One Day.... by Lilachigh

11/26/2009 01:39 pm
Chp 3 A glimmer of hope         
This is so very beautiful, and all chapters are well written and insightful. Thank you:)
 Thank you so much!

03/18/2009 10:15 pm
Chp 3 A glimmer of hope         
You know, this hiatus of new stuff does have a benefit or two...forcing us to go out and read older stuff.  I know I was going to do that anyway, but life is always in the way.  (I should be making dinner for hungry kids and hubby right now, in fact) but now, with nothing new, I can come and read lovely things like this.
The light in the midst of darkness was a wonderful image of what Buffy was doing.  Thank you.
 So pleased you found this little fic and enjoyed it.  Sometimes the older, shorter pieces have some worth to them. Thank you, as ever, for continuing to comment.  I'm under the weather at present - have shingles! - but hope to start writing again very soon.

12/14/2008 09:55 pm
Chp 3 A glimmer of hope         
Great Christmas story - love how you brought around your idea of Hope with the ending -

11/05/2008 04:52 pm
Chp 3 A glimmer of hope         
I"d never thought about how adding Dawn would take all Buffy's real memories away, and how that would feel.  Wow.
 That struck me very clearly when I watched the series.  Her memories must have been over-ridden to make way for Dawn.  Glad you enjoyed the story and thanks again for the crossed fingers idea on BAU.

09/15/2008 02:06 am
Chp 3 A glimmer of hope         
sweet, and real.  Thanks for sharing.
 Thank you, so much.

01/10/2008 12:44 am
Chp 3 A glimmer of hope         
delightful. thank you.
So pleased you enjoyed my Christmas story! it was fun to write. thank you for reviewing.

01/06/2008 05:53 pm
Chp 3 A glimmer of hope         
Now you've made me cry.
Is that a good thing or bad, I wonder? I cried when I wrote it, so perhaps I've accomplished what I set out to do! Thank you for taking the time to read and review.

12/31/2007 10:36 pm
Chp 3 A glimmer of hope         
Oh, what a bittersweet christmas story. Thanks for the thoughts.
So pleased you enjoyed the story. Thanks for reviewing and a happy new year to you and yours!

12/25/2007 01:48 am
Chp 3 A glimmer of hope         
very sweet ending. It's telling that all Spike wanted was for someone to really want him around for the holidays. I'm glad he was able to give Buffy what she needed to reclaim her hope and that she was able to return the favor, even without knowing it.
thank you for reviewing. So pleased you enjoyed the story.

12/24/2007 07:06 am
Chp 3 A glimmer of hope         
A Hellmouthy Christmas is still Christmas! Glad Spike gave Buffy back enough hope to realize that! Nice happy ending there for Spike too! Merry Christmas!
So glad you enjoyed the story. Hope the New Year is great for you and yours.

12/24/2007 01:32 am
Chp 3 A glimmer of hope         
What a wonderful Spuffy moment. :) I simply loved the beautiful way Spike expressed himself to Buffy. Fantastic story!
I hope you have a safe and happy holiday... Merry Christmas!!! :D
thank you for reviewing and for all the time and effort you have put into reading and reviewing over the year. Hope 2008 is a good one for you.

12/23/2007 10:56 pm
Chp 3 A glimmer of hope         
Thank you for the happy ending; makes up for Chapter 1 which almost made me cry!! Loved Spike's speech about hope; that was wonderful. Great story! Merry Christmas!
thank you so much for taking time to read and review at such a busy moment in the year. Glad you enjoyed the story.

12/23/2007 07:20 pm
Chp 3 A glimmer of hope         
What a touching a lovely story! I loved every moment of it (and how nice that Spike was already free from the FE by Christmas in this universe....much nicer than chained in that underground torture chamber!!!!!). Yes, HOPE indeed!!!! I really, really appreciated this wee giftie of hopeful Spuffy on a cold near Christmas afternoon. Thanks.

thank you, Kathleen. Glad you liked the story. Yes, my Season 7 universe is a slightly more hopeful place than the canon one!

11/05/2008 04:47 pm
Chp 2 Lost Sheep         
oh wow.  that was powerful.
 Glad you enjoyed it.  I loved the banner and wanted to write a strong story round it. The time frame for the challenge was difficult but I think it worked.

01/10/2008 12:42 am
Chp 2 Lost Sheep         
well a christmas present of sorts for spike. very good read, thank you.
Thank you for reading, glad you enjoyed the story.

01/06/2008 05:48 pm
Chp 2 Lost Sheep         
Very touching, no one gives him a second thought.

12/23/2007 10:55 pm
Chp 2 Lost Sheep         
Poor Spike! This touches such a chord with me; being alone on Christmas, even if you're a "Big Bad", is so horrible! Lovely chapter, going to read next one now!

12/23/2007 02:07 am
Chp 2 Lost Sheep         
Buffy is in fine form. Glad Spike at least doesn't do what he's told.
Glad you're enjoying the story. Final part should be posted today - if Christmas plans don't get in the way!

12/20/2007 01:41 pm
Chp 2 Lost Sheep         
I'm so happy to see you're continuing with this story. :) The Manger scene was fantastic. I loved how the dollars just fell into Spike's hand, and reading Spike's POV during the scene and afterward was also enjoyable. Good update!
Pleased you are enjoying the little story. Hope to have next chp up before Christmas if possible. Thank you for reviewing.

12/20/2007 06:25 am
Chp 2 Lost Sheep         
Poor Spike, all alone for Christmas and he can't even pass the time with a good kill. And he keeps trying to convince himself that the chip is making him change. At least he got a present!
Yes, now he just has to learn to give again. This will be even harder for him in case he is rejected. Our boy doesn't handle rejection well!

12/20/2007 12:33 am
Chp 2 Lost Sheep         
Poor Spike. Trapped in Xander's basement for Christmas when even Xander was happy to flee. Guess when you've tried to kill people on numerous occasions they don't really want to include you in their holidays. Interesting that Spiek thought of the money as a gift from on high for the lost sheep that he was.
I think Spike was putting all sorts of logical reasons for getting the money and fighting any belief in a higher power!

12/19/2007 10:50 pm
Chp 2 Lost Sheep         
well done :)
thank you for taking the time to comment, especially at such a busy time of year.

06/12/2014 05:03 pm
Chp 1          
  I read the whole delio here, but this first chapter made me feel kinda sad for Vampire William.
That's how i felt when I wrote it!  Thank you so much for commenting.

12/12/2013 06:35 am
Chp 1          
I love this story and especially this chapter - such a great contrast between the newly turned William and his past and future.  

01/14/2012 03:00 am
Chp 1          
Poor William, he left his old life hoping for acceptance. Now his new family ignores him and he is alone. He was alone the entire time. Dru was never his and he never had anyone of his own.
He was so sad!  In a sad, let's kill everyone, sort of way!

01/10/2008 12:38 am
Chp 1          
poor william. shows why he became william the bloody, and why he grew to be our favorite vamp. very good read, thank you.

01/06/2008 05:30 pm
Chp 1          
Poor Spike - always the outsider.

12/23/2007 02:03 am
Chp 1          
Willie the sweet vampire stealing a necklace off a dead body for his lady love. I love it.

12/19/2007 07:18 pm
Chp 1          
Your story shows why William changed so much and became Spike. He craved love as William. When he realized he would always be second in Dru's life he decided to out do Angel in anyway he could. He was still a little boy inside wanting to be loved and accepted.
I agree with you absolutely. Poor lad but still a killer!

12/18/2007 11:10 pm
Chp 1          
Oh - poor William!

That was beutifully written and sadly true!
thank you so much.

12/18/2007 02:53 pm
Chp 1          
This was such a wonderfully poignant look at Spike's personality... I loved it! Thanks for sharing. :)
Pleased you enjoyed the story. thanks for reading and commenting. Appreciated.

12/18/2007 02:10 pm
Chp 1          
Aw, that's so sad. I hope he drank the brandy by himself. :) Good job!
thank you for reading. Glad you enjoyed the story. I have the feeling he smashed the bottle - probably over some poor victim's head!

12/18/2007 03:38 am
Chp 1          
Poor Spike! His William side makes him so human and so vulnerable. It makes me want to give him Christmas presents myself!
Indeed. You’ll need to join a lot of others as well!

12/18/2007 01:49 am
Chp 1          
Very telling story. poor Spike is going to find the holiday is not all that he expected. That had to be a hard realization that he was on the outside of their family unit. Thankfully he did have his day of wanting it more than Angel and proving he was better
Glad you picked up the reference to the story way in the future with Angel! Thank you so much for reviewing.

12/17/2007 11:19 pm
Chp 1          
Oh, poor Spike!

This is wonderful! You capture Spike's energy and enthusiasm (for both the hunt and Christmas) so well, as well as Darla and Angel's frustration with him.

That last line packs a mighty punch. Well done.
thank you so much for taking the time to read and review at such a busy time of year. Glad you liked story. It started out as a one off, but feel there is a little more to say.

12/17/2007 07:39 pm
Chp 1          
Great story. So sad. Spike is always on the oustside looking in. Unfortunately, not much changed for him throughout the years.
thank you for reading. Yes, this is how I see him, too. Sad.

12/17/2007 07:16 pm
Chp 1          
Yes, I can easily see this for young William newly turned! He was still so human in many ways I'd just bet he had a terrible time adjusting fully to what a vampire "wouldn't do". I like your William the Bloody, you give him the perfect mix of blood thirsty killer and tender sentimental human...just what I picture.

Really excellent even as a stand alone (although I suspect the rest will be deightful too).

glad you liked story, Kathleen, but you know me too well. Every drabble has another chapter in my head. Chp 2 posting soon. Don't worry - there will only be 3 in all!

12/17/2007 07:08 pm
Chp 1          
Oh, LH, thst's so sad, so devoid of hope. Even evil he craves to love and be accepted. Instead, he is excepted; like the Little Match Girl, for all intents and purposes, left out in the cold, frozen out as if actually in the snow.
He still wears his heart on his sleeve here, not yet totally beaten and frozen out of him with blows and misuse, disappointments, and exclusions. But. oh, he's learning. A lesson sunk in this night.
Even mistreated, he wanted to give back: tho' his methods and rationale (taking a gift off a kill (or killing for the gift), seeing the parishoners as the pre-cursors to "Happy Meals with Legs", rather than walking, worshipping people who loved and/or wanted love as much as he himself did) are skewed by his newfound lack of soul and/or conscience.
Tonight our poor sad waif learned one of too many ongoing lessons of his now-unlife, and one which will only make his proverbial skin thicken until it, itself, is worn as a literal mask and armor. Yet, inside, still curls the young man craving just a kind word or a soft touch; BUT, beginning this night, he learns not to let it show.
I'd love to say I loved this. I did, as a written piece. As always, you are great as an author, your writing is technically spotless, and your gift for conveying thought, purpose and deed visually through words is incredible. But, the subject matter simply tugs at my heartstrings so much that it leaves me unrestful. And, I guess that means, as an author, you did your job! In addition, your characterizations are spot-on and as always perfection. If anything, Darla simply wasn't bitchy enough in her limited presence.
Please more of just about anything ASAP! You're just a joy to read. Any more of Agnes anytime soon?
Merry Christmas and Holiday Wishes,
Wow, what a lovely review! Thank you so much for taking the time and trouble to write so much. Feel quite uplifted and delighted that I seem to have hit the right note with this story. But very sad that you are so unhappy, so just for you, am writing another couple of chapters!

Have you got a Live Journal? If not, why not. Be nice to chat properly.

12/17/2007 01:17 pm
Chp 1          
Wow, never thought I could feel so bad for evil William. Bless him.
Thank you for reviewing. Glad you liked William. I'm doing another couple of chapters, even though I thought it was a one off!