Goodbye by slaymesoftly Jags 02/19/2012 03:27 am one shot drabble nice Thanks. alým 03/26/2008 10:30 pm one shot drabble This was absolutely insightful,loved it. Thank you. :) What a lovely one-shot. I love the way you strip all the layers away, one by one...the memories of other men, ideas of what she "ought" to be. And what a great last line! Thank you so much. :) oh wow...that was great...i never thought of that song in that way relating to the episode in question :) lovely imagery, very well done :) Thank you. :) shelly 05/28/2007 08:52 am one shot drabble wow! that was great! i really liked! Thank you. I love this song! This related to them fitted very well :) Yeah, I couldn't resist that prompt. Thanks for reading. daniel_nieves 05/28/2007 05:19 am one shot drabble awesome drabble. Thanks for the read. Thank you. :) | |||
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