Universal Vampire by Mabel Marsters
Very good story, I really enjoyed it. I really liked the fact that you had a still-unsouled Spike as the hero, and actually had Buffy admit to her feelings for him. Bringing Willow and Xander (almost) completely around to Buffy's side was also a good move. Giles was problematic for me. Although I liked him in the earlier seasons of the show (when Spike was first chipped), and Giles seemed to accept the fact that the chip happened for a reason, by the end of the show, I couldn't stand him. He was the same here: at first understanding and almost supportive, then distrustful and cruel--and that was when he wasn't being influenced by Dr. Walsh! Thank you for reading and taking the time to let me know you enjoyed the story. I think this was only my third or fourth story. I have more on my livejournal account mabel_marsters, and also on Elysian Fields and the Spuffy Realm. It's great when a story posted so long ago gets a review. I agree with you regarding Giles. They did change his character completely towards the end of the show. I enjoyed writing him as the bad guy! LOL! Deb 07/29/2010 05:14 am Happily Ever After (For Now...) Great adventure fic. Thanks for taking us on a trip through the initiative. Thank you so much for reading. Delighted you enjoyed the ride. Check out other archives for other stories that I haven't got around to posting here. :D Fab read. Thanks. :-) 05/04/2010 07:19 am Happily Ever After (For Now...) Thank you very much for reading and letting me know you enjoyed it :-) marstersrules 02/06/2010 09:05 pm Happily Ever After (For Now...) i love it i love it i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!in deed the most interesting initiative story i read!!!!!!!!!!!dont stop writing!!!!!!! Your comment has just made me grin like an idiot! Thank you so much. It is very much appreciated. Schantelle 01/27/2009 04:17 am Happily Ever After (For Now...) This fic was brilliant! I read it in two days, just couldn't stop. Well done! Thank you so much for letting me know that you loved the story :) Really appreciate it. Check out my lj under Mabel_marsters for my other fics - got some post shanshu Spike that I can't post here :) Mabel Marsters :) 10/11/2008 09:09 pm Happily Ever After (For Now...) Great work, filling in lots of possible futures in this tangled web of a plot! Horrid, frightening parts, very sad and tear-making places but a fab ending. Matt's a good original character, too, with lots of room to grow. Even Xander mananged to meet a new girl. Thank you so much for letting me know that you enjoyed the story. I had a great time writing it :) I appreciate you saying that you liked Matt too, as I include an OC in my fics whenever I can. I enjoy creating them and two have won me awards - not Matt though as he's not in it for long enough to get a nomination I think! LOL! Please check out my other fics on my lj http://mabel-marsters@livejournal.com some can't be posted here as feature post Shanshu Spike or AH/AU's. Thanks again for reading and for commenting. KTC10 10/06/2008 03:09 am Happily Ever After (For Now...) I love Spike's "what are your intentions" talk with Matt. Especially “Don’t worry mate, you’re family now. I hardly ever eat family.” =] Does poor Matt know what he's letting himself in for...? LOL! Thanks for all of your comments along the way and I hope you'll give some of my other fics a try :) KTC10 10/06/2008 02:58 am Aftermath “Yeah, but say it and I’ll bite you.” “God, I bet it hurt to say that I’m right,” said Spike with a grin. “Can you say it again a bit louder? Would you mind writing it down?” God I love Spike. And therefore, vicariously, you because you're the one who put these snarky words in his mouth. =] I shall bask in your vicarious love! Tee hee! I think that you might like Switched which I'll be posting on here soon - it's been around other sites for a while but does feature snarky Spike! Thanks so much for such a lovely comment and for snagging a few lines that you liked - I love seeing what hits the mark :) KTC10 10/06/2008 02:51 am Matt and Dawn I got so friggen excited when I saw you had posted 4 new chapters! I checked while I was talking to someone in my room and yelled really loudly, naturally scaring the crap out of her. And then I proceeded to kick her out so I could read. Yay. Awwww. Matt and Dawn...cute Thank you so much for letting me know that you were excited about the remaining chapters :) Apologise to your friend for me! LOL! Glad that you liked Matt and Dawn. Buffyconvert 09/17/2009 04:49 pm They're Out Oh, I so don't want Willow to apologize to Giles!!! I know what you mean. Buffyconvert 09/17/2009 04:32 pm De-bugging the System I got so tickled when Buffy growled at Giles! Sometimes that warm-blooded gilr is more of a vampire than is Spike! My sympathies are all with Wikkow. Pro'ly a a good thing I'm not a powerful Wiccan, yeah?
I liked making her growl and Spike telling her off :D KTC10 09/27/2008 01:07 am De-bugging the System Buffy and Spike are finally back together. Almost anyway. =] Least they're in the same house! LOL! More on it's way :) Buffyconvert 09/17/2009 04:18 pm Making Friends Well, Spike and Xander have certainly lost their places as "crush" for Dawn. And she isn't a bit shy about making her interest known to Matt. She's pretty bold for such a young girl; guess she took her cue from her "big brother", Spike. Very dramatic story line: Buffy is locked up so she can't kill Spike, but she also cut her own arm so she could heal him with her Slayer blood. And the sexual aspect of Spike drinking his lover's blood puts a new spin on "long distance romance"! I figured Dawn would just go after what she wanted - she's grown up fast being on the hellmouth. I always thought that the act of drinking blood had a sexual feeling for a vamp :D Angie 09/25/2008 04:27 am Making Friends Aww Dawn and Matt!!! Can't wait to see what "Daddy Spike" does with that tidbit of info!!! There is a funny (hopefully) bit coming up in a few chapters time on that very subject! LOL! thanks for taking the time to comment :) KTC10 09/24/2008 10:06 pm Making Friends I think this may be the only story I have ever read in which I didn't hate Xander. I loved that he was the one to tell about Buffy and Spike's relationship. And it looks like Dawn might get some. Maybe she'll stop being so grouchy all the time. haha. Very well written. =] I just figured that X loves B and since she loves S that he'd cope with it! Dawn can be the spoilt brat! LOL! Like you said - Matt might cheer her up! Thank you so much for saying well written. :) Buffyconvert 09/17/2009 03:56 pm Can We Help Willow? Aww. This was a sweet chapter. I think Little Dawnie is ready to bring new blood into the gang. Dawnie is developing a crush me thinks :D KTC10 09/24/2008 03:04 am Can We Help Willow? Poor Spike. He finally does good things for other people and what does he get? A broken leg. Which is then kicked. Repeatedly. =] And they keep on trying to bite him! That's gratitude for you! LOL! Thanks for taking the time to comment :) Buffyconvert 09/17/2009 03:45 pm Home good chappie. Thank you very much :D Liza 09/23/2008 11:19 am Home Dead exciting - pace hasn't flagged once over the last chapters. I've started saving up the updates to avoid the full-strength frustration of only one at a time! Hi Liza Thanks for letting me know that you're enjoying the fic - aiming for daily postings if I can! :) So you won't have to wait too long :) KTC10 09/22/2008 09:20 pm Home Yay. Everybody's out of imminent danger. Except Dawn who was attacked by vomit. haha. Nice introduction to Matt! LOL! Still got things to sort out though. More soon :) 09/22/2008 03:36 pm Let's Get Out Of Here! Poor Matt!!! Great chapter! Yes, not the best day that he's ever had! LOL! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment :) Buffyconvert 09/17/2009 03:26 pm An Unexpected Friend Exciting story. Hated it that Slayer got an evil chip. Don't trust Spike's new ally. Glad you're finding it exciting. Don't worry about Matt... KTC10 09/21/2008 06:44 am An Unexpected Friend Finally Spike meets an SANE human. haha. Loving this story! Good old Matt! Thank you so much for letting me know that you're loving the story - really appreciate it :) KTC10 09/11/2008 10:16 pm Find The Slayer I got so excited when I signed on and saw the update. And I wasn't disappointed. Love the story. =] Thank you so much for letting me know that you look forward to updates. :) Really appreciate it - more probably Sat or maybe tomorrow. KTC10 09/11/2008 10:12 pm Find The Slayer This came up blank! :) Unreal. :-) 05/04/2010 06:11 am Save The Scoobies Go Spikey! mockerofshoes 09/09/2008 07:15 pm Save The Scoobies I just got caught up on this story, and I've really enjoyed it! You've got some very nice twists too. Walsh a vampire... not too shabby! I can't wait to read the rest of this one! Hi there! Thanks for letting me know that you are enjoying the story. Won't keep you waiting too long :) KTC10 09/07/2008 11:17 pm Save The Scoobies Way to go Spike! I'm so excited to see how this will end. I'm so glad you update so frequently! Great story Thanks for letting me know that you like it - will keep updating as quickly as I can:) There's a bit more action to go yet! Buffyconvert 09/17/2009 12:49 am A Revelation Well! I'd been wondering why Maggie was still alive, but I hadn't even guessed a vampire. Thout maybe a clone or robot. I figured that experimenting on her own kind made her even more evil. don't laugh at me - at this point, I'm sort of reading this by peeking through my fingers, it's so awful! Not the writing or anything like that, it's just so horrifying, what' you've got happening. But I ...must...keep...reading. even if I'm doing it with my eyes half shut. Would I laugh...? Don't worry, I'll fix it all up so keep on reading even if through your fingers! LOL! Thanks for letting me know :) More soon :) WOW Maggie is a vampire. Well it does make it okay to kill her and will let Spike have the pleasure. I kinda liked the idea of a human being more of a demon than the demons but I'm on board. Kathleen I just figured that her being a vamp would be a nice twist and show that she was even sicker than if human since persecuting her own kind - plus get to have a bit more fun with her! LOL Thanks Kathleen, more soon :) Poor Willow. I'm afraid she'll have issues with Giles even though it isn't his fault. Spike will be the one to have the greatest sympathy for the Watcher. Excellent. Kathleen Yes, Willow has been badly treated and of course, she doesn't know of the Lorac Bug! You're not wrong in thinking that Spike will be able to identify with Giles. :) Thanks, Kathleen, for your review :) oh this is very very bad indeed! I notice that, unlike Spike, Giles is not even trying to fight this thing! Spike tried and even gave verbal warning when that bug was controlling him! Giles is on board without leaving a clue. Scary stuff. Kathleen It was the demon in Spike that could resist the dreaded bug poor Giles is helpless. Things are not looking good for the gang... :-) 05/04/2010 04:09 am Going Home Delighted you're enjoying it! Buffyconvert 09/17/2009 12:45 am Going Home Oh Buffy! Why didn't you keep your big mouth shut. Sheesh! I feel like I'm watchin' a flippin' slasher flick 'cuz I keep yellin' at the girl. LOL! Good twist having Giles be the inside spy MM I thought perhaps Giles wasn't the obvious choice for the baddy - though he can't help it ! Thanks for leaving a review - appreciate it :) Buffyconvert 09/17/2009 12:31 am All Alone Oh,damn. I should have known the fascists would be extra-thorough. Oh, yes . Oh oh....what the heck just happened there?!?!?!?! Poor Spike now lucid dreaming or worse. Hope Buffy is going to be very very careful but get there FAST! Have a really bad feeling about this. Lovely update. Kathleen Poor Spike indeed! His time in The Intiative has left its mark! Buffy to the rescue...! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment :) Buffyconvert 09/17/2009 12:27 am Can't Stay Yay! Me looove Angry Buffy!!! Boo!Bad Spike - no should leave!!! Spike's just had enough! Bless him God Willow is cold! What if her friends had acted that way about Tara, after all Tara was a powerful witch (lets not forget Willow's witchy power and how she makes lots of mistakes with it). Giles is a royal arse no two ways about it. He abandoned Buffy after her return and now thinks he knows what's best for her????? Good update. Poor Spike, hope he's safe since we know Maggie is not done with him. I can understand his leaving though, perfectly in character. Glad Xander is at least willing to understand that Spike DOES love Buffy. That is a major step. Kathleen Thanks Kathleen Spike had no option but to get out of there! Will they never trust him? Xander can see the love Spike has for Buffy even though he still doesn't like him! More soon :) Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. Cas 08/08/2008 04:46 am What Trouble? So now Spike;s getting Slayer dreams? Must be the infusion of her blood. He's certainly getting premonitions! Thanks for taking the time to comment! :) “Those Initiative bastards!” she thought in fury. I think the real problem is her good friends actually. He would be doing so much better is he had reason to feel that THEY gave a rats arse about his well being, cared about him as a person and trusted him at least a little! Hell Spike is having to learn to see that Buffy is different with him now (at least it is a positive change there). A bit scary that his dream has real life parallel aspects....ooooo NOT good! Excellent update. Kathleen As you'll see in the next chapter - her friends are definately a problem! Thanks so much for letting me know that you enjoyed the update! :) Buffyconvert 09/16/2009 11:30 pm Temptation? Is there a place on the driver's license that says "in effent of coma call 1-800-vampire? I hadn't thout of the wrinkle that Dawn's blood may be the same as Slayer's blood. That's a great thout. I have a bad feeling about Buffy leaving Spike out of her sight. Oh, why does she have to trust Giles? The monks made Dawn from the Slayer so I figured she'd be just as tasty! I like your explanation of the need for a good feed. Something I had not thought about but it certainly makes a lot of sense. Thanks for letting me know that you liked my reasoning re Spike's need for feeding :) Loved the blood feeding frenzy - I like to see Spike being a real vampire Glad that you liked the feeding frenzy thing - I just figured that's what it could be like when they get past a certain point of hunger! :) Thanks for letting me know :) Cas 08/05/2008 03:03 am Temptation? Why does Buffy seem to have so many clones on the road? Good chapter. Thanks for letting me know that you liked the chapter! :) The scoobies (even Willow) are idiots. This attitude is after not only what he's been through in your story but after the whole Glory history and the summer of Buffy death! I'd love to offer Giles to him for lunch and let Spike have at him especially but Willow ticks me off terribly....she has the same attitude of being in charge of Buffy's life that she had on the show and it really angers me. I expect no better from Xander but the other two are inexcusible IMHO. Great update. Yup there is human blood that vamps could have without "harming" a human. I always thought a vampire could work in a morgue or funeral parlor because they drain the blood before embalming and who could do it better *G*. Kathleen Glad that you liked the update! The scoobies are just making poor Spike feel isolated and certainly unappreciated. I too thought it strange that they had pigs blood rather than finding a human source like you suggested! :) Thanks for letting me know - really appreciate it. Giles can be such a pain sometimes. Like Spike is gonna drink from Dawn without an emergency. Thankis for the update. Giles just can't see that poor old Spike is trustworthy - no matter how many times that he proves it! Thanks for taking the time to comment :) Buffyconvert 09/16/2009 11:21 pm Feeling Hungry Buffy ought to just give up on Xander & Giles entirely. From among Willow, Dawn, and Spike she has all the help she needs - both power-wise & research-wise. They are beyond horrid to poor ole Spike :( And good points about the research etc. Poor Spike. Very emotionally wrenching. He's still having a hard time, bless him. Thanks for taking the time to comment :) Good Willow - Miss goody goody does have a temper. I think Willow can be scary! LOL! Thanks for taking the time to let me know - really appreciate it :) anon462 07/29/2008 12:29 pm Feeling Hungry How about castration??? For Giles. I understand that if you cut a mans balls off he stops being such an asshole and becomes all passive and even tempered??? I think Spike is right, the men in Buffys life will never trust him no matter how much good he does or how much he helps them. Poor Spike, they never give him a break. :( Now that would be a neat idea...wish I'd thought of it! LOL! Spike is definately feeling unappreciated and emotionally battered! (did you see that my response to your challenge A Loss of Pride got some awards at Sunnyd? *grins*) Thanks for taking the time to comment :) Ya know...Giles never has thought about his time as a Fyral demon (A New Man). Then he met up with Spike in the cemetery and before he spoke Spike didn't know it was Giles. He had even taunted the Fyral with a "Something I CAN kill." Yeah they talk about how Spike took money to help Giles BUT forget that had he wanted him dead or wanted to "get at" Buffy that was a perfect opportunity to kill her Watcher and make Buffy weak with grief. Even that early on he didn't try to kill him. That spoke volumes to me. Poor Spike has every reason to be exhausted by their attitude. I can't say I like Willow's remarks either. It's BUFFY'S business if she wants Spike to bite her ever again. No one has the right to tell these two what they can or cannot do. As for Maggie....scary bitca! I don't feel sorry for Michael though. He has not learned a bit of empathy even now. Great update. Kathleen Giles never thinks about any good that poor ole Spike has done - just goes overboard on the whole 'let's protect Buffy' thing'. All her friends have a tendency to try to 'protect' her but Buffy is a big girl and certainly should be allowed to make her own decisions! Spike is feeling pretty battered and low right now. Maggie is super scary - Michael deserved his fate! Thanks so much for letting me know and glad that you like it! :) Grin. :-). 05/04/2010 01:42 am As You Were Thank you. Buffyconvert 09/16/2009 11:09 pm As You Were Loved it!!! Thank you very much. Ugh... the bitch is not dead! Excellent chapter. You sweetened the pot with the mushy spuffy. She had died just too easy hadn't she? Thanks for letting me know you liked the chapter :) YAY! ! Spike is Spike again. Scene with Xander was funny. Hoping Adam gets mad at "mother" for the torture. Hi BT_ Yeah! Spike is back! Glad you had a giggle at the Xander scene! Thanks so much for commenting :) Great update, looking forward to more soon. Hi Peck Glad you liked it :) Won't keep you waiting too long! Oh oh Maggie is still a factor...not good! They really need to take this chica out. LOVE the justice with Dr. Michael however. Funny near "gotcha" with Xander. KAthleen Hi Kathleen, Was too easy for Maggie to be killed like that! Tee hee! Glad you liked Michael's troubles! :) I had a little chuckle when I wrote the 'going south' scene! LOL Thanks for commenting - really appreciate it. Buffyconvert 09/16/2009 09:50 pm Bit of a Ritual Good chappie. I do hope, tho, that Dawn isn't planning to storm the Initiative single-handed. Thank you :D I think Dawn would do it! LOL Very exciting and imaginative bit regarding the Lorac bug. I had fun writing the Lorac Bug sequence! Tee hee! One of my betas wasn't too impressed that I used her name backwards for it though. :) Thank you so much for saying that you found it exciting. Really appreciate it. sirc 07/24/2008 11:52 pm Bit of a Ritual well done Thanks sirc :) OK, your bug is going to give me nightmares!!! UGH!!! *shuddering* One of my horrors is having something living under my skin. Liked Willow the techno witch. I was right there with Buffy when she stamped on it! LOL! It is a nightmare scenario. Willow is cool! Thanks so much for taking the time to review :) Very glad that bug is out of Spike. I am afraid they WILL blame it all on our boy though. Glad the whole crew is working on this, that is a powerful team when they work together. Kathleen Hi Kathleen, Yes getting rid of the Lorac Bug can only be a good thing! Lets hope the team stay undivided - like you said - together they're powerful :) Buffyconvert 09/16/2009 08:22 pm Easier Said Than Done Michaeland Adam, eh? Too bad that killing Dr Walsh wasn't enuff... :) Wonderful idea to let Willow rescue them. Hopefully she will be able to remove what Michael did. Willow will have her work cut out...can she get rid of the influence that Spike is under? Glad he'll be able to talk and so glad they got there before that butcher did more than he did to his shoulder....poor Spike! Time to kill some baddies. I am delighted Buffy took off the doctor's hand. Kathleen Hi Kathleen Glad you liked the chapter and thanks for letting me know :) I did enjoy lopping off Michael's hand! Tee hee!! More soon - when they wake up from their good night's sleep! That was sure an exciting chapter! Wondering if Willow really is delving into the dark magic to do her spells at this point. (hair turning black references) Doesn't seem that she'd be delving into the darkness to do this, particularly with Giles around to help direct her. Can't wait to see what happens next! Hi BT_ Really pleased that you thought it was exciting! Willow just has to dig a bit deep for extra power every now and then but is still in control!! (Phew!) Won't keep you waiting too long :) "Go team work" for the rescue! Thanks for the update. The Scoobies got the job done! Thanks for taking the time to review - really appreciate it Oh, no.... This is brilliant having another evil conspirator. Thank you so much for letting me know you liked the development :) Thank you for an update, horrifying as it was. And yes, my brain is still spinning, but now it's trying frantically to figure out what you might have in store for your loyal readers next. Of course, I"ll never know till I read it, but I'm getting dizzy here! Have some pity! :) Hi BT_ You'd better hold on tight - it's quite a rollercoaster that you've got yourself on!! More soon :) Oooooh our poor Spike!! Help him soon please! Scoobies to the rescue!!!!! Will they get there in time...? Thanks for taking the time to review. :) Gaaaahhhhh NO NO Spike arm removal...his hands and arms are far too pretty *begs and offers first born to nice writer lady*. Wow, scary chapter. Glad he called out to Willow and even happier Buffy and Giles are on the way. Yikes!! Kathleen Hi Kathleen, This came up twice!! Thanks again! :) Gaaaahhhhh NO NO Spike arm removal...his hands and arms are far too pretty *begs and offers first born to nice writer lady*. Wow, scary chapter. Glad he called out to Willow and even happier Buffy and Giles are on the way. Yikes!! Kathleen Hi pfeifferpack! Had to chuckle when I saw this - chuckle and begin turning guest room in to a nursery ready for receipt of said first born! LOL More soon :) Another chapter which kept me on the edge of my seat! The Initiative wouldn't be the same without Adam! sirc 07/01/2008 11:54 am Meet Your Brother Great chapter Thank you so much! :) Oh, poor Spike, hopefullyy he will get out of there soon. Thanks for the update. Hi Peck, GAH! Cliffhangers are evil. You've got an amazingly awful turn of mind, here. Stuff growing under Spike's skin? eugh! Necrotic flesh...on a vampire? I'm not sure about that whole thing, my brain keeps going in circles around it - vampire, dead, dust when they die the final death, but still needing sustenance, is infection possible? I'm suspending disbelief, just makes my brain spin. Looking forward to more! I love cliffhangers!! LOL As for the flesh thing - I just figured although technically dead, vampires don't walk around like rotting corpses and for wounds to heal the skin must somehow be 'alive'. That's just how my odd little mind thought it'd be! Hope your brain's stopped spinning! lol. More soon! :) Oh boy this is a bad bad turn! Hope Buffy sticks by her paranoia and they get him OUT of there. They have seen the monster and need to work on plans that way....yikes! KAthleen Hi Kathleen, This is bad indeed for our hero! Thanks for taking the time to review - much appreciated :) Thanks. :-) 05/04/2010 01:06 am Where Have You Been? Thank you! Now you've got me curious. What did they do to Spike's arm? And boy that was a risk for Buffy to mouth words to Spike. All will become clear about the arm...but it's not good! Great to know that I've got you curious about events:) sirc 07/01/2008 11:37 am Where Have You Been? Well done Cheers Sirc - appreciate it :) Thanks for the update, very interesting plot. Hi peck. Thanks for letting me know. More soon :) This was very painful to read. I felt Spike's pain through your wonderful writing. Thank you so very much for such a lovely comment. Lea 06/18/2008 09:30 pm Honey, I'm Home Oh my Goddess, this IS the best initiative story I've read! It's marvelous. Please update as soon as you can! Great work. Hi Lea! thank you so much for such a lovely review! Will try not to keep you waiting too long! :) 06/18/2008 05:51 am Honey, I'm Home Ahhh. Stop hurting him!!!! Hi there!! I will do - I promise...just maybe not right now! :) :-) 05/04/2010 12:56 am You're Going Where? Spike's so brave... Buffyconvert 09/16/2009 07:05 pm You're Going Where? Leave it to Spike to figure out what to do. He knows what he's got to do - bless him. Wow. What courage to do the right thing to save the world. He is a hero - he knows that if he doesn't do something the Slayer he loves will be in danger... ouise39 07/16/2008 01:18 am You're Going Where? 'He needed to do something to get back his sense of self. Not least, he needed revenge and if that meant going back ...' Brave Spike He is brave indeed! He just needs to feel in control of his own destiny again. Thanks for commenting - really appreciate it. :) 07/08/2008 10:15 pm You're Going Where? I like your fic, the idea is great. I just think Spike recovered too fast after a year of tourture... even if the chip is not the problem anymore... he still would be very traumatised. I know what you're saying but the fic isn't just about Spike's recovery - there is so much more to do! As soon as he remembered about 314, he had to go back in to try to prove to himself that he was still the Big Bad and hadn't been totally broken. Scars are still there, as we'll see in the next few chapters! :) sirc 06/22/2008 08:20 pm You're Going Where? Great chapter Cheers Sirc! More soon :) Great story Mabel M - I think I would have liked to have some Spike scenes before Buffy finds him - the fights in the beginning. Also, it would be good to have the fights between him and Buffy. Looking forward to more and excellent banner. Glad you're liking it so far. Please keep on letting me know! I love the banner too - my cyber sister dawnofme has done all my banners but this one and the one for Parallel Lives (not on BSV) are my favourites :) 06/16/2008 02:53 am You're Going Where? Good heavens - you're trying to kill your fans... The way you are writng Buffy is great - she's actually grown in the year they were apart. I know! I'm evil!! Tee hee! But Spike has to go do the hero bit to make him feel like the Big Bad again!! Love the sequencing events of this chapter. Always gotta love a trigger thrown into the mix. Sorry for the delay in responding - been without Internet access. :( Thank you so much for taking the time to comment :) louise39 07/16/2008 01:11 am Memories Oh, the things that are done in the name of science. They have taken reading and writing abilities from Spike! I'm surprised that Buffy and Spike have reached a touching and kissing stage. But I'm glad to see the Initiative hasn't destroyed these basic needs. I know I let him seek comfort a little quickly but I could have been bogged down in with it for ages, and the story is so much more than merely Spike's recovery :) Thanks so much for commenting. sirc 06/22/2008 08:15 pm Memories Well done Thanks sirc - appreciate you letting me know :) hm...was it a trap? was maggie trying to see if they would hack into Adam's records? the incident with the chain was kind of funny, in a weird sort of way. (just rhetorical questions, I'll wait for answers like a good little fan...) Hi BT_ Thanks for reviewing. I really appreciate it. More soon :) Buffyconvert 09/16/2009 06:48 pm If At First You Don't Succeed... I'm glad it was Dawn he recognized first; I'd hoped it,would be. I liked the connection they had on the show - like he was a big brother to her. I wondered how they could have captured him so easily! Good God..one stupid vampire! Though I say it myself - I did chuckle when I wrote how he got re-captured. It seemed so typically 'Spike'. :) Thanks again for your comments - looking forward to more of your thoughts. :D *sigh* OK, I feel better now - like you might let this turn out OK after all...of course, you scared me when Spike started talking about remembering being dumped. Nice reunion, though. :) Hi BT_ This fic is a real roller coaster so hold on tight!! LOL!! Thanks for reviewing - really appreciate it! Hmmmm... a little concrit might be appropriate for this chapter: You're good at writing dialogue for Xander and Willow, you've definitely got their babble-speak down, but you're lacking a bit on Spike and Giles' dialogue. With this chapter I felt Spike was American - far too much like Angel or Riley. Spike uses a ton of British slang (i.e. "git, oi, bugger, bloody hell, etc...") and his sentences are more direct, to the point, and shorter. Even though Spike's been mute for almost a year he wouldn't change his speech patterns once his voice returned. Also, I think with his voice unused for so long he wouldn't be able to speak as well as you portray so soon even with vampire healing. As for his memories returning, the way you brought forth "Niblet" was great - slow, highly fragmented, and jarring. After that I felt like chunks came forward and he was totally ok with them rather than being startled, shocked, or even in a bit of pain - You may want to smooth over/slow down the speed at which his memories return so it's not quite so much like a switch is flipped.. Please feel free to tell me to bugger off with my comments. I still love your story and am looking forward to Ch. 9, keep up the great work and post soon! I certainly won't tell you to bugger off!! :) Had to chuckle that you thought Spike and Giles dialogue was lacking - I'm English!! lol As for the way Spike spoke - I had him speaking a little like the thoughts we had seen from him. I think that the slang etc is a part of 'cocky' Spike and he's not back quite yet. The voice was controlled by the chip and so isn't really reliant on healing of any kind. I get what you mean about things perhaps being a little rushed. This of all the chapters in this fic was probably the one I found hardest to get right ish. As you will see, the fic isn't just about Spike's recovery from his ordeal - there is a lot more to it. So I didn't want to end up taking chapters to get him to where I need him to be. Glad you're looking forward to chapter nine! It will be up soon. Keep on letting me know what you think :) (In my defence I'd like to say that this is one of my earlier fics. LOL - excuses, excuses!) Sirc 06/09/2008 11:20 pm If At First You Don't Succeed... Well done! Hi Sirc thank you :) Buffyconvert 09/16/2009 06:28 pm Did It Work? Oh, I'm so glad Spike shed a tear! Not being able to cry is the very worst thing. The real Spike is beginning to seep through... Progress..real progress..YAY! :D Things should get better from now on! Thank god Giles stepped in for Buffy and finally communicated to Spike the crucial information! I just saw Ch. 8's been posted so I'm leaping on that like a wolf on a rabbit! :-D Had to chuckle at the whole wolf and rabbit thingy!! lol Glad you liked it and thanks for letting me know :) sirc 06/09/2008 11:00 pm Did It Work? Well done! Glad you're liking it. Thanks for taking the time to review :) Meredith 06/09/2008 09:37 am Did It Work? Oh this breaks my heart! But at least there's progress. Can't wait to read more. Hi Meredith, will try not to keep you too waiting too long :) Phew! that was a ride. Nice work by Giles. Buffy's just running on instinct and emotion at this point, and she can't fix it, doesn't understand it, just thinks it should be fixed *bam* like a vampire exploding into dust. Amazing work you're doing here. Can't wait for more! *grins* at seeing 'amazing work' in the review! Thank you! More soon! Buffyconvert 09/16/2009 04:43 pm Put Things Right Even tho the Scoobies are trying DESPERATELY to help him, he still can't believe they want to help! It's a well-written story, but so Thank you for saying it is well written - I'm guessing the so... is because of the darkness :D Amazing but sad to see how Spike copes. Poor Spike. Nan 06/07/2008 05:18 pm Put Things Right poor Spike.But I like it!Can't wait to see more~ Glad that you're liking it. Thanks for letting me know :) sirc 06/06/2008 11:29 pm Put Things Right Well done! Hi Sirc. Thank you :) 06/06/2008 07:48 pm Put Things Right This is so hard to read, but I can't stop! More please! Hi invisible one!! (chuckles) Glad that you can't stop reading! Won't keep you waiting too long I promise :) Having Xander faint was great! So glad you've given him back the use of his arm. Loved the smile! Buffy is learning his reactions, so that's good. I'm not too fond of the stories where she's made out to be unintelligent. More? Hi BT_ Had to admit I had a little chuckle when I wrote the fainting part!! Buffy's mistakes were made because she loves him so much, it's hard for her to think straight with the state he is in. Thanks for letting me know, more soon :) My heart leaped for joy when Spike smiled at having his left arm back! Please keep Spike on the road to recovery for at least a while longer before anything gets thrown in his way! Excellent job so far! You've still got me totally hooked! Hi jasbrico, Always good to hear that I've got someone hooked on my story! Thanks so much for letting me know. Won't keep you waiting too long :) I'm wondering what they did to make Spike forget everyone so completely. Nothing is showing which is amazing considering his previous obsession. They've really wiped his mind - poor fella! sirc 06/05/2008 10:04 pm Confusion Well done! thank you very much for letting me know - glad you're enjoying it :) Meredith 06/03/2008 05:38 am Confusion Oh this is so painful! I just want him to be better! Hi Meredith, He will, soon, I promise!! Thanks so much for taking the time to review! :) This is SO awful. Your writing of Spike's mental state is amazing. I hope Willow's hacker abilities work better than some of her magic did in the show. Then agail, that was her more "stable" talent in the show - didn't tend to go all weird with unintentional results. Interesting that he does't even know his name. Some amazing upgrades to that chip. And what's the Initiative doing right now? They've lost their prize experiment, after all. I'm hoping there is no tracking device imbedded in the chip...or anywhere else on Spike, for that matter. Hi BT_ Can't tell you too much cos will be spoilers!! lol!! Thank you so much for saying the way that I'm writing Spike's mental state is amazing - I really do appreciate it :) More soon fyreburned 06/02/2008 06:42 am Confusion Awww... poor baby... stripped even of his own identity, even that of his Inner Self; fear of his own name, his persona in his own mind. How terrible for him! Mabel, it's SOOO up to you to "make it better" for him! He still has inner thought processes, yet his is fearful and stripped of the concept of self as an entity, a named entity, expecting the worst from humans... I get that they were able to mute his speech, and to do this with negative reenforcement...aka pain and torture... (not from the chip as I'd thought?) so that he apparently learned not to use this function--- but HOW did it carry over and result in his inability to recognize the written word (something OH so important to his inner William, and to Spike), to be unable to conceptualize letters of the alphabet and words? What happened to cause this? I can also understand that with the torture and cruelties heaped upon him, his human-vamp mind, his vampire-hybrid body, his primal demon, even, enough to cause a personality or psychotic break with reality...enough to break him---apparently ALL of him ----enough that he was totally maleable and his will had packed up and left town!!! I guess I just don't quite grasp the barely functional non-questioning (for the most part, but actually doing so a bit with thoughts of his fears and doubts) persona (per se) that he has retained or developed for day to day functions----and this persona does not recognize things or even himself from prior times and situations....hmmmm....oh, Mabel, what a mess...but I trusts ya---I know you've gotta haul him outta this hole and "make it better"...Make it ALL better. You've sucked me in again, Mabel, into another of your fics! (Naughty wench!) And why're you posting this only (???) here (tho' I luvs the BSV !) and not on a couple other of your usual haunts??? Folks hangin' there are being deprived of this tremendous fic! Keep up the great work and MORE soon! ~~Kara~~ ~~fyreburned~~ Hi K, sent you a PM message - hope you got it? thank you so much for complimenting my work - really appreciate it - means the world :) Brilliant idea for the Scrabble board for communication! You've gotta come forward with the memory stuff soon! I'm biting my nails to nubbins trying to figure out how he suppressed his memories! Awesome job so far and I can't wait for more! Hi jasbrico, Glad you liked the Scrabble idea! I fear you may need to invest in some false nails by the end of the fic!! LOL! Thanks so much for letting me know - really appreciate it :) Universal Soldier is a wonderful movie! Maybe just us tomboy types and guys like it? Love Willow's apt figuring out "initiative"! I do love the film and what the Initiative have done to Spike isn't much different to the soldiers in the film :) Thank you so much for commenting :D louise39 07/14/2008 03:26 am Stolen Glad to see the very damaged Spike freed and getting some care. Sad to see him still chained. They just can't take the risk with him at the moment! Thanks for reading and for taking the time to comment. :) sirc 06/05/2008 09:53 pm Stolen Great chapter! glad you liked it! :) reviews with 'great' in them make me a very happy bunny!! lol! 06/01/2008 03:47 pm Stolen That last little bit with Dawn scared me - I was afraid he'd attack her, since he was suspecting a demon to be sent in to test him. Why doesn't he seem to remember anyone? Hi, more about why he doesn't remember them in new chapters! :) Thanks for taking the time for commenting - really appreciate it :) What a great story - excellent read Hi nmcil Thanks for taking the time to review. Hope you enjoy the rest of the fic - please keep on letting me know! :) *sighs in relief* oh thank god you got him out of the Initiative. I don't think i could bear another chapter with him in there. I'll be waiting with baited breath for Spike's return to normal (or as normal as possible given the circumstances) Please post more soon!!! Hi there again, He's out...but... oh, sorry can't say more - too spoilerish!! lol!! Won't keep you waiting too long. Thanks for letting me know. (you mentioned a fic Reposessions? can you give me the details please? think maybe it'd be one I'd enjoy! lol) Thanks again for commenting :) Buffyconvert 09/16/2009 02:21 pm Number Seventeen Ugh! All the horrible things that woman & her "soldiers" do! But, being left-handed myself, I feel even more hatred for her now, because that is a cruelty I can relate to (as a victim) more than some of the others. Poor Spike! How deep is his love that it can find a small place to live even in the depths of hell. She is evil beyond words. My dad is left-handed too. :D At last! A crumb of recognition. Some semblance of Spike is still there. He's still there - just well hidden at the moment. Thank you for commenting - appreciate it. :) sirc 06/05/2008 11:46 am Number Seventeen Well done Hi there! Glad you're liking it :) Thanks for letting me a know. fyreburned 05/31/2008 10:45 am Number Seventeen Oh, Mabel, how sad, how horrific...one of the scariest things possible, to be trapped, with no place to go but in your mind or to just 'check' out. Of course, I saw the original Universal Soldier, and it's subsequent followups; but, the Initiative, with all the horrors it brought to mind and the heebie-jeebies it triggered on the edges of my limbic system, is indeed representative of the horrors that we fear just might occur now or in near future---many countries, some so-called 3d world, have long had a tradition of people being pulled from their homes with no further traces of them to be found or even a whisper of a whereabout...here in the US "Homeland Security" essentially has carte blanche to stomp all over rights as they see fit in the name of, well the name supposedly says it all...and therefore, the Initiative of the Buffyverse, the other bugaboos of sci-fi, re-programming and re-animating stir our deepest fears. Here, we see Spike who we all obviously love, lowered to the 9th level of a hell he cannot seemingly escape from, and certainly not intact. And now Buffy has the opportunity to realize not only guilt for the actions leading up to his capture, and for imagined and known horrors, but also survivor's guilt. What she may do for him now very well may be too little, and too late, and wll there only be one humane thing to do in this instance? I hopped over here to see what was new, and not having heard of this one from you, looked at it, but with the undoubtedly angst-ridden theme, was unsure I wanted to stay and read awhile... but, it was like a train wreck...it drew me in and though I wanted to turn away, I couldn't. I had to stay til the very last word and now await more...and can't help it. ~~K.~~ ~~fyreburned~~ Hi K, Thanks for leaving such a great review. You've read some of my other stuff so you know that I usually fix things by the end. LOL. Will this be the same...? Read on and find out. I'm suprised at how powerful these chapters have come across, I didn't think they were so bad when I wrote them! Tee hee. Just wanted to portray the clinical approach I felt The Initiative would have had. :) Please keep letting me know what you think. Thanks again x I can't decide if I like this or not...so horrible what is going on with Spike. I guess I'll have to keep reading till I figure it out! :) Hi BT_ Thanks for getting in touch. I hope you'll keep reading! Please keep on letting me know. I can't help you to make your mind up too much, it'll end up being spoilers! x Buffyconvert 09/16/2009 02:01 pm Discovery Oh, now Giles and Buffy are n the belly of the beast and have begun to find out just how beastly it is! Yes - it's good that he sees it for what it is! Oh, how humiliating for Spike for Buffy to see him that way! And Buffy found it hard too. :( Meredith 05/27/2008 07:51 am Discovery Save him Buffy! I can't wait to hear more! Hi Meredith Thanks for reviewing! :) More soon - please keep on letting me know. I really appreciate it!! Jasbrico 05/27/2008 06:07 am Discovery *stumbles out of the bathroom, looking quite gray, wiping my mouth* this has gotta be the most disturbingly detailed, horrifying account of torture towards Spike I've ever read. This is far worse than even Reposession's darkness. My reasoning is because the torture occurs in the present rather than as horrible memories of the past. I'm truly shaken by this possibly due to the clinical point of view presented by Maggie Walsh. I fully admit that I love h/c and angst-ridden stories so, Mabel, please understand I am not bashing your story. You've succeeded where many others fail in sucking me into the story from the first sentence.... you're perhaps a bit too successful... I will continue to read your story because I'm praying the Spuffy that follows this torture happens soon and is sickeningly sweet. That will hopefully wash away the burning images of Spike's torture from my mind. (Thank god for the RSS feed so I can see the instant new chapters are posted!) posted this twice!! tee hee!! thanks again :) Buffyconvert 09/16/2009 01:53 pm A Typical Day this has started out pretty grusome. I hope the white hats arrive soon. This fic does have it's dark moments - funnily enough I wrote this and Switched at teh same time :D This sounds like unbearable torture! Hopefully there will be a happy outcome. Life isn't treating Spike well - the Initiative and Maggie in particular are beyond cruel! As for the end...that would be telling but trust me, okay...:) Thank you so much for taking the time to comment - really appreciate it. Great story Mabel, but I can't imagine Spike being much embarassed at being naked anytime. Thanks for saying you like it - I just figured he wouldn't appreciate being naked when treated as a lab rat! LOL! :) But I do get your point! Tee hee! :) Great story Mabel - Buffy better come to the rescue quick. Delighted that you're liking the story and thanks for letting me know. *stumbles out of the bathroom, looking quite gray, wiping my mouth* this has gotta be the most disturbingly detailed, horrifying account of torture towards Spike I've ever read. This is far worse than even Reposession's darkness. My reasoning is because the torture occurs in the present rather than as horrible memories of the past. I'm truly shaken by this possibly due to the clinical point of view presented by Maggie Walsh. I fully admit that I love h/c and angst-ridden stories so, Mabel, please understand I am not bashing your story. You've succeeded where many others fail in sucking me into the story from the first sentence.... you're perhaps a bit too successful... I will continue to read your story because I'm praying the Spuffy that follows this torture happens soon and is sickeningly sweet. That will hopefully wash away the burning images of Spike's torture from my mind. (Thank god for the RSS feed so I can see the instant new chapters are posted!) Hi there jasbriso, | |||
Disclaimer If you are under the age of 17, please use your head and do not read fics that are labeled "NC-17". Parents, I cannot control what your children are reading, so please be advised that the majority of the fics archived here are NOT suitable for those under the age of 17. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is for pure entertainment purposes only. Concept: (c)bringonthebloodshed.com (2004), Code & Design: (c)Diabola (2006), Graphics: Selene & Always |