Silence Speaks by Eowyn315

02/15/2010 08:58 am
Chapter 5         
Nice variation on a theme -

11/18/2009 07:53 pm
Chapter 5         
Loved every word. Wish this had really happened in the show!
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

05/08/2009 09:41 pm
Chapter 5         
Liked it so much!
Thank you!

03/16/2009 01:26 am
Chapter 5         
Wonderful and very neatly tied up too.
Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the story! :)

02/27/2009 03:15 pm
Chapter 5         
 Adorable!  Great fun re-interpretation of Hush.  Very sexy, too!
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! :)

05/20/2008 04:42 am
Chapter 5         
*sigh* okay, i am officially in a good mood. happy endings tend to do that to me....
loved this fic, well written, nice idea, great descriptions of emotions...

yup, definately in a good mood now.
Thanks! :) I'm glad you enjoyed it. I don't always do happy endings, but this one definitely is.

01/06/2008 02:53 pm
Chapter 5         
Brilliant! Oh, how I wish we could have seen this on tv. I love "Hush", one of my favourite episodes of the 7 seasons, but this... this is better. ;) I loved Buffy sucker-punching Riley *lol*. And the ending was just perfect. Thanks for another great piece of fiction! :)

~ Tanja ~
Thanks! Hush is one of my favorites, too... but it just seemed like it was missing something. :)

11/05/2007 05:10 pm
Chapter 5         
another wonderful short story - like your work very much.
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

10/25/2007 12:55 am
Chapter 5         
sweet ending to a fun read, thank you.
Thanks for the review!

10/23/2007 03:57 am
Chapter 5         
I am just glad that she is giving him a chance. And that she was the one to come to him. Just an awesome chapter and a great ending.
Thanks for the review! Glad you liked it.

10/22/2007 01:13 pm
Chapter 5         
awwww, love how they worked it out together, very believable, and so much better than canon :) i loved this fic, love, excellent job :)
Thanks for the review! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

10/21/2007 06:57 pm
Chapter 5         
A nice bit of cuteness.
Thank you!

10/21/2007 02:10 am
Chapter 5         
Good story. Four stars for you! ****
Oooh, stars. *names all the stars the same name and causes terrible confusion* Thank you!

10/20/2007 10:55 pm
Chapter 5         
Excellent rewrite. I loved it to bits.
Thank you! So glad you enjoyed it!

10/20/2007 07:59 pm
Chapter 5         

Much better with Spike in the scene instead of Riley! :D
I agree - everything gets better with Spike! :)

10/20/2007 07:22 pm
Chapter 5         
I do think this is how it would have gone had Buffy acknowledged her feelings before he went for the soul. He would have (and in many ways did) turn himself inside out for her.

Lovely story.....sweet and in character.

I think it'll take a little work for Spike to prove himself, but they're definitely at a better starting point than they ever were on the show. :) Thanks for the review!

10/20/2007 12:58 pm
Chapter 5         
Oh I liked the way it ended.
Thanks for the review!

10/20/2007 06:02 am
Chapter 5         
Aww -nice re-write. Much prefer your version. LOL
Thanks! Glad you liked it. :)

03/16/2009 01:14 am
Chapter 4         
Good on Buffy for stopping Riley early!
Heh, it was pretty clear that wasn't working out. :) Thanks for the review!

10/17/2007 04:35 am
Chapter 4         
My heart goes out to Spike. It looks like he would do anything to spend some time with her. But what in the world is she going to do now that she knows about Riley and that Riley knows about her. And can I just say that I LOVE the dream.
Thanks for the review! Glad you liked the dream. Don't know what Riley's up to, but I think Buffy will be a little too preoccupied to worry about him for now.

10/16/2007 09:44 pm
Chapter 4         
It's a good thing Buffy took Riley's attention away from possibly running into Spike. Looking forward to next chapter!
It'd definitely be interesting if Riley had recognized Spike. I thought about doing that, when Riley wouldn't be able to call for back-up, but ended up going in a different direction. Thanks for the review!

10/16/2007 05:16 pm
Chapter 4         
Oh that was good, so she figured some of it out. Wonder what Trouble Spike is in.
Well, it's Spike. Trouble's his middle name. :) But he'll probably be loving it.

10/16/2007 02:54 pm
Chapter 4         
How nice for Riley to get a punch in the face instead of Spike!
Hee, nice change of pace, isn't it?

10/16/2007 01:10 pm
Chapter 4         
Hee! Liking this twist of one of my favorite episodes. :)
Thank you! It's such a rich episode, there's a lot to play with. :)

10/16/2007 09:04 am
Chapter 4         
You've kept the tension up even though there isn't any actual the dreams.
Sometimes I think the lack of dialogue actually creates more tension. Thanks for the review!

10/16/2007 07:50 am
Chapter 4         
Now that's what I WISH Buffy had done in the series! Nice writing!
I think we all wish Buffy had done that. :) Thanks for the review!

10/16/2007 06:21 am
Chapter 4         
very good read, thank you. and an absolutely delightful end to the chapter.
Thanks for the review! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

10/16/2007 05:19 am
Chapter 4         
Much nicer result to their meeting up in this episode *G*. Yes, knock the oaf unconscious and go join Spike.

Love that she is reading Spike's emotions from his eyes even if she doesn't want to.

Spike does convey an awful lot of emotion with his eyes, doesn't he? Thanks for the review!

03/16/2009 01:05 am
Chapter 3         
Wheee!  A moment of truth.
Hee! Well, like Joss says, when they stop talking, they start communicating. :)

10/10/2007 07:51 pm
Chapter 3         
oh man...stupid buffy....i love the way you've written this, you handled the silence perfectly...great chapter, love :)
Thanks so much! Glad you liked it!

10/04/2007 10:22 pm
Chapter 3         
Great story and I really like the changes you have made to this episode. Unfortunately, Buffy remains in the land of denial. I can't wait to read how she begins to acknowledge and accept her feelings for Spike.
Thanks for the review! I'm glad you're enjoying it.

10/04/2007 05:09 am
Chapter 3         
I'm not saying she had to surrender to him or nothing, but he did just kinda save her. She could've shaken her head "no" to the kissing and said thanks and been on her merry way. Rejection, sure, but no need for the histrionics ;) But then again, I'm not surprised. It is Buffy, after all.
I think the fact that he saved her is just as disconcerting to Buffy as the kissing. Remember, they're still enemies, even if Willow's spell left some fuzzy feelings. Fuzzy feelings that Buffy is, at this point, having a hard time dealing with. I can't imagine her just saying "no thanks" and going on her way. It's not just a matter of "Oh, the guy that saved me is sweet, but I'm just not interested." It's "Oh my God, my arch enemy is totally freaking me out by not being enemy-like, I don't understand what's happening between us, and I absolutely hate how I feel about it."

10/03/2007 05:00 pm
Chapter 3         
Ooooh nice developments! Go on Spike... run after her!
Thanks for the review!

10/03/2007 01:15 pm
Chapter 3         
Oh, that was heartbreaking - and well done.
Thank you, dear! Glad you enjoyed it. :)

10/03/2007 11:54 am
Chapter 3         
So Spike came to her resuce. And was worried about her, wonder what while happen next time they meet.
Well, he kissed her and she ran away, so I'm guessing probably awkwardness...

10/03/2007 11:41 am
Chapter 3         
Buffy certainly has something stuck up her ass -- I suppose we should be thankful she didn't punch him in the face!
She has something stuck up her ass? Because she doesn't want to hook up with a guy who tried to kill her, and her friends, repeatedly? Harsh Light of Day was less than two months ago. The Initiative was only a couple weeks ago. One kiss doesn't suddenly make up for that.

10/03/2007 06:41 am
Chapter 3         
Awww that's sad. Spike's nightmare of Buffy rejecting him has come true. Definitely enjoying this story so far. :)
I don't think that's really Spike's nightmare. Not at this point. I mean, sure, it hurts to be rejected, but it's not like he had feelings for her more than one episode ago...

10/03/2007 06:39 am
Chapter 3         
sad spike and sadder buffy. excellent read, thank you.
Glad you liked it!

10/03/2007 05:08 am
Chapter 3         
Wonderful how you did the scene with Spike and Xander, very visual. Love how they both set aside the stupid issues and went to rescue their women too!

Buffy is irritated because she can see how Spike feels and has urges herself...she is scared *G*.

Lovely update.
Thanks! I really had fun with the Spike/Xander scene. Glad you enjoyed it!

10/03/2007 03:42 am
Chapter 3         
*ahem* to quote The First, "That Bitch."
Buffy? Seriously? Because she has reservations about kissing a guy who three episodes ago tried to kill her best friend?

10/03/2007 03:20 am
Chapter 3         
Awwww, poor Spike!!!

Aww, Xanya snuggles. :)

"Hush" was a really cool episode.
It was a cool episode. I'm enjoying playing with it. :)

03/16/2009 12:56 am
Chapter 2         
Good chapter.  Especially loved the interaction between Buffy and Spike!
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!

10/03/2007 06:30 am
Chapter 2         
lovely read. spike physically restrained and buffy mentally. good tale, thank you
Thanks for the review!

09/28/2007 09:05 pm
Chapter 2         
Great chapter. Poor Spike, having to sit there tied up..
Thanks! Glad you liked it. :)

09/28/2007 12:51 am
Chapter 2         
Yummy chapter. Poor Spike - can't even fix it himself. lol
Heh... maybe Xander can help him out... wait, wrong community for that. ;)

09/27/2007 11:47 am
Chapter 2         
Oh I loved it, both Buffy and Spike seem to have feeling for each other.
Yep... 'cept for the big heaping pile o' denial. :)

09/27/2007 07:14 am
Chapter 2         
poor frustrated spike :P lol...great chapter, love, like how you've tied it in with canon while still keeping it original...excellent work :)
Thanks! The episode is a great jumping-off point, but the fic does sort of have a mind of its own. :) Glad you're enjoying it.

09/27/2007 06:46 am
Chapter 2         
Awww, poor Spikey....
Heh... all tied up and no one to make it kinky...

03/16/2009 12:45 am
Chapter 1         
Really liked this chapter.  But Riley's attitude even before they were a couple really bugs me.
Thanks! Glad you liked it!

10/21/2007 12:16 pm
Chapter 1         
Good first chapter. You are good at capturing the rhythm of how Spike and Buffy sound. This from Spike: "It was a spell, a horrible, revolting spell that made them do horrible, revolting things." sounds just like him! Looking forward to the rest.
Thanks for the review! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

09/27/2007 12:11 am
Chapter 1         
Very much loving all of your stories, and this is no exception ;)
Aww, thanks! Glad you're enjoying it so far.

09/25/2007 06:20 pm
Chapter 1         
very excellent start...loved the alterations to the are an awesome writer, love, and i can't wait to see where you take this lovely new fic
Thank you, dear, that's so sweet of you. :) Hope you like the story.

09/25/2007 10:59 am
Chapter 1         
Buffy's screwed.....hee hee hee

Aww, poor affection-starved Spike. At least he can kill things.
Yeah, I figured Spike could use the early notice on killing demons. Brighten him up a bit. :) And Buffy doesn't stand a chance...

09/23/2007 06:55 pm
Chapter 1         
I like your version of Hush better already! Can't wait for more
Thanks! Glad you liked it.

09/23/2007 01:41 pm
Chapter 1         
Great start. Willow had bettter not do the spell Yet or the Gentlemen will have free rein!
Guess we'll have to wait and see, huh? :)

09/23/2007 09:52 am
Chapter 1         
Very nice chapter.
I'm looking forward to more.
Thanks for the review!

09/23/2007 02:20 am
Chapter 1         
Oh that was good, I can't wait to see what happens if the spell is done.
Thanks! Glad you liked it.

09/23/2007 01:46 am
Chapter 1         
If anything it was the Riley relationship that could be chalked up as an Angel substitute.
Odd as it may seem, I think Riley was both the Angel substitute *and* the anti-Angel. She was trying for the normal, dependable guy, but she ended up with someone who was pretty similar to Angel in type.

09/23/2007 01:07 am
Chapter 1         
Looking forward to this. I always enjoy your stories and this is off to a good start. Love Spike standing in the place they had Riley on the show...yup, I'd dream of Spike kissage after Something Blue, not capt. cardboard.

Thanks, dear! I'd dream about Spike anytime...

09/23/2007 01:05 am
Chapter 1         
Promising beginning, as long as Willow doesn't get to do that forgetting spell! More please.
Thanks! I'll try to keep Willow away from the magic. :)

09/23/2007 12:58 am
Chapter 1         
Really good first chapter. I look forward to reading more. Bravo!
Thanks! Glad you like it so far. :)