/2006 08:06 am Chapter 11 - Rage and the Slayer excellent read, thank you. question, what help is a chipped vampire going to be? Well, in this chapter, he's just along for the bloodshed. :-) But, hey, Spike has many talents, doesn't he? LOL. You'll see. ;-) Thanks for reviewing. sirc 10/14/2006 08:17 pm Chapter 11 - Rage and the Slayer Great chapter :D Thanks! ;) Megan 10/14/2006 05:29 pm Chapter 11 - Rage and the Slayer Was really loving how Willow was digging a big hole for herself--until she had to go and cute herself out of it. I am vastly relieved that you're getting your flow back. And layers are good. I like reading layers. Even if I have to do it with a revolting mouse in my kitchen. Thank you so much, Megan. I like reading layers too, which is why I'm trying to incorporate them. I think, though, now comes some of the fun stuff (I hope! LOL). And mice...I'm right there with you. What is this, like, some strange Butterfly effect? It was just a day or two ago that I saw it in my kitchen, which, I know for a fact is half-way 'round the world! Busy mouse. LOL. Thanks for stickin' with me. ;-) this edgy, angry buffy has me a bit nervous and on edge, too...what exactly is she going to do? what does she want spike to do? i'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter, pet :) Wow. I love it when that happens. Such a rush to me and Muse to touch someone and get them to feel it. Thank you. Hopefully I'll have something soon. Stay tuned. ;-) Really great chapter! I'm wondering what she needs spike's help for. Stay tuned. She'll let him know soon. :-) Thanks for your patience. ;-) I love that Spike is following along in the hope of seeing a very hurt Riley and I love how he is helpless against reassuring Willow that things will be all right when she say's to much. Thanks so much for the update, I really enjoyed the thoughts of Spike through this. Oh, to have Spike showing off his evil! He really resisted at first, which is why this chappie took so long, with so many rewrites. But, seriously, don't you think he'd be hoping? And he's pretty much always been the ladies' b*tch. Hard to quash that William inside. LOL. Thanks for your patience. Hope to have more soon. ;-) kim 10/14/2006 12:22 am Chapter 11 - Rage and the Slayer Oooo, she needs his help for this? Why? That banged up she needs the meat shield? Loved Spike's POV here. "Meat shield"??? Bwah ha ha! I guess you'll just have to wait and see. Thanks for stickin' with me. ;-) You've updated! Yay! I'm wondering what she wants him to do? What she could use her help for besides helping to restrain Faith. That was a great rewrite. Hope you can update soon. Thanks for the great read. WooHoo for updates! LOL. Seems everyone's wondering what she needs help with, and isn't Muse just loving the questions! Hope to have more soon and thanks for your kind words and patience. ;-) Ah - asking for help! A step in the right direction. Still enjoying this one. Thanks for being patient. Hopefully, things will move right along after this. ;-) pretty_in_fangs 10/13/2006 07:13 pm Chapter 11 - Rage and the Slayer Glad to see an update. Sorry it was so hard for you. Interested to see what she needs his help with. (Searching for the subjects to all my sentences.) LOL. I got it anyway. :-) Yeah, this was a tough one, but I'm on to the next so, hopefully, it won't take as long. Now we're into the good stuff! ;-) Thanks for reading. :-) 07/04/2010 01:40 am Chapter 10 - And the hits just keep on coming sirc 09/14/2006 07:15 pm Chapter 10 - And the hits just keep on coming Great chapter :D Thanks. ;-) Squirly 09/14/2006 07:02 am Chapter 10 - And the hits just keep on coming GAH! Please tell me more will come up as soon as you get 'the stick' back! (damn Ghost!) You totally interested me with your discription at dinner and I was not in any way disappointed! I love how completely in character each point of view is, incredible. *bounce* Love it! Huggles! Squee! You came! I'm so excited! Yes, I am working on the next chapter. However, I keep getting people whinging for a con report so I'm torn. LOL. I'll do my best to have it soon, though. golddrake 09/07/2006 05:28 am Chapter 10 - And the hits just keep on coming great chapter spike's presence and comments enhance the fun revisting this scene. thanks for the fun read. Jessica 09/06/2006 08:52 am Chapter 10 - And the hits just keep on coming Love the story so far. Looking forward to more. *gasp* i forgot about riley LOL Robyn 09/06/2006 04:26 am Chapter 10 - And the hits just keep on coming I’ve always loved how Buffy used her mom thinking that Giles was ‘like a stevedore during sex’ to help convince him who she really was and I love how you slightly tweaked it to include Spike. The way you wrote Spike into this scene was perfect and he just added to the whole feel of it. Thanks so much for the update and enjoy your time with JM. What a fun chapter! Forgot that Tara was the one to notice it wasn't Buffy. Knowing Buffy, Giles' question about who was president? Funny! Stevedor Spike? Have a good time, update this terrific fic as soon as you can. Thanks. the hits just keep on coming.†and so do the fun chapters! lol...oh come on!!! let faith have riley, who cares? she has spike now! great chapter :) pretty_in_fangs 09/05/2006 09:46 pm Chapter 10 - And the hits just keep on coming The addition of Spike makes all scenes better! :;grin:; or something. kim 09/05/2006 08:37 pm Chapter 10 - And the hits just keep on coming Yep....she's probably there already, seducing clueless Soldier Boy into bed. This was good! Oh I LOVE this. I can't wait to see what happens. I hope she interrupts Faith and Riley going at it, kicks his ass, and then goes to spike for comfort. THat's what happens right? pretty please? :) :-) 07/04/2010 01:34 am Chapter 9 - Priceless spike starting to confuse himself even more. giles was, is and always will be, an ass. fun read, thank you Robyn 09/05/2006 12:04 pm Chapter 9 - Priceless I loved how Spike jumped to Buffy’s defense and felt for her because Giles doesn’t believe her. Spike is so cute trying to convince himself that his feelings towards Buffy are evil and you left off with another great line. Thanks so much for the updates. LOL bondage fun!! hehe pretty_in_fangs 09/05/2006 06:53 am Chapter 9 - Priceless Hee! So happy to see more of this fic (don't know how I missed the last update, but this meant I got to read TWO chappies at once. yay) kim 09/05/2006 04:31 am Chapter 9 - Priceless Oh, that was funny....great perspective from Spike. Poor Buffy, the Evil vampire knew her better then her surrogate father. Love how Spike's beginning to realize that he's got feeling's for Buffy, and not just evil "I'm a vampire gonna shag a slayer" kinda way. Beaten and bruised Buffy sure does have a way about her, enough to capture the heart of the evil undead. This has been a great chapter. Thanks for the read. hehehe I LOVE it! Love spike coming to her defense there while he's trying to convince himself he's evil. Yeah he had a thing for her way back in season four ;) Reaaly well written. Thx. :-) 07/04/2010 01:31 am Chapter 8 - Oh, dear lord sirc 09/14/2006 07:04 pm Chapter 8 - Oh, dear lord He'd think that, wouldn't he? :P Logical conclusion, yes, but Spike has most likely forgotten about that already. :D Nah, I think he'd get a great kick outta letting the Watcher think he'd done the deed. He does love his petty torments. LOL. Thanks for reading. Robyn 09/05/2006 11:58 am Chapter 8 - Oh, dear lord I do agree with Giles’ assessment of being ‘deeply stupid’ not for thinking Spike would help them but for his thought that Spike should help them when all they do is treat him like dirt. I loved the last two lines. lol...what a surprise giles is in for!!! can't wait for the next chapter, pet...this one was great ;) golddrake 09/04/2006 03:09 am Chapter 8 - Oh, dear lord great chapter Oh, what a cliff hanger! Of course Giles will think that Spike has brought the real Faith there to kill him! The next chapter should be very interesting....:) LOL love to see that giles is jumping to conclusions!!!! vladt 09/03/2006 07:45 am Chapter 8 - Oh, dear lord that was a wonderful read, thank you. Oh, dear lord. Spike actually followed through on a plan. lmao loved that line. can't wait for mroe. kim 09/03/2006 06:46 am Chapter 8 - Oh, dear lord Oh, that's funny! Buffy better hurry up with the proving it's her. Yup, it was short, but all will be forgiven if you will give us the details of your JM encounter. Are you getting another photo with him in casual dress as well? Personally I'd prefer him in casuals then dress. Have a good time, you lucky girl. Thanks for the update. lmao! This is so funny, giles line about "oh dear lord. Spike actually followed through on a plan" hehehe! More soon! :) :-) 07/04/2010 01:28 am Chapter 7 - The Duality that was Buffy this is a great chapter too...but you forgot to take the italics off towards the end after you got through the thoughts. Thanks, Zoe. It was a glitch that I hadn't even noticed. Appreciate you letting me know. Hugs, sfg sirc 08/29/2006 03:50 pm Chapter 7 - The Duality that was Buffy loved it :) Robyn 08/11/2006 06:05 am Chapter 7 - The Duality that was Buffy Wow, is Buffy the queen of denial or what? I really enjoy the Spike and Buffy snarkage, particularly when she’s not feeling up to hitting him. Thanks for the update, I really enjoyed it. vladt 07/31/2006 11:44 pm Chapter 7 - The Duality that was Buffy very good read, thank you. lol...love the ust here...though spike seems to be working hard at resolving it :) great update ;) kim 07/31/2006 11:06 am Chapter 7 - The Duality that was Buffy Yeah, denial only works when the evidence isn't so obvious that it's pounding you in the head. Poor Buffy.... golddrake 07/31/2006 07:50 am Chapter 7 - The Duality that was Buffy great chapter Buffy's being her bitch self even though she's being helped and should be grateful. She should listen to that little voice and remember how the sexy vampire's hands feel on Faith's body. Very good chapter. Thanks for the read. :-) 07/03/2010 03:00 pm Chapter 6 - Slutty Faith in a Buffy suit sirc 07/15/2006 08:52 pm Chapter 6 - Slutty Faith in a Buffy suit great chapter Verda 07/12/2006 10:33 am Chapter 6 - Slutty Faith in a Buffy suit Very good chapter. Maybe now Buffy will start to realize that Spike isn't all that bad, he likes her mother, after all. The story's really coming alone quite nicely. Eager to see wears it's going next. Thanks for the read. Robyn 07/05/2006 05:45 am Chapter 6 - Slutty Faith in a Buffy suit I loved the update and how perfect their characterization and interaction is. :) which one is more dense? great update. thanks for the read. Great chapter! You've really got the interaction between Spike and Buffy perfect. I can't wait to see what happens next. Update soon! Nice! Spike's thoughts are so fun to read; so much for denying he feels anything for her! I loved the title of this chapter, btw! Nice update - getting there in spite of themselves, aren't they? golddrake 07/04/2006 05:45 pm Chapter 6 - Slutty Faith in a Buffy suit great chapter i love that chapter....:)...love how they're both pretending not to care...love how protective he is of her even without wanting to be...very excellent update...can't wait for more :) Spikes Slayer2 07/04/2006 12:07 pm Chapter 6 - Slutty Faith in a Buffy suit yay.. updates!! lol so when does spike go into the buffy suit? All good things to those who wait. hehe. I've got a couple more twists I just CAN'T leave out. Hopefully, you'll thank me for it. ;-) kim 07/04/2006 10:58 am Chapter 6 - Slutty Faith in a Buffy suit Oh, waah, poor Buffy - he likes your mother more than you. Well, duh!! Joyce treats him decently! Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, Buffy. LOL, and how right you are! 'Cause, pretty soon, Buffy's gonna wish she took that advice. You know what they say, you never really know a person (or in this case, a demon) until you've walked a mile in his shoes (or Spike's case, boots). LOL. Dreylin 07/04/2006 08:33 am Chapter 6 - Slutty Faith in a Buffy suit I'll admit, this story didn't grab me at first - I think because of mixed up expectations from the blurb at the beginning. It's got me now, and I'm eagerly anticipating the next installment. Good chapter! Sorry about the "mixed up expectations". I tried to make it clear in just a couple of sentences and, obviously, this is just **making 'itty bitty' sign with finger and thumb** a WEE bit complicated. LOL. Glad it's pulling you along now. And thanks! I'm loving this fic! It's freaking fantabulous! pretty_in_fangs 07/04/2006 07:41 am Chapter 6 - Slutty Faith in a Buffy suit Hmmm... The terminlogy is getting tongue-twisty. And I suspect it's about to get worse. ::grin:: Much fun. :-) 07/03/2010 02:54 pm Chapter 5 - Not so golden sirc 07/15/2006 08:45 pm Chapter 5 - Not so golden great chapter Verda 07/12/2006 10:16 am Chapter 5 - Not so golden Really liked their dialogue. This is going to be good. Good chapter. Thanks for the read. good read, thanks Robyn 07/03/2006 11:30 pm Chapter 5 - Not so golden Very interesting twist having Buffy overhear the whole exchange I can't wait to see what happens next. Thanks for the great update. :) Spikes Slayer2 07/02/2006 03:07 pm Chapter 5 - Not so golden thats GOLD! loved it!!! I am sooo enjoying this. I don't think I've read this particular take on the situation before and loving it! all caught up *smile* what an excellent twist you're writing :) golddrake 07/01/2006 11:46 pm Chapter 5 - Not so golden great chapter. Can't wait to see what happens next. this is so awesome!! i love this fic!! it's so perfectly done, i could see this actually happening on the show...very good job, can't wait for more! :) The ulitimate compliment. Thank you! Yay! Didn't see that coming; well done! Okay, I'm a complete fan of the switching plot but there aren't very many fics. I have to say I really really like this fic so far. Hope to see more of this soon! pretty_in_fangs 07/01/2006 07:37 pm Chapter 5 - Not so golden Hee hee. I'm liking where this is going. Mac 10/01/2006 11:46 pm Chapter 4 - Gobsmacked I love the way you write. Love the way you handle each character IN character, and especially how you handle Spike. I haven't read anything this good in weeks. Thanks for letting me know where to find your glorious romps! I've read your writing before, but had no idea it was YOU! Mmm...on to chapter 5. (And when I read your words, I can hear your voice since meeting you. It's like being read to. Lovely.) Wow! You found me! I'm so stoked! LOL. And you surely know how to stroke that writer's ego. :-) Thank You! oh i love this. I really love this interplay between them, and the paragraph near the end where he's imagining having sex with her. So vivid. You've got wonderful imagery going on here. sirc 07/15/2006 08:33 pm Chapter 4 - Gobsmacked great chapter Verda 07/12/2006 10:02 am Chapter 4 - Gobsmacked Love that scene. Hopefully he'll realize that he was right in the first place that it wasn't his slayer. Good chappie.Thanks Robyn 07/03/2006 11:19 pm Chapter 4 - Gobsmacked I love that scene and I love how well you did it and how perfect Spike's thoughts were. Faith really did a great job of playing him. :D Whoa! Love that scene; it's really one of my faves! I am enjoying how you have Spike's thoughts so true to character. Spikes Slayer2 06/30/2006 09:57 am Chapter 4 - Gobsmacked LOL i kinda LOVE that little speech.. lol its awesome!!! lol vladt 06/30/2006 04:31 am Chapter 4 - Gobsmacked wonderful read, thank you wow...that was intense...very very hot...better even than i expected, and i expected it to be good! :) great update, can't wait for more :) pretty_in_fangs 06/29/2006 11:45 pm Chapter 4 - Gobsmacked ::laugh:: Love that scene. golddrake 06/29/2006 11:44 pm Chapter 4 - Gobsmacked great chapter Wow nice! I love faith's voice. You do so well with capturing the different character's voices and attitudes. Whoa, how'd I miss this one? Awesome start! I love your faith! You've got a way with words. Looking forward to more! sirc 07/15/2006 08:22 pm Chapter 3 - Guy, guy, guy, girl great chapter Verda 07/12/2006 09:53 am Chapter 3 - Guy, guy, guy, girl That always was a fun scene especially Spike's expressions. The next scene is the best. Good chapter, thanks for the read. Robyn 07/03/2006 11:14 pm Chapter 3 - Guy, guy, guy, girl I loved the description of the Mayor, a 'mixture of evil and morality' and how perfectly it fits. Faith has it right, Buffy’s next visit to the Bronze won’t be something she will forget. :D vladt 06/30/2006 04:27 am Chapter 3 - Guy, guy, guy, girl fun read , thanks. great chapter ending: "I kinda LOVE this town!" Faith is sure having fun! Her thoughts about the Mayor were very interesting, especially about the sack lunch. A job for a parent nicely explained why she connected with him so well! Thanks! Spikes SLayer2 06/29/2006 02:17 pm Chapter 3 - Guy, guy, guy, girl arrghh!! make himm do stuff.. but not.. cause spaith.. eww.. Spaith? I second that "eww" and raise you a "blech". There will be no Spaith...well, except for Spike copping a feel...but that'll be Buffy...uh, in the FaithSuit. Oh, my head! Hmph. You'll get it when you get it! LOL kim 06/29/2006 11:00 am Chapter 3 - Guy, guy, guy, girl Faith's gonna have some fun... lol...excellent...and you stopped in a horrible place, you know that?? left me desperate for the next update!! awesome update! pretty_in_fangs 06/29/2006 06:21 am Chapter 3 - Guy, guy, guy, girl Just read the first three chapters. Looks like it's going to be a lot of fun! golddrake 06/29/2006 05:50 am Chapter 3 - Guy, guy, guy, girl Great chapter. Love this story can't wait for more. 07/03/2009 09:04 am Chapter 2 - Payday heh i love spike's inner monologue here. Great writing! :) sirc 07/15/2006 08:15 pm Chapter 2 - Payday great chapter Verda 07/12/2006 09:43 am Chapter 2 - Payday Yup! all the slayers fault, damn her making him want her, nothing wrong on his part...demon after all. Can't wait for them to meet. Good chapter. Thanks for the read. fallen_angel 06/29/2006 11:18 am Chapter 2 - Payday Loved how Spike managed to make it all Buffy's fault! golddrake 06/29/2006 05:44 am Chapter 2 - Payday great chapter vladt 06/28/2006 09:17 pm Chapter 2 - Payday good chapter, thanks for the read. Another great chapter. I like Spike's train(s) of thought. Can't wait to see what happens! Robyn 06/28/2006 10:48 am Chapter 2 - Payday I enjoyed Spike's introspection and how he manages to make everything Buffy's fault, it is so perfectly him. :) Just supports the first chapter brilliantly. I'm really enjoying where it's going and looking forward so much to betaing the next one. Your language is spot on and the tone is perfect. Love it. your spike-voice is flawless...very well done...i cant wait to see where you take this fascinating new fic :) Wow! I think I'll be walking on Cloud 9 for the next few days...okay, well, at least the next few **hours**. **BG** Thanks so much! :-) 07/03/2010 02:33 pm Chapter 1 - Wigsome very intriging start to the fic - cant wait to see what happens next Thanks for stopping by. As soon as Muse lets me know where to go...we'll go there. ;-) sirc 07/15/2006 07:51 pm Chapter 1 - Wigsome well done :) Verda 07/12/2006 09:33 am Chapter 1 - Wigsome Sorry it took me awhile to get around to this one, been wanting to read it. Looks really good can't wait to get caught up. Thanks. Oh very nice! Like this idea! I enjoyed Buffy's inner thoughts, well done. Robyn 06/28/2006 10:41 am Chapter 1 - Wigsome Great start I can really understand you wanting to keep in the scene of Faith and Spike, I also loved it. I love that Buffy was able to fight back and escape at the point of the accident. I am really looking forward to how she manages to switch bodies with Spike, and the results of everything else that is going on. that was a much better thing to have happen than what actually happened :P great, exciting start .. can't wait to read more :) vladt 06/26/2006 03:08 am Chapter 1 - Wigsome wonderful beginning, thanks for the read. Major beta embarassment. How'd I miss this one. wretch - should be retch. Great story, Sci. Well, I suppose "wretch-inducing" isn't exactly correct...though, I'm sure she felt like a wretch. LOL. Fixed, though. Thanks. golddrake 06/25/2006 08:05 pm Chapter 1 - Wigsome great start. I can't wait for more, I'm really looking forward to seeing how things change. Spikes Slayer2 06/25/2006 01:10 pm Chapter 1 - Wigsome awww i like the start of this!! I am really looking forward to the Spike-Buffy switch! Update soon.You are the best! angelic_amy 06/25/2006 12:47 pm Chapter 1 - Wigsome Wow, brilliant start! I can't wait to see where you go with this fic. Absolutely brilliant start. love your Buffy's thoughts and expression. Looking forward to reading more. Fantastic on making a start!!! | |||
Disclaimer If you are under the age of 17, please use your head and do not read fics that are labeled "NC-17". Parents, I cannot control what your children are reading, so please be advised that the majority of the fics archived here are NOT suitable for those under the age of 17. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is for pure entertainment purposes only. Concept: (c)bringonthebloodshed.com (2004), Code & Design: (c)Diabola (2006), Graphics: Selene & Always |