Another Time by PassionFish

09/06/2006 12:40 pm
very nice

09/03/2006 08:13 am
Me like crazier Spike. I LOVED Buffy putting Xander in his place about the whole you know thing. I really wish that there were more fics out there that put him in his place that use the hyena thing as an example becuase Xander did remember it, and Giles covered it up for him.
Lol- thank you :) I always felt there should be more Buffy putting Xander in his place on the show....they brushed over a lot!

09/02/2006 03:16 pm
I enjoyed Buffy’s defense of Spike and how she didn’t allow Xander to interfere with a choice she had made concerning him. You really did the characterization of Spike during this time frame quite well. Thanks for posting this.
Thank you - I'm glad you liked it :) I was a little unsure of Spike's characterization, but I'm glad you thought it was ok!

09/02/2006 12:55 am
that was an excellent piece, captured "crazy spike" very well...i love how buffy defended him....very good job :)
Thanks :)