Extraordinary Considerations by Opal I enjoyed reading your story very much - I've never come across the idea of Drusilla becoming a vengeance demon but I think it worked great. Not sure how I feel about the resolution for Angel/Angelus and his "self-sacrifice" it, to me, seem too much a contrast with the treatment for the his character thorughout the rest of the story. Very much like Buffy and Spike and their miracle child as immortals and guardians - nmcil12 07/17/2013 05:19 pm Part 6 (Ch 25 - Epilogue) Wonderful Spuffy Baby and Angelus - heck just about everything Happy Spuffy Story would require. I like your ending line very much - it's a perfect fit. Great Story :) Cloe 07/28/2011 09:41 pm Part 6 (Ch 25 - Epilogue) OMG i love your Dru Thx. :-) 06/14/2010 02:16 am Part 6 (Ch 25 - Epilogue) Thanks :-) 03/30/2010 01:51 pm Part 6 (Ch 25 - Epilogue) 09/29/2009 01:54 am Part 6 (Ch 25 - Epilogue) loved it! one question though, i thought dru told buffy she was having a girl Terapsina 05/25/2009 04:00 pm Part 6 (Ch 25 - Epilogue) But Drusilla told Buffy and Spike that their child was a girl. And she is a seer, why did you change the gender of this baby without any reaoning? Other than that inconsistency I reall liked this chapter, mostly for the beatifylly written Spuffy, but also because of the very nice Dru and Oz. I liked how you portrayed these two characters. eskarina 10/19/2008 10:25 pm Part 6 (Ch 25 - Epilogue) awesome and the epilogue is so fluffy! Spuffygirl 09/11/2008 09:40 am Part 6 (Ch 25 - Epilogue) This is such a fun story. It has a great story arc. It's well writen Fluffy Spuffy story that you don't find very often. Most of the time I don't enjoy those kind of fics. This is one I loved. stopped for a reread of this fun tale. hope i mentioned in past reviews what a fantastic job you did with oz and how much i enjoyed your use of dru. thanks again for the fun. I'm giving you a hug! Loved this story. AHHHHHHH!!!! OMC! melbelle 05/29/2007 06:51 am Part 6 (Ch 25 - Epilogue) Um...wasn't the baby supposed to be a girl (as said by Dru in earlier chapters)? I loved the story but the continuity needs some work. Liz 11/28/2006 03:47 pm Part 6 (Ch 25 - Epilogue) I really enjoyed reading this story along with another regarding buffy having a son which looks like spike. Excellent writing. Araedhel 11/22/2006 09:10 pm Part 6 (Ch 25 - Epilogue) Good Work! Jags 09/02/2006 07:01 am Part 6 (Ch 25 - Epilogue) LOVED IT! LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT! Thanks so much!! I had so much fun writing this fic, but even more that it brought you joy. Thanks! :) Melissa 02/16/2006 10:42 am Part 6 (Ch 25 - Epilogue) All i can say is this story was AMAZING. nmcil12 07/17/2013 05:09 pm Part 5 Ch 20,21,22,23 & 24 I loved the total Fantasy Spuffy instant baby shower and how Anya and Dru come over as Fairy Godmothers and guardians. :-) 06/14/2010 02:12 am Part 5 Ch 20,21,22,23 & 24 :-) thanks 03/30/2010 01:46 pm Part 5 Ch 20,21,22,23 & 24 Araedhel 11/22/2006 09:06 pm Part 5 Ch 20,21,22,23 & 24 Good Work! rayan 03/07/2006 05:20 am Part 5 Ch 20,21,22,23 & 24 loveeeeeed the story.....justonething.....did dru just make up taht part about it being a girl with spikes blue eyes and buffys petite form....anyway still lovin the story---good job :-) 06/14/2010 01:29 am Part 4 (Ch 15, 16, 17, 18 & 19) :-) wonderful 03/30/2010 01:17 pm Part 4 (Ch 15, 16, 17, 18 & 19) Giles is such a lite weight, but poor Joyce, that was quite a shock. Gotta love Oz and his support. So happy that Joyce is behind them and welcoming Spike into the family. Buffy's got a different mantra now...kill Angelus, save Xander. Now with Xander taking Dru's advice and supporting Buffy and Spike. Great fic, thanks for the read. Thank you very much for being an advid supporter of this fic. The time you took after each capter to review was very thoughtful, and I appreciate that you took the effort. Again, very glad you enjoyed the read. Leave it to Oz to be so mature - that is one of the things that I loved so much about the character. Love your story - :-) 06/13/2010 05:20 pm Part 3 Ch 10,11,12,13, & 14 Good Work! What a beautiful night for them. Buffy's alreasy six months pregnant? Wow. Poor Buffy, they're not giving her a break of any kind. she's so lucky that Spike love's and protects what's his. Loved Oz's line about Spike eating her up!Can't wait for Angelus to get his. Nice of Dru to take pity on Xander and cover him in magics to help against Angelus. Can't wait to see what everyone's going to say about the pregnancy. Great fic, thanks for the read. I'd hate to wake up 6 months preggy too! I'm glad that even after all these chapters, you still are enjoying. Excellent story - I love how you changed Dru over into the Vengeance Demon side - :-) 06/13/2010 04:35 pm Part 2 (Ch 5,6,7,8 & 9) This is just delicious. Spike and Buffy on a date with some serious sparkage going on. Angelus has lost them all and now will pay through the vengence demons and Dru tortured sane again, with a great new look, to be looked at by herself. Can't wait to hear exactally what it will be. What a marvelous fic, Opal, thanks. Wow...thank you for putting such amazing feedback on paper. Again, I'm so glad that you enjoyed this part of the fic. Good Work! I just love this challenge. Enjoy watching Spike rattle Buffy's cage knowing that she will be intimate for the sake of the world and how much he wants it. Feeling very sad for Giles and Jenny. Good to see that Joyce can except the vampire into her home and be fine with it. You go Cordy, make the slayer drool worthy for Spike. Really like it, looking forward to more, thanks. Thank You! It's always fun to write Buffy and spike bantering back and forth. Old BSV Site Reviews 09/28/2005 03:39 am Part 1 (Ch 1,2,3 & 4) Nemesis 09/26/2005 @ 07:55 pm
It was a great story. I loved it so much! I'm sad its over even though it was a great place to end it. Please let me know if you do a sequel; I'd love to read it. This is definitely one of my favorite stories.
Steph 09/24/2005 @ 02:00 pm
*sniff* that was ssoooooo beautiful!
ComedyofErrors 09/24/2005 @ 01:35 pm
Great finish. I like Spike's proposal. The conversation about Spike Jr. was hilarious.
MarzBar 09/24/2005 @ 01:20 pm
What a fab ending. This story could easily support a sequel if you are up to giving us one. Thank you for sharing your talent.
Confused Muse 09/24/2005 @ 08:29 am
*sniffle* That was lovely, Opal, just lovely.
Sueprstes Diligo 09/24/2005 @ 06:16 am
I love this story! I hope there will be a sequel? please?
Jessica 09/23/2005 @ 09:07 pm
Wonderful ending. I loved this story to pieces. You really did an excellent job. ; )
redwulf50 09/23/2005 @ 08:48 pm
excellent end to an excellent fic
Jessica 09/23/2005 @ 07:56 pm
Wonderful ending. I loved this story to pieces. You really did an excellent job. ; )
~*~Tasha~*~ 09/23/2005 @ 07:06 pm
Beautiful ending, Opal. Lovely. Wonderful story. You answered the challenge in your own unique fashion and made it your own. Cheers and Bravo. Look forward to other pieces you are working on or will release in the future.
~*~Tasha~*~ 09/21/2005 @ 12:54 am
Beautiful chapter. Absolutely loved Ch. 24. {beams}
Erin 09/18/2005 @ 12:53 am
Ch. 24
Loved it! Everything is wrapping up nicely. Can't wait for more.
Gina 09/15/2005 @ 05:38 pm
Aww! I love Anya and Dru trying to do what they can. Is the baby going to be a girl? I just can't see them havinig a boy... but it's your decision.
Gina 09/15/2005 @ 05:37 pm
Aww! I love Anya and Dru trying to do what they can. Is the baby going to be a girl? I just can't see them havinig a boy... but it's your decision.
jeanie 09/14/2005 @ 07:41 pm
fantastic story! hope it is not the end. would like to see what happens when the council finds out, and what they will name the baby.
Oracleholly 09/14/2005 @ 11:29 am
Aunties Anya and Drusilla are the best! who would have thunk it? lol Instant Baby Shower!
Rhonda 09/14/2005 @ 10:44 am
so glad to see this latest chapter. Spike being all possessive. It was heartfelt for Joyce to give the house. And loved how Anya and Dru are doing what they can to help them all out. Love the update.
ComedyofErrors 09/14/2005 @ 10:13 am
I love those little touches: Anya decorating, the Gem of Amara, and Cordelia babbling about Baby Dior. Great stuff.
Oracleholly 09/13/2005 @ 11:07 pm
*up to 23* Yay I'm all caught up!!!
OZ IS GREAT!!! Drusilla was wonderful. Loved how she protected Xander and enacted her vengeance on Angel. OOO and Angel impaling himself!!! But you know to wake up 6 mo preggers has got to be bizarre! Buffy handled it well.
Jessica 09/02/2005 @ 11:15 pm
Another excellent chapter. I loved how they said that Angel only did things to be redemptive and not to clean up his mess. Can't wait for more.
Nemesis 09/02/2005 @ 06:13 pm
Great work I love it! I hope you do an sequel! I like Tasha's idea for one but maybe a month or so before Angel comes back? Just an idea. :) Again I must say I love the story and you did a wonderful job with it! Let me know when you start up a new story!
Gina 09/02/2005 @ 05:43 pm
Excellent! I'd be really interested in how their baby turns out. Like in a sequel or something.
Steph 09/02/2005 @ 03:44 pm
Wow! I still think though angel should go through more pain!
~*~Tasha~*~ 09/02/2005 @ 10:55 am
This has been a great story. I think that you can either end it here ... A very nice ending ... and maybe start a sequel that takes are of later. Or you can continue through with everything from here.
My vote would be to end this one here and do a sequel. I think that it will give you a bit more leeway to break things up and continue at a sligthly different time frame. Perhaps do an epilogue to this with them getting home, seeing Joyce ...all the happy reunion, etc.
Wasn't it several months before Angel returned? Perhaps start the sequel there? Buffy and Spike will be in a routine by then, perhaps even in their own home. Her pregnancy would have progressed etc.
Just an idea ... you said you wanted inspiration. So, I'm just tossing in some ideas.
Love this story.
ComedyofErrors 09/02/2005 @ 10:28 am
Wonderful chapter. I'm glad that Xander was accepting and that Anya has given them a bit of protection. Can't wait to see what happens when the baby is born.
Superstes Diligo 09/02/2005 @ 09:54 am
Fabulous update! can't wait for more! especially loved how Xander finally sees reason... he almost never does that in other stories it's a nice twist not that I don't love the stories where he doesn't see reason but you really made it so he was still Xander Good job! *gives you a pat on the shoulder*
lilmamaday 09/02/2005 @ 12:49 am
Simply wonderful! I was almost expecting Dru to slap Giles upside the head and demand that he realize that the council is NOT all powerful. It would have been funny if she had of done that and his gasses flew across the room.....anyways....great update and can't wait to see what you come up w/next!
JuQuinthe 09/01/2005 @ 11:21 pm
Awesome update! I'm glad Buffy now knows she is immortal! Update soon!
Nemesis 08/24/2005 @ 08:12 pm
Go Dru! I can't wait for the next update! Great work!
~*~Tasha~*~ 08/23/2005 @ 03:17 am
{claps her hands excitedly} Wonderful update. I loved Anya and Dru, especially Dru, in this chapter. Way awesome. I look forward to the next chapter now that Xander has been revealed to be in the mansion too and that Dru protected him.
Jessica 08/21/2005 @ 11:09 pm
Even though "I love you like a brother" is a pretty big brush off, it still made him happy to have that much. I think that I would have put that on reserve like my trust. Then again I have always hated Angel, too broody. Loved the chapter though. The Dru and Buffy scene was good. Can't wait for more.
ComedyofErrors 08/21/2005 @ 10:55 am
Go Dru! That was a wonderful climax! I love the confrontation of Angelus/Angel by Dru and her new family. Fantastic.
Gina 08/21/2005 @ 09:38 am
HaHa, Angel. But please don't kill Xander!
redwulf50 08/20/2005 @ 07:57 pm
you are vewy good at the cliff hangers :P
Jessica 08/19/2005 @ 12:53 am
As I've said before, the new Xander and new Dru are wonderful. Can't wait to see how she will save the day. Please update soon. Pretty please?
~*~Tasha~*~ 08/18/2005 @ 09:23 pm
Whoo hoo ... go get em Dru!! Loved the chapter update. Lots of action and delight. Time for Dru to kick some Angelus ass.
vladt 08/18/2005 @ 07:22 pm
wonderful place to end a great update. thanks
MarzBar 08/18/2005 @ 05:49 pm
Cliffie!!! Help! Will Dru distract Angelus long enough to let Buffy do whatever it is she has to do to stop Acathla? We need more!
Steph 08/18/2005 @ 04:15 pm
Dru needs to kick angelus' ass...i really hate him...
Lynda 08/18/2005 @ 02:27 pm
I am sitting on the edge of my seat. I want you to send Angelus to hell and never let him come back. We want happy Spuffyness.
ComedyofErrors 08/18/2005 @ 10:39 am
Oh, here it comes. Send him to hell where he belongs. Good for Dru. Excellent idea about secret passageways. That would explain why Spike was able to get in and out of the Mansion without being seen after he healed.
Superstes Diligo 08/18/2005 @ 04:08 am
oooh! great update! *pout* evil cliffhanger though...
Ariel Dawn 08/17/2005 @ 10:56 pm
Dru to the rescue! Love this fic, it's so fast paced and entertaining.
Lauren 08/17/2005 @ 10:38 pm
Great story. I really like how Dru turned out in this story.Can't wait for the next update.
Gina 08/17/2005 @ 10:36 pm
This is amazing! This is a spuffy masterpiece! Oh, and have Dru kick some ass!
mary 08/17/2005 @ 09:41 pm
Great update.
Nemesis 08/15/2005 @ 01:23 pm
Great work. I can't wait to see how Angelus reacts to Buffy being pregnant. Hope you update soon.
Gina 08/15/2005 @ 07:35 am
I REALLY love this story! It's just great! I can't wait for the battle scene!
~*~Tasha~*~ 08/15/2005 @ 12:00 am
Good chapter updates. I read Ch. 19 and 20 today from here. I have a lot of catching up to do but little time to do it in. I will be out of the house mainly for the next three days taking care of my mother who is still in the hospital. I look forward to more chapters hopefully when I return.
I love this story, and you are writing it well. Thank you for sharing your talents.
MarzBar 08/13/2005 @ 09:47 pm
Just got caught up with this story again. I love, love it. Will somebody have to bleed Buffy to stop Acathla? More soon please.
Jessica 08/13/2005 @ 08:33 pm
Great chapter. I love the new Dru very much. Can't wait for more. ; )
redwulf50 08/13/2005 @ 05:56 pm
Damn good chappies, but ya know more would be appreciated :D
Rhonda 08/13/2005 @ 01:56 pm
I really hope that Buffy can gather the strength she needs to beat Angel. Great to see all of them working as a unit.
Lynda 08/12/2005 @ 10:07 pm
I just love it. Dru is nice -- Wow!
The story is so original.
Nemesis 08/12/2005 @ 06:43 pm
Hey! Sorry if I don't review every chapter I would but I can't check it everyday. The past two were great! I love how you have Dru in this story. I can't wait to see how everything turns out.
ComedyofErrors 08/12/2005 @ 10:38 am
I really enjoyed that little tete-a-tete between Dru and Xander. It's the wake-up call he needed.
The scenes between Spike and Buffy were very nice too.
~*~Tasha~*~ 08/11/2005 @ 08:42 pm
Loved the chapter update. Cordy's comment at the end was intriguing. Is the shell breaking on the ice queen? Hmmmm ... look forward to the next update.
vladt 08/11/2005 @ 08:01 pm
great story, great update. thanks
Jessica 08/11/2005 @ 06:33 pm
Great chapter. Loved Cordy especially at the end. And Willow's pillow fight idea was cute. Can't wait for more.
Jessica 08/08/2005 @ 08:51 pm
Ooh! Lovely chapter. I'm glad that Oz was on their side. He's a great character, even though you don't see him used that much except for the occasional talking. ; ) Can't wait for more.
ComedyofErrors 08/08/2005 @ 01:07 pm
Always knew Oz would understand. I'm glad Spike and Buffy have a friend in the crowd. I do not envy Angelus, especially once Dru has his soul returned.
Rhonda 08/07/2005 @ 08:52 pm
Great update. I hope they can get to Xander quickly and put forth the rest of Dru's wish. Graet update
Nemesis 08/07/2005 @ 01:02 pm
Great work! I can't wait for the next chapter.
~*~tasha~*~ 08/07/2005 @ 09:52 am
Very awesome update. Love this story, and I always look forward to the next update.
Superstes Diligo 08/07/2005 @ 08:39 am
oooh I like that plan! loved the update!
ComedyofErrors 08/04/2005 @ 09:28 am
Like the parallel between Spike and Oz; they are definitely the people who should break the news to Buffy's mother and adopted father.
I like the Victorian romantic in Spike looking to get married.
Rhonda 08/04/2005 @ 08:17 am
HA... what a way to say "welcome expecting mother".... I can't wait for both of them to come back to conscious... And at least for Giles to realize, his perfect Buffy and her duty is out the window. She and Spike have made this forever and official.
GB 08/03/2005 @ 08:37 pm
"he clearly had forgotten whose car he was driving when tried to knock down the “Welcome to Sunnydale†sign."
ROFL, LMAO, that was way to funny. I'm still laughing at that one. Great update Opal, can't wait for more. *looks at watch* Well!!! LOL
Jessica 08/02/2005 @ 10:25 pm
Hmm...if Buffy's that much pregnant, that fast, then when will she deliver? Can't wait for the Scoobies' reaction. Please update soon.
Steph 08/02/2005 @ 07:50 pm
Great chapter!
ComedyofErrors 08/02/2005 @ 11:25 am
The tension builds...
Nice scene between Spike and Buffy.
Nemesis 08/01/2005 @ 03:16 pm
^^ Great work! I can't wait for the next chapter.
GB 07/31/2005 @ 05:44 pm
Loved the chappies Opal. Hee hee hee mystical preggos, I wish they did go that fast. Cant wait to see what happens to Xander ROFL.
Anne 07/31/2005 @ 12:45 pm
Great chapther, more updating
Steph 07/30/2005 @ 07:02 pm
If cordy can do it on angel ...so can buffy! *L*
Ariel Dawn 07/30/2005 @ 04:12 pm
OMG! I love this fic! Fab job! I love the fact that Dru's all vengeance demony now. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next!
Jessica 07/29/2005 @ 11:04 pm
Mystical pregnancies would be nice. Loved these chapters. And Dru makes an excellent vengeance demon. Can't wait for the next part. These were wonderful chapters. Please update soon.
MarzBar 07/29/2005 @ 09:27 pm
Awesome story! I love Dru as a vengeance demon! Also, the immediate love Spike and Buffy felt for each other after the dream, followed by the super speed pregnancy. More please.
jodi 07/29/2005 @ 08:23 pm
ComedyofErrors 07/29/2005 @ 05:07 pm
I'm glad Dru is looking after all of Angelus's victims, not just Buffy and Spike. I'm also happy that Xander is having a few realizations. Yay for Buffy and Spike, all happy together.
JuQuinthe 07/25/2005 @ 12:50 pm
Yay Buffy & Spike finally made love!! Awesome Story & Update soon!! *smiles*
jeanie 07/24/2005 @ 11:01 pm
great story! can't wait for more, please update soon!
Jessica 07/24/2005 @ 10:58 pm
Wonderful. Loved the claiming. Can't wait for more.
~*~Tasha~*~ 07/23/2005 @ 10:55 pm
Wonderful!! Bravo!! {Cheers} I absolutely adored this chapter, Opal. {whistles happily} Nice touch with the maidenhead as well. Very nice touch. I loved how you wrote this one out. Loved the claiming. I look forward to the next update.
Jordy 07/23/2005 @ 10:23 pm
Very interesting concept. Can't wait to see where you go from here. I love how you wrote Anya in, she and Dru make an interesting pair.
ComedyofErrors 07/23/2005 @ 08:19 pm
Yay! Claimed. Together, forever, as they should be. They'll be very happy parents.
Lovely update.
Tam 07/23/2005 @ 07:22 pm
oh YUM!
vladt 07/22/2005 @ 02:29 am
great update. loving this wonderful fic, thanks
Nemesis 07/22/2005 @ 12:31 am
I love it! I have too many good things to say about this story but I have no time. I will try and e-mail you tomorrow. Great work!
Tam 07/21/2005 @ 11:11 pm
so love what you're doing with this lol Oz was just hysterical
~*~Tasha~*~ 07/21/2005 @ 03:27 pm
Dru's wish did say tomorrow night, not tonight. So the wish is still right. {Grins} Anya is so cute when she's flustered. {chuckles}
I loved the scenes with Buffy and Spike. Oz's comments were pretty funny. Loved it.
Look forward to the next update.
Rhonda 07/21/2005 @ 02:50 pm
Great more story....I am so glad that Buffy is TRUELY there for Spike during this time. I just hope that they can really come through this together. I can't imagine what Giles and Joyce are going through. For all tense and purpose, their "Daughter" is going to have relations with a vampire to produce a baby.... What could they possibly be thinking....??? And what does Dru mean by not having his soul back right now??
Steph 07/21/2005 @ 02:28 pm
Well that was an interesting chapter...very cool!
ComedyofErrors 07/21/2005 @ 01:49 pm
I like the idea of Dru and Anya as a couple. Original, not something I've seen before. Oz is so wonderfully calm. And bring on the lovin'!
~*~Tasha~*~ 07/16/2005 @ 05:15 am
Excellent update. I loved Dru's wish. Angel won't know the soul is permanent either. Very nice. Her reasoning was perfect and so true. Yeah for Buffy and Spike. Look forward to the joining.
jodi 07/15/2005 @ 09:28 pm
oh boy nice wish.
GoldenBuffy 07/15/2005 @ 08:56 pm
That wish, wow. Dru is a smart one isn't she. Great update!
Steph 07/15/2005 @ 07:32 pm
YAYYYY baby!!!! Good wish!
vladt 07/15/2005 @ 07:06 pm
great chapter. thanks. Dru as a vengeance demon, you could write for years, but please take time to update this wonderful story. thanks again.
Anne 07/15/2005 @ 02:18 pm
It was great see Anya help our favorite couple.
Superstes Diligo 07/15/2005 @ 10:59 am
That was a brilliant wish! love it! please update soon!
ComedyofErrors 07/15/2005 @ 10:44 am
Sane Dru is a fantastic strategist. I'm glad she has appointed herself to be a kind of protector of Spike and Buffy.
She and Anya are a wonderful pair of mischief makers!
Rhonda 07/15/2005 @ 10:14 am
GO DRU!!!!!!!!! I can see her and Anya as a great team. I just feel sorry for Spike right now. but at least he knows that Buffy is willing to comfort him even over Dru. Great update.
Steph 07/13/2005 @ 10:48 pm
Oooo evil...well at least it's something delightful to look forward to! *S*
GoldenBuffy 07/12/2005 @ 06:10 am
Yes, your evil,lol. Great update. Spike beining all romantic and sweet *sigh* And Dru, OMG, never saw that coming. Very nice!!!
~*~Tasha~*~ 07/12/2005 @ 12:18 am
Touching and sweet update for the Buffy and SPike parts. Very interesting twists, turns and deviance for the Anya and Dru parts. Nice update all around. I look forward to more.
ComedyofErrors 07/11/2005 @ 08:03 pm
Ooh, now that was a tease. Splendid idea making Dru a vengeance demon. She's well suited for it. Can't you just picture Anya, Dru, and Hallie out to have a night on the town? Watch out, men of the world!
Oracleholly 07/11/2005 @ 06:08 pm
Ooohh Opal -- me like!!!
Dru as a vengeance demon!!!! Whoa nelly! That's going to be so good.
And loved how the date b/t Buffy & Spike has begun.
Love to see more!
Rhonda 07/11/2005 @ 02:19 pm
Now that was good. I never thought I would see Dru change sides like that. Now that was just a great twist. I hope Buffy and Spike are really open to each other. they are going to have to depend on each other to get through what is to come.
Rhonda 07/06/2005 @ 10:15 am
Angelous has NO idea what Dru has instore for him. I just hope that Buffy and Spike can make this work. I think they can and will make a great couple not just a team. I don't see either of them walking away from this when it is over.
vladt 07/05/2005 @ 10:42 pm
Buffy " i would love to dance..."Dru "evil and sane", really love it! thank you. more soon, please.
ComedyofErrors 07/05/2005 @ 07:30 pm
Nice update. I'm glad Buffy gets to see a little of the real William.
Steph 07/05/2005 @ 01:13 pm
Very cool! I can't wait for dru's payback....
~*~Tasha~*~ 07/05/2005 @ 11:24 am
It sounds like a beautiful night planned for Buffy and Spike. Yeah that Dru is on the mend. I loved the line that evil and sane was deadly for Dru to be. She is going to make Angelus pay big time. I look forward to the next chapter.
~*~Tasha~*~ 06/25/2005 @ 12:31 pm
Awwww .... that was absolutely adorable. I love the makeovers on both of them. I can picture it all. How sweet. Love the chapter. Look forward to the next update.
Rhonda 06/24/2005 @ 09:26 pm
Loved how they are trying to make an effort for each other. I actually feel sorry for Dru... Great update.
Alice 06/24/2005 @ 08:46 pm
It was great chapther, more, Iwant to read more.
steph 06/24/2005 @ 08:43 pm
Awww that was so sweet and thankyou for not turning buffy's hair black!
Lauren 06/24/2005 @ 06:46 pm
Awwww...Spike and Buffy are so cute. Can't wait to read more.
GoldenBuffy 06/24/2005 @ 02:15 pm
Nice update. I hope their date goes fine without Angelus busting in. And can I say OMG for what he did to Drusilla!!! Can I say eviiil, with three I's,lol. Can't wait for your next update.
Oracleholly 06/24/2005 @ 01:04 pm
Very nice, Opal, how you flashbacked at the beginning. Angelus is such a prick. Poor Dru. But I am giddy at the thought of what Anyanka will do to him! tee hee
Cute scene with Buffy @ the hair dressers. Should teach her never to judge a book by its cover.
Having Joyce not recognize Spike - yeah amazing what those cs will do & the lack of duster.
Rhonda 06/22/2005 @ 10:06 am
Great chapter. love the update. I can't wait to read more.
ComedyofErrors 06/21/2005 @ 10:20 am
Great idea to bring in Anyanka!
Oracleholly 06/21/2005 @ 08:14 am
Opal -
I've finally caught up on your story. You've set in motion some very interesting things.
I did like the Cordy/Buffy shopping-makeover scene.
What confused me was the end with Drusilla & Anya - I feel we're missing a scene. In Chap 5 - you have Drusilla calling for Anya after Angel leaves (he hasn't tortured her). Then at the end of 6 - you have Anya coming in & finding Drusilla chained up & tortured back into sanity (how does that happen?) So I'm confused.
I do like that Drusilla is so protective of Spike though, very different than how she was portrayed in canon.
vladt 06/21/2005 @ 01:33 am
Anya shows up at the call of a sane Dru and this is the time to end a chapter? wonderful! i love it. thanks
GoldenBuffy 06/20/2005 @ 10:45 pm
I like the outfit Buffy got can't wait to see Spike's reaction,lol. This is getting better and better can't wait for the update!
~*~Tasha~*~ 06/20/2005 @ 10:07 pm
Oh man .... this is getting even better. I can picture Buffy's whole outfit. I hope COrdy doesn't dye Buffy's hair though. Spike always liked his golden goddess. {Smiles} Look forward to the next update.
Steph 06/20/2005 @ 09:58 pm
OH come on! You can't just leave it there! Oh I'm dying to find out what happens when spike sees buffy next and to read the scene between Dru and Anya....update soon? please?
Erin 06/20/2005 @ 05:28 pm
Excellent chapter! More soon please.
GoldenBuffy 06/18/2005 @ 07:30 pm
Wow this is very intresting can't wait to see what happens next. Drusilla calling on Anyaka, hmmm wonder what she's going to do the Angelus,lol.
mary 06/17/2005 @ 06:07 pm
Hope to see an update soon to this story.
Jessica 06/10/2005 @ 12:37 am
Oh this is going to be very good. I'm lovin' this story. And I can't wait to see what happens next.
~*~Tasha~*~ 06/06/2005 @ 04:45 pm
YEAH !! Loved the update. more more more. {giggles} I like your take on the challenge. Dru calling Anyanka is going to be good. I can just feel it. Angelus is in trouble. {tauntingly chants}
Look forward to the next update.
Steph 06/03/2005 @ 06:41 pm
*sigh* soooo good ....hoping for more!(?)
chanel #5 06/03/2005 @ 08:08 am
Hi. I like this story, I'm keeping up with every chapter and it looks really good. I would guess that your not English or Australian, only because your bloody's are a little out of whack. I find a lot of Americans don't always 'get'
where to put them, but my advice is, they are like the word freaking (or the other F word).
So, instead of "‘Bloody hell unlikely, ‘m evil," I'd have put 'Bloody well unlikely', or just
'bloody unlikely'. And for "Bloody only chance I get to sit back" I'd have put 'Only bloody chance' I hope this was helpful. Can't wait to read more. :)
bloodshedbaby 06/03/2005 @ 03:10 am
Great updates!! Looking forward to seeing where you go with this. the dream was a great touch! Wonder what it means....
JuQuinthe 06/02/2005 @ 10:27 pm
Awesome Story!! Please Update Soon!!
Screaming Flamingos 06/01/2005 @ 10:27 am
Lovely. Can't wait for more!
Steph 05/31/2005 @ 08:00 pm
Great chapter hope to see more soom!
tracey 05/31/2005 @ 05:50 pm
great story, I can't wait to read more
~*~Tasha~*~ 05/31/2005 @ 03:41 pm
Good chapter update. Look forward to the next one. {Smiles} Hope we see it soon. I've enjoyed all of the challenge responses to this challenge. Yours is a good one with its own twists and outlook. I like that.
Linda 05/10/2005 @ 10:41 am
This is just freakin great man! Love this story.. just... pleeeaase, don't take so long time until the next update this time.. K?
~*~Tasha~*~ 05/09/2005 @ 02:30 pm
I like the turn of events in this story so far. {chuckles} The cocoa bit at the end was priceless. I look forward to seeing where you go with this next and watching this story develop.
Anne 05/09/2005 @ 12:03 pm
I love it, Spike has more interes to save the world of Angelus than Buffy.
Update soon.
Steph 05/09/2005 @ 12:22 am
Awesome chapter...I laughed a few times...poor buffy, spike's just not going to make this any easier, is he?
Aisling 04/16/2005 @ 02:40 pm
luved the update... Angelus sure gets around LOL.. two hunts and two kills sof ar? what a git! more soon huni cya xxx
3988Akasha 04/15/2005 @ 06:07 pm
Awesome FIC!!! I love it. It's always fun to see Angelus make a guest appearance! The little bit about Buffy and Spike and a prophecy...very good. Update soon!
Tasha 03/29/2005 @ 07:16 pm
Good update. The plot thickens and unfolds. Look forward to the next update.
Adriana 03/29/2005 @ 06:06 pm
More please and soon!
Steph 03/29/2005 @ 12:11 am
totally fantastic!Really lovin' this story, hope the next installment is soon!*S*
Esther 03/28/2005 @ 11:01 pm
Hot dog, I was right!!! It's gonna be a great story, and I can't wait to read what's gonna happen next....poor Giles, hopefully he won't die too...or get turned...don't think Buffy could take it. Oh, but I'm totally anticipating the Spuffy love...woohoo!
Sallywags 03/19/2005 @ 05:26 pm
Good start, I'm curious to see how this fic turns out, hope you write some more soon! Good luck!
Kari Mouke 03/17/2005 @ 09:11 am
I love this challenge, and I like the nice slow way you've started it. Then I hit the delightful Kate and became hooked. Anyone who uses such a fabulous song must have great things in store for us! Of course, I'm biased - she's my all time favorite musical artist!!!!
Franchesca 03/16/2005 @ 02:45 pm
Good start. It will be interesting to see what path you'll take with this scenario.
Rhonda 03/16/2005 @ 09:31 am
Great start of a story. I can't wait to see what you have next.
Blue 03/16/2005 @ 08:42 am
I like the topic, Keep writting
Aisling 03/16/2005 @ 06:59 am
good start. cant wait to see what happens... :D sounds like a good challenge/fic from the summery D cya x
Esther 03/16/2005 @ 12:47 am
Ooohhhh, seems like it's gonna be a great story....can't wait for more!
selene 03/15/2005 @ 09:58 pm
Can't wait to read more!
Steph 03/15/2005 @ 09:17 pm
I like it! This story has definite promise! keep it up please....
bloodshedbaby 03/15/2005 @ 08:01 pm
looking good! Hey and look? I made you a groovy new banner to head it up.
PCpassitdown 03/15/2005 @ 07:44 pm
more please!
redwulf50 03/15/2005 @ 07:06 pm
So far realy good, but we so need more
~~~~~~~~~~~ wahoo! Go opal! :) Check you out with the completed fic-iness. *is jealous* | |||
Disclaimer If you are under the age of 17, please use your head and do not read fics that are labeled "NC-17". Parents, I cannot control what your children are reading, so please be advised that the majority of the fics archived here are NOT suitable for those under the age of 17. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is for pure entertainment purposes only. Concept: (c)bringonthebloodshed.com (2004), Code & Design: (c)Diabola (2006), Graphics: Selene & Always |