The Wind Beneath My Wings by slaymesoftly

02/17/2012 10:59 pm
that was impressive. all that and u avoided too much oc. well done
Thank you. I'm glad you thought so.

12/23/2011 05:27 pm
Awewome ending!  And a perfect resolution to The Problem
Thanks. And thanks for reading. :)

02/03/2011 02:01 pm

Nice story, slay.  Except for the part where Angel doesn't get thrashed within an inch of his life.  :)

LOL Well, The PtB seem to be very unhappy with him, so who knows what they have in mind. :)

03/29/2008 02:37 am
LOL Loved it. A very well written tale is what it is. By the way,where is Angel?
Don't know. The PtB just whisked him away. :)

12/19/2006 10:31 am
nice bit of work on this - very much enjoyed reading it.
Thank you. I'm glad you did.

11/06/2006 04:11 am
nice story...although I had a moment of thinking Spike would tell them not to cancel the plans, just switcheroo the grooms...
Hee - that would have been tempting, but... Thanks for reading.

11/03/2006 04:37 am
very enjoyable read, thank you. it was fun to see acceptance for spike (dawn is always a given) from read and the whelp and giles.
Thanks for reading and reviewing.

time of change
11/02/2006 04:54 pm

11/02/2006 04:52 am
Brilliant story. Fun Angel bashing, even though I like him, but never with Buffy. You should have had the powers make him a vampire again. I'd love an epilogue that shows what did become of him.
Hee! Well,since the readers have been participants in this right from the beginning, I may have to bow to public pressure and do an epilogue in which we find out what the powers have in store for Angel....

11/02/2006 01:10 am
Oh how typical... Silly Spike staying away for so long and then coming swooping in at the last moment. Typical Angel too. I knew he never loved the real Buffy, just his idealistic view of the teenage her. A lovely reunion fic.
Thank you. I'm just gonna keep writing 'em until they finally make it back together. lol

11/01/2006 01:21 am
This would have been the perfect one-off episode, wouldn't it?
It would, sigh. Too bad Joss didn't think of it. LOL

10/31/2006 06:50 pm
Sorry, I'm only just now reviewing, but I've been reading the updates faithfully. And I seriously love this story. :heartfic:
I liked, the way you conveyed how Spike's deaths affected Buffy, that she hadn't much to go on for and let Angel take over her live like that. And it was so typical that Giles was ready to believe anything Angel told him without even thinking about it, although if you compare the effects both vamps had on his life and the things they did over the years to prove themselves, there isn't a single reason I could come up wih why he should trust Angel's word over anyone elses. Angel was just beeing a delusional ass (nothing new there) It was nice to see the Scoobies supporting Buffy and Spike and how fiercely Buffy defended Spike. Not to mention all the lovely Spuffy moments.
To make it short :) : A fantastic story. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for reading1 I'm glad you liked my explanation for why Buffy allowed Angel to maneuver her into a marriage she clearly didn't want.

10/31/2006 08:38 am
SQUEE!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!! Aww, that ender was fantab, sweetie!! Oh, and you had the Powers deal with Angel---thank you!! Anything they come up with is perfection. Aww, I'm sad to see the story end already, but I loved this final chapter. *cries* Wonderful, wonderful story, hon.
Hee! Thank you. I'm so glad you liked it.

10/31/2006 05:41 am
There is nothing better in this world than a story by Slaymesofly.
Oh, what a sweet thing to say! *smooches you* Thank you!

10/31/2006 01:05 am
i wonder what happened to angel...hope it's gruesome...glad faith and the other slayers didn't have to get killed....loved the fight scene, it was incredible...just can't say enough about this amazing chapter...very well done fic, love :)
Thank you. I'm glad you liked.

10/30/2006 09:22 pm
I loved it! I want a sequal!
Thank you.

10/30/2006 06:28 pm
Yeah ...:::stands and applauds wildly:::... just what I needed before off to beddy bye!

I was thinking just today that Angel (okay, Angelus and Angel to use HIS way of looking at it) was responsible for STARTING two (2), yes two apocalypses!!!!!! How's that for a hero?! Even if acathala wa him without a soul....soulless Spike never started a single one but stopped or helped stop several. Also Angel only actively sought to "do good" from the time Whistler showed him, being generous, 7 years out of his 200+ in existance (100+ with a soul)....Spike for at least most of his William years strove to be good and for the last 4 with only two with a soul! God, I'm rambling...sorry!!!

Anyway, excellent story....glad the Powers took old huff and puff away to the hair gel in the sky.

LOL Good point, Kathleen. Angel starts apocalypses - Spike prevents them. Thanks for reading and all the great reviews! *hugs*

10/30/2006 03:43 pm
Aww how sweet! I loved the story! Mwhahaha stupid Angel is gone, I wonder where he is...he's such an idiot, saying stuff like that *sigh*
LOL Thanks. I'm glad you like my little story.

10/30/2006 03:22 pm
Excellent characterization--of Angel especially. You went straight to the heart of the Angel "I am OWED this for good behavior" theory of reward.
Hee! Thanks. I'm glad you liked my Angel (so to speak - "like" might not be the right term there. lol)

10/30/2006 02:36 pm
Great story. I'm no Angel hater but it is fun to see him get kicked around from time to time.
I don't really hate him either - I just can't seem to see him as being right for Buffy.

10/30/2006 01:47 pm
awwww very nice. This chapter rocked! god angel is such an ass...and good point bringing up how he was as a human before. I was thinking "wow he's kind of over the top" but then i remembered what he was like as a human before he became a vampire, and i've never truly believed no matter what canon says that he was cursed with his own human it makes sense that angel is so selfish here. gah what a ASS. ok i'm done. eep. I can't believe he had them convinced SPike had her in a freaking thrall!
LOL - great review Zoe. Sort of a stream of conscious rant. Thanks for reading.

10/30/2006 01:17 pm
Cool! I liked what you did with the powers
Hee! Thanks.

10/30/2006 11:57 am
I love that Xander had questioned Buffy on if marrying Angel was the right thing and that Buffy gave him the chance to say ‘I told you so’ one time. Spike’s meeting with Dawn was so sweet. Giles’ call to Buffy was so perfectly in character and I loved how Buffy handled it. I enjoyed that the powers took care of Angel and apologized promising that he would never interfere with their lives again. Spike’s suggestion to Giles of how to show there are no hard feelings gave me a chuckle as did Dawn’s comment about keeping Angle in hell and the reaction from Buffy, Spike, and Xander. Thanks so much for such an enjoyable story.
Thanks, Robyn. I'm glad it rang true for you. Thanks for reading.

10/30/2006 08:01 am
great chapter, yay Faith pointed out Angel was more Angelus now he was human. I dont trust that the powers will punish Angel, I mean they chose him as a champion in the first place so the must be a bit daft in the head. more soon pls
Um - it's over. Sorry if that wasn't clear. I don't think the powers are real happy with him right now - and Spike and Buffy (and the other Slayers) are all champions too, so I don't expect them to cut him much slack.

10/30/2006 07:33 am
Great chapter. Angel certainly showed his true colors to everyone didn't he?

I hop[e the powers put him in detention for a few centuries until he learns to stop regarding people as property.
LOL - Thanks - I'm sure they'll keep him for a while.

10/30/2006 06:40 am
Wonderful story! I loved the ending. Thanks for the fun read! :)
Thanks for reading and reviewing.:)

10/30/2006 05:27 am
Oh my gosh! Angel is an even bigger jerk than I originally thought he was. I can't believe he did what he did. When will Giles learn? Spike was always questioned on every front and every motive. Giles just accepts what Angel says as fact without checking with Buffy first?

I loved Dawn taking on Wood. I so would have loved to have seen Dawn put the smack down on him. Buffy's threats were spot on to how she would be feeling. That should have clued Faith in real quick about how serious Buffy was.

When Willow and Xander came in behind Buffy, Spike and Dawn to support them, I was all YEAH!! Great work.

This whole story was pretty awesome from start to finish. Course I was all gagging with the Bangel in the first chapter, but it was OOhhhhh so worth it for the rest of what we got. {smiles} Excellent work, and I always look forward to more of your stories.
Thanks, Tasha. I'm glad you liked it and made it through the Bangel.

10/30/2006 05:15 am
Aww, happy Spuffy is always the way to go. I'm glad the Poof got what he deserved. Alive or dead, the man is always an idiot. Well, I'm sad to see this story go already. Any chance for an epilogue or something? Yeah, I had to try. Anyway, this was a great story. I really enjoyed it=)
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. But, no, no plans for an epilogue (not even more sex) - just going to tiptoe quietly away and leave them to their reunion.

10/30/2006 04:48 am
Fun little piece. I'm not normally a bash fan, but this was enjoyable.

Thanks - I'm glad you didn't mind the Angel bashing. I just have a hard time writing him as anything but a jerk. LOL Although, in a few stories he's a good guy and comes through for Spike and Buffy when they need him....

10/30/2006 02:52 am
You gotta love it when Angel gets his just reward and Spike and Buffy get each other! *wink*
Yep, yep - that's what writin' Spuffy is all about. :)

10/30/2006 02:26 am
Oh, that was Great!!! :) :) :)

But, is that the end? Because if it is, it's still a Great ending. But I'm hoping there's going to be more, I just don't have any idea where your going to go from here. Of course if you want to write 10 or 20 chapters of hot sexy porn, I'm good for that too. :)

Speaking of Angel. Do you think the Powers might have finally given him his true reward? Being a love slave in a homo demon bordello. I mean, he must have earned the nickname "Peaches" somehow? :)
Hee! Thank you. Yep, that's it.

Being a love slave in a homo demon bordello. I mean, he must have earned the nickname "Peaches" somehow? :) ROFL

02/03/2011 01:53 pm

Liked the way Xander tried to save Buffy and the human Angel reverting to his Liam past.

*nods* Well, if it's between the two - Angel and Spike - we know which one Xander's going to choose. :)

03/29/2008 02:11 am
Got that straight,you piece of Shansued dirt,huh?! :D:D:D
Loved it,glad that Buffy is  just the way I wanted her;reasonable and Spike's.
LOL His she is. Reasonable? Well, maybe.

11/03/2006 04:08 am
very good read, thank you. loved xander's ending line.

11/01/2006 01:09 am
Are you sure it's not Riley in disguise?

10/30/2006 01:32 pm
wow! Awesome chapter. Jeez...Angel Yuck. What an ass. I know we haven't seen the last of him.
Oh, definitely not the last of him!

10/30/2006 05:24 am
{Growls} I want to string Angel up. You know that isn't going to be the end of Angel's meddling. I was afraid of what he was going to do next. I know we see it in the last chapter, but I won't give it away in case people are reading the reviews per chapter.

This was an awesome chapter as well. I like Willow and Xander's reactions to it. I like that they figured it out too. That was pretty cool.
Thanks - I wanted an understanding and less bigoted Willow and Xander this time.

10/29/2006 10:08 pm
Wow Patti, I just don't know what to say. This fic is just wonderful! The Bangel stuff was yucky :D, but you really delivered on the Spuffy. I hope Angel didn't get the Sanshu, that he just got that demon blood on him. Did Angel really know that Spike survived? Did anyone else survive? I hope Dru finds her "Daddy" and turns him so that he can be dusted very soon :D
Um - Angel did get the Shanshu - but who knows if he was lying about Spike? He obviously knew that Spike had seen him change, so we can assume he would know it was a possibility that Spike was leaving Buffy to him.

10/29/2006 07:06 pm
I always thought Angel looked on Buffy as his Cracker Jack surprise, his reward for all those many (7) years of actively doing good during his over 200 years on the planet. Snort!

Good scene in a great tale.

Thank you, sweetie!

10/29/2006 04:32 pm
Teeheehee - I mean, uh, Awww poor Angel hehehehe. I loved it! Especially the part about Willow and Xander being pro-Spike, instead of Xand going all freaky and weird on them!
Thanks - glad you like the alternate take on Willow and Xander.

10/29/2006 04:04 pm
I really need to hug your Muse. Seriously. The last two chapters have been great. I love the fact that Willow and Xander actually 'get a clue' and are there for Buffy. Angel? Oh well, once a douche always a douche.

10/29/2006 03:31 pm
Brilliant! Human or vampire, you've demonstrated exactly why I never thought Angel would be right for Buffy. I'm enjoying this and can't wait for more.
Thank you. More coming soon.

10/29/2006 02:44 pm
I really need to hug your Muse. Seriously. The last two chapters have been great. I love the fact that Willow and Xander actually 'get a clue' and are there for Buffy. Angel? Oh well, once a douche always a douche.
Hee! My muse accepts hugs.

10/29/2006 12:32 pm
Oh I love it when arrogant!Angel is taken down a peg or three. I never liked his version of "reward for services rendered" redemption.
Yeah - kind of interesting that all those years of doing nothing count towards redemption, isn't it?

10/29/2006 11:13 am
Wow! That was one explosive confrontation. Xander was right, Angel is aggrogant, superior-acting, and scary. I can't wait to find out what happens next. Fantastic chapter!
Thanks - I'm glad you liked it. More soon.

10/29/2006 11:06 am
Yes I do think that went well..... can we kill Angel now he's human?? another good chapter, keep 'em coming :-)
Thanks. More on the way.

10/29/2006 10:03 am
God Buffy's only a piece of property to Angel, part of his reward, as in she owe's it to him to marry her. She's his part and parcel. He can never compare to Spike, not in her heart. Hope you are going to update this soon. I want more to read when I get back. Excellent fic, sms
By the time you get back, it will be finished. Enjoy, sweetie!

10/29/2006 08:06 am
Eeep, so I know Angel's human, but damn, he's needs a serious ass-whooping---courtesy of Buffy or Spike. Heck, I'll take Xander kicking his ass, so long as that arrogant jackass is beaten to a bloody pulp. Whew, hon, you've brought the blood-thirsty Angel hater outta me---WOOHOO!!! Can't wait for another!
Hee! Wait till you see what the jerk does next. LOL

10/29/2006 07:50 am
“Well, that went well, don’t you think?” *sniggers* Shame there was no O'Thickhead ass kicking but I have a feeling thats a comin'. *gleefully anticipates it*
LOL It may surprise you...

10/29/2006 07:06 am
My God, Angel is an ass. This story is wonderful and I can't wait to see Buffy knock Angel around, several times. Spike may want to handle the beating himself but he's man enough to enjoy watching Buffy do it. =)
LOL Thanks for the kind words.

10/29/2006 05:41 am
I love Xander in this & HATE Angel, what an ass!!!!! Great fic, just loving it
Thanks! I hope you continue to like it.

big fan
10/29/2006 05:36 am
Way to go with evil human Angel! How will Buffy deal with him?
She may not have to - stay tuned...

10/29/2006 05:14 am
One of the very few times that I agree with Xander! Great chapter and I love the way Angel refers to Buffy as 'it'.He is still waaay scarey and moe than capable of being dangerous - and they can't even stake him! Looking forwrd to more.
Thanks - more tonight.

10/29/2006 04:36 am
Xander’s comment that this was going to be fun and that he should have brought popcorn and his comment after Angel left made me chuckle. Angel going on about how Buffy was his reward made me feel a bit sick; I loved how she responded and how that response included that she realized that he didn’t love her. Thank you for the update, I can’t wait to see how the anything else with Angel might go but I really enjoyed this part of it.
Thanks - I'm glad it all worked for you.

10/29/2006 04:33 am
Xander was actually almost funny. ;)

I know it's not going to end there. Angel is to selfabsorbed to let things end peacefully. Big trouble ahead!!!

This should be fun!!!
hee! Well, fun for somebody - maybe not so much for Angel....

10/29/2006 03:33 am
Angel's going to cause problems, isn't he?

And he'll deserve anything they do to him in retaliation.

Good showing the differences between Angel's and Spike's attitude towards Buffy. To Spike she's a woman, to Angel she's property.And I don't remember her being promised to Angel. I think he's a wee bit delusional about that.
Ah well, Angel's been known to be a bit delusional about things that don't suit him...

10/29/2006 03:19 am
Well, looks like Buffy is going to get the treat of being stalked by a human for a change. Excellent chap. Can't wait for more.
More tomorrow, I hope.

10/29/2006 03:15 am
okay, that last bit froma angel was more than a little scary...makes me think he's gonna still cause quite a bit more glad they both stood up to him though, and that xander and willow are both being supportive...great chapter, looking forward to more :)
Yeah - he's gonna make a pest of himself....

12/23/2011 04:29 pm
"Starving'" was a perfect word to use here!
:) Glad you thought so.

03/29/2008 02:00 am
I like this Buffy much better than the one in "Dear John".
Loved all of the story so far,I doubt that I'll not love the rest.;) Time for me to keep reading,yea'?
Hee.  Yep, time to keep reading.

12/02/2006 11:01 am
Love this story ^_^ Very cute. Plus, Spike purring is always sexy.
Thanks - yeah, I wonder if James can purr.....?

11/03/2006 04:00 am
sweet read, thank you. the morning will probably not be so sweet.
Probably not...:)

11/01/2006 01:04 am
Scrumptious reunion. The morning after will be interesting!

10/30/2006 05:23 am
I loved the line about her starving. After several years of baby food sex with Angel, yeah I'd be starving for the adult portions of Spike lovemaking.

Awesome update. Yeah, I know I waited until the story ended before I put in my reviews ... but I did read it as it went along, and I jotted down my notes for each chapter.
Hey, no prob, sweetie. Thanks for reading it!

10/29/2006 09:49 am
Wild monkey sex with her beloved, Now he believes her when she says that she loves him and to hell with Angel. So glad I've got one more chapter to read. Wish it were more. Fantastic chapter, thanks for this wonderful fic.
You're welcome!

10/29/2006 02:34 am
Egads, I think my brain turning to mush from all Spuffy loving. WHOA!!! Great update, sweetie, and I'm gonna read the new one now.
LOL - Hope you enjoy the new one too.

10/28/2006 08:51 pm
awww....that was so very sexy and sweet...can't wait for the inevitable fallout, see what happens next :)
Coming soon - Angel fallout. lol

10/28/2006 05:51 pm
Oh yeah...this is the right reunion. Excellent and hot, filled with emotion. Yup, yup.

*g* thanks!

time of change
10/28/2006 03:23 pm
I do like this story!

10/28/2006 01:06 pm
Loved the sweet Spuffy interlude. Fantastic chapter! :)
Thank you.:)

10/28/2006 11:07 am
Yay for spuffy fluff ;)
Spuffy fluff -always a favortite choice.

10/28/2006 10:17 am
awwwww. so spuffy. Gimme more with a side order of Angel breakup. Love this, no surprise there really as I always love your fics, always my kind of Spuffy.
Oh, thank you. That is so good to hear. :)

10/28/2006 08:47 am
WOW - powerful ... looking forward to Angel getting the ass :)
LOL - coming soon.

10/28/2006 07:29 am
This was so sweet. I loved it how Buffy told Spike she loved him and asked him to tell her that he believed her this time and him telling her that he believed her and would never leave her again. Thanks so much for the update.
Thanks for reading and commenting! :)

10/28/2006 05:51 am

10/28/2006 05:14 am
Ohhhh, that was "Hot"!!! :)

More Please!!!! More!!! More!!! More!!! :)
:) More story coming soon.

10/28/2006 04:40 am
Fluffy Spuffy is always of the! Angel may have more than a stroke after this. A part of me wanted him to catch them in the act, but that's my evil side coming out. I try and ignore her if I can help it. Once again, loved the chapter=)
Thanks! I think we can safely assume he isn't going to take it

10/28/2006 04:04 am
It was kinda cold in here, but for some reason I feel much warmer after reading this chapter. Wow! Wonder if Angel will find them in the morning--can just imagine the look on his face! More please!
More soon. Thanks for reading.

10/28/2006 03:35 am
awww sweet smut. I usually hate sweet smut...heh. I guess there are exceptions to everything.

12/23/2011 04:25 pm
Awkward but also wouldn't trust Spike not to slip away.  Darn his stupid ideas!
Loves her enough to be unselfish - most of the time. :)

03/29/2008 01:48 am
Can't wait for Angel's reaction when he realizes that he is not the one to get away with the girl.:DLoved it.
He won't be happy...

12/02/2006 10:49 am
Love the reunion. It fits them very well, especially the part with the running and the tackling.
Hee - thanks!

11/01/2006 01:00 am
Phew - I thought she was going to blow it then. And there was Spike being dumb enough for both of them for three years!
Yep - he's stupid enough for both of them - needs to help from Buffy there.

10/30/2006 05:22 am
Yiippe!! {jumps up and down} Excellent chapter update, and I am tickled that SPike is alive. Awesome chapter! You had my emotions going all up and down. Shed a few bittersweet tears over this one too.
:) Glad you liked it.

10/29/2006 09:43 am
Definately stay with her. Yes, how can she marry Angel when she clearly loves Spike. This is great. Thanks for the read.

10/28/2006 03:15 am
Thank you for reading.

10/28/2006 12:23 am
wow..that was so typical of them, tons of misunderstanding, until they finally have to spell it out for each glad she's dumping yucky old angel though :P great chapter :)
Thanks. Yeah, it takes them a while to get it sorted out.

10/27/2006 10:54 pm
awwww! I love Spike's back stories & I see Angel is still a pompass ass human or vamp! look forward to seeing where this one goes, good start.

10/27/2006 07:17 pm
Can't wait for the "mess" to begin!!! ;) Poor Angel. (Not) :)

Messy break-up coming up. lol

10/27/2006 06:28 pm
Oh, you just have to update this fast. I liked it so far:)
Thanks! Um, chapter four is up - is that fast enough?

10/27/2006 05:06 pm
Le Sigh!!! What can I say. I love the story. It carries me away to happy 'what if' place after NFA.
Thank you.

10/27/2006 03:21 pm
Thank GOD!!! I was worried you were going to drag her decision out. I love it when Buffy knows what she truly wants and sets her mind to it. So glad to see you writing new Spuffy (I was a little worried that you had moved on to Spander.)
Nope - she knew what she wanted this time. Just had to convince the stupid vampire. LOL

Hee! Not moving on - just branching out a bit.

10/27/2006 01:10 pm
Muhhhahahahahahha take that Angel! Eeep that was so sweet, and Spike being all stupid 'oh no you deserve to be married to a jerk!', tss, what was he thinking, staying away for so long...oh well, they're gonna be together now:D!
LOL - all this Angel hatred. tsk tsk. Glad you enjoyed it - more to come.

10/27/2006 09:50 am
Yep, you love to make me cry. No other way of putting it. *bawls* Gah, I love your Spuffy!! The pain, the love, the emotions---I'm all over the place right now and it's alright. Hon, you just know the absolutely perfect way of going for my Spuffy-loving heart, ya know that?! Love this story and can't wait for more!!!
awww - what a lovely review! Thank you. More is now up.

10/27/2006 09:37 am
oh good! At least she got bonehead to listen. I'm telling you, these souls are absolutely good for nothing. They make vampires all wonky doing the noble thing instead of the right thing. gah. Ok i'm all better now. Lovely chapter! :)
LOL Thanks, Zoe

10/27/2006 08:57 am
yeay, he is staying, hope he bites angel, but then again maybe that would taste bad. more soon pls. ;)
LOL - it might (taste bad). Thanks for reading.

10/27/2006 08:18 am
I can't wait until Angel finds out.Hee! *dances evil little dance of joy*

10/27/2006 07:55 am
I just found this story today, and the three chapters I read were wonderful. Can't wait to find out what happens next. :)
I'm glad you're liking it. Next is up. :)

10/27/2006 07:33 am
Such a satisfying chapter. So very Spike with the insecurities and mixed signals from both. Yeah Buffy saying the wedding is off no matter what. Double yeah for her wanting Spike to stay with her. Love this, love this! Why do I think that the scoobies will be okay about this (maybe even Giles)....just one unhappy Shanshued brooder to pout. Maybe Nina's available.....

Hee! Nina seems to be everyone's idea of a good alternative. We'll see... Thanks for commenting. *hugs*

10/27/2006 06:32 am
enjoyed the update, thank you. if i had any brain cells still functioning i would stop right here. nah. love spike's “It’s gonna be a rough day, no matter what..." thanks for the fun read.
LOL - always glad to know which lines readers appreciate.

10/27/2006 05:32 am
more please!
more up now. :D

10/27/2006 05:05 am
i'm lovin this story. cant wait for angels reaction. heehee. more please.
Thanks - more up now.

10/27/2006 04:24 am
Angel may have a stroke when he finds out. It can happen! He'll soon realize that it's really not fun being human, especially if you don't get the girl. Hmm, maybe Nina is still out there somewhere. He should just find her and leave Buffy to the man that she really loves.

Well, you've done it again, Patti. You are a true genius when it comes to Spuffy. I always get excited to read a new fiction of yours. I still can't wait for the last chapter of Boy Good, but this story definitely satisfies me until then. Loved the chapter=)
Thanks, Tammy. Your reviews are such a treat.

10/27/2006 03:32 am
I loved Buffy and Spike’s meeting and their conversation. Spike trying to be all noble and Buffy coming to terms with what she really needs in her life. Buffy telling Spike that she isn’t going to marry Angel no matter what he does because she realizes that she doesn’t love him the way she loves Spike was a huge relief to me. I am so glad that she made that decision. I am really looking forward to mess that’s to come. Thank you so much for the enjoyable update, I loved it.
Thank you for reading and commenting so quickly!

10/27/2006 03:28 am
Awww. That's so sweet. But "rough day" if a bit of an understatement I think. Can't wait to see Angel's reaction.
I think we can assume he isn't going to take it well...

12/23/2011 04:10 pm
ALL Barry Manilow?!  What a selfish bastard!
ROFL  Angel's not a good guy now that he's human again. Selfish bastard would be a pretty good description. :)

02/03/2011 01:42 pm

The whole program doesn’t have to be Barry Manilow songs.   LOL  and Human Angel already has a credit card, proving once again they will give one to anybody

Hee! Well, he probably already had it from his vampire days...

03/29/2008 01:27 am
Great conversation,I loved it.

11/01/2006 12:52 am
I hope he wasn't being noble all this time.
Oh, he was. You know he was.

10/30/2006 05:21 am
Oh yeah, Angel's stories are always flimsy. Even if he didn't see Spike, he never even tried to find Spike over the years. He didn't care. All Angel cared about was that he was human, and he felt he deserved Buffy now.

Poor Spike. Hope he is all with the Unliving, and Buffy finds him.
Pretty sure she will.

10/29/2006 09:31 am
So Spike's there, and wanting for her to be happy. He still thinks that she didn't love him and now she has her"true love" and is marrying him tomorrow. She'd better find him right a way and get this all sorted before they say their I Do's. Really like this fic, intriguing beginning. Thanks for the read.
Thank you.

10/27/2006 06:19 am
i am enjoying the read, thank you. glad to see becoming human left angel exactly the same. review of first chapter: second try was for the review(i should have gone for try three or four.) while i was reading, there was an on going rant, mostly silent: how could she buy this, how could the self-centered scoobies buy this... and on and on.... then i realized i was fighting the story, instead of letting a master storyteller unfold her tale.
Hee! Trust me - she'll never wind up with Angel if Spike's alive.

10/27/2006 12:23 am
Haha, that sounds exactly like Buffy. She´s so lame. Marrying a human Angel, could she be more boring? Can´t wait for the next chapters, this is going to be good. Hopefully Spike pops her nose for once for being so stupid.
Hee! Have some anger issues, do you? I think she's going to change her mind soon.

10/26/2006 11:30 pm
Oooh I love it! I love how Spike requested that song - that was..spike requesting the song...? Anyhow, it's great! Please update soon!
Oh yeah, it was Spike. Thanks, another chapter soon.

10/26/2006 10:22 pm
Very interesting. Please give us more. Need to know how Spike is going to stop the wedding.
Um - just by being alive and there? lol Thanks.

10/26/2006 08:42 pm
Buffy better come to her subconscious good senses soon because being Mrs o' Thickhead is not of the good. How bitter sweet of Spike to request that song, stupid Vamp!! Why hasn't he stormed in there and snatched Buffy away with him, oh yeah, because he is a noble shes too good for me stupid vamp.
Love this fic, hoping for an update very soon, I'd try to give you a pleading puppy dog look of begging but I think the conjunctivitus sorta might put you off. :)
I think the conjunctivitus sorta might put you off. :) oh yeah! and ewwww. LOL
noble, she's too good for me, vampire,indeed! You called it.

10/26/2006 07:19 pm
oh i have a feeling when she finds him, she's gonna give him a piece of her not telling her he was alive...and angel is perfectly written, infuriating, and yet not out-and-out evil...i have a feeling that my opinion on that might change once i hear spike's side of the story, though, huh? :) great chapter, very eagerly waiting for more :)
Thanks. I'm glad you like my Angel - he might get a bit more evil as the fic goes on and he doesn't get his way....

10/26/2006 07:10 pm
I'm gonna blame it on hormones...but i started crying when the girl starting singing "wind beneath my wings" i'm such a sad sad person lol.

then...LMAO at the barry manilow songs line hahaha. ewww eww ewww getting married with a bunch of barry manilow..."Mandy" playing for the couple's first dance. *gag*

It was totally Spike there. stupid stupid VAMPIRE! She loves him. he's stupid. stupid stupid stupid. Gah.

LOL - definitely hormones! Spike may take a bit of convincing...

10/26/2006 06:53 pm
I'm loving this story! If this were a book, it would be a real page-turner--but guess I'll just have to wait (impatiently!) for the next chapter!
Next chapter, coming soon. :) thanks for reading.

10/26/2006 06:46 pm
This just gets more and more intense. I am a total nervous wreck waiting to see what happens from here and if Buffy actually decides to listen to herself. I love the choice of song and what it meant and Buffy asking for the story of Spike’s death from Angel again and noticing the differences. Thanks so much for the update, I really enjoyed it.
Thanks. I hope you continue to enjoy it. :)

10/26/2006 06:40 pm
He's still an idiot, even as a human. I don't think he was all that deserving of the Shanshu. And didn't he sign it away? Spike saved his miserable life and after all he's done, I think the prize should have been his. Well, I don't care much if Buffy ends up with him anyway, and of course she will. Angel doesn't seem to understand that Buffy had a past with Spike, that they did a lot more than just be engaged during a spell. I think Buffy needs to fill in the blanks for him. That was nice of Spike to ask them to play Wind Beneath My Wings for the happy! He's always thinking about others. I can't wait until they finally see each other again=)
Seeing each other again - coming soon! Thanks for reading, Tammy

10/26/2006 04:38 pm
oh yeah.... this is completely believeable. Great job...looking forward to more.

Thank you, Kathleen. I hope you continue to like it.

10/26/2006 04:28 pm
Great story so far and I'm looking forward to seeing how she extrictes herself from the wedding. Loved the song and the reactions.
Thanks. I hope you continue to like it.

10/26/2006 03:11 pm
Looks like somebody is still alive and Angel is as dense as ever. He just doesn't get it. He also does not seem to get that Buffy has caught onto the change in his story. I can't wait to see how this story unfolds. =)
Thanks - more unfolding later tonight, I hope.

10/26/2006 02:20 pm
Excellent update. Thank you for explaining the final battle, and what happened, although, can I just say, I really think that Angel getting the Shansu is VERY unfair, although Buffy leaving a newly human Angel for a still undead ensouled Spike is a bit happy making. Can't wait for the next update. Hope we're closer to the Spuffy.
We are getting closer to the Spuffy - pretty soon now. :)Thanks for commenting.

03/29/2008 01:17 am
Liked it.But...Spuffy soon?

12/02/2006 10:25 am
It's good to see she hasn't completely forgotten him.
Oh, not at all. She just thinks he's gone and there's nothing she can do about it.

11/01/2006 12:48 am
Human Angel is even worse than the Poof.
He can be. LOL

10/30/2006 05:20 am
Nice touch with the story title and the song that was played. I was really hoping that it was Spike who requested it. Angel's stories are always too flimsy.
Thanks! I hope you like the rest of it.

10/29/2006 09:20 am
Eeewwww, Buffy's marrying a shanshued Angel! That's just not right. Not after what she had with Spike. I'm hoping he's there and puts a stop to this nonsense. Very interesting story line, looking forward to the rest of the story. Thanks for the great beginning.
Thanks for reading and commenting. I hope you continue to like it.

10/26/2006 07:01 pm
awesome chapter! Damn woman you are prolific...look at you turning out the fics! I love all this interplay and the way she feels about angel and how you keep subtly throwing in little angel-like manipulations and controlling behaviors...that don't seem like much on the surface but really are.

And poor Buffy, she really just loves and wants Spike.
Oh, they really are there - some not so subtle. :)

10/26/2006 09:00 am
This is such an interesting and intense start. I found myself holding my breath thinking, she’s got to realize that Angel is wrong for her, she’s got to listen to what she is trying to tell herself, she can’t marry Angel. I am really looking forward to the next update.
Thanks - I'm glad you picked up on it. Yeah, her sub-conscious is very aware that this is not a good idea -let's hope she's listening!

10/26/2006 08:28 am
second try; very intriguing read. wihch was not my initial reaction. then i realized who was crafting thhis tale, thanks for the fine read.
Um - thanks? Meaning you didn't like it the first time? Or that you were afraid it was going to stay Bangel? 'Splainy, please!

10/26/2006 05:12 am
Ewwwwwww, not Bangel!!!!!!!! One might say, but nope, not me. I'm all onboard! I have to admit that it's weird that she would marry Angel just because he's human now, or just because she doesn't think she can find anyone else. What happened to the Immortal? Not that I care about the ponce, just wondering. I'm sure that was Spike she felt. He really won't be all that happy about this, but I wonder what happened to him in the last battle. Well, you have me intrigued and I'll try to be all mature with the Bangel moments.
Hee, Tammy - the Bangel moments are pretty much over and the why she'd be with him gets explained eventually. Don't forget - this is her first love - the man she thought she couldn't be with, not one she'd determined she didn't want to. I discount the Immortal. I suspect, even if she was still with him, he would have been a non-starter against a human Angel. I've never written a future fic in which the Immortal was anything but a post-apocalyptic fling or an undercover slayer job.

10/26/2006 03:12 am
Definately a good start to this story. Got me intrigued and anxious for more. Buffy...aaahhh Buffy...still denial girl even now. And Angel...still an ass. The more things change.... :) Looking forward to the next update.
thanks! I hope you continue to like it.

10/26/2006 02:14 am
You said not to whine, so I won't. I do feel nauseous though....ROTF. Chaper ended well and a nice set up to find out who is causing those tinglies. I definitely see chiseled cheekbones making an appearance. Bring it on!!!

10/26/2006 01:20 am
One's spike, isn't it? he has to stop her before she marries the poof!! angel's being such a jerk, hope she doesn't make that big of a mistake...great opening chapter, looking forward to more :)
I'm not telling....nah, nah. lol