Universal Vampire by Mabel Marsters
Chapter: Save The Scoobies

Unreal. :-)
05/04/2010 06:11 am
Go Spikey!

09/09/2008 07:15 pm
 I just got caught up on this story, and I've really enjoyed it! You've got some very nice twists too. Walsh a vampire... not too shabby! I can't wait to read the rest of this one!
Hi there!  Thanks for letting me know that you are enjoying the story. Won't  keep you waiting too long :)

09/07/2008 11:17 pm
 Way to go Spike! I'm so excited to see how this will end. I'm so glad you update so frequently!  Great story

Thanks for letting me know that you like it  - will keep updating as quickly as I can:)  There's a bit more action to go yet!