Adamo by Spikeschilde
Chapter: 5

07/13/2010 04:59 am

11/02/2008 02:29 pm
OMG...I haven't been to the site in forever & a day, & when I get here, my FAVORITE WIP has been updated!!  Oh, happy day!  Seriously, LOVED it.  Loved that Spike finally took what he wanted & that Buffy didn't hold back in letting him know she wanted him too.  & I liked that she was still nervous, given her lack of experience.  Honestly, it was too perfect for words, & I find myself staying up way past my bedtime, just to be sure I read every last morsel you've served up.  Great chappie, off to read the next!

09/29/2008 10:18 pm
very good read, thank you. keep thinking about what can and will go wrong.

09/22/2008 11:46 pm
 This is a fab tale; more the way it  should have been.

09/22/2008 02:07 am
Everything seems to be going so right, you just know something bad is going to happen! Love the build up and both Buffy and Spike's thoughts, showed very clearly but without getting lost in heavy descriptions of feelings. I can't believe none of her friends came to find out if she was bleeding to death on the ground and hoping they'd save her after she saved the world! If that confrontation does happen, I hope you're version of Buffy will have enough confidence from Spike that she'll let them know what she thinks of their almost desertion!

Great story and I am looking forward to your next update!

09/21/2008 03:18 pm
wow! what a different take on the story! I love it.I went through what you'd written so fast that it was a real let down to come to the end.I can't wait  until you put up more chappies.

09/21/2008 02:00 am
So glad to see an update to this.

I hope that Spike and Buffy's progress doesn't get interupted by anything, like the Scoobies or Angel being sent back.

09/21/2008 12:40 am
Loved it......  you make me smile

Can't wait for the next chapter"!

09/20/2008 11:31 pm
Great story!  Please don't make us wait to long for another chapter.