Kiss Me Hello by Opal
11/23/2013 01:16 am
Kiss Me Hello         

Finally!!  Someone ended Angel the way I would have wated to!    THANK YOU!

01/29/2012 11:40 pm
Kiss Me Hello         
That was awesome! I wish it had happened that way! if your cock was big enough! LOL

02/25/2008 08:44 pm
Kiss Me Hello         
*Laughs hysterically* The bit about them kissing with Angel's ashes under their feet was priceless!

02/10/2008 01:21 am
Kiss Me Hello         
this is BEYOND good
-sigh- kissin' Spike over Ang-Poofster's dust... -sigh and beam-;)

04/03/2007 01:24 am
Kiss Me Hello         
Oh I love that.

03/28/2007 04:28 am
Kiss Me Hello         
Hahaha! In my dreams, staking Angel happens on repeat! Love this!

Karla the bloody Spuffy fan
11/09/2006 11:55 pm
Kiss Me Hello         
I like this version more than the original one, thanks a lot for writting this.

10/15/2006 06:33 am
Kiss Me Hello         
OMFG! ROFL! LMAO! I have no words, that was fantastic!

08/13/2006 02:00 am
Kiss Me Hello         
LOL funny! Loved it!

07/28/2006 05:43 pm
Kiss Me Hello         
giggles - well that was a new twist on the scene - I really enjoyed it! *wicked grin*

07/22/2006 08:09 am
Kiss Me Hello         
Oh now that was SO much more PEFECT of a way for things to go. Whoo hoo!! Loved your version.
I'm so glad you enjoyed!

07/19/2006 08:57 am
Kiss Me Hello         
Very enjoyable. :) Thanks for the fun read.
:) Your welcome! Thanks for taking the time to read. :)

07/13/2006 12:02 am
Kiss Me Hello         
That was FUN! Thanks
I'm glad u liked! Thanks for leaving a review. I appreciate it.

07/12/2006 08:05 am
Kiss Me Hello         
that was a fun read, thank you
Your welcome. I'm so glad you enjoyed.

07/12/2006 03:39 am
Kiss Me Hello         
Lol...I'll have to wait until my must gives me an idea! But when it comes, you bet I'll have it so he lives. Thanks for your feedback.

07/12/2006 03:27 am
Kiss Me Hello         
If only it had happened that way. But then we wouldn't have had an extra season of Spike on Angel. So it was a sort of lose, lose sitch.

Completely funny, though. Especially the part about Angel's dick being bigger. LOL!!!!
Thanks! I appreciate your time in leaving a review! *hugs*

07/12/2006 12:23 am
Kiss Me Hello         

If only...
I know...I so wish it went this way too...the writers were clearly smoking the wrong crack when the wrote the episode!

07/11/2006 11:55 pm
Kiss Me Hello         
Too bad it didn't go this way in the show. I absolutely loved it.
Thanks! I appreciate your time in leaving a review! *hugs*

07/11/2006 07:39 pm
Kiss Me Hello         
lol loved it

07/11/2006 06:21 pm
Kiss Me Hello         
*giggles* awesome!! so much better that
I agree! Thanks for the review.

07/11/2006 04:54 pm
Kiss Me Hello         
Giggle! I love it!

07/11/2006 02:09 pm
Kiss Me Hello         
lol...that was awesome! i could so see that happening...well, not in joss's world, but it's believable and good and i love it! :)
That means alot coming from you (about it being beleiveable) and I'm glad that you enjoyed the fic. Thanks!

07/11/2006 01:36 pm
Kiss Me Hello         
Makes much more sense then canon.
You bet it does...what the hell were those writers thinking? Thanks for your review.

07/11/2006 01:11 pm
Kiss Me Hello         
Sweet. If only!!
There is nothing more satisfying than having Spike beat the crap out of Angelus (I'm feeling inspired to write another drabble - damn plot bunnies)...I so wish that she didn't kiss Angel in the actual episode...Thanks for the review!

07/11/2006 12:42 pm
Kiss Me Hello         
Haha, i love me some good angel bashing, the only thing better would have been to see Spike kick his ass a few times before the poofter was dusted. Oh well...

Spike kicking Angel's ass...hmmm I think you've given me a new plot bunny...(you'll see it written soon - can't spoil it now by telling).

Thanks for the review.

07/11/2006 10:47 am
Kiss Me Hello         
lol thats funny!!

07/11/2006 10:36 am
Kiss Me Hello         
*hugs* I love this, you've completely re-written this episode in my mind, and that makes me unspeakably happy.
I'm so glad I've made you happy!!! I live for having my writing invoke that kind of reaction. Thanks for your review.

07/11/2006 09:11 am
Kiss Me Hello         

07/11/2006 09:10 am
Kiss Me Hello         
Yay!! Great work!
*squee* thanks! I appreciate your are always one of my great faithful reviewers!

07/11/2006 08:31 am
Kiss Me Hello         
um, i guess you should have said this wasn't to be taken seriously, cause i'm seeing it as a big joke. like buffy would ever stake angel and not care about it. i was confused and didn't think this made a whole lot of sense, and i do like angel, so other than the staking, it was an okay story.
The author's note specifically states there will be Angel Bashing, but to make it clearer I've added in bold that it is off canon (which I'm sure people will skip over that too!).

07/11/2006 08:31 am
Kiss Me Hello         
Just the little pick-me-up that I needed before I go cook dinner.
Exactly...made me feel much less stressed.