Baby, You Can Drive My Car by slaymesoftly Jags 02/20/2012 09:51 am Seven yay buffy! woot! very nice Thanks. olinka 10/19/2008 10:30 pm Seven oh so sweet :) Thanks! Opal 11/30/2007 06:42 am Seven Loved it! :) Hee! I'm glad. :) BT_ 11/26/2007 02:56 pm Seven yay - updates! THis is such a sweet story. loved Buffy telling everyone off, and Dawn figuring it all out. Hee! Thanks. I'm glad you're liking it. kim 11/24/2007 05:14 am Seven Awwwwww... Thank you. :) Serenity 11/24/2007 05:02 am Seven Wow! That was a great story (as was the first installment). Loved how Buffy finally put Willow and Xander in their place and how Dawn actually figured out what was wrong with Buffy. And, as for the final chapter, I may need a cigarette after that romp. Hot! LOL Thanks for reading. I'm glad you liked it. Serenity 11/24/2007 05:02 am Seven Wow! That was a great story (as was the first installment). Loved how Buffy finally put Willow and Xander in their place and how Dawn actually figured out what was wrong with Buffy. And, as for the final chapter, I may need a cigarette after that romp. Hot! Hee! Thanks for reading. I'm glad you liked it. MMM Spuffy goodness. Can't believe she didn't take her pants off first. Heh heh. Spuffy goodness for the holiday. :) Thanks for reading. This was a nice happy way to end an enjoyable fic. So glad they didn't have any more interruptions. Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. :) And they lived happily ever after! Lovely. Thank you. We can hope so, can't we? I don't want it to end here. A sequel, prettyprettyprettyplease a sequel???? Buffy still can't drive in traffic so we need a sequel ;) LOL - Someday, maybe. Thanks for reading. Shanna 11/23/2007 06:48 am Seven You made me remember a post I made at one of my favorite BTVS forums. Some one asked the members to answer some general questions, one of which was 'What is your favorite sound?' I wrote 'the zipper GOING down sound in SMASHED'. The devil made me say it. Gotta love that little devil. *wink** Great story. Great read. So....when are you posting your next story, hmmmm? LOL Kinda fond of that sound myself... Thanks for reading and the kind words. Working on a Christmas fic right now, so it'll be a while before it goes up. Awesome chapter; veeeerrry hot scene *Spike fan is doing jumps for joy* but is there going to be a sequel? Buffy was doing so well dealing with everything, telling off her friends, admitting to her attraction to Spike, but she completely ignores his declaration of love! Is there going to be another story dealing with her response? Please please please??? LOL - No plans for a sequel, ATM. But you never know. Had no plans for a sequel when I wrote the first one, so... thanks for reading and leaving all the entertaining reviews. :) Aww, kinda sad that this one is over. It was just so sweet! I stand by my earlier claim that Spike should most definitely have been my driving instructor... LOL Don't we all wish! Thanks for reading. :) Loved the end! Liked your version way better than season six, but that was already a given. But Buffy still ignored the whole "I love you," okay, fine she needs more time. But still, lol. Great story. Thanks for sharing! Thanks. Give her time. lol great read, thank you. great line:“I have to see a demon about a bra....†dawn was a rare treat especially her thought in the last sentence. I'm glad you liked. :) This is the way all confrontations should be. All the facts were laid out and let everything fall where it may. Everything's clear now even though some may not like it. Great chapter! Thank you. Yep, it's all out there. Nothing left but the Spuffy wrap-up. :) Brilliant chapter -- everything that Buffy should have said -- delivered through both barrels!! Pow! I love it. Good work by intuitive Dawn -- I think Xander is going to need a more emphatic smackdown. Can't wait for more. :) Brilliant chapter -- everything that Buffy should have said -- delivered through both barrels!! Pow! I love it. Good work by intuitive Dawn -- I think Xander is going to need a more emphatic smackdown. Can't wait for more. Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. Not much more to go - Xander smack-down may have to wait. :) Dude. Sometimes, I feel SO GUILTY for liking Buffy in fics, because peopple tend to trash her a lot. But, I just wanted to say, that you have restored my belief in my right to Love Buffy too! So, thank you for that. ;) Also: “I have to see a demon about a bra,†- OMG. hilarious! I can see her saying that! Bravo! :) LOL You're welcome! Thanks for reading. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Awesome, awesome, awesome! I can't even come up with a cute review, I'm just sitting here wriggling in my seat I'm so happy! Please, PLEASE update again soon; I absolutely adore this story, adn can't wait for more. It's gonna go on for another 50 or so chapters, right???? RIGHT??? Um...actually? The last chapter is going up sometime tomorrow. :) Cat 11/22/2007 03:05 am Six DAMN!! I really hope someone slaps some sense into Xanders head with a louisville slugger!! LOL Not to worry... This is just so... right. I like this Buffy - the one who actually explains why she is hesitant to explore the possibilities of a relationship with Spike in full view of the judgemental scoobies. I like the fact that she lets him know that she can't handle the drama, rather than letting him think that she is ashamed of being with him. And I love that even though Spike is hurt, he understands her feelings and is willing to give her time. And the ending - just perfect. You made me smile. Thank you. I'm so glad readers are finding this Buffy sympathetic and believable. :) kim 11/21/2007 07:14 pm Five I reviewed last night, but the site seems to have eaten it. :? Willow meddled, damnit. That still ended sooo much better than it could've!! LOL - It didn't go as badly as it could have... Great chapter; can't wait to read more; please update again soon! *Spike Fan storms into the room, places hands on hips, and glares at author* Who the hell would want to get driving lessons from Xander? I mean, XANDER? Come on! Spike can drive ME anytime! *Spike Fan begins to sputter when she realizes what she just said* I mean, he can give me driving LESSONS anytime! Yeah, that's it!*Spike Fan blushes and runs out of the room, while Mature Reader rolls eyes apologetically at author.* I'm so sorry, I can't do ANYTHING with her when she gets like this! Really great story though, am thoroughly enjoying it! Hee! Thank you. :) All right..back in Buffy's corner! Nothing like insinuating a third party into the situation to make a person think. LOL - glad to hear it. :) Spike is being so understanding! I hope he doesn't end up in doormat territory just to keep Xander and Co. happy. Not in my world! LOL Aurelia 11/21/2007 09:39 am Five I know Buffy has been through a lot but man the way she lets her friends control her is exhausting. Anyway I'm really enjoying the fic. Update asap plz. Thanks. Keep reading, she may surprise you... oh, lord. and here we go. buffy can't make up her mind. man, screw her friends and what they think. can i kill xander? can't wait for more. LOL - more later today or tonight. Have faith! I'm loving the tenderness between Buffy and Spike...especially the Spike aspect of it. When did *he* get so mature? My Spike has always had depths to him that other characters may not have seen. I'm glad you're liking the developing relationship - seems more realistic to me, considering the growing friendship at the end of season V and the closeness at the beginning of season VI. :) love buffy being able to admit she wanted him to kiss her ( and being confused.) and the scoobies to the rescue. everyone should have such egocentric friends. very good read, thank you. Thanks! Aaaaw -- talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face! Though Buffy might learn something from it, especially when her 'friends' start interfering! Can't wait for more. Thanks. More tonight. *Indignant Spike fan marches into room, slams door behind her, and glares at author. "Willow better not start sticking her stubby little nose into Spike and Buffy's relationship! I won't stand for it!" Mature reader creeps into room behind Spike fan and begins whispering in their ear. A heated conversation in whispers continues for a moment, and then mature reader waves reassuringly at cowering author, and leaves the room. Spike fan scuffs toe along floor. "And yeah, it was a good chapter. I suppose." Begins to leave room. "But you tell that Willow..." Is dragged the rest of the way out of the room by mature reader, who holds the door closed while addressing author* Excellent chappie, and I loved the scene between Spike and Buffy AFTER the kiss; the adult discussion that happened, Spike being wise and mature enough to deal with the situation in a good way; time travel and rewriting of S6 is definitely required after reading this story!!! Update again soon, please!!! *Door begins shaking and shuddering as Spike fan pushes on it in an attempt to reenter the room* Please!!! LOL - your reviews are as much fun to read as the story. :) Thanks! carryline 11/20/2007 12:41 pm Four Continuing to love it- please update soon! Thanks. Another update tonight. :) Kawaki 11/20/2007 10:00 am Four If Willow had concerns about the amount of time Buffy was spending with Spike, as if it was any of her business, she should bring her concerns to Buffy, not make a note to go behind her back. Ah, but this is Willow - and she thinks she knows best for everyone.:) Thanks for reading. Ugh, wonder how long the two can hold out. I'm clinging to your every word. Can't wait for more! Hee! Thanks. More tonight. You know that is how he really felt in S6, willing to do and be anything she needed. He merely lost track of reading her signals and it all went downhill from there because she wasn't capable of the relationship. THIS Buffy is in a healthier place. I am worried about nosey Nellie Willow with her phone call plan. They had a LOT of nerve dictating who she could be with (and they really did). I'd NEVER treat a friend that way even if I thought she was making a terrible mistake. Still loving this. Good angst, especially poor Spike! Love Buffy's slamme doors and indignation. Kathleen Thanks, sweetie. I knew you'd like this take on Season VI. Thanks for reading. :) Shanna 11/20/2007 04:42 am Four This is progressing wonderfully. I definitely like this Spike and Buffy. Ah...what could have been!! **kicks Joss in butt for millionth time** I'd review more but the review feature here disappears on me so I can'r post. I am always reading though. LOL - Joss probably has a pretty sore butt by now. :) Thanks for reading and don't worry about the reviews. (although, you might mention it to Dia, in case there's something going on with the script). kim 11/20/2007 03:18 am Four It was the right thing. And Willow should butt the hell out. Ah, but then she wouldn't be Willow, would she? :) Thanks for reading. She's getting there slowly, Spike just needs to restrain his natural... erm... exuberance a little! LOL - Good luck with that! :) carryline 11/19/2007 02:45 pm Three Realy like this- as I do everything you write. Love the Spuffy and mmm Spike kisses! Thanks! Protective!Buffy is always of the good. More soon please?? More tonight. Thanks for reading and reviewing. :) Wow! Great chappie; I really feel the need to take my husband out for an ice cream cone, and it's SNOWING, so I'd say, great scene!!! Loved the cheering section that Spike provided Buffy during the fight, was so cute! Please update again soon!! Now I'm off to get ice cream! *Spike fan pokes head around corner. "I want my ice cream with chocolate sprinkles, and whipped creme, and a Spike on top, please!!"* LOL Next chapter tomorrow night. :) kim 11/18/2007 11:58 pm Three A make-out session that ends without yelling and bloodshed makes a successful night. :D I like this acting like grown-ups approach!! Thanks. I like to think that they can behave appropriately every once in a while. lOL “I say ‘yes’.†- very nice touch. LOL at Buffy running over demons with her mom's car. I'm glad you're enjoying it. :) fun read, thank you. a very patient spike. Yep, he's trying to smother those impulses. :) Thanks for reading. Phew -- that was some driving lesson! At least Buffy is realising how she's making him suffer. Yep, she's not quite so oblivious or uncaring in this version of Season VI. Good to see Buffy actually considering how her actions might affect Spike! Yep, my Buffy still has her tender heart and some compassion for others. Thanks for reading.:) Nikkole 11/18/2007 04:05 pm Two I like this story very much so far. I like how you have Buffy written in it. Thank you. I hope you continue to like it. :) dicecanntcry 11/18/2007 07:18 am Two I love it! And I absolutely adore this vulnerable side of Buffy. She's just so cute like that! :) And I even like this Spike! Which is nice for a change. Hope to see more soon! Thanks. I'm glad you're liking it. You don't usually like Spike? Blasphemy! LOL Very nice chapter. Does Buffy remember that driving is a prelude to sex in the Buffyverse? It is? Hmmmm - if she doesn't, I guess she will... You've captured their tentative, confused and touching attempts at working out their relationship perfectly. And both Buffy and Spike are right in character - just spot on. As for the dialogue - I could practically hear their voices. This is just beautifully written. I'm in awe. My only complaint is that I now have yet another wip to keep up with. *sigh* The life of a Spuffy fan is just so hard. Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it. :) Sorry to have made your life harder. LOL "The street would be my first choice,†he said dryly. “less you’re planning to get there by drivin’ over lawns.†This had me laughing out loud. Love your dialogue, very in character and clever. I am pleased that this Buffy realizes she is taking advantage of his feelings for her and it matters to her. She is also beginnning to wonder about his limits unlike canon Buffy. Nicely done and more like the girl we really knew than the one they gave us. Kathleen Well, I'd like to think it's the girl we really knew, but it's not really a very canon Buffy, is it? I just like to think her good heart was in there somewhere... Nice to see Buffy acknowledging that Spike actually HAS feelings, and that she's abused them far too often. *Spike fan jumps up, waving a GO SPIKE flag madly* I always found it interesting that Spike was able to change his basic personality traits for the people he loved i.e. showing so much patience when he practically suffers from ADD. *Spike fan sticks tongue out at reader, begins waving sign that says "Spike can do no wrong!"* I can only say again how much I love your Spike voice; you really have his reactions and emotions down pat, and... *reader trails off as Spike fan does cartwheels all around the room, singing "Spike is great, Spike is great" at the top of their lungs* Yeah, I'm done. *Spike fan does victory dance as reader leaves room* I like a much more understanding Buffy - most of the time. :) *joins Spike fan in dancing - ow! Nevermind. Hurt myself.* I really wish that were the way I'd learned to drive. Except it would actually have to be with Spike, 'cause my actual driving instructor wasn't that pretty... LOL - yeah, mine wasn't usually that much fun, either. Sweet and funny slayme. Buffy driving - now that's terrifying. Loved your banner, too. Thanks. Always_jbj made the banner. Glad you liked.:) This looks like the start of a beautiful friendship. This is so how it should have gone on the series. Moving on to the next chapter. It would have been nice, wouldn't it? Thanks for reading. very fine beginning. thank you. enjoying this buffy. Thanks. You can tell it's a different Buffy as soon as she says "I'm sorry", can't you? LOL New story!!! New story!!! There's a new story!!! Hee hee hee! *Whiny reader does victory dance around room* I loved the scene b/n B & S in the lower level of the crypt; the awkwardness was perfect; I can't wait till you update again; I'll be waiting with bated breath! *Whiny reader begins to hold breath; eyes bug out and she turns blue. Adult pokes head around corner and shakes head sorrowfully at author. "She's really stubborn; you better update again soon!" Whiny reader passes out on floor. Adult laughs. "Oh, never mind!"* Seriously though, your Spike voice and characterization is excellent; can't wait for more. *Whiny reader sits up suddenly.* More story, more story!!! *Passes out again* *giggles and applies cool, damp cloth to forehead of whiny reader* You're off to another great start! I love the kinder, more gentle Buffy. Thanks, as always for sharing your wonderful stories. I Thank you. Yeah, this Buffy is a bit easier to sympathize with I think. :) Yay, new fic! I loved this line : Too late she realized how a remark like that would sound to a vampire who never left an innuendo to suffer alone. Ha! Hey, could you point me in the direction of the prequel? I can't seem to find it! Hmmm - I couldn't find it on here. I'll have to do something about that...Anyway, you can find it here: http://spuffystuff.org/vampcar.htm Sorry! OH I like this Buffy! Yes, this is much, much better. Character voices are perfect. Plot is delightful. I'm looking forward to seeing how this would go. Spike is so willing to be anything she needs, anyone she wants. I wonder how long before she realizes he already IS what she needs and wants just as he is? Lovely to have you popping out gems like this one lately. Kathleen Thank you, sweetie. Yes, this Buffy is a bit healthier (mentally) than was the one we met on the show. I hpe you continue to like it. | |||
Disclaimer If you are under the age of 17, please use your head and do not read fics that are labeled "NC-17". Parents, I cannot control what your children are reading, so please be advised that the majority of the fics archived here are NOT suitable for those under the age of 17. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is for pure entertainment purposes only. Concept: (c)bringonthebloodshed.com (2004), Code & Design: (c)Diabola (2006), Graphics: Selene & Always |