Universal Vampire by Mabel Marsters
Chapter: Can't Stay

09/17/2009 12:27 am
Yay! Me looove Angry Buffy!!!
Boo!Bad Spike - no should leave!!!
Spike's just had enough! Bless him

08/09/2008 06:38 pm
God Willow is cold!  What if her friends had acted that way about Tara, after all Tara was a powerful witch (lets not forget Willow's witchy power and how she makes lots of mistakes with it).  Giles is a royal arse no two ways about it.  He abandoned Buffy  after her return and now thinks he knows what's best for her?????

Good update.  Poor Spike, hope he's safe since we know Maggie is not done with him.  I can understand his leaving though, perfectly in character.

Glad Xander is at least willing to understand that Spike DOES love Buffy.  That is a major step.

Thanks Kathleen
Spike had no option but to get out of there!  Will they never trust him?  Xander can see the love Spike has for Buffy even though he still doesn't like him!

More soon :)  Thanks so much for taking the time to comment.